The joy of online gossip is that people who are usually unattainable are pulled down from their pedestal and left in a state of embarrassment.

Although Shi Xiaomeng was the main person exposed, compared to Wang Yan, he was a little less impressive as a part-time worker.

The founder of WeChat, Pinyidao, Douyishouyin, etc., and the real controller of the entire company, he has single-handedly challenged many Internet giants, and is still thriving. In three years, others have gone through more than ten years. and even further. People are all curious about how this fool named Wang has such a long head and can come up with so many awesome products. I'm even more curious about what background this man named Wang has so that he can get to where he is today so smoothly.

The address of the house, the license plate number, the affairs of Yang Zixi and Lin Xia, and Wang Yan's personal information were all leaked. This is normal. After all, his identity is not kept secret. You can find out if you check carefully. A group of journalists with extraordinary powers and paid to do things, um... current affairs commentators, crazy with Wang Yan's rhythm. In addition, Cheng Feng was a little blind, and it was difficult to tell whether it was true or false.

Anyway, Wang Yan became popular. Driven by a group of people with ulterior motives, Wang Yan's affairs were all over the Internet.

Let’s just respond to this thing. The more you describe it, the darker it gets, and people won’t believe it. If you don't respond, people should think it's a fucking acquiescence. No matter how you say it, it won't work.

Mr. Wang is a man in the latrine who poops with his face facing outward. It is definitely not his habit to cause trouble with him.

With an order, the company's idle and panic-stricken legal department was dispatched. After all, if you don't work for a salary, it will be uncomfortable for a long time. According to Wang Yan's instructions, he did not rectify the useless lawyer's letters. After collecting the evidence, he directly sued more than 20 media, more than 200 influential current affairs commentators, and more than 100 Enthusiastic netizens who are more radical and dance more joyfully. Of course, the most important thing was that Cheng Feng couldn't run away either.

The effect was immediate. Seeing that Wang Yan was serious about his actions, a group of people cursed and said that Wang Yan couldn't afford to do this and that. It was just entertainment. Of course, they all knew that Wang Yan was innocent if he dared to accuse him. After all, the matter is so big and everyone is paying attention. Even if you really have a background, it won’t be easy. Who dares to get privileges at this time? Isn't that the old man eating arsenic?

Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to beep blindly anymore. Some of the rhythmic people basically stopped and began to delete posts and retreat without being noticed.

These things don't work well for melon-eating netizens. Apart from being a little cautious in their words, they still discuss it when it's time to discuss it. But there is no one to set the pace, and it cannot form a large-scale public opinion. It has no impact at all. It will be fine after a while when the popularity disappears.

A day later, when the video released by Shi Xiaomeng was fermented, several media outlets that had been prepared exposed the matter about Cheng Feng.

The information was very detailed. All kinds of classmates and friends came forward to tell Cheng Feng's bad things. In particular, many women involved came forward to give their own opinions.

And through the mouths of these people, they also restored the image of a scumbag who lived in debauchery, played with women, was unfilial to his parents, and did not value his friends.

In this way, coupled with Shi Xiaomeng's self-report video and the complete video of that day's incident leaked online, the whole thing becomes clear. It was Cheng Feng who fell in love with someone else's girlfriend and he went bankrupt due to fate. He attributed everything to Shi Xiaomeng.

People who eat melons are angry. How can there be such disgusting people? After doing such a thing, you still have the fucking nerve to slap him down? The key point is that they still believed it and really followed Cheng Feng's wishes?

The old uncle couldn't bear it, and the old aunt couldn't bear it even more. A bigger storm than before exploded on Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng didn't take it seriously after receiving the summons. He didn't care no matter what. Cheng Feng couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded when he saw the voices online that trolled Wang Yan, trolled Shi Xiaomeng, and boycotted WeChat, Pinyidao and other products suddenly died down.

But before he could think anything about it, the Internet was flooded with news about him, from childhood to now, and even some clips from prison.

To be honest, he didn't even remember those women. But since he came out to testify, it should be so...

Seeing Shi Xiaomeng bitterly talking about the past, all the posts discussing this matter, the unsightly and obscene words underneath, the online comments that exposed his scars one by one, and even a group of lesbians who share the same hatred and hatred, and even made him a tailor The word 'scumbag' was customized.

