Three days later, Cheng Feng sentenced him to two years and eight months.

When the judge's heavy hammer, which represented the majesty of the country's laws, came down, Cheng Feng cried, and his tears couldn't stop flowing down his face.

No one knows whether his tears are repentance for the ridiculous things he did in the past, or whether he is simply thinking about the helpless child-like frustration of living in prison in the future, or whether the audience in the audience is doing nothing but frantically sending messages after hearing the result. Apart from reporters and a group of unrelated people who made appointments to watch freshly and experience the authority of the law up close, only Wu Di and Fei Si came out of pure sorrow for him?

Do you think that after he has been around for so many years, only two of his brothers and friends came to witness his imprisonment?

Perhaps it was also possible that when Wu Di came to visit him the day before yesterday, he told him that Lin Xia had gotten together with the big fool named Wang. Not only that, but he also followed the cousin named Wang together with Yang Zixi?

Or maybe he knew that Shi Xiaomeng, who he never looked at, was about to become a fucking billionaire? The key is that he got the hell down himself. He's just a mud-legged guy from a small place, how could he do that?

And Shen Bing, that young, sweet, smiling girl, the beautiful little angel in his heart... He couldn't love her, so he had to suffer the pain of lovesickness alone in prison.

None of this should happen to him, it shouldn't happen...

With a sigh, Cheng Feng looked at Wu Di and Fei Si who stood up and looked at him in the auditorium behind him, and forced out an ugly smile.

Wu Di had a drink with Shi Xiaomeng that day, and he listened to those words. In the past two days, I had nothing to think about what happened to Cheng Feng in the past. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that what Shi Xiaomeng said made sense. Unavoidably, I felt a lot less guilty about Cheng Feng because of Cheng Shengen's death. He also reflected that in the final analysis it was Cheng Feng who failed to live up to his expectations. His problem was that as a friend, he did not fully understand Cheng Feng's character, which led to catastrophe.

Of course, the feelings of friendship for so many years are still there. Seeing Cheng Feng's smile that was uglier than crying, Wu Di endured the soreness on the tip of his nose and waved to Cheng Feng to give him strength.

Fat Si next to him also waved to encourage Cheng Feng. After all, Cheng Feng gave him a job, and the salary was enough. Although he knew that Cheng Feng had never looked at him directly, and although Cheng Feng was such a jerk now, he was grateful for the kindness he received from others. He must have the heart.

It wasn't until Cheng Feng was taken away by the police at the scene that the two of them put down their waving hands. The two looked at each other and saw the moisture in each other's eyes. They both sighed and walked out as the crowd dispersed. The main reason is that the atmosphere is so heated. When you reach a certain age and see the experiences of people around you, you will inevitably lament that things are impermanent. After all, no one could have imagined that Cheng Feng, who used to be so prosperous in the past, would end up in this situation not long after. It is really unpredictable...

After Shi Xiaomeng, who was at work, learned about the final verdict, he was happy alone for a while, then left his office with a smile and strolled upstairs.

"Mr. Shi..."

"Mr. Shi, hello..."

When encountering polite greetings from employees, Shi Xiaomeng always responded with a smile and a nod: "Hello..."

In addition to the upcoming wealth, perhaps the current status is even more valuable, because he actually controls the fate of these people, just like Hu Rongqiang controlled him back then.

This is just an imagination when he is bored. Shi Xiaomeng can guarantee that if he really dares to take advantage of his employees, his most beloved brother Wang will make it difficult for him.

People-oriented is not just a talk. During the six months since he arrived, with the explosive development of the company, there were still many hidden dangers. People always don't know how much they weigh, and if they have a little power, they want to have the most power. In the past six months, many middle and high-level employees have been kicked out by people who have been fired or called to the police.

Of course, even if there weren't such strict rules, he wouldn't do that. If not, what's the difference between him and Hu Rongqiang, who he hated at the beginning?

Thinking blindly, he walked to the door of Wang Yan's office unknowingly.

Shi Xiaomeng knocked on the door "dong...dong...dong".


"Xiao Meng..." Seeing Shi Xiaomeng come in, Wang Yan stretched and stood up: "Is it because Cheng Feng was sentenced..."

While talking, he walked to the tea table and sat down and started playing with the tea sets.

"Have you received the news too, brother?" Shi Xiaomeng grinned and sat opposite Wang Yan, with a sigh on his face: "I feel really comfortable..."

