In a club in Shou'er, Ding Qing drank a glass of wine in pain, counting his losses.

"Sibala, 20 million, club, casino..."

Li Zicheng heard Ding Qing nagging, but he didn't say anything and just drank depressedly. After all, it was because of his failure to do anything good that what happened today happened.

The phone on the table rang "ding...ding...ding".

Li Zicheng picked up the phone, took a look at it, and pressed answer.

"Hello? How's it going?"



"okay, I get it."

Ding Qing watched Li Zicheng answer the phone with an ugly face, and was startled. When he put down the phone, he asked, "What happened?"

"They've gone"

"Isn't it right to leave?"

Li Zicheng gritted his teeth and said, "They drove away more than thirty of our cargo trucks."

Ding Qing was stunned for a moment, then he picked up something on the table and threw it on the ground: "I must kill Wang Yan, I must kill him."

More than thirty trucks are not expensive, even buying them all new will cost less than two million dollars. What's more, the ones in their hands are old and new, come from different sources, and don't have much money.

But this is not a matter of money. This is equivalent to asking them whether they accept it or not.

That Ding Qingfu? Obviously, he was convinced.

This cost him a lot of money and seriously affected the development of his subordinates. As the second most important city and largest port in South Korea, Haosan is a market that he cannot lose. So if he wants to develop in Ax Mountain, he has to look at the face of Tianxiahui. As long as he couldn't defeat Tianxiahui, or as long as he couldn't kill Wang Yan, he would have to keep obeying and hold his breath.

Ding Qing was incompetent and furious. After venting for a while, he sat down and took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "The location of our warehouse has been exposed. Let's find an opportunity to choose a place to move it. This time the loss is not small, we It needs to be dormant for a while. As for the world meeting..."

"With such a good opportunity this time, they will definitely not be content with the status quo, and will definitely develop towards us. The Tianxiahui is already a serious problem, and the Tiger Faction will never sit idly by when the time comes. They will definitely have conflicts. Wang Yan ...Find someone to keep an eye on him and kill him if you have the chance."

Li Zicheng nodded, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said, "Okay, I'll do something."

Seeing Ding Qing's incompetence and rage, he was also holding fire in his heart. In all the years since his debut, except for the old bastard policeman who deceived him three and three years ago, he has never suffered such a big loss.

At the entrance of the club, Li Zicheng was about to get in the car when a text message alert came from the mobile phone in his hand.

After picking up the phone and taking a look at it, Li Zicheng said to Shi Wu beside him: "You guys go ahead. I have something to do here, so just drive by yourself."

The boys didn't say anything, left a car and left.

Li Zicheng drove to a dilapidated and abandoned building complex, walked to an iron door, pushed it open and walked in.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Hey, brat, can't I talk to you if nothing happens?" Seeing that Li Zicheng didn't bother him, Captain Jiang said, "Okay, I have something to talk to you about."

"We received news that the people from Ax Mountain have evacuated. How did you solve it?"

"Aren't you from Shou'er? Do you care about the affairs of Ax Mountain?"

Captain Jiang said angrily: "Everyone in South Korea knows about the incident between your Kinmen Group and Tianxiahui this time. In addition, Tianxiahui is not inferior to your Kinmen Group. They cleaned up their names from the beginning and even collected protection fees. Those who signed the contract are very dissatisfied with the superiors. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that conflicts between you and Tianxiahui will definitely break out, so the superiors have instructed us to share information with our colleagues over at Ax Mountain to see if there is anything we can do to bring the two families together. Kill them together."

Li Zicheng nodded, and then explained the price paid by the Beidamen Sect.

After Captain Jiang heard this, he frowned and thought for a long time: "In other words, you won't make any big moves in the near future. To curb the development of the World Society, you need to rely on Shi Dongchu and Li Zhongjiu's Zaihu Faction?"

Li Zicheng was very doubtful about Captain Jiang's IQ. How did he have such a brain to ask such a retarded question?

