The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 125 Just pick whatever you saw on TV

"Thank you for your concern, Director Li. I slept well."

Ding Qing took the word director seriously.

Li Zhongjiu smiled awkwardly, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Ding Qing's current situation is not very good. What's the use of showing off his words? You see if I can scratch you, that's it. What's so great about being a bad director?

Shi Dong coughed twice and cleared his throat to attract attention: "Okay, time is running out, let's get down to business."

Everyone was sitting upright, their eyes focused on Shi Dongchuang, who was in charge.

"I called everyone here so early today. I guess you all know what happened last night. I won't say more here. The problem now is that all the industries and personnel of our Kinmen Group in Ax Mountain are controlled by people from the Tianxiahui So far, although our losses have not been calculated, everyone knows the importance of Ax Mountain to our Kinmen Group."

Shi Dongchu sighed: "I really didn't expect that the world would develop so fast while we merged industries and had no time to care about it. Now they are able to challenge us? Didn't they discover the hidden dangers at the first time? , everyone here has a responsibility. Although we are the strongest, this Tianxia Conference has also sounded the alarm for us, and you should always be vigilant..."

"Now our industries are blocked, and we are losing money every minute and every second. Therefore, we must come up with a solution today. We still have to stop the losses in time to avoid the situation from escalating to the top. This conflict with Tianxiahui , Director Ding knows best." At this point, Shi Dongchu looked at Ding Qing: "So, what does Director Ding have to say?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Ding Qing, waiting for his explanation.

Shi Dong's words were polite, but the accusation was self-evident. No fool can sit here, because fools have been killed long ago.

They all understood what Shi Dong meant by these words.

Shi Dong came out with a lot of useless stuff, which can be summed up in three points.

First, we have suffered huge losses and will suffer even greater losses if we do not solve the problem. Second, Tianxiahui is very powerful and there is nothing we can do against it in the short term. Third, I don’t want to start a war with Tianxiahui. The trouble is caused by Ding Qing. Let’s study him together.

This is also in line with the intentions of this group of people. Regardless of whether they have exchanged information and established alliances, it is a consensus that they cannot go head-on with Tianxiahui. When we were getting rich, we were members of the Kinmen Group, but now it's the Beidamen Group's business, and they definitely won't do it.

Again, everyone makes money by hanging out. As long as they can't crush the Tianxiahui with thunderous momentum, the only losers will be their Kinmen Group. And once the situation goes bad, the Kinmen Group, which has just been on the right track, will fall apart overnight.

There is nothing wrong with Ding Qing's approach. Even if they are on the right track now, there is still a lot of business obtained through dirty tricks. The only blame is that Ding Qing was unlucky and misjudged his strength. Then who made you unlucky? Just accept it.

Ding Qing naturally understood the meaning of Shi Dongchu's words and what these people were thinking. He had thought of it yesterday.

He looked around and said, "This time it's all my fault. I caused the trouble. I'll bear the responsibility alone."

Things have happened, and Ding Qing doesn't want to say it's useless. Anyway, he is the one who has to pay in the end. The longer the delay, the more he will have to pay. The sooner the negotiation is over, the faster the settlement will be.

Shi Dongchu nodded with satisfaction: "What did Tianxiahui say?"

"Twenty million dollars."

Seeing that he recognized it, Li Zhongjiu couldn't hide his smile: "What about us? You know, the people in charge of us there were all killed, not to mention the property that was sealed off by them. Oh, my entertainment city, my casino …”

Li Zicheng couldn't stand it anymore and slammed the table angrily: "That's enough. If you have any conditions, just say it."

"The game is about to start... Your elder brother didn't even say anything. Why are you so anxious?"

You are all a promiscuous person, and no one will tolerate your bad habits. Being scolded in front of so many people, Li Zicheng stood up and wanted to fight.

