Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, it is not a sin to cry. A good cry is indeed a good way to relieve stress and vent your emotions.

After squatting there and crying for a while, Shi Xiaomeng wiped his tears and stood up, taking a taxi to Zhongguancun.

According to the address, I found the office building where Wang Yan's company is located.

"Hello, I'm looking for Brother Wang."

The receptionist looked at the man in front of him in confusion: "Brother Wang?"

"'s Wang Yan."

"Mr. Wang, are you Mr. Shi Xiaomeng?"

Shi Xiaomeng nodded.

"Come with me. Mr. Wang has told me before that I will take you to see him directly when you come."

Looking at the high-end office environment and the hard-working employees along the way, Shi Xiaomeng said it was impossible not to have ideas.

After all, the environment here is much better than that at Hu Rongqiang's place. The environment is like this, so the treatment cannot be bad, not to mention that Brother Wang personally invited him in the first place.

If he had accepted the invitation and worked here, he might not be in this situation today.

However, this thought also passed away in a flash. After all, it is your choice to choose the path. If you kneel or not and throw it away, you will not regret it after all.

After a while, Shi Xiaomeng was led by the front desk to an office inside the company.



Hearing the voice coming from inside, the receptionist looked back at Shi Xiaomeng, motioned for him to follow, and turned around and opened the office door: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Shi is here."

Wang Yan, who was working at his desk, raised his head, stood up and said, "Okay, go and do your work."

The receptionist nodded politely to Shi Xiaomeng, turned around and left.

"Xiao Meng, what are you doing standing still? Come sit here."

Wang Yan pointed to the tea table by the window.

"Hey, okay, brother." Shi Xiaomeng came to his senses and responded, going over to sit down.

After stretching, Wang Yan sat across from him and fiddled with the tea set: "What, have you figured it out?"

This meant that he didn't have two gangsters to follow and monitor him, because Shi Xiaomeng would always look for him. After all, he had no other choice.

Shi Xiaomeng nodded and muttered: "Brother, I am in urgent need of some money now. I really have no choice but to come to you after thinking about it." Now that he has come to this point, he has nothing to be pretentious about. What can he say? What.

"It's easy to talk about money. What I'm more concerned about is what happened to you." Wang Yan raised his head and looked at Shi Xiaomeng. He hadn't noticed it before. His eye circles were still a little red when he saw it. He shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem like this is the case." A good place to talk.”

When Shi Xiaomeng saw Wang Yan staring into his eyes, he knew that his crying had been seen, and he couldn't help but blush: "It's funny, Brother Wang."

"You haven't eaten yet this morning. It's almost noon. Let's find a place to drink and talk." After putting the tea set away, Wang Yan stood up and said, "Let's go."

Shi Xiaomeng followed Wang Yan downstairs in a daze. He had not yet recovered.

Wang Yan drove Shi Xiaomeng to Donglaishun. The weather was getting colder and it was time to eat something hot. He hadn't eaten for a long time.

When we got to the place, we ordered something and ordered two bottles of Erguotou. If you want to talk about transparency, it has to be this thing, and it has to be Shi Xiaomeng.

Sure enough, Shi Xiaomeng was still very reserved at first, but after three ounces of wine, he started to talk to Wang Yanliang about the recent difficulties with red eyes and face.

"Brother, you've seen Hu Rongqiang before. That guy is really nothing, a pure bastard..."

"You don't even know, brother, how bad he is. Just to cut off my path, the 80,000 yuan bonus promised before was only given to 30,000 yuan in the end. He said he had no money and the company's performance was not good. It’s a fart. He was just afraid that I would find you, so he gave me 30,000 yuan. If it weren’t for you, brother, he would definitely not have given me a cent. This is the first time I know that giving money can still give so many twists and turns. Around."

"Also, that damn Hu Rongqiang..."

Shi Xiaomeng kept talking about how Hu Rongqiang was nothing, while Wang Yan listened to the story, drank wine, and cooked three plates of meat...

"Brother, do you know what makes me most uncomfortable?"


"My good buddy, good brother, is the Cheng Feng who had dinner at my house last time, you know. He actually let...he actually likes our Shen Bing, our girl. Do you think he is still a human being? ,elder brother?"

"He even asked me to leave Shen Bing. He said that he would give me whatever he wanted in exchange for everything he had. Oh... that's what he told me earlier before I called you."

"Yes, he is rich, I can't compare with him. Isn't it great to be rich? How stupid is it to be rich? Can you do whatever you want if you have money? Can you trample on others wantonly?"

"Why the hell do I want to lick my pussy and ask for an advertisement from him?"

Shi Xiaomeng picked up the glass and drank all the 2 ounces of wine in the glass, then slammed the glass on the table: "I'm really lost."

"This world is too dark, brother. Do you think we ordinary, honest people deserve to be poor? Do we deserve to be played with like this? Why do you think it's so difficult for me? Brother..."

"I have studied hard since I was a child..."