That's not obvious. Currently, the three of them are the largest in South Korea, followed by the newly emerging Tianxiahui. As for some other small gangs, they have no climate at all. It's not like they haven't been able to unite to stop the Tianxiahui before. Once you have some advantage, you can fight for power.

It would be nonsense to say that the Kinmen Group had not paid attention to Tianxiahui before. In fact, even though they fought fiercely for power and profit at the beginning of their previous merger, their external attitudes were also consistent, and it was impossible to see any forces threatening them emerging. Although due to various constraints, it was impossible to send out large-scale subordinates to do it openly, they had also secretly caused harm before. How could the joint resistance be possible without their efforts. But so what? The results won’t lie. Now Tianxiahui is already a behemoth.

Although he greeted me in his heart, Li Zicheng still nodded, indicating that what you said was right.

"So who do you think will be stronger and weaker in the Tiger Faction and the world?"

Li Zicheng thought for a while and said: "Looking at it now, the Tiger Faction is stronger. After all, the Tiger Faction is an old gang that has been running rampant in South Korea for many years, and after establishing the Kinmen Group, it and the Beidamen Faction carved up the empire. Ding Qing and I are not sure how much strength we have now."

"But the Tianxiahui cannot be underestimated. Previously, they had more than 5,000 people in their hands, and after screening, they selected a thousand of them. These more than a thousand people received better treatment. According to the Tianxiahui's rating, Real first-level personnel are treated very well. And now there are special venues and professional personnel responsible for training. After a while, they will all be elites. Those peripheral personnel who have been eliminated are also trained by themselves according to the standards of Tianxiahui. The strength is also improving.”

"These are still secondary. What is the main thing?" Li Zicheng asked and answered: "The main thing is that the Tianxiahui has developed to this level in just half a year since its establishment. And what is done? The person who made all this happen is Wang Yan, who has no position or connection in either Tianxiahui or Sihai Group, but firmly controls both. As long as he is alive, if Tianxiahui is gone, there will still be Tianshanghui and Tianbianhui. .”

"Wang Yan, you can't possibly not know that I sent six carefully trained gunmen to attack late at night, and he was unharmed. I heard from his subordinates that after receiving the money today, he went to buy the best sea view villa in Ax Mountain. want to convict him?"

Li Zicheng glanced at Captain Jiang with a slightly mocking look: "Before we attacked him, we investigated him in detail. One thing you may not know is that he is following the opposition party congressman, the deputy director and minister of the District Prosecutor's Office, And have contact with dignitaries in the municipal management of Ax Mountain. The longer time goes by, the greater his power will become. If he cannot stop their development in the future, there will be no chance in the future."

Anyone with a discerning eye can understand what Wang Yan did at a glance, let alone this year's general election. The Kinmen Group they just established has put in a lot of effort. It's just that in the process of contributing, they played the role of lackluster.

Captain Jiang suddenly raised his head: "Is the news reliable?"

"Although he did it covertly, he didn't hide it deliberately. You can check it yourself."

"If this is the case, it will be difficult..." Captain Jiang muttered to himself.

He has such a righteous heart and wants to fight against evil. But as he wished, the Kinmen Group and the Tianxiahui were taken over, and South Korea would still be the same South Korea. It will not become better because of the absence of two gangs. On the contrary, it will also cause the original small gangs to occupy more territory and make social security more chaotic because of the absence of the constraints of the big gangs. Doesn’t he know where the real evil lies in South Korea? Of course he knew, but he just didn't have that much energy, and maybe didn't have the courage, so he could only comfort himself by treating the scum.

After coming back to his senses, Captain Jiang patted Li Zicheng on the shoulder with half interest: "Let's stop here. You must pay attention to safety. I know you are in trouble, but you must also pay attention to your own behavior. Don't forget that you are also a human being. Police. Once Shi Dongchu is dealt with and the Kinmen Group is captured this time, you will return to the team."

Li Zicheng nodded, turned around and left without talking nonsense.

