In the northern land in June, the sun is scorching, the climate is dry, and the heat wave is rising.

A dilapidated fortress thirty miles outside Shanhaiguan was being rebuilt by conscripted civilian men, many military households, and a large number of soldiers from a hundred households. The big-headed soldiers were sent by Wang Yan to wield sledgehammers to improve their physical fitness. After Sun Chengzong eliminated a group of them and trained them for several years, the quality of these frontier soldiers was still far behind Wang Yan's requirements. They were too incompetent.

Two big soldiers who were patrolling in the distance were hiding in the shade of the trees and chatting.

"Hey, just at the end of last month, what happened a while ago was that the Wang Gong factory in the capital suffered a sudden disaster. I heard that tens of thousands of people died. Do you know that?"

"So many people died?" One person frowned and said, "I didn't say that, we are all brothers from the same Qianhusuo, how come you know and I don't know?"

"The day before yesterday, our Lord Qianhu asked me to go to Shanhaiguan to deliver a message to Lord Dusi. I heard what the brothers over there said."

"Do you think it's because..." As the man spoke, he pointed to the sky.

"Who can say for sure? I heard that the explosion was really powerful. Moreover, the death was very strange. All the clothes on the body were gone..."

"It's so miserable." After hearing the details, one person clicked his tongue and said, "Things far away in the capital have nothing to do with us. Having said that, despite his young age, our newly appointed Qianhu adults are really powerful. .”

"Look at what you said, if I didn't have those two tricks, would I be able to become a member of a thousand households at the age of sixteen?" As he spoke, the man pulled out his sword, held it in a sword pattern and performed a few moves before putting it away. Sheath: "Not to mention anything else, the two moves he taught us are much better than the ones we practiced before. They can really kill you with a knife."

"If you ask me, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he does not deduct our salary, which is much better. Maybe I am still too young and don't know how good money is... Ouch... Who the hell is kicking me ...Ah, I forgive you, Master Qianhu, but I didn’t mean to offend..."

After giving the swordsman another kick, Wang Yan walked out with a smile. He had been listening to his daily patrol for a while, and then he heard the famous Apocalypse explosion from these two gossips. The key point is that you still dare to say small things about him behind his back. Even if you say good things, that's not okay. This is a typical example of being unorganized and undisciplined.

"Zhang Si and Liu Qi, you two can do it. I'm going to let you stand on guard and patrol. It's better for you two to just enjoy the cool and gossip here? Huh?"

He has a total of more than 600 people under his command. After such a long time, he knows everyone's name. People are the main labor force at the moment, and with the long nights and no entertainment activities, all we can do is make little people. My parents were promoted, but they didn't know any of them, so the eldest, second, and third eldest were promoted. Many of his subordinates had such names.

This thing also involves a sense of honor. The higher his position in the future, the greater the sense of honor and mission brought by calling the name of the bottom soldier. In a situation where there is both a future and a way to make money, I am happy to be called by someone like him. How can I say that one meal can make three big bowls of rice?

The two of them nodded and bowed, grinning. This child was too intimidating. Not to mention Qianhu's identity, even with his martial arts skills, the two of them had to be honest.

"Master Qianhu, the two of us were just resting here and didn't say much, really."

"Ah, yes, yes, just arrived, just arrived."

Wang Yan went up and kicked one of them again: "Go back and find someone to come over and stand guard. Then you two wield five hundred swords and run for twenty miles."

"Ah, sir, we..."

Wang Qianhu looked at Zhang Laosi with a smile: "Swing a sword six hundred times and run thirty miles."

"not me……"

"Swing a sword seven hundred times and run forty miles."


Liu Laoqi covered Zhang Laosi's foul mouth, and if he allowed this guy to continue talking, they would both die. He immediately dragged Zhang Laosi and left: "Sir, we are going back now. You Don’t worry, it will definitely be accurate to every detail.”

