Chapter 149 Hoo~~Bah

Hu Rongqiang didn't care about it anymore. He kept drinking water and gargling his mouth, and then vomited on the floor of the office. After all, it's pretty good now, so he doesn't need to add more. Anyway, he has to find a cleaner.

Smelling the pungent smell in the air and the sightless food residue, Hu Rongqiang looked at Shi Xiaomeng who was laughing at him and wanted to strangle him to death. He was able to kneel down a lot today, and his face was used as a shoe mat, but it was the first time that he was fucked like this.

"Mr. Wang, what exactly do you want to do?"

He just couldn't control himself, so he uttered wild words and called Wang Yan by name, hoping to meet them in the future. Now that I have been cleaning up for a long time, I have calmed down and realize how reckless I was just now.

Wang Yan was not someone he could offend. Today, let alone Shi Xiaomeng spitting in his face, even if he slapped him hard and slapped him with two big kicks, he would still have to admit it with a smile.

As for lying on the ground pretending to be dead and blackmailing... He didn't know how deep and wide the shadows under the sun were, but he had felt the outside layer next to the light.

Wang Yan said: "I will resign."

After what Shi Xiaomeng said just now, Hu Rongqiang also knew that it would be impossible to rely on Shi Xiaomeng to find Cheng Feng, and now he just wanted to get rid of these two bastards quickly: "Easy to say, easy to say, let's do it."

"Forget it about the bonuses and other things you promised verbally. They have no legal effect. I'm not here to steal money." Wang Yan stared at Hu Rongqiang: "But it should be Xiaomeng's. There must be no difference. Is there a problem?"

Hu Rongqiang's face was livid, but he still had an ugly smile on his fat face: "No problem, of course no problem. I'll go to the financial settlement and get the money right away."

"Go do it."

Hu Rongqiang hurriedly took Nana out to find the company's finance. The sooner these two bastards left, the better.

Shi Xiaomeng drank too much, but he didn't want to worry about this or that. Standing swaying on the side, he pointed at Hu Rongqiang, who was running away like his third grandson, and laughed.

"Brother, it feels so feels so good..."

As he spoke, Shi Xiaomeng stretched out his hand to approach Wang Yan and shake hands with them.

Wang Yan looked at Shi Xiaomeng with cold eyes, glared, and pointed to the chair on the side: "Get out of here."

"Hey, okay, brother..."

Shi Xiaomeng got excited, smashed his mouth, and sat down on the chair calmly...

Unable to bear the smelly air in the office, Wang Yan sauntered open the door and walked out, leaving the dazed and silly Shi Xiaomeng alone to breathe and enjoy himself.

The employees who were buzzing outside immediately fell silent when they saw Wang Yan coming out.

They could clearly see Hu Rongqiang's embarrassed appearance just now. It was the drunk Shi Xiaomeng who vomited, not to mention the need to relieve his anger. Hu Rongqiang was spit on his face and all over, but he didn't yell or even hit Shi Xiaomeng. It was obviously the credit of the man who opened the door.

So who is he? How could Shi Xiaomeng know such a person? This is what they, as melon-eating people, desperately want to know. People are always full of imagination and yearning for the invisible darkness...

Wang Yan ignored the crowd of busy people, found a paper cup from the water dispenser, and took a cup of hot water himself. He found an empty chair, crossed his legs, and drank the hot water leisurely with a "hiss...ha" sound. .

After a while, Wang Yan finished a cup of hot water. Hu Rongqiang changed his clothes somewhere and walked back quickly. Without looking at the group of employees who were staring at him, he took a deep breath and opened the door directly and walked in. his office.

Wang Yan threw the water cup into the trash can, stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked to the office. The set of movements is smooth and flowing, and the little pussy is very good at pretending.

As soon as he reached the office, the door was opened from the inside, and Hu Rongqiang's fat face was exposed.