Driving alone and looking at the street scene ahead, Li Zicheng silently reflected.

He had heard Captain Jiang's useless nonsense so many times over the years that he still didn't know whether what Captain Jiang said was true or false.

He knew why Captain Jiang met him this time, just to feel his condition up close and confirm whether he was still the sincere young man he was before.

Although he knew it was inevitable, he still felt sad. He had worked hard for so many years, but he ended up facing the suspicion of his boss.

But to be honest, after being in the gang for so many years, he didn't even know whether he was black or white. All the way to this day, just like he did not hesitate to organize people to kill Park Zhengyi and Wang Yan, he has killed many opponents.

Normally, it would be personally beneficial for him to be slapped in the face and embarrassed by the world. But why did he react so strongly? Would you feel ashamed?

Li Zicheng sighed quietly, he was too deep into the drama...


Looking at the extremely humble new president Zhang Dongrui in front of him, Wang Yan shook his head: "Now that you've done it, forget it, it's not a big deal. However, I don't want to see your stupid behavior in the future."

It was only when Dongrui came to see his elder brother that he had just come to power and said proudly that he had asked his younger brother to drive away more than thirty freight trucks, that he knew about such a thing.

For performance, it's understandable. But it's a bit mindless to slap someone in the face and intensify the conflict. Of course, Wang Yan didn't care if there was no contradiction. What he cared about was that the new one he promoted was an idiot who only knew how to show off his power. That would be bad. After all, if this idiot doesn't keep track of things and causes a lot of trouble, he, the hands-off shopkeeper, will end up wiping the mess. So let him understand what's going on and go down if he doesn't obey.

As for those trucks, I had to say sorry to Ding Qing. They were all in his hands, and they were his own.

Zhang Dongrui was sweating profusely, and he quickly bent down and lowered his head: "Yes, brother, I promise that nothing like this will happen again."

"Okay, I just took office a few days ago. Let's go celebrate with the brothers and have fun."

"yes, Sir."

Zhang Dongrui bowed, turned around and walked away, touching his little heart.

Wang Yan casually picked up a colored magazine that had been thrown here by two sticks in the morning and flipped through it boredly.

The villa he just bought cannot be lived in yet, because it still needs detailed repairs and cleaning, as well as buying some furniture and so on. It will take ten days and a half anyway.

The next day, two followers made a list of the people they had recently contacted and handed it over.

Wang Yan called Zhang Dongrui over and asked him to send everyone on the list to open a branch on Jiuzhou Island across the sea, and to set up a front station first.

After this was done, Wang Yan brainwashed these two men for more than ten days and arranged them to the next door Guangzhou City, which is also a metropolitan city.

The next major plan is to send the main force to capture Gwangju City, and at the same time open up all the middle areas to completely rule the southern region of South Korea. In this way, things are like horns to each other. When the time comes, we can go directly north and attack Shou'er in one go.

Wang Yan did the math, and by then it would be almost the 2008 general election. By then, it’s really hard to say who the Tianxiahui and the Sihai Group will be able to influence, but they will definitely be real players in South Korea’s power field.

As for sending two men to Gwangju City, again, Tianxiahui cannot be the largest violent organization in South Korea, let alone the largest Chinese violent organization in South Korea. This reminds Wang Yan of taking over the magpie's nest and controlling the Kinmen Group step by step.

The specific operation is very simple. Let the two of them go over there and one of them joins the Zaihu Faction and the other joins the Beidamen Faction. Then he has been active in the battle with the Tongtianxiahui, making great contributions to their respective gangs. And then…………Then…………

Ding Qing? Mr. Wang has always been a reasonable person, but since he is planning to kill him, why should he say that it is useless and that he will be fooled by Ding Qing?

There may be some suspicions during the operation, but you are not working as an undercover police officer. What's the big deal? Just kill the person who caused the whole thing. Besides, the two of them are really shopping, and Wang Yan won't give them any special treatment. If he dies, he has a bad fate. If he doesn't die, he will definitely be the eldest brother.