"It's really satisfying to have a great revenge avenged. How about you take a vacation and go home happy?"

After confirming that what Wang Yan said was serious and not a favor to him, Shi Xiaomeng shook his head and said, "Let's just take a rest. We've been very busy these days. And speaking of it... although it's quite disgusting, Cheng Feng and I are really doing this. It's not really a big hatred, and it's far from the hatred of seizing his wife. After all, he didn't succeed. It's just that he doesn't treat me as a friend, he thinks he's better than me, and he thinks I'm easy to bully..."

Wang Yan was busy making tea without saying anything. After all, that old bastard Cheng Sheng'en was dead. Shi Xiaomeng's words now seemed more like self-comfort. Of course, it is also possible that Shi Xiaomeng did not expect Cheng Shengen to die at the beginning, and he just wanted to take advantage of it to prevent Cheng Feng from continuing to pester and harass Shen Bing.

After listening to Shi Xiaomeng's ramble, Wang Yan made some tea, handed him a cup and said, "Cheng Feng has gone in, and you have a clear idea. You can just work with peace of mind. Your ability is relatively poor."

"Don't worry, brother, I won't let you down."

Shi Xiaomeng said so confidently that he was also confident in himself. After all, when he first came here, he was nothing, so he didn't understand. Now, half a year later, although it was difficult for him to take on the position of big brother, and he was often in a hurry, he still persisted in doing it. And he was about to raise financing soon, so he couldn't afford to miss out now. Otherwise, the recent sweet dreams will be in vain, and the happiness will be in vain.

Besides, there is no such thing. Although asking him to clean the toilet may be a bit excessive, if Wang Yan really said that, he... would only frown at most, and he would definitely carry out Wang Yan's order.

After recently learning that Cheng Feng was bankrupt and had to work hard for a few years, he was happy and thought about it a lot. Of course, he had thought about it before.

If Wang Yan hadn't appeared and Hu Rongqiang plotted against him and asked him to exchange women for wealth, what would he have done? If Cheng Shengen comes and hits him, what will he do? After all, at that time, he begged his grandfather and grandma to collect the money for the down payment of the house. If Wang Yan hadn't lent him the money... I can't say, I really can't say.

Of course, there is no if in life, he met Wang Yan.

Looking back on the journey, except for Cheng Feng who disgusted him and Cheng Shengen who smashed him, everything has been successful. He no longer worries about money, no longer worries about the precarious situation, and no longer calculates how the money in his pocket can last until next month. Shen Bing and Shen Bing are very loving at home. We work hard to learn and improve in the company. Although it is a bit tiring, we can see the future and it is worth it.

He knew that all this was given by Brother Wang. He was extremely grateful to Brother Wang and had no way to repay him. He could only work hard and help Brother Wang make more money. So needless to say, he will work very hard himself, and he will definitely not let Brother Wang's hard work on him go to waste.

Wang Yan took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Okay, after this financing, you will also be worth hundreds of millions, huh? Haha..."

"It's all your support." Shi Xiaomeng chuckled and raised his teacup: "I'll give you a toast with tea instead of wine."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, and bumped into the two of them for a while.

Putting down the tea cup, Shi Xiaomeng said: "Oh, by the way, brother, you give me a card number, and I will return the 100,000 to you."

Wang Yan waved his hand and refused: "Isn't your house due for delivery next month? Let's decorate it first. I'm not that bad, and you don't have much money for two in your hand. You can't be careless about the decoration. We'll talk about it later. Bar."

He didn't say he didn't want it, because he had agreed to borrow it at first, and this thing was two different things. Besides, if he really doesn't want it anymore, Shi Xiaomeng will have to mutter in his heart that it's not good for him to think blindly.

Shi Xiaomeng thought about it and realized that was indeed the case. He lived a good life for only half a year, and earned more than 100,000 yuan from scratching. After all, two people make money. Shen Bing also has five to six thousand yuan a month, which is almost enough for their daily expenses, so he basically saves all his money. I had previously repaid tens of thousands to Cheng Feng and Wu Di, but if I repaid Wang Yan now, it would really be hard to get enough money for the renovation next month.

"Okay, brother. Then I won't be polite to you. I will save some money after the renovation is completed. You are being lenient."

Staring at him, Wang Yan said: "It sounds like I'm urging you."

Shi Xiaomeng chuckled and drank tea by himself.

After that, Wang Yan talked to Shi Xiaomeng for a while, and encouraged him as usual before letting him go back to work.