"That's enough. Do you have me as the president in your eyes? I called you here today to solve problems, not to create them." Shi Dongchu glanced at Li Zhongjiu, who was grinning ferociously, and turned to the side, pulling Li Zicheng. Ding Qing, who sat down, said: "Director Ding, although Li Zhongjiu's words are unpleasant, his words are correct. This time, our leaders there were killed by people from the Tianxiahui, and our property was also blocked. This loss is real." I need to have an explanation and give everyone an explanation, what do you think?"

Ding Qing nodded: "The president is right, but what Li Zicheng said just now is what I want to say. If you have any conditions, please put them forward first, and we will discuss them."

Negotiation is a game between both parties. There is a saying that whoever bids first will die first. If the party who pays the money bids first, then what he says must be a low price that is unlikely to be accepted, but through this low price, the downline can be roughly judged. Otherwise, the upper limit will be determined. Then one party speaks first, and the other party will adjust its expectations higher or lower based on this to obtain the maximum benefit.

Without Bo understanding, we have all heard this sentence: I wish I would have said more...

Of course, all this is based on being able to talk.

If you can't talk about it, it's like the world will talk about it. If you say 20 million, it’s just 20 million, not even a cent different. If you don’t give it, I’ll fuck you and talk about you.

Your interests are your own, and no one will be polite at this time. The meeting room was in chaos, with people rolling up their arms and sleeves as if fighting.

Axshan Town Police Station.

The police here also received news that last night the president of the Tianxiahui Park Zhengyi was shot and died on the spot. The big brother behind the scenes was also shot into the house. That night, 5,000 people from the Tianxiahui were dispatched and immediately sealed off all the properties of the Kinmen Group in Ax Mountain.

This is not something Wang Yan can control. After all, there are so many people and the noise is so loud, it is easy to find out what is going on. What's more, people from the Tianxiahui went crazy and went directly to various industries of the Kinmen Group. They drove away all the guests. As soon as the door was closed, they ate, drank and had fun inside.

In the conference room, the director, his two section chiefs, and their confidants gathered together to discuss the impact of this incident.

The director frowned and said, "Although we haven't received exact information, judging from the current situation, Wang Yan should not be dead."

"It's true. Unless Wang Yan dies, it will have no impact on the Tianxia Association at all. Park Zhengyi was just promoted by him. He can change someone to be the president at any time. Wang Yan is really in charge." Section Chief Cui sighed. He took a breath and said, "It seems that the Kinmen Group has a false reputation. The merger of the three major gangs is so huge that even a gang that was only established half a year ago cannot be solved."

These words, it turns out that the three major gangs were fighting today and tomorrow in Ax Mountain, and you didn't catch their eldest brother. Professor Jin rolled his eyes and ignored this idiot.

After glancing at the two of them, the director asked: "How is your operation going? Is there any progress?"

Section Chief Jin looked at Section Chief Cui and saw that he made no move and said, "There is no big progress. Among my people who have taken control of Busan in the past few months, only one person stood out and reached level three."

The assessment standards of the Tianxiahui are not a secret. The third level is a small boss, and there are already more than ten people under his command. These directors all knew this, so they nodded and looked at Section Chief Cui on the other side.

Seeing the Director's gaze, Section Chief Cui said, "Director, you know the assessment standards of the Tianxiahui. Like Section Chief Jin, the highest level here is level three."

He certainly couldn't be longer than Jin Ke, which was why he didn't speak first. In fact, the highest he has is only level two. I just met two days ago and heard that it was going to be upgraded. Anyway, he only knows about the undercover situation, and he is not afraid of others investigating. As long as it's not too ridiculous, it's not just whatever he says.

"Recently, I have been keeping an eye on the Tianxiahui and the Kinmen Group to see how they will develop in the future. The chairman was shot and Wang Yan was shot. It is not just three lives that can be solved by surrounding the industry. Report any situation at any time, just so."

The director announced the adjournment of the meeting, and the two section chiefs and their subordinates went about their business.

In fact, the emergence of Tianxiahui has reduced their police work a lot. After all, the people on the street are all people from the Tianxiahui, and even the Kinmen Group doesn't dare to publicize the others, let alone a bunch of little gangsters who are nothing. Recently, the number of their police dispatches has dropped sharply. There are only some minor civil disputes, and there are very few other fights, quarrels and troubles.