As Wang Yan raised his arms and shouted, with an order, both Tianxiahui and Sihai Group took action.

Sihai Group took a group of people directly to Gwangju to open a branch there and set up a business first.

Tianxiahui is much more straightforward, because Mr. Wang has made a good start and has a very mature model, and the younger brothers are all familiar with it.

According to Wang Yan's instructions, they will not completely control an area, but will only be a relatively large force in that area, but absolutely no one dares to touch it.

The middle and high-level leaders of Tianxiahui were led by their younger escorts. When they arrived at the place, they first visited the local police station, procuratorate, and municipal officials. Then send your men to go forward one by one along the road. Those bastards in the cities along the way who can be called out will be picked out one by one and beaten first, and the humble ones will be punished to let them know who the father is.

Then specialized logistics personnel from behind brought non-staff personnel to surrender at the local police station. At the same time, they registered the identity information and family information of the local trash, and then collected them and redistributed them. Organize the selection of elite boys, and those who are qualified will go out to fight with the brigade in front, while those who are not qualified will stay here to operate and guard the not-so-legal profit-making industries.

Looking back, when the pre-demarcated territory was completely controlled, the selected leader would then take the lawyer with him to collect protection fees from the merchants within the control area.

If a set process goes smoothly, the world will gain territory and manpower, officials will gain money, everyone will be happy, and no one will cause trouble to anyone.

In fact, the resistance encountered by the younger brothers was stronger when they first set out. When the people behind saw how fierce the Tianxiahui people were, they either ran away or surrendered directly, which did not cause any particularly bad social impact.

The real confrontation was in Gwangju City, where it encountered stubborn resistance from local gangs and the Kinmen Group.

Wang Yan had already expected and prepared for this. His purpose is to eliminate other major local forces except the Kinmen Group, and ensure that the various industries of the Tianxiahui and the Sihai Group can operate smoothly, while maintaining a slight advantage over the Kinmen Group. A younger brother takes the lead.

At the same time, Wang Yan also sent people to Seoul to kill a veteran of the Kinmen Group, which will be an obstacle in the future. These old bastards who belong to gangs are not good at anything else. They are the best in eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and smoking. If there is no qualified eldest brother in the group, the qualifications of these old bastards will be quite annoying. It’s almost enough to enjoy it for half a lifetime, so it’s better to kill it.

Of course, it's okay to kill a useless one. An accident can be a good excuse. If there are more, you will be treating others as fools. There are not so many coincidences in the world. Wang Yan will deal with it slowly over a few years based on the situation of the two men. After all, the Kinmen Group itself has internal discord. The old bastard has retired to the world, but has not returned to the mountains. It is inevitable that he will make a few nonsense words when he can't hold it in anymore. Isn't that the right way to die?

While fighting here, Wang Yan was not idle over there either. Some people from the Tianxiahui went to Little Japan, and the Sihai Group had to follow. Although the communication software and social networking sites he developed did not even dominate the South Korean market, Japan and South Korea combined only have a small area and a small population. It would be easier for the two companies to bloom together.

At the same time, Wang Yan also sent people from the Sihai Group to the United States. The purpose was very simple: to find Zuckerberg, discuss investment matters, and buy the domain name without 'The'. He didn't catch up when he came, and the angel wheel was all over. The next investment seems to be more than 12 million, and now he wants to test it out to see if he can get on the bus. After all, he is now also a member of Free Embrace, and there are still opportunities to operate many things after research.

After doing this, there will be nothing left for him to do. The villa was also tidied up, so he just kept his eyes open.

The main reason is that most of his forces are now held back in South Korea, and he has no spare energy to go elsewhere. He does have energy, but no one can do anything without money.

Therefore, in a villa of more than 1,000 square meters, if you have nothing to do and read a book, Paopao Niu is quite good.

Thanks to the three big brothers (Crazy Old Seventh) (Everything goes well) (Doing a good deed every day) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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