Seriously, after so many worlds, except for women, among men, Wang Wang is really interested in Shi Xiaomeng. This father is quite conscientious.

Not only do I have to help plan career development, but I also have to pay attention to his mental health. Occasionally, I have to study whether his girlfriend is serious. Damn it...

Shi Xiaomeng didn't work overtime again today and returned home early.

The kindergarten where Shen Bing worked was close, so when Shi Xiaomeng returned home, the corridor was already filled with the aroma of food.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Shen Bing, who was cooking in the kitchen, greeted: "You're back. I have two more dishes. They will be ready soon. You wash your hands first."

Shi Xiaomeng closed the door and responded, changed his shoes, put away his handbag, turned around and walked to the kitchen, hugging Shen Bingniwai from behind: "Girl..."

Shen Bing was caught off guard and said "Ouch", and the dishes were all taken out of the pot. She slapped him angrily: "Don't make trouble, just make trouble for me. You can watch TV for a while. You will be fine soon." As he spoke, Shen Bing Shi Xiaomeng came out of the kitchen.

Taking advantage of her unpreparedness, Shi Xiaomeng took a bite and ran away, making Shen Bingjiao angry again and again.

Soon, the meal was ready. Shi Xiaomeng hummed a tune and took out the wine Wang Yan brought to the house and poured a glass of it. He also poured half a glass for Shen Bing.

"So happy, what's the happy news?"

Shen Bing put the rice in front of Shi Xiaomeng and asked curiously.

"It's a happy event." Shi Xiaomeng couldn't hide his smile: "What are you standing for? Sit down first."

"I haven't served the rice yet, please wait a moment." Shen Bing served herself a bowl of rice in a funny manner, and sat down next to Shi Xiaomeng: "What's the matter? Tell me, and let me be happy too."

After taking a sip of wine and sipping the food, Shi Xiaomeng said, "Cheng Feng."

"What's up with him?"


"Going in? Where are you going? Ah..." Shen Bing reacted and asked in surprise: "Going to jail? What's going on? Did you just go in?"

Shi Xiaomeng laughed and told Shen Bingliang what happened. He didn't tell Shen Bingliang before, just because he wanted to be happy together when the results came out.

"...In the end he was sentenced to two years and eight months. Even if his sentence was reduced for good behavior, it would still be two years, right?" Shi Xiaomeng took another sip of wine and took a long breath: "Do you think this is a happy event? , girl?"

After hearing the cause and effect, Shen Bing nodded seriously: "If you want to put it that way, I can finally feel at ease. You don't know, Xiaomeng, when I go home from work now, I am always worried that he will be killed on the way. come out."

"You don't have to worry anymore. Come on, girl, let's have a drink."

Shen Bing pursed his lips and smiled, raised his glass, touched it with him, and took a small sip.

Shi Xiaomeng is really relieved. After all, he will become rich immediately. Although it is only thirty-eight square, but with this explosive speed, in more than two years, eighty-three should be no problem. It will not be eight hundred and three. If you can challenge it for a while, just stay far away.

At that time, Cheng Feng couldn't find him, so where could he block the road and entangle Shen Bing? Not to mention that the gap in status between the two of them was huge at that time. He, Shi Xiaomeng, was the damn tall one...

Cheng Feng couldn't exist at this dinner table for too long, so the two of them stopped talking about it after a few words. They said they were happy, but if they talked too much, they would inevitably think of the disgusting things in the past, which put them in a good mood.

Shen Bing remembered what he said about paying back the money before, and asked: "Hey, Xiaomeng, have you paid back the money you owe Brother Wang?"

Shi Xiaomeng shook his head: "No, Brother Wang said..."

The two of them talked about ordinary household matters, and the small rental house was filled with warmth and happiness.


In mid-August, Shi Xiaomeng took a day off. The reason was naturally that the house was down.

They said they were asking for leave, but no one gave them permission to do it. They just told their subordinates not to ask him for anything that was not important.

Two days before handing over the house, Shi Xiaomeng, who already had a net worth of over 100 million, successfully secured financing. Shi Xiaomeng had a rare insomnia. As a person who has been in school for four years, worked for nearly four years, and lived in Beijing for almost eight years, this house is really his biggest wish for these eight years.

When I think about all the things I had no problem imagining before, they will soon come true. To be honest, it feels better than knowing that I have a net worth of over 100 million. After all, no matter what, his thirty-eight square meters are real.

