Cheng Feng's behavior that day, when he was the boss and the second child, was definitely due to this and that when he first went to jail, and no one would accept it.

Prison guards know everything about the situation. With such a large amount of wealth gone, some extreme behavior is normal. But normality cannot be the reason for him to be disobedient, unruly, and wantonly challenging. Prison guards are very experienced, who hasn’t seen them before? Such a down-and-out rich second generation is not something that can be controlled with just one hand.

After struggling for a while, Cheng Feng realized that there was really nothing he could do and no one would tolerate his problems. In order to escape from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible and return to the colorful world, I had to obey orders honestly.

When it came to performance, Cheng Feng was always good at showing off, so in the end his sentence was reduced by three months for good performance.

With an excited heart, trembling hands, and trembling legs, I walked out.

All the way out of the prison gate, the north wind blew heavy snowflakes on my face, which made me numb.

Standing at the door of the prison, looking up at the disorderly and flying snowflakes in the sky, and breathing in the crisp air, Cheng Feng felt a little crazy for a moment.

What he felt surrounded by was so familiar, it was what he had only dreamed of, freedom.

He felt embraced by freedom, and he unconsciously opened his arms to embrace freedom.

I didn't realize it was something before, but now that I have been squatting for more than two years, I feel more and more that it is precious.

He has been waiting for this moment for more than two years...

A sudden gust of cold wind blew. Cheng Feng shivered and came to his senses. He put down his arms with a smile and looked at the person standing in front of the car not far away.

"Old Wu."

Cheng Feng shouted.

Wu Di had arrived a long time ago, but he just saw Cheng Feng standing there in a daze and didn't bother him. It wasn't until Cheng Feng stood still for a long time that he got out of the car and planned to leave quickly. Although this moment was hard-won, it was nothing like pretentiousness at the prison gate. Now that I have said it, it’s the coldest winter, and it’s going to be really uncomfortable if I catch a cold again.

Wu Di laughed and stepped forward, hugging Cheng Feng tightly and patting his back hard. He smiled and his voice deepened: "Just come out, it'll be good..."

"Okay, okay, that's almost it. What are you guys trying to do to stir things up?"

Wu Di's actions, coupled with the gloomy snowy weather, heated up the atmosphere. Cheng Feng became a little excited when he thought about life in prison. He looked like crying on such a happy day. He quickly interrupted Wu Di.

Wu Di is more emotional, and he can't control this thing. Hearing what Cheng Feng said, he quickly shut up: "Yes, yes, it's all my fault. It's so cold, let's not stand here." Now, let’s get in the car and talk about it. What do you want to eat? I’ll help you catch the wind. We won’t go home until we get drunk today.”

"Do you need to tell me what to eat?"

The two said in unison: "Old place!"

After saying this, the two looked at each other and laughed...

After having fun for a while, Wu Di said: "It's very cold, hurry up and get in the car."

Cheng Feng held his arms and smacked back the snot that was about to flow out. He pointed at Wu Di's car and said, "Turn around and I'll get in the car again."

After saying that, before Wu Di could ask questions, Cheng Feng explained: "The people inside told me, don't look back when you come out, just leave."

"Then I should give you the whole brazier."

Rolling his eyes at him, Wu Di got into the car and turned around.

Cheng Feng then got into the car, and the two of them went to the same place chatting and laughing.

The school has moved, but Bronze Hammer has not. He still stays here because his past is here.

This is where the dream of Shi Xiaomeng and others begins, and it is also where the Bronze Hammer begins. Here he sent away students one after another, and students sent him away with wives and children to live and work in peace and contentment.

So he was reluctant to leave this land, a land where he had seen many young people's joys and sorrows, and where he and his wife had come along the way.

Of course, he had to make money, so he set up shop in the new campus and opened a branch in the old place, but he spent most of the time here with his wife.

In the future, when the children grow up, the new campus will be handed over to them, because that is where their future lies.

But to be honest, the reason why he didn't leave was that he could make a lot of money here. After all, after so many years of accumulation, he has always been good at high quality and low prices, so the repeat customers are enough for him.

When Wu Di and Cheng Feng arrived, the place was already bustling with excitement.