Seeing Wang Yan at the door, Hu Rongqiang hurriedly turned sideways: "I thought you were leaving, Mr. Wang, but it turned out you were inspecting my company, haha. Come in quickly, come in quickly, everything has been done, the resignation certificate It’s been opened, there’s absolutely no problem with other social security arrangements, and the money is absolutely fine.”

At this moment, he didn't care whether he lost face in front of his employees or not. Even if he lost face, he was still the boss and could still control them. Anyway, as long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, it's not a big problem.

No matter what happened to him today, he had to admit it. After all, the situation is stronger than the person. Why don't they deal with him with ease and a little pleasure? He didn't even understand, what was so good about Shi Xiaomeng? Can such a person be allowed to stand up? So what else can I do besides admit it. He didn't think about anything else, he just wanted to send these two things away quickly and never see them again.

Wang Yan stared at Hu Rongqiang for a while and said, "Don't let me look for you a second time."

Hu Rongqiang smiled forcefully: "No, definitely not. I will do the work. Don't worry, there will be no problem at all."

After patting his shoulder, Wang Yan took the resignation certificate, walked in and walked to Shi Xiaomeng and stuffed it into his pocket. He patted his back: "Xiao Meng? Xiao Meng? Can you leave?"

Shi Xiaomeng, who was sitting there, raised his head exhaustedly when he heard the words. When he saw it was Wang Yan, he grinned: "Hey, brother, I'm fine."

"If you have nothing to do, just leave."

With a "pop" sound, Shi Xiaomeng slapped his hands heavily on his thighs, stood up, and said, "Let's go."

When passing by Hu Rongqiang, I didn't forget to say: "Brother Hu, my dear brother, oh~~bah..."

He spat hard, slammed the door and left.

Wang Yan shook his head in amusement, ignored Hu Rongqiang, who had a purple face on one side, and followed him leisurely.

Shi Xiaomeng staggered away while greeting colleagues he knew loudly.

Wang Yan couldn't stand the way he was grinding away after drinking some wine, so he took two steps forward, pinched the collar on the back of his neck, and left.

At this point, Shi Xiaomeng didn't forget to wave goodbye to others...

After carrying Shi Xiaomeng all the way downstairs and stuffing him into the back seat of the car to sleep, Wang Yan got in the passenger seat and reported the address of Shi Xiaomeng's home to the driver.

The way Shi Xiaomeng drank, it was impossible for him to register his account with Wang Yanliang. When passing by the bank on the way, Wang Yan went to withdraw 100,000 in cash. It was almost three o'clock when he arrived at Shi Xiaomeng's house.

After asking Shi Xiaomeng to find the key to open the door, Wang Yan threw him on the bed, put the paper bag containing the money next to him, and made sure there was nothing wrong before leaving.


In the evening, Shen Bing, who had taught children all day, opened the door and returned home with her things. By coincidence, as soon as she closed the door, the phone rang "ding...ding...ding" inside.

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

After waiting for a while, there was no movement. Shen Bing walked towards the bedroom and saw Shi Xiaomeng sleeping soundly on the bed. At the same time, there was an unpleasant smell of alcohol drifting over.

Shen Bing frowned, walked to the window and opened a crack to let the air circulate. Then he picked up the phone and took a look at it, and started to pull Shi Xiaomeng who was sleeping: "Xiaomeng? Shitou? Wake up quickly, there's a call. Who did you drink and how much did you drink?"

Shi Xiaomeng woke up from the shaking, rubbed his eyes and looked at Shen Bing, who was looking at him with big eyes in front of him, and said "Huh" with a naive smile: "Girl, you are back..."

Shen Bing pushed him helplessly: "The phone has been ringing for a long time, please answer it quickly."

"Who is it?" Shi Xiaomeng took the phone from Shen Bing's hand.

"The call came from a madman."

Hearing this, Shi Xiaomeng's eyes suddenly opened wide, he glanced at the caller ID and picked up the phone, saying: "Get lost."