Shi Xiaomeng choked with sobs and counted every bit of his memory up to now, crying so hard that he burst into tears. These words have been pressed in his heart for too long. Today, he wanted to say them all, but he couldn't bear them anymore.

What he said was miserable and tragic, but as a listener, Wang Yan had no empathy. After all, he has experienced so many things and is used to seeing life and death, so he naturally looks down on joys and sorrows. Not to mention he is hard-hearted.

"Do you hate it?"

Upon hearing Wang Yan's question, Shi Xiaomeng did not give an answer easily, but shook his head and remained silent.

After a long time, Shi Xiaomeng drank up the glass of wine and grinned stupidly: "Brother, I'm not going to hide it from you. It's impossible to say that I don't hate you. But..."

"But, brother, what do I hate? Hu Rongqiang's plotting, or Cheng Feng's thinking about my girlfriend?" Shi Xiaomeng wiped his tears, seemingly free and easy: "In the end, it's me who is incompetent, and what I should hate most is Myself."

Wang Yan nodded. To be honest, Hu Rongqiang's methods may be despicable, but there are many people who are even more despicable. Unfortunately, Shi Xiaomeng just caught up with him.

"Come on, Xiaomeng, eat more meat. After drinking so much wine, there is nothing in my stomach that I can't hold back."

"Brother... then my..."

Shi Xiaomeng drank almost a pound of Erguotou, and his mood was still unstable. In fact, it was already much more. It's just that he didn't get a definite answer from Wang Yan, so he was always worried and just held on.

"Of course it's no problem. You can give me your card number later and I'll check it in directly for you." Wang Yan said with a smile: "As for work, don't do it there. After we have dinner, I will accompany you to find it. Hu Rongqiang goes through the resignation procedures and will work with me from now on."

Shi Xiaomeng waved his hand and shook his head in a daze: "No, Brother Wang, I can do it myself, no problem."

"It's okay, don't let Hu Rongqiang fool you with a few words." Wang Yan said: "Okay, that's it. Eat more meat, and we will go there in a while."

Wang Yan ate and drank with Shi Xiaomeng for a long time, and it wasn't until about one o'clock in the afternoon that he was done.

Shi Xiaomeng drank a lot later, and even had more than a kilogram of Erguotou. Looking at the residue on his neck and collar, he almost vomited it up.

It's good to drink too much, although many people say it's a coward and an escape. But when you get drunk and look back, you will find that the world is not as bad as you imagined when you were discouraged, and you will have some courage to face it.

Wang Yan also intentionally made Shi Xiaomeng drunk so that he could relax and vent, which was good.

Looking at Shi Xiaomeng who was sitting there nodding back and forth, Wang Yan waved to the waiter to pay the bill, put Shi Xiaomeng into the car, and asked the driver to drive to Hu's Advertising.

The car drove for more than half an hour, and it was already past two o'clock when we arrived.

Asking the driver to wait in the car, Wang Yan woke up the dazed Shi Xiaomeng and took him upstairs.

Shi Xiaomeng drank so much that he didn't know what was going on. Now, it was good to be able to follow Wang Yan.

"Xiao Meng? What's wrong with you?" A colleague saw Shi Xiaomeng's appearance and enthusiastically stepped forward to help him: "Oh, why did you drink so much? Tell me about you, oh..."

Shi Xiaomeng's popularity here is quite good. Other than being a bit swish, others can't tell anything wrong with Shi Xiaomeng. They also saw what happened to Dade recently and what kind of pressure Shi Xiaomeng had. Although it is inevitable to have a bitch mentality, since they are all working for others, there is always a feeling of despair. After all, no one can guarantee that they will not be the next Shi Xiaomeng, and no one can guarantee that they will not be the next Shi Xiaomeng in the future.

Wang Yan looked at the enthusiastic employee: "May I ask, where is Hu Rongqiang?"

"It's in the general manager's office inside." This guy was quick to talk, and after he blurted out, he realized something was wrong. The person who came here with the drunk Shi Xiaomeng looked like he was looking for trouble, and immediately asked: "I don't know. yes……"

"Hand out Xiaomeng's resignation." Wang Yan pulled Shi Xiaomeng over and said, "I'll support you while you do your work."

After saying that, Wang Yanti followed Shi Xiaomeng and walked to Hu Rongqiang's office.

Along the way, the employees who were fishing there looked at the group and smelled the strong smell of alcohol floating in the air. They started talking.

"Isn't that Xiao Meng?"

"Yeah, why is he so drunk?"

"Who is that person? He's so exciting."

"Indeed, Xiaomeng is worth a hundred and two at least, and he can carry it with one hand."

"Hey, are you paying attention to whether you are going astray? It is obvious that the person who came here is evil."

One or two people are talking quietly, and when they come together, they are buzzing.

Wang Yan ignored the noisy onlookers, found the office with the general manager's door number, opened the door and walked in.

What greeted Wang Yan was the sound of clanging, followed by the rustling of clothes being arranged, and: "What's going on? I didn't know how to knock when I came in..."