Tongchui greeted the diners with a smile. When he heard the 'welcome' from the little lucky cat at the door, he turned around and saw the two people coming in.

Seeing Cheng Feng following Wu Di, Tongchui was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward with a smile and greeted: "Here you come, Wu Di." After speaking, he patted Cheng Feng's arm: "You've lost weight. …”

He knew about Cheng Feng's imprisonment, of course, but even if he didn't know, people who came over to eat would occasionally mention it. After all, Cheng Feng was very popular when he went to college. He was a wealthy second generation and drove a sports car to school. Moreover, she is also bohemian and loves freedom. She has some talent in music. She formed a band that became popular among the nostalgic girls on campus. She is a man of the hour who can be called the number one in three terms.

The nostalgic girl who was harmed back then, and the group of singles who are still envious and hateful, all breathed a sigh of relief after learning about Cheng Feng. I'll make you a scumbag, I'll make you a bastard, it's time, let this go in. Bar. Especially in the end, the news that Cheng Shengen was angry to death by Cheng Feng came out, which made him even more famous, and seriousness became a hot topic for a while.

Cheng Feng smiled and nodded: "Brother Hammer."

Tongchui smiled and said: "Okay, don't stand at the door. Go in and sit down quickly. Come in and sit down. Cheng Feng can take a look at what he wants to eat. Today is my brother's and I'll take care of you. When I finish my work, I’ll have a couple of drinks with you.”

Wu Didao: "Okay, Brother Chui, it's settled. What do you think, madman?"

He didn't refuse, it didn't matter if it was money or not, no one was short of that stuff. It's just that Cheng Feng was released from prison today, and he was the only one to take over. I believe that even if Cheng Feng didn't say it, he would have some thoughts in his heart. In the past year or so, Wu Wei died and Wu Mei left, leaving him alone to live in confusion until now. He could understand this feeling of loneliness without any relatives or friends.

Cheng Feng nodded: "Thank you, Brother Zhui."

"Hi, thank you. Tell me what you want to eat. I'll ask the chef to serve it quickly. You two can drink first."

"I want to eat…………"

Tongchui nodded: "Okay, I understand. You guys have some tea and water to warm yourself up. The food will be here soon." After saying that, he ran to the kitchen in a hurry.

Wu Di poured two cups of hot tea and pushed it in front of Cheng Feng. He took a sip and breathed a sigh of relief before saying, "What are your plans next?"

I didn't ask how Cheng Feng was doing in prison, because he basically visited once a month, and Cheng Feng had already shared it with them.

Cheng Feng blew his nose with a napkin and held the water glass with both hands to feel the warmth: "...Let's see and tell. I don't know what I can do. Maybe...I can sing..."

"Hmm... It's okay to wait. Now that we are so developed, we will never be hungry."

Cheng Feng nodded and drank tea.

You will never go hungry, this sentence sounds ironic. When did Cheng Feng need to think about whether he was hungry or not? This was simply unimaginable before.

What he spends for one night may be what someone else earns for a year of hard work. If he drinks an ordinary bottle of wine, he may ask others to work hard for a month, but he may not be able to...

Regardless of whether he could accept it or not, during the countless sleepless nights in prison, the sounds of snoring, grinding teeth and farting, as well as talking and swearing in his sleep reminded him that he had nothing, he was nothing... he was just a failure. A bereaved dog, a complete pauper, a joke for everyone.

Sensing Cheng Feng's depression, Wu Di was at a loss for words and kept talking to him. It wasn't that he missed Cheng Feng, but now, Cheng Feng had to face reality. In prison, I could have enough food and clothing and not think about all the messy things, but now I'm out. Now Cheng Feng is almost penniless, there is no escape.

Tongchui was as generous as ever. After a while of awkward chat, plates of dishes were placed all over the table.

Wu Di opened a bottle of Erguotou and poured two glasses of wine. He put one of the glasses in front of Cheng Feng and said, "Here, madman, drink one for your new life."

Cheng Feng clinked with them for a while, then raised his head and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

"Hey, drink less, you idiot..." Seeing Cheng Feng drink up, Wu Di gritted his teeth and drank up the glass of wine.