After saying that, Shi Xiaomeng hung up the phone and blocked him.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Xiaomeng shook his head: "'s nothing big, we just broke up." He slept for a few more hours and his condition improved a lot. Naturally, he couldn't tell Cheng Feng that he liked Shen Bing, and he couldn't say it out loud. It was too disgusting.

Shen Bing patted Shi Xiaomeng: "Is it just for advertising?"

"Hey... even if it is..."

"If you can't do advertising, then don't do it.'s not worth it to break up after so many years of buddies."

Shi Xiaomeng didn't want to dwell too much on this topic, and rubbed his head in pain: "Okay, don't worry about it so much. Just stay away from Cheng Feng in the future."

Shen Bing wanted to say something, but seeing Shi Xiaomeng's look, she changed her direction: "You didn't go to work today, so you went out to drink? Who did you drink with? Why did you drink so much? Look at what you're wearing Smells like alcohol.”

Such a continuous question made Shi Xiaomeng feel quite tired to be honest. He couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't go to work. I went to see Brother Wang at noon to have a drink with him."

"What are you doing looking for Wang...Brother Wang?"

Shen Bing was still not used to calling him Brother Wang. He had only seen him twice in total, and he was the eldest brother. He didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup Wang Yan had poured into Shi Xiaomeng.

Reaching out for the water glass on the bedside, Shi Xiaomeng took a few sips and took a breath: "Isn't it because the down payment is not enough? I have no choice but to open my mouth with Brother Wang."

"Then did he agree to lend us money?"

Shi Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment: "I remember agreeing."

"Where's the money?"

"Yeah, where's the money?" Shi Xiaomeng patted his head: "Maybe Brother Wang drank too much. Forget it, I'll go find him tomorrow. I won't say anything anymore. I feel too uncomfortable. Let's get some sleep first."

"Oh, take off your clothes before going to sleep. Is it comfortable to sleep like this?"

Shen Bing lifted the quilt and wanted to help Shi Xiaomeng take off his clothes. As a result, a thick paper bag was found in the quilt.

"What is this? Xiao Meng?" Shen Bing opened the paper bag curiously.

This was an incredible sight. There were several piles of red money inside. Shen Bing quickly wanted to pat Shi Xiaomeng: "Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng, oh, don't sleep now. Let's see if Brother Wang borrowed it from us." of?"

Shi Xiaomeng couldn't hold it anymore. He had just regained consciousness and said two sentences that were quite serious. With his alcohol capacity of one and a half kilograms, he drank Erguotou, which was the reason for his excitement and excitement. Otherwise, he would have been admitted to the hospital by now. Unable to bear being shaken by Shen Bing, he turned his head and said yes without opening his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Shen Bing knew that he couldn't talk to Jiu Mengzi today and could only wait until tomorrow. He sighed, put the money in the drawer of the bedside table, and helped Shi Xiaomeng take off his clothes with great difficulty, and then got some food to eat.


After Wang Yan left, he did not return to the company, but went to the home of his little bird.

Should I say it or not, Yang Zixi has been very busy recently.

After she had enough of pretending last time and proposed to open a flower shop, she quit her job within two days. In order to find a better address, I would wander around the capital every day with a small bag in my hand, twisted and twisted.

After wandering around for two days, she realized that she couldn't do it like this. Not to mention the pain in her feet, it was not worthy of her luxurious clothes. If you are driving a small sports car, then you must be wearing a brand-name suit to match it.

Therefore, Yang Zixi sacrificed her life to do a few big jobs and made Wang a comfortable servant, and then she got what she wanted. Recently, I have been concentrating on taking the driver's license test, and I even asked Wang Yan for directions, hoping to drive a small sports car and go out to compete as soon as possible.

Wang Yan can talk about anything when he feels comfortable, and public households can also deduct income tax when buying a car. Although he is not short of the money, since Yang Zixi's performance is very good, he will buy it. Isn’t it true that there is such a saying, it’s better to be more economical.