Hu Rongqiang looked at the people in front of him and the drunken Shi Xiaomeng behind him. His expression changed and he said, "Hey, Mr. Wang? Sit down quickly, sit down quickly. Nana, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you go pour the tea?"

Nana on the side was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and walked out quickly.

"Mr. Wang didn't say hello in advance when he came, so I could prepare in advance. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, haha..." Seemingly seeing Shi Xiaomeng for the first time, Hu Rongqiang was surprised and quickly stepped forward: "Hey, Xiaomeng Fierce? How much did you drink? Mr. Wang, I don’t know what this is..."

Wang Yan put Shi Xiaomeng on the chair: "I have nothing else to do, I just came over to help Xiaomeng with his resignation."

"Resign?" Hu Rongqiang frowned and said, "Why do you want to resign?"

As he spoke, Hu Rongqiang knew that Wang Yan could not answer him, so he stepped forward and shook Shi Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng? Wake up, wake up, wake up, hey. Look, I, I am your Brother Hu."

The dazed Shi Xiaomeng couldn't bear the shaking and opened his eyes.

He had drunk a lot and was feeling uncomfortable. After being shaken for a few times, his stomach was churning. Looking at the disgusting fat face in front of him, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He suddenly "vomited" and turned to Hu Rongqiang. Just one bite...

Caught off guard, Hu Rongqiang was spat all over his face, and there was even a taste in his open mouth...

He was stunned on the spot for a moment, completely blank in the commotion, unable to say a word at all. Because as soon as I open my mouth, there is...

"Brother Hu, Brother Hu, I'm sorry."

After Shi Xiaomeng finished vomiting, he stepped forward and wiped the vomit on Hu Rongqiang's face with his hands, trying to wipe it clean for him.

Just then, Nana opened the door with tea and walked in. She looked at the scene in front of her: "Shi Xiaomeng! What have you done?" As she spoke, she was about to go up and kick Shi Xiaomeng away.

Wang Yan looked at her calmly: "Quiet, please?"

Nana wanted to act up, but after seeing Wang Yan's emotionless eyes and Hu Rongqiang's previous attitude, she finally calmed down. She looked at Hu Rongqiang and Shi Xiaomeng with disgusting expressions on her face, glared at Wang Yan, put down her tea angrily, turned around and went out again. She was going to find something to wipe Hu Rongqiang with.

On the other side, Shi Xiaomeng rubbed Hu Rongqiang's face back and forth, and said plausibly: "Brother Hu, I have always regarded you as my own brother. How could you do this? You are so special. You are a bastard. I have to say that you are really capable of scheming. But you can’t believe that I heard everything today, and I heard it clearly. You said..."

Finally, Shi Xiaomeng added: "You are really my good brother, huh? Brother Hu, hahaha..."

Wang Yan, who was watching the excitement from the side, said with a smile: "Boss Hu, do you understand?"

Hu Rongqiang, who had been hit by Shi Xiaomeng for a while, had come to his senses. He also heard what Shi Xiaomeng said. He quickly pushed Shi Xiaomeng away and turned to Wang Yan, who was looking at Shi Xiaomeng's platform angrily: "Wang Yan, please keep a line in your behavior."

As he spoke, he felt the residue around his mouth and the smell around the tip of his nose. He bent over in disgust and began to retch.

He helped Shi Xiaomeng, who was unsteady and kept retreating, and pushed him aside in disgust. Wang Yan had the intention to go up and slap Hu Rongqiang, or kick him or something, but after looking at the clothes on his body, he finally gave up.

He took action personally because he wanted to let Shi Xiaomeng feel the warmth of the world for a while, or simply because he wanted to bring Shi Xiaomeng over to pretend to be a not-so-elegant guy, slap him in the face or something vulgar.

But he didn't expect Shi Xiaomeng to be so good at timing, and directly vomited in Hu Rongqiang's face. Although this thing was a little disgusting, it was more powerful and better able to relieve anger than the fake one he wore. Looking at Hu Rongqiang's angry yet disgusted expression, one can tell that Shi Xiaomeng was very successful.

Nana, who had just ran out, ran in again with water, paper, etc. She suppressed her nausea and ran to Hu Rongqiang to help him wipe it up.

Shi Xiaomeng looked on with anger, but Hu Rongqiang, who kept retching, laughed. He stood up unsteadily and went to Nana's side to get paper and water and put them away himself.

Although Shi Xiaomeng disliked it, he still wiped his hands in disgust, turned around and grinned sillyly at Wang Yan, who was watching the excitement: "'s so cool, such a stupid Hu Rongqiang..."

Thanks to my brother (the name is too hard to think of 101) for the reward of 5100 coins for support.

Thanks to Brother (Seven Realms Weiwei) for the reward of 100 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to brother (One Dongyue 0 Pioneer) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

Thank you (book friend 160425124516526) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

Thank you to the reading user (Mr.All) for your reward of 100 coins for continued support.

Thanks to my brother (Scholar uses Rejoice to wash his hair) for your continued support.

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Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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