Staring his eyes, holding back his breath, he endured the turbulence in his stomach. Only when the energy subsided did Cheng Feng take a long breath and add another bite: "It's so good..."

Wu Di coughed for a long time. After he recovered, he wiped his mouth with a piece of paper and said, "Drink slowly. You don't know how much I drink. I can't keep you company while drinking like this."

Cheng Feng poured the wine by himself: "I don't need you to accompany me. I haven't had a drink in the past two years. I have to drink well today."

"Okay, you can drink if you like..."

Wu Di knew that he couldn't dissuade him, and Cheng Feng really should get drunk.

After chatting for a while and getting drunk, the two of them started talking.

Cheng Feng asked: "Where's Fat Si? Why didn't he come?"

When he first went to jail, Fei Si would occasionally visit him with Wu Di. As time went by, there was little movement at all. Of course he knew what was going on, but he just wanted to ask.

"I don't know. I haven't contacted him for a long time, maybe a year... I don't know why, but there is no news."

In fact, Wu Di would talk about the current situation of the people he knew every time he went there. After Fei Si didn't make any move, he didn't mention it again. After all, it was a tacit understanding of adults.

"all gone……"

Cheng Feng drank half a glass of wine and ate the food.

Wu Di silently took a sip of wine, not knowing what to say for a moment. After all, no one except him really talked to Cheng Feng anymore. Looking back, all of this was entirely Cheng Feng's doing.

Since Wu Mei left, he not only misses the good times, but also wonders what happened to their group of good friends. Once you step away and switch to the perspective of a bystander, things will become clearer.

As for his reasons for Cheng Shengen's death, even if he was not responsible, the key was that Cheng Feng himself failed to live up to his expectations.

Human nature is very complex. Even if there is a favor, there will be revenge. Not to mention that this is just some small guilt towards others. It's really his problem. After such a long time, it has almost worn off.

After a moment of silence, Cheng Feng took a sip of wine and said, "Where's Xiao Meng? Are you still in contact? How is he?"

Wu Di glanced at him suspiciously: "Are you still thinking about Shen Bing?"

In the past, when he visited, he rarely told Cheng Feng news about Shi Xiaomeng. When Cheng Feng asked him, he would always change the subject silently. Because Shi Xiaomeng was so fucking awesome that he was a little fucking irritated, let alone Cheng Feng.

Now that everyone is out, even if he doesn't tell, Cheng Feng will be able to find out in two days, so it doesn't matter whether he tells or not.

"" Cheng Feng said insincerely.

Wu Di rolled his eyes angrily. Even a three-year-old child could tell that he was talking nonsense. But needless to say, Cheng Feng is indeed very affectionate. As far as he knew, Cheng Feng and Shen Bing had never met each other a few times. It was difficult for him to still miss them after such a long time.

"I advise you not to think about it. The two of them have been married a long time ago and are very much in love." Wu Di shook his head and sighed: "And I called Xiaomeng a while ago. Shen Bing is pregnant. She is already six months old. It’s been seven months, I guess it will be a while before the baby is born.”

"Let's talk about Xiaomeng, he is really awesome now." After taking a sip of wine, Wu Di continued: "Didn't he do something with Wang Yan? Later, Wang Yan arranged for him to be the general manager of the subsidiary company, the one who fights for it. What do you think? Do you know?"

"I know, what next?"

"The month you were detained, Pinyidao just happened to raise funds, and then Series B, Series C, and now we are here. I read on the news that Pinyidao seems to be going public recently. What is Pinyidao's current valuation? You know Well?"

Without waiting for Cheng Feng to speak, Wu Di asked and answered: "More than 20 billion U.S. dollars. Even if Xiaomeng only has 0.5 shares in his hand, at least it would be 100 million U.S. dollars, not Chinese dollars. After the listing, , with Pinyidao's current user scale and revenue capabilities, it is definitely higher, and doubling it is not a problem. In just three years, he has reached where he is today. It's really... things are unpredictable..."

Wu Di was really envious and jealous. He knew that Shi Xiaomeng was going to take off, but he never imagined that he would fly like this. Who would have thought that in the past, he wore a pair of underwear for four years, and when he was the poorest, he couldn't afford to eat. After work, his staple food was mostly instant noodles. A player who relied on his constant support could achieve what he has today?