It will take another two or three years for the word 'scumbag' to become popular. It can be said that Cheng Feng's deeds changed the course of history, making the word 'scumbag' appear in China earlier, and giving a vote to flowers earlier. The prodigal defines it.

Cheng Feng held on to his cell phone and looked at the slanderous words that hurt his lungs and tubes. Cheng Feng felt neither joy nor sadness nor anger.

There is no greater sorrow than the death of his heart. His heart has already died. He has no relatives, no friends, and no money, so what’s the point?

Suddenly, a message came out on the phone.

Cheng Feng was stunned and woke up. He picked up his phone and took a look. It was a notification from WeChat...

The content is to thank the majority of netizens and product users for their support. Pinyidao decided to provide a lottery of 100 million and a subsidy of 800 million. Synchronized with WeChat, there will also be a lottery with a prize of 100 million. Douyishou launched a large-scale event called "The Past You". Participate in the filming of the video. Those with the most likes and support will be ranked from top to bottom and will receive a reward of 100 million. There are also various subsidy activities of varying amounts for its companies that are mainly engaged in local life services... There are all kinds of subsidies, and each company has a fucking two billion yuan.

Although Cheng Feng has poor abilities, he has served as a senior executive of a listed company. This activity is obviously to take advantage of this wave of popularity to do something big and once again increase product awareness. It is foreseeable that those companies will definitely usher in a download peak and user registration peak. If you spend so much money, you will definitely make it back twice, three times, or even four or five times.

Cheng Feng grinned, that's great...

He was shameless and let people all over the country laugh at him. Not only did he not affect others, but he also helped others to reach a higher level.

Cheng Feng found the cigarette case on the bedside table, picked it up, took a look at it, and threw it aside. He picked up the wine bottle again, shook it, stood up suddenly, and threw the bottle to the ground...

"I fucked with mud..."

Cheng Feng's eyes were red and bloodshot, and his chest was heaving.

After standing there for a while, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and took two steps forward to open the curtains.

It was daytime, the sun was shining, and the sky was clear.

The sun shines through the window and shines on Cheng Feng's pale face, giving him the only warmth.

After watching for a while, Cheng Feng murmured: "It's a nice weather..."

Then he turned around, tore off the quilt and put a piece of it into his arms, picked up his cell phone, straightened his clothes in the mirror, and walked out without any hesitation.

At the entrance of the supermarket, two girls who looked like students lowered their heads and compared their mobile phones, looking at Cheng Feng pointing.

"Hey, is he Cheng Feng, that scumbag?"

"When I take a look at my phone, there are pictures of him on the Internet... Well, it's true, it's him..."

One of the girls thought for a while, clenched her fists to cheer herself up, walked up to Cheng Feng, took a deep breath and said, "Scumbag..."

Then she turned around and ran away after her friend, fearing that she would be beaten if she ran too slowly, and she looked injured at first sight.

Cheng Feng looked confused. It took him a while to react before he remembered, oh, that's his new nickname.

To be honest, with that girl's appearance just now, she wouldn't be a scumbag even if she begged him to be a scumbag. What the hell is that?

It was just a small incident. Cheng Feng didn't pay attention. He walked to the side of the road with the things in his hand and waved to stop a taxi: "Guomao."

After a while, the car stopped at the Guomao Building. Cheng Feng looked up at the tall building, took a few deep breaths, and stepped inside.

I managed to get to the roof of the Guomao Building, put down the plastic bag in my hand, took out a bottle of Erguotou, opened it and took a long sip, then lit a cigarette, took it out of my pocket and started smoking in the hotel. The white quilt cover came out.

He took out a wallpaper knife and held it against his hand... After comparing it for a long time, he was afraid of pain...

After taking another sip of wine, Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and pressed his fingers hard.

He groaned in pain, and with the blood flowing out, he quickly put it on the ground and wrote on the white cloth. Maybe the opening was too small and no blood was left after writing only a few words.

Cheng Feng was cruel, took another sip of wine, picked up the knife and hit it hard on his palm, holding a cigarette tremblingly in his mouth, dipped his right hand into the blood on his left palm, and continued to write on the white cloth .