But correspondingly, this also makes their work more difficult. How do they behave as police officers when there are no cases within their jurisdiction? How to get promoted? There is no other way but to devote more energy to the affairs of Tianxiahui.

Of course Wang Yan knew about this situation, but he didn't pay much attention to it. But even though the Tianxiahui is in the limelight, they don't have a clear attitude towards other bastards. No one dared to cause trouble for fear of getting angry.

After a period of time, people will get used to it, demons and ghosts will appear, and the police will have their work. He is not a saint, and this place is not like Hong Kong Island. What does the happiness of ordinary people have to do with him? Love so much.

As those police officers discussed, whether Park Zhengyi died or not had nothing to do with the overall situation.

Killing a lot of people has no effect on Wang Yan, and killing a lot of people in the house has no effect on him. This is not a big deal to Wang, who has thousands of lives in his hands.

After Wang Yan had a good dream, he didn't go to the headquarters building of Tianxiahui. Instead, he sent a subordinate to inform him of a series of appointments. A vice president named Zhang Dongrui was promoted, and a group of people below lined up to be promoted one by one. There were no disturbances at all, and it couldn't be smoother.

"What are you two still doing here with me?"

It was too late yesterday, Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan slept in Wang Yan's guest room. But they had already eaten breakfast, and the two of them had no intention of leaving at all. They lay on the sofa, watching the TV from time to time, mainly reading with gusto the pornographic magazines bought by their subordinates, and wandering back and forth with their stinky feet.

"Isn't this an extraordinary period? We can't let down our guard. If I were a member of the Kinmen Group, I would kill again today."

Li Quan took the magazine away, revealing half of his face, and raised his eyebrows at Wang Yan proudly.

Zhang Guangshan was overtaken and glanced at Li Quan before opening his mouth to greet him silently.

Wang Yan laughed and shook his head at these two fools.

This situation is possible, it goes against normal thinking. But generally those who get to the top are not gamblers. For those who like to take the wrong path, most of them would have died without the protection of God, and there are not many lucky ones. It is normal to miss a hit and escape thousands of miles away. It is normal to patiently find a flaw and strike again.

He is confident in his own fighting ability and is not afraid of others taking desperate risks.

"I don't need you. I killed six of them yesterday. No matter how many more there are, it won't matter. You two, just go to the entertainment company. Wait a year or two, and we will be stronger. On TV Pick whatever you see. And after a while, I plan to send you two abroad to develop our power."

The focus of the two sticks is very simple. The first is that the eldest brother said that there is no need to protect him because he is strong enough. The second is, ‘pick whatever you see on TV’.

Zhang Guangshan thought about it and what Wang Yan said did make sense. After all, he knew how strong Wang Yan was. He thought about it and said, "Brother Yan, can you really pick whatever you see on TV?"

"When did I lie to you two? I said before that I would take Ax Mountain in half a year, but I won't take it now? I used to talk about playing with guns, but now are you tired of shooting guns?"

Wang Yan had already set up a shooting range, which was legal. As for whether the guns inside are legal or not, that's a matter of debate. At the beginning, the two of them had a new idea. They lived in a shooting range and were tired of all kinds of guns.

Just in time, the opening song of the TV series played on the TV. Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan looked at each other and silently turned to look at the TV.

Li Quan said: "Brother Yan, do you think she can do it?"

Wang Yan turned to look at the TV. He had heard that song before. It turned out that it was all over the place. It was the smash hit "Destiny". Needless to say, the TV series was "Full House". What Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan were watching was none other than the protagonist, Song Huiqiao.

"No problem, when the time comes, it will be a trivial matter."

In fact, if he is willing to spend money now, it will work, but he is not two-to-one. Now is the time when Song Hye Kyo is on fire, and the prices are different. Moreover, his status is somewhat inferior, and it is a bit difficult to talk to entertainment giants. Besides, he doesn't like Song Hye Kyo, mainly because he has the wrong temperament. In comparison, he prefers Jin Xishan who is currently popular...