When Cheng Feng heard one hundred million dollars, the hand holding the cup trembled unconsciously, and then he saw that his knuckles turned white, which was due to excessive force.

"He's like's pretty good..."

Cheng Feng's tone was sour. Shi Xiaomeng had to bear the main responsibility for what happened to him today. How come he has been in prison for more than two years, and Shi Xiaomeng can enjoy success holding the woman he has longed for and loved so much? That doesn't make sense. It's just bad luck. Who is Shi Xiaomeng? Is he worthy of a player he used to watch as a lively player, a player he used to let him know how poor people can be?

"Where's Lin Xia?"

Wu Di shook his head: "There has been no news and no contact."

Cheng Feng didn't say anything. He poured a full glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing him like this, Wu Di had no choice but to take a small sip with him. He is not Cheng Feng, but he can also imagine the pain in Cheng Feng's heart at this moment. He is the only one left with nothing in the world, and he is the only friend left. He feels uncomfortable leaving anyone alone.

Cheng Feng didn't say anything more after that. He and Wu Diliang once again looked at Qiang covered with post-it notes and reminisced about the past together. They talked about how things were when they were still there before. The more they talked about it, the sadder they became, and the sadder they became. The more.

When Tongchui finished his work, Wu Di reluctantly walked back to the river. Cheng Feng had already finished drinking and was acting like a drunk. Crying and laughing at the same time, and occasionally swearing vaguely...

Tongchui found a driver and asked the waiter in the store to help put Wu Di and Cheng Feng in the car and send them away...

The next day, Cheng Feng woke up rubbing his head and looking at the unfamiliar environment, he couldn't tell where he was.

Wu Di brought a glass of water over: "You're awake, here, drink some water."

After taking a long sip from the water glass, Cheng Feng looked at the surrounding environment: "Your home?"

"Yes. As I told you before, I bought it later."

After Wu Wei died, he left a lot of money to Wu Di. He had no other way to make money, so he simply bought part of it for financial management and part of it bought a new house where he lives now. He himself quit his old sad job, since he had no worries about food and drink anyway, and found an 8-to-5 job to dawdle around. The main reason is that there is no one around me to talk to, and I am too lonely by myself. It doesn’t matter how much my salary is, just to chat with my colleagues after work.

"Hmm...not bad, pretty good."

Cheng Feng felt even more damn uncomfortable. The original group of people were living a good life, but he was now in such a miserable state.

Wu Di noticed Cheng Feng's loss and knew that he was homeless: "Madman, you will live here from now on. It's boring for me to live in such a big house by myself. You can still be my companion. Oh. , yes, there are more.”

As he spoke, Wu Di turned around and walked out. He came back after a while, took out a bank card and handed it to Cheng Feng: "Here, this is what Xiaomeng paid back to you. I took a look and found it was a little over thirty thousand." , enough for you to spend a while. If it's not enough, just tell me, I have it here."

He wanted to refuse, but thinking of his empty pocket, Cheng Feng hesitated for a moment before taking it with a wry smile: "Thirty thousand yuan..."

Seeing him take it, Wu Di smiled: "I took a day off today to go shopping with you and buy some clothes and stuff. And the development is so fast now that you don't dare to recognize many places anymore. Let me tell you about the changes in the capital in the past two years."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Okay."

"Just pack up, let's go have breakfast and then go..."

The next day, Cheng Feng spent 10,000 yuan to find someone to buy Shi Xiaomeng's home address.

On the third day, because the community was too high-end and it was difficult to get in, Cheng Feng stayed outside for a whole day to no avail.

On the third day, guard...

On the fourth day, guard...

On the fifth day, guard...

It wasn't until the sixth day that Cheng Feng finally saw once again that startling glimpse that made his heart tremble and made him sleepless all night. After more than two years, he once again saw the sweet and pure woman who had accompanied him on countless sleepless nights, hidden deep in his memory. But when he took a closer look, he couldn't help but frown...

Shen Bing was already seven months pregnant, and her belly was already getting bigger. She also gained weight due to the fierce attack from her parents.