That day, he and Shen Bing planned the house for a while, and then stayed there for a whole day without even taking a bite of lunch. It wasn't until the lanterns came on that he reluctantly left the thirty-eight square meters that already belonged to him.

That night, Shi Xiaomeng drank a lot of wine and cried bitterly while holding Shen Bing...

Wang Yan is still the same. He works on artificial intelligence during the day and is not ashamed at night. If there happens to be a special situation and he is in the mood, he will go out without shame or shame and be very cool. From time to time, he would go out to meet Wu Di's girlfriend, Wu Mei.

Do honest people deserve to be bullied? Wang Yan has no intention of bullying Wu Di. After all, fate is so wonderful...

After the financing of Pinyidao was completed, Wang Yan established a branch and recruited a group of people to develop Douyin.

In fact, this time is still a bit early. The development of Douyishouyin benefited from the popularization and promotion of 4G. With today's 3G speed, it is indeed almost meaningless. Of course, smartphones are becoming very popular nowadays. You need a fucking WIFI password wherever you go, and you can’t even enter a store... So there is no problem in developing it, and by the way, you can compete with its big brother joke contestants. , to see if it is better than the blue.

In this operation, Wang Yan still followed the strategy in Ode to Joy. He would rather spend a lot of money to form an audit team than a bunch of people who understand and have ulterior motives.

And by the way, his artificial intelligence can also be trained in the process. After such a period of time, the combined efforts of a large number of people have almost restored it, and the technology is definitely leading the way. There are application products with a large number of users, which will definitely help the improvement and upgrading of artificial intelligence.

The following year, at the beginning of spring, Shi Xiaomeng and Shen Bing got married. Some friends who have business dealings know that Shi Xiaomeng only lived in 38 ordinary days. What he said was very exciting, and of course his expression was also very exciting.

Wang Yan has a great reputation, but not many people know him, and the cat is very unobtrusive, so he is not affected much in the audience. He took Yang Zixi and Lin Xia around the table to eat and drink by themselves, because he took a hundred thousand gift money with him... Shi Xiaomeng gave it back to him before, so he took him back with him again.

Also in this year, Wu Di's half-brother, Wu Wei, died. Just like in the original play, the brain tumor is in the terminal stage. Wu Mei stayed with her for the whole journey, wiping her tears, and then sent him off.

Perhaps it was the death of her old lover that allowed Wu Mei to gain something. After burying Wu Wei, Wu Mei broke up with Wu Di and then flew to the United States. Of course, before leaving again, she talked with Wang for a long time and spent a lot of energy. When Wu Mei entered the airport, her legs were weak.

As for Wu Di...he was sad again and returned to his original self. Under Wu Mei's charm, he had completely forgotten about Yang Zixi, and Wu Mei filled his heart.

Just like Wu Mei said, bad women are everywhere, but she never took Wu Di seriously, she was just a little toy...

After that, shared bicycles, electric vehicles, online ride-hailing, food delivery, errands and other businesses were successively established.

For a time, China's Internet market was in chaos. Two hostile companies were trying to do something to each other, but they both invariably did something to each other. Through a series of online products, everyone can see their thoughts. Once they get bigger, others can only watch them eat meat. In this case, whoever wants to do it will do it.

Wang Yan doesn't care about these things, they all cost money and provide no service. Anyway, he is not eager to seize the market, so he will not spend money with others. He will rely on high-quality service and good reputation to slowly grow. Anyway, he has a comprehensive industry, a large company, and a strong ability to attract money. He is not afraid of losing money and just wastes it.

WeChat and Pinyidao, two products that were launched earlier, have already gone through multiple rounds of financing. It is estimated that it will take some time for the researchers to IPO.

The facts also proved that Wang Yan did not lie to deceive Shi Xiaomeng, because Shi Xiaomeng's net worth now far exceeds 300 million. The Pinyidao in Wang Yan's hands is definitely two different things from the original Pinyidao. After all, the original one doesn't have so many resources to complement each other.

It was also at this time, in December of the fourth year.

On this day, the sky was extremely gloomy, and heavy snow was flying all over the sky with the biting north wind.

Cheng Feng, who had almost been forgotten by others, was released after serving two years and five months in prison...

Thank you to the four big brothers (Yuganghe) (Feifeifeifeifei is coming) (Fake Philosophy) (Five Virtues Gourd) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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