Of course, even though he helped Yang Zixi ask for directions, he could get his driver's license as soon as possible. But he must not relax when he takes the test. It doesn't matter whether Yang Zixi dies or not. He has to take responsibility for the innocent pedestrians on the road. Although he has seen a lot of life and death, he is not afraid of ghosts and gods, but he respects life.

This is why Yang Zixi is so serious, because she also has to take the exams one by one. Recently, she has no time to even go out to choose a store location, just to get her driver's license as soon as possible.

After receiving Wang Yan's call, Yang Zixi, who was practicing subject two, ran back in a hurry. I bought some vegetables on the way, and when I came back I wanted to make a big show of my love for dinner. The reason, of course, is that my driver's license was issued soon, and I wanted to buy as expensive a car as possible.

Yang Zixi took off her apron and looked at Wang Yan expectantly: "Try it quickly. This is what I have been practicing for a long time recently. Moreover, you drank wine today, and I made soup specially for you."

"You can eat it soon, keep working hard." Wang Yan tasted it noncommittally. The taste was indeed average. He looked at the disappointed Yang Zixi opposite: "Who are you pouting for? Eat."

This Yang Zixi can't get used to being sick. She has too much good looks, and it's easy for her not to know how much she weighs.

"Oh..." Yang Zixi was also used to Wang Yanxiong and sat down honestly to eat the food she cooked.

However, as soon as she took the food into her mouth, she wanted to spit it out. The taste was just average, not as good as the fly restaurant downstairs that she had criticized the most. But looking at Wang Yan who was sitting opposite and eating the food, she finally swallowed it. Somehow, the food was still a little sweet...

Wang Yan is just not picky about food. Besides, it would be a waste to throw away such a big table, so he just makes do with it.

"How's your flower shop doing?"

"Ah? Oh, the flower shop..." Yang Zixi, who was immersed in sweetness, came back to her senses and thought of serious things: "I'm taking the driver's license test recently, so I didn't go out to see it."

Wang Yan nodded and said no more.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yang Zixi thought that this wouldn't work either. After thinking about it, he mustered up the courage to speak cautiously, but when he met Wang Yan's eyes, he spoke softer and quieter: "I will pass the test for my driver's license soon. You want it for it for me..." What kind of car is this?”

"what do you want?"

"Can I protect...the Porsche...can...can I?"

Yang Zixi was not ashamed, she didn't say that. I just didn't dare to say anything when I saw Wang Yan's indifferent eyes, and I didn't know what to say.

Wang Yan lowered his head to eat.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yang Zixi cautiously added: "Just 718... is fine, hundreds of thousands..."

"Eat." Wang Yan didn't even raise his head.

"Oh." Yang Zixi couldn't grasp what Wang Yan was thinking, so she didn't dare to speak again and ate quietly.

But after eating and washing the dishes, Yang Zixi worked extra hard while taking a shower...

After a hearty battle, Wang Yan lay on the bed with his arms pillowed on his head and his eyes closed to rest. Yang Zixi stood erect on the side with her eyes half exposed, holding the computer and looking at the car. She glanced at Wang Yan next to her from time to time, hoping that He could open his eyes and see.


Wang Yan's phone on the bedside table rang. He reached for it and glanced at the caller ID before answering: "Hello?"

"Well, of course I'm free."


"Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yan stood up, and while getting dressed, he said to Yang Zixi with sad eyes next to him: "I won't sleep here today. You have a good rest."

Yang Zixi said "Oh" without saying anything more. She just heard a woman's voice on the other end of the phone, and the sound sounded very coquettish.

Wang Yan didn't care what she thought, so he got dressed and went out...

Thanks to brother (greenc) for the 200 coins support.

Thanks to brother (Kirishima no Sakura*) for the 100 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to the three big brothers (Sanju) (not much i) (chenkkkkkkkk) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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