At this moment, he held his hands on his waist and walked slowly on the road. Shi Xiaomeng followed and supported her carefully, fearing that something might happen.

Seeing Shi Xiaomeng's nervous look, Shen Bing smiled and said, "I can do it myself, it'll be fine."

"No, as long as the child is not born, you can't let down your guard for a day." Shi Xiaomeng said: "You said you are the same, there is not enough space in the community for you to walk around? You have to come out and wander around."

"I've been in there for too long, and I'm tired of watching. Besides, I see other people doing what they should do when they're pregnant, but they're not like me. They're not allowed to do this or that even if they're pregnant. . Oh, and these two mothers, my God..." Shen Bing pinched his face unconsciously, looked down at his figure: "I don't care, you ate all those things today, anyway, I don't have eaten."

Shi Xiaomeng nodded and bowed: "I eat, I eat everything. You also know, girl, old people have old ideas, and we can't say otherwise."

"Didn't you listen to the doctor during the last prenatal checkup? Overnutrition is not good for giving birth." Shen Bing rolled her eyes: "It's not you who gave birth to the baby. It's really..."

"Hmm...that's it." Shi Xiaomeng thought for a moment: "Bring both of us to the next prenatal check-up and let the doctor talk to them. If you don't listen to us, you must listen to what the doctors and experts say."

"You go ahead and pull her down. It's not like my mother has never been there before. Isn't it the same now?"

Shi Xiaomeng chuckled and said nothing.

Shen Bing couldn't see how stupid he was, so she gave him an angry look.

The house I bought later was located in the Third Ring Road. The location was quite good, and the facilities such as hospitals and shopping malls nearby were absolutely complete. Coming out of the gate of the community and walking a few hundred meters, you will find a shopping mall. This time, Shen Bing also had a whim and wanted to go shopping and show some clothes to her unborn child. This is what every expectant mother and father likes to do most during pregnancy. It is the happiness of welcoming a new life.

The two of them had just left the gate of the community, and Cheng Feng couldn't help but walked towards the two who were talking and laughing.

Shi Xiaomeng didn't recognize it at first, mainly because Cheng Feng had changed so much. The original fashionable long hair is gone, and now it is only three inches tall. He has also lost a lot of weight. If you don't look carefully, you really can't tell it if you haven't seen him for a long time.

It wasn't until Shi Xiaomeng looked at Cheng Feng walking straight towards them and carefully identified him that he realized that the person coming was Cheng Feng.

Without thinking much, Shi Xiaomeng immediately guarded Shen Bing behind him with vigilance, looked at Cheng Feng standing in front of him and said, "What do you want to do?"

There were no greetings from when he came out, no concern from old friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Shi Xiaomeng didn't care about useless things. He only cared about the women around him and his unborn child.

Cheng Feng smiled disdainfully and did not answer. He just looked at Shen Bing, who was being hugged behind by Shi Xiaomeng: "It are doing well."

Shen Bing looked at the seemingly infatuated Cheng Feng and nervously tugged at the corner of Shi Xiaomeng's clothes.

Shi Xiaomeng frowned and said, "What on earth are you going to do?"

Seeing the hint of majesty in his brows, Cheng Feng laughed and said, "He's just a lucky guy. Shen Bing should belong to me."

He originally wanted to talk nicely, but he couldn't remain calm after all when standing in front of him. It's just that the two of them are not enemies of life and death, and it is certain that they will never interact with each other until death.

Originally, after more than two years, he thought that he could let go of the past and face Shi Xiaomeng normally. Looking at the two people cuddling together, he became more and more angry.

He will never forgive Shi Xiaomeng, who caused what happened to him today and occupied Shen Bing.

"He has always belonged to me, Shi Xiaomeng, so don't dream about him, Cheng Feng."

After speaking, Shi Xiaomeng turned around and gave Shen Bing a look, indicating that she should leave first. He felt that Cheng Feng had gone crazy and a normal person wouldn't be able to do this.

Seeing that Shen Bing was about to leave, Cheng Feng wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Shi Xiaomeng.

Unable to break away from Shi Xiaomeng, Cheng Feng shouted: "Shen Bing, don't leave. I have something to say to you. I have something to say to you, Shen Bing..."