After doing this, Cheng Feng sat on the ground, puffing on a cigarette and a sip of wine, his eyes wandering, as if he was reminiscing about his life.

Unconsciously, the wine in his hand was all gone. Cheng Feng shook the bottle and threw it aside after realizing that it was gone.

The wine bottles clinked and rolled away along the slight curvature of the roof.

He chose this place because he remembered that this was where Lin Xia wanted to jump off the building and made a fuss. Now that he is here, he also wants to make a fuss, desperately trying to make people remember him, and even more, let the people who should remember him remember him.

After two years of development, Guomao has become even more prosperous. If he goes down, the impact will be huge...

Cheng Feng lit another cigarette, stood up, patted his butt, straightened his clothes, took the white cloth with the blood on it to dry, and walked to the edge of the roof to stand. Looking into the distance with distant eyes...

After a long time, someone finally spotted Cheng Feng standing on the roof and shouted: "Someone is going to jump off the building..."

Cheng Feng was startled back to his senses by the movement below. He looked at the open space below and the crowd that had already formed a large circle. He raised the corners of his mouth and laughed disdainfully.

This group of people down there, head to head, are all dog baskets...

He raised his hand and took a puff of the cigarette that was about to burn out. He pushed the cigarette butt away as hard as he could, hoping that there would be a lieutenant general below.

Cheng Feng suddenly threw down the white cloth he was holding in his hand, and then he swayed and stopped jumping in time. It was so damn high that he was a little scared.

Following Cheng Feng's actions just now, the people watching below were also startled. Suddenly, a woman covered her eyes and screamed. It wasn't until after waiting for a while that someone was still up there, that I could calm down my little heart that was pounding.

Of course, some people's way of calming down is to curse loudly: "You're so damn good at dancing. I'll stay with you in such a cold weather..."

Cheng Feng spat in that direction, then turned and left the edge.

After walking for more than ten meters, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and recalled the stunning glimpse that haunted him in order to draw some courageous strength...

Cheng Feng grinned, accelerated, took off, and jumped in the direction of the sound just now. Let you fucking watch me having fun, and I'll crush your mother to death...

Not to mention the movie playing in Cheng Feng's mind, it ended all at once, and he fell to the ground like a piece of mud...

As Cheng Feng landed, the white cloth he threw earlier also slowly floated down.

"Shi Xiaomeng, give me my life."



"Brother, the money spent this time was worth it." Shi Xiaomeng put down his tea cup and grinned happily: "In just a short period of time after the announcement of the event, our number of new registered users has caught up with the number of new registered users in the previous two or three days. Measured. The situation of other companies must not be bad, right?"

Wang Yan nodded: "The situation is similar."

Shi Xiaomeng said proudly: "He didn't even think of killing Cheng Feng. He got angry and helped us instead."

"It's just a small role. It can't make any big waves."

"That's right. If he was really capable, he wouldn't be like this today..."

"What, you still feel sorry for Cheng Feng?"

Shi Xiaomeng shook his head: "No, I just lamented the sudden change of things in the world. He has such a big family fortune, and he has been left with nothing. It's really..."


Before Wang Yan could say anything, there was a knock on the office door.


Wang Yan's male secretary walked in and nodded to the two of them: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Shi."

"Well, what's wrong?" Wang Yan nodded and asked.

"I just received the news that Cheng Feng committed suicide by jumping off the building at the China World Trade Center. He also left a piece of cloth with red letters on a white background, which said..." The secretary glanced at Shi Xiaomeng, took out his cell phone and said, "'Shi Xiaomeng, give me back Fate', this is a photo of the scene."

Wang Yan reached out to take it, glanced at it, raised his eyebrows and handed it to Shi Xiaomeng.

"Xiao Meng."

Shi Xiaomeng was in a daze when he heard the news about Cheng Feng jumping off the building. He heard Wang Yan calling him: "Ah? Ah... what's wrong, brother?"

Wang Yan raised his cell phone: "Photos from the scene."


Shi Xiaomeng reached out and took the phone. Wang Yan noticed that his hand was shaking...

After staring at the photo twice and flipping it back and forth, Shi Xiaomeng's face instantly turned pale.

Seeing his reaction, Wang Yan drank tea by himself.