After receiving an affirmative answer, without even looking at Wang Yan, the two mallets put on their shoes and left without saying a word.

When they got outside, Zhang Guangshan said: "Look, I just said that Brother Yan doesn't need the protection of the two of us."

Li Quan glanced at him angrily: "Then you can tell us if there is any benefit between us."

"You're right to say that, but I thought there was no chance and had no idea before. Now you say this... I feel itchy."

"Let's go relax first. Aren't all the industries of the Kinmen Group blocked by us now? How about picking two?"


Before taking two steps, Li Quan suddenly stopped, frowned and said, "Wait a minute, did Brother Yan just say that he would send us two abroad?"

Zhang Guangshan thought about it seriously: "It seems that there is such a thing... Hey, you don't care about that, we will talk about it when the time comes. Anyway, Brother Yan will not treat us brothers badly."

"That's right... let's go then. It's really uncomfortable to hold it in."

In the afternoon, when Wang Yan was strolling around with his men to look at the villa, he received a text message from Ding Qing.

There is no nonsense, only a string of account numbers and passwords, and it is an anonymous account.

After making a phone call to confirm the account balance, I asked my subordinates to withdraw.

Wang Yan didn't know how much Ding Qing had to pay to settle the matter, but it couldn't be settled with 20 million. This incident was not a fatal blow to his strength, but it was severe enough. The market in South Korea is only so big, and it is indeed a huge profit to take advantage of extensive reading, but the benefits are not as big as imagined. And in this regard, the biggest bookmaker in South Korea is the American military base.

The other industries of Beidamen Sect are not about making money, they also require investment. Therefore, the Beidamen sect must have been quiet recently. Then the world will develop outward again, mainly by following the Tiger faction, which will be another round of development opportunities.

It turned out that Wang Yan wanted to control the Kinmen Group through Ding Qing. This time Ding Qing was ignorant, so he had to change his plan.

Looking at the endless ocean in the distance at the top of the mountain, Wang Yan was thinking about the development plan.

"Are there many people in Tianxiahui who are familiar with you two?"

Standing two meters away, one on the left and one on the right, two young men in black suits and black leather shoes patrolled back and forth warily. After hearing Wang Yan's question, the two looked at each other, and one of them raised his head to signal.

The other person nodded to express his understanding and walked to Wang Yan: "Brother, the two of us are the first group to enter the Tianxiahui in addition to the entertainment street. It didn't take long for the two of us to come over to follow you. You have been We live in seclusion, so the only people who are familiar with us are our boss and his other subordinates."

Wang Yan turned around, stretched his arms and leaned on the railing, feeling the salty sea breeze. He glanced at the nervous young man lightly: "It's okay, I just asked, don't be nervous. Come here too."

The man standing in the distance ran over and bowed: "Brother."

After saying yes, Wang Yan stared at the two of them and said, "Do you want to be the eldest brother?"

As soon as these words came out, both of them turned pale with fright, and one of them said tremblingly: ", I...we are definitely...definitely...sincere."

Wang Yan laughed to ease the tension between the two of them: "I don't doubt your sincerity. I have something for you to do."

Taking a long breath, the two of them said in unison: "Big Brother's orders."

"Let's talk about it when we go back. You two think about the people who know you and make a list for me later." Wang Yan stood up and clapped his hands while looking at the viewing cars in the distance: "Let's go, the procedures should be completed. .”

The two people behind them looked at each other and quickly followed Wang Yan in front.

After getting the money, Wang Yan bought the house, and the rest was invested in the group's business. This money came for nothing, it was unplanned, and it was just the right amount to buy a new house in one go.

The villa was second-hand and the decoration was pretty good, so he didn't have much to choose from. I bought this hilltop because I could see the sea at a glance. Moreover, the first-hand villa has not been renovated. It would take a year to decorate it casually, which is too laborious.

Thanks to brother (Langyuhuitou) for the reward of 5,000 coins for continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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