How dare Shen Bing pay attention to him? He walked towards the entrance of the community at the back without looking back. She was afraid that Shi Xiaomeng would suffer a loss, so she wanted to find the security guard and then stay alone so that the child in her belly would not be affected.

Seeing Shen Bing walking away without looking back, his hysteria was useless, Cheng Feng exploded and punched Shi Xiaomeng directly in the face.

Shi Xiaomeng was beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back. What if he hadn't noticed and let Cheng Feng run away and startled Shen Bing? He gritted his teeth and grabbed Cheng Feng to prevent him from running after Shen Bing.

Cheng Feng hit Shi Xiaomeng lifelessly: "It's all you, Shi Xiaomeng, it's all you. It's you who caused me to be here today. When you gave Shen Bing to me, would I have what I have today? My father came to find you. , why don’t you agree? Forget it if you don’t agree, why did you tell Wu Di, why did Wu Di tell me, ah? If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have quarreled with my dad, and he wouldn’t have died. If he didn’t die, I wouldn't have gone bankrupt, let alone spent more than two years in jail, Shi Xiaomeng, it's all your fault..."

"Oh, and that idiot named Wang. Why is he everywhere? Huh? Why should he help you? Why should he help you? He actually hired Lin Xia? Huh? Why? Why is he everywhere? Huh? He is also the culprit, and he can’t escape."

"How come Shen Bing, such a good girl, ends up with a loser like you? Huh? You don't even look in the mirror. Do you deserve it? You ungrateful bitch. When you couldn't eat, who gave you money to say no?" Did I ask you to pay it back? I didn’t have enough money to buy the house. Did I get upset? Did I ask you to pay it back? Ah? How much can I help you? Shi Xiaomeng, please check your conscience yourself. Do you still have it? Ah? Yours My conscience was eaten by dogs, and this is how you repay me?"

"Repay me the money? Why didn't you pay me back earlier? Why didn't you wait until I was bankrupt and had no money before you paid me back? Didn't you just deliberately tease me and make me laugh? Ah? You thought it was over after you paid back the money? It's you You keep talking about love, but where is your love? Is it because of my father’s death, or because I’m bankrupt and in jail?”

"I have been destroyed by you, Shi Xiaomeng. I have nothing left, no money, no car, no house, no job, no biological father, no Shen Bing. Everything is caused by you, you bastard. I’ll fucking kill you.”

If Shi Xiaomeng didn't fight back at first because of Shen Bing, then it was simply because he didn't fight back. He is just an ordinary person, his physical fitness is average, and his ability to resist blows is even worse. Cheng Feng's output had already stunned Shi Xiaomeng.

When the security guards who came over after receiving the news from Shen Bing pulled Cheng Feng away, Shi Xiaomeng, who was covered in blood, couldn't get up at all.

After being helped up by the security guard, Shi Xiaomeng came back to his senses and looked at the crowd that had gathered for a long time. Many of them were even recording with their mobile phones. He knew with his feet that these people were going to fucking tremble.

Not paying attention to that, Shi Xiaomeng rubbed his face, arched his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. He grinned and looked at Cheng Feng, who was being driven by the security guard and was trying to kill him: "Madman, I'm going to pay you back for this, you." Let’s go…”

When Cheng Feng heard this, he struggled even harder and shouted hysterically: "Repay me? Shi Xiaomeng, a poor guy like me, just gave me back after being beaten? How can you pay back my father's death? You don't have the money that I don't have." How do you pay back? I have been in jail for more than two years. How do you pay back? I should have been with Shen Bing, how do you pay back? Ah? How do you pay back?"

This hoarse roar really made the listeners sad and the listeners weeping. The crowd watching the excitement pointed at Shi Xiaomeng for a while. Everyone knows what the price of the community behind them is, coupled with Cheng Feng's words and Shi Xiaomeng's forehead being beaten and covered in blood, isn't the result obvious? Shi Xiaomeng is a bad guy. He killed his father, caused his family to go bankrupt, stole his girlfriend, and made his fortune. For a moment, the onlookers were buzzing and pointing at Shi Xiaomeng.

Shi Xiaomeng didn't pay attention to the opinions of others. These were just minor problems.