This is normal. He had also seen the photo just now. The death scene was ugly, from all angles, and there was a white cloth with dark red writing on the side. Shi Xiaomeng was no match for him, a player with countless lawsuits over his life.

Shi Xiaomeng put down his cell phone while trembling and drank all the tea in his cup: "Brother, I... I'll take a rest."

His mood was very complicated, including the shock of the ugly death, a little sadness at suddenly learning about the death of his friend that year, and a sense of guilt. Plus the blood book, it really hit him...

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Go ahead, rest for two more days, and spend some time with Shen Bing."

Shi Xiaomeng nodded, stood up and left.

The secretary nodded to Wang Yanliang with a wink and left.

Wang Yan drank tea leisurely.

He understood Shi Xiaomeng. After all, Shi Xiaomeng didn't know what he, Wang, had done. He would only think that Cheng Shengen's death, plus Cheng Feng's death, would all be blamed on him. To a certain extent, Shi Xiaomeng could be regarded as destroying Cheng Feng's door.

The main reason is that Shi Xiaomeng is not ruthless enough. Once Cheng Feng dies, the problem will be eliminated, and people's nasty disease of nostalgia will come back. Moreover, there were a lot of bad things going on between them, and it was normal for them to be a little confused for a while.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Mr. Wang. Now that Shi Xiaomeng has a successful career and a wife who is expecting a baby, he really can no longer drive by himself...

That day, Shi Xiaomeng fell seriously ill and rested for a week before he felt better.

Cheng Feng's death was quite sensational, and Shen Bing naturally knew about it. And she also knew that although Cheng Feng was not a thing, he had actually helped Shi Xiaomeng in the past, and Shi Xiaomeng had often said good things about Cheng Feng to her before. Now that the person suddenly disappeared, and even Shi Xiaomeng was given a hand, it was normal to think more.

After Shi Xiaomeng recovered from his illness, he went to work and stayed with his wife in a down-to-earth manner, and never mentioned this or that from back then.

As for Wu Di, since that time when he interceded for Cheng Feng and had a phone call with Shi Xiaomeng, the two of them had not contacted each other again. That was a tacit understanding between adults.

The following year, at the end of February, Shen Bing gave birth to a son.

Shi Xiaomeng was so happy that he only called Wang Yan to share...

Wang Yan was still as cool as ever. Apart from chatting with the two ladies, he was strolling around the capital, studying artificial intelligence and other things, and felt very proud of himself.

After WeChat and Pinyidao were listed on the market, Wang Yan borrowed some money and once again established a prescription research laboratory, recruiting a group of experts in traditional Chinese and Western medicine to continue research.

As for Shi Xiaomeng, after Pinyidao went public and operated for another year, Wang Yan transferred him to the company's headquarters and gave him two shares of the head office, intending to let him take over his position.

Whether you have money or not, life goes by day by day, and the same goes for Wang Yan. The only difference is that there are more women around him, his consumption is higher, and his life is more casual, that's all.

Overall it's pretty bland.

In 2019, Wang Yan once again bought a factory specializing in the production of masks, protective clothing and other supplies.

He will definitely leave when the time comes, but he never knows what will happen after leaving, so he should prepare as soon as he needs to...

As for artificial intelligence, Wang Yan started memorizing the core code four months in advance. After nearly ten years of development, the code has become even more damning. It turns out that the codes he compiled still have additions, deletions and modifications to varying degrees, which is a big job.

On New Year's Eve, Wang Yan, Yang Zixi and Lin Xia's family had dinner together at noon, and they all went back in the evening. Because in the morning, a message from the system's living father came unexpectedly, telling him that he could retreat. He came back from lunch to check the code, as if his mother was about to go to the exam room.

Wang Yan in the study confirmed the code, then stood up, took a sip of water, and put the cup aside.

Wang Yan pulled out the system panel and clicked to select...

A burst of blue light flashed, and Mr. Wang disappeared...

Thanks to brother (Kakamao) for the reward of 500 coins and the monthly ticket support.

Thanks to Brother (Hu Yanyan) for the 200 coins support.

Thanks to the three elder brothers (Brother Nihui), (Brother Xu) and (Brother NEW Feng) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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