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, watched the two mallets run away, then strolled around and continued to patrol before returning to the station.

It had only been a few days since he had been stationed here. The explosion that occurred on May 30th had already been reported. This news was much more than the inn that the mother was rushing to do. With so many whips, it would be useless gossip at any time. Hurry, maybe it will be over to Houjin, Mongolia, and North Korea.

Wang Yan had no opinion on this matter. If you want to watch it, you can just stand aside and watch it. He is babbling and doesn't know what's going on.

Although he was promoted to Qianhu this time, the salary was not as high as the high-end Qianhu Yamen before the guardhouse collapsed. It was still a separate barracks like Baihu.

Returning to his house and temporary office, Wang Yan poured a cup of tea, sat down and picked up a handmade hardcover book with the word 'arithmetic' written on the cover. He flipped through it casually to see if there were any errors or omissions. Something like that.

This is a mathematics book that Wang Yan spent several months compiling from the shallower to the more profound after the Ningyuan War. There are also three other books: "The Study of Things", "Compulsory Thoughts" and "Military and Martial Arts Code".

The most important thing now, of course, has nothing to do with the above-mentioned books. The most important thing is to learn to read first. After all, I don’t even know the words, and yet I’m talking so much nonsense.

Several hundred households were literate, but Wang Yan, a sixteen-year-old kid who was lucky enough to be in power, couldn't take things out. After all, anything good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, so he might as well just keep silent and make a fortune.

Four books that live up to their names. One is mathematics, the other is physics, and there are two compulsory textbooks on thinking. One is for older civilians and soldiers, and the other is for primary school students. They specialize in brainwashing... to strengthen the patriotic construction of soldiers, students and other people. The last one is military martial arts. There are also two books, one for the navy and one for the army. They contain methods of physical training and martial arts training, as well as the essentials of military discipline.

In the short term, none of these books will be used...

For a while, Wang Qianhu had nothing serious to do except training soldiers, so he made good use of his spare time to sort it out in a systematic way, so as not to forget about it in the future.

After watching for a while, Sun Fugui knocked on the door and came in: "Master Qianhu, everything you told me before is ready."

Wang Yan shook his head and stood up: "Old Sun, I have told you so many times that you don't need to be so polite. Let's discuss it in private."

Sun Fugui smiled and said nothing. It is necessary to distinguish between superior and inferior, not to mention that this is an army with extremely strict rules. He couldn't really believe what this young man Qianhu said. Even though he was not a big man, he was ruthless in dealing with people.

"Let's go and have a look."

There was no response, and Wang Yan didn't care, so he left first with a smile.

The two came to the corner of the military camp. On the ground was a large iron pot, a set of equipment that looked like a still, as well as filter vessels, Chinese herbal medicines, flowers and other miscellaneous things. There were also two medium-sized wild boars, about two hundred pounds. Next to him were about forty shirtless soldiers who saw Wang Yan coming over and greeted him in unison.

Buying pigs costs money, so Mr. Wang only had the salary of a hundred households and didn't have much money. Moreover, from time to time, he had to provide extra meals for his men and make up for the money that was due to those hundreds of households, which was not enough to spend. Even including his subsidies, it wasn't enough to do anything. He was so poor that he didn't dare to train hard.

So there were still dozens of firecrackers in hand, so Sun Fugui took people directly into the mountains to hunt... and train troops.

It's also hard for people to live now, and it's also hard for animals in the mountains. It took more than 40 fucking days of wandering deep in the mountains to get two.

"Lord Qianhu, what do you want these things for?" After asking, Sun Fugui clicked his tongue and said: "This wild boar is just right for the brothers to beat their teeth as a sacrifice."

"This is a treasure for making a fortune. If you want to eat it, you will have many opportunities."

"Sell for money?" Sun Fugui's first thought was this: "Sir, wild boar can indeed be sold for two yuan, but it can't be said to make a fortune..."

As he was talking, he thought to himself that it was impossible to let a child become an official. He was too short-sighted.

Wang Yan didn't know what Sun Fugui was thinking, so he ignored him at all. He glanced around and said, "Is there anyone who knows how to kill pigs?"

"Sir, I know how to do it. I used to be..."

"Stop, Li Mancang, am I asking you something else? After killing the pig, wield a knife for five hundred, run for twenty miles, supervise yourself, and almost see how I deal with you." Ignore the grievance boy, Wang Yan's eyes He glared at the group of meddlesome people who were gloating over their misfortunes: "Laughing? Is it that funny? Huh? Go to the fortress and swing a sledgehammer for me tomorrow."

"Master Qianhu, brothers are all..."

Someone nodded and bowed forward to explain. Wang Yan listened to him with a smile and said, "(name...), right? What you said makes sense. When Li Mancang finishes killing the pigs later, you can join him."


Sun Fugui kicked him over and yelled: "It's not that, it's not, you can do whatever I ask you to do. Where did all this nonsense come from? Get out of here."

In fact, they all know that Wang Qianhu is really good. He will try his best to provide subsidies even if he doesn't make any mistakes. He can basically solve any problems. What if they try the old Chen Baoning? These big-headed soldiers don't dare to fart. Of course, Wang Yan was young, the same generation as their nephew, and easy to talk to.

Ignoring the crowd looking at the unfortunate guy who was suppressing laughter, Wang Yan looked at Sun Fugui: "After killing the pig, get two hind legs and send them to the Commander-in-Chief, and get two front legs for Chen Shoubei and others." Zhang Dusi will give one piece to each person."

Seeing Sun Fugui nodding, he then said to Li Mancang: "The remaining brothers in our kitchen made a tooth-beating sacrifice. The pig picked off the fat and kept it for me to use, and the remaining meat was eaten together. Do you understand? "

Two pigs weighed 400 kilograms, and he sent out four legs, which was just over 300 kilograms. Then he removed the fat of a pig, which weighed several dozen kilograms again. He had more than 600 men Basically, it’s just eating two pieces of meat and drinking bone broth.

"Understood, sir, don't worry, I promise there will be no problem."

"Now that you understand, let's get to work."

He has been preparing for this for several months. He started looking for materials in the first two months. What Wang Qianhu wants to make is soap and soap. Nowadays, people mostly use plant ash mixed with grease and the like, which is far less effective than soap and toilet soap. If he comes up with this thing, it will be a huge source of wealth.

He is a member of a thousand households, with a low position and a low position. He is unable to withstand the covetousness of other generals and the Liaodong Civil Service Group. The commotion caused by these two things after they were released on the market has attracted the attention of wealthy businessmen, and they have turned around to initiate relations to study him. . It's also possible that this thing was taken aback by fucking Wei Zhongxian, and he really couldn't protect it himself.

So he had thought about it, he must find his eldest brother, and then tie the entire Liaodong military together. I can't believe who is so brave and dares to risk the disapproval of the world and steal money from the fucking Liaodong Guanning Army.

As long as he distributes most of his wealth and relies on military channels, a huge amount of money will come into his hands. Of course, the premise of all this is to keep the formula secret.

Wang is confident that this set of operations can be completed unless an accident occurs. For example, his eldest brother, General Guiman, was interested in this source of wealth. Then he, Wang, would really... admit it, but he had to be promoted, and so much money was not enough to upgrade him to a broken guard.

As for those Chinese herbal medicines and flowers, it is to increase the cost. By the way, he can get a lot of medicinal materials to make secret medicines to supply to the elite men on a small scale. Furthermore, adding various flavors of flowers will increase the price. . Soap is five taels a piece, and soap is twelve taels a piece. This price is not exorbitant at all. There are so many rich people.

That night, Wang Qianhu and his officers and soldiers drank a meal of broth happily and enthusiastically.