He stared at the arrogant Cheng Feng for a while, raised the corners of his mouth, and gave him a deep look: "Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, Shi Xiaomeng let the security guard help him away. He was beaten badly. He had to go to the hospital to deal with it. The most important thing was to comfort Shen Bing, but not to cause fetal infection.

The security guard who was driving Cheng Feng, who was still yelling, heard the retreat command coming from the intercom, and then shook his head and let him go.

Cheng Feng didn't give up. Now that he had reached this point, what else could he do? He walked to the gate of the community and started spraying. Regardless, he waved and found an enthusiastic person who was enthusiastic about taking pictures and asked him to take pictures of him.

Anyway, Cheng Feng is the one who has a hard time, so no one else will have a hard time...

The next day, Zhongguancun.

Wang Yan looked at Shi Xiaomeng, who had gauze on his head in front of him, and shook his head helplessly: "It's already like this, just raising it at home, why do you still come to work?"

Shi Xiaomeng put down the teacup, grinned habitually, and bared his teeth in pain, "It's just a skin injury, it's nothing to worry about. What Cheng Feng did yesterday and even accepted a fucking interview has affected us." It's indeed not small. The key is that he has exposed a lot of things about you, and it is now in the critical period of listing, so you can't be careless. It's my own fault, so I have to deal with it, okay. And I just received news that several reporters I made an appointment to interview Cheng Feng, damn..."

He knew what Wang Yan's temper was like, and he didn't say any nonsense to cause trouble for this or that from beginning to end. If there is a problem, just solve it. It is useless to say anything else, and Wang Yan will not listen.

Wang Yan waved his hand and said calmly: "This is a trivial matter, not a big problem. Yesterday, when the incident happened, someone had already compiled Cheng Feng's information from childhood to adulthood. You don't have confidence in him yet."

Shi Xiaomeng chuckled, he was so confident in Cheng Feng. Just like that, you have a lot of bad debts under your butt, and you still want to smear them?

"When the time comes, just find a newspaper or something to announce it. Oh, if you are interested, you can open an account on Douyishou. Talk about it and let people know what is going on. If you don't want to Just forget it if you show up, it doesn’t matter.”

Shi Xiaomeng shook his head and laughed at himself: "Why should I be afraid of showing up in public? Now the Internet is full of pictures of me being beaten. Who doesn't know me, Shi Xiaomeng? I will post one in a while, talk about it carefully, and let others comment on it." .”

"By the way, is Shen Bing okay?"

As soon as Shen Bing was mentioned, Shi Xiaomeng became angry: "I was frightened and had some fetal turbulence. The doctor said that it would be fine if I took good care of myself. It was all Cheng Feng's fault. Fortunately, Shen Bing and the child were fine, otherwise I would have flown You have to fight him tooth and nail."

After talking for a while, Shi Xiaomeng went back to send the video, while Wang Yan drank tea quietly by himself.

Cheng Feng was a bit ignorant this time. Maybe he was stupid because of being in jail and became a real madman. If you want to make a fuss, just make a fuss, and you have to drag someone like him along with you. Originally, the mysterious Internet boss who stirred up the storm was quite attractive, but now Cheng Feng talks about everything. Basically, people all over the country know that he, Wang, raised two people, which is like a fucking joke. He didn't need to think about it to know that this horse and that horse were watching the fun, and they might even be behind it.

In fact, Wang Yan can understand Cheng Feng's current behavior. After all, Cheng Feng is so self-centered. This shows that he still hasn't properly looked for the reasons within himself. He attributes everything today to others. He has nothing wrong with him at all. Just like he said, if Shen Bing was given to him, today would not be the case. He blames Shi Xiaomeng for not cooperating, and blames Wang for obstructing him and ruining his good deeds.

The gap between the normal methods is too big, so it would be better to simply fight to the death. Building a company depends on word of mouth. If the big brother is so cool, how can a company be good? This was Cheng Feng's purpose. It was very simple, just to make them stink. It just so happens that they are still in the critical period of listing, and the impact of any disturbance is huge, not to mention the information revealed by the founder and actual managers.

He Wang has experienced too much, and he can understand basically everyone who causes trouble with them. But again, I understand, but I cannot forgive. Originally, he didn't want to bother Cheng Feng, but now that he was forced to move forward, don't blame Wang.

Cheng Feng has behaved honestly these days. Although he is completely different from the other two, Wu Di feels that this is a transformation from being in prison. As for Cheng Feng going out early and coming back late every day, he thought he was seriously looking for a job, or just taking a leisurely stroll around this huge and ever-changing capital city.

But he didn't expect that Cheng Feng was so evil that he would stalk Shi Xiaomeng and Shen Bing, and even cause such a big disturbance. Seeing those pictures on the Internet of Cheng Feng beating Shi Xiaomeng violently, Wu Di really wanted to beat Cheng Feng in the same way.

Does Shi Xiaomeng have a problem? What were those words? Is it possible that today is all caused by others? Don’t you just think about your own reasons? Blame everyone else? Are you sitting in jail for more than two fucking years in vain? Instead of reflecting on his own faults, he went on to blame others. So, when Cheng Shengen died, Cheng Feng said it was all his fault. Without him, Cheng Shengen would not have died. He was serious, and he still remembers it now?

Wu Di was very disappointed with Cheng Feng, feeling that he was completely terminally ill, hopeless and completely crazy.

But after all, we were good friends and brothers, and we still want to save him. So Wu Di called Shi Xiaomeng that day, hoping that Shi Xiaomeng could control it and not expand the matter. After it cools down naturally, hello, me and everyone.

Shi Xiaomeng was very considerate and said that as long as Cheng Feng didn't cause trouble, there would be no problem on his side.

To be honest, Wu Di was very grateful to Shi Xiaomeng. He knew what Cheng Feng's quarrel meant to Shi Xiaomeng. But I didn't expect that Cheng Feng wouldn't do it at all. After the matter escalated a bit in the evening, he accepted an interview with the reporter who came to visit him, making it clear that he was going to fight to the death.

Wu Di's desperate attempts to stop him were of no use. Cheng Feng couldn't listen at all. He even had a big quarrel with them and broke up with them directly. No matter what, he had unshirkable responsibilities and moved out of his house.

Having said it this far, Wu Di simply didn't give a damn. You're a rotten person, love him to death. He had never denied that he had a problem, but that wasn't what Cheng Feng was so worried about. To be honest, Cheng Feng is so crazy now that he is afraid that one day Cheng Feng will go crazy and take him away while he is sleeping unprepared...

Cheng Feng left Wu Di's house and ate and drank with reporters who needed him. After being made comfortable, he broke the news like crazy, Shi Xiaomeng's, and Wang Yan's. Anyway, he doesn't care anymore and says nothing. He knew relatively little about Wang Yan, but it didn't matter. If he didn't know anything, he would just make it up. Anyway, he would say whatever he wanted.

Anyway, he has nothing now and doesn't care about anything anymore. He doesn't care about the many things. He will try to tear off some pieces of Wang Yan and Shi Xiaomeng's flesh no matter what.

How could he not reflect on his own problems after being in jail for more than two years? But every time he thought that everything was his own fault, he felt miserable.

He didn't want to admit it, and he didn't want to admit that it was all because of him. Because he fell in love with his brother's girlfriend, and because he failed to live up to expectations for a woman and made his own father angry to death. Because of his greed, he wanted more money, and he even wanted to completely control the Dade Group and kick out all the directors. As a result, he mistakenly believed in the slander of the bad people and was deceived into losing all his money. He spent more than two fucking years in jail and regretted it for the rest of his life.

For him, a child who has never experienced big storms and has always been under a protective umbrella, these are too cruel and a burden that he cannot bear.

In prison, he often dreamed of his mother, who had been dead for many years, looking at him with disappointment, and of his father, who was angry to death, pointing at him and saying, "Get out of here."

The same is true. Only by attributing these faults to others can he gain the peace of mind he thinks he has and sleep more comfortably.

The moment he saw Shen Bing, he couldn't control himself from thinking about it. He knew that it was all because of his momentary greed that led to today's results. So he lost control. He beat up Shi Xiaomeng to vent his anger and frantically blamed him, just to avoid self-condemnation.

He doesn't admit it, he's not wrong, he doesn't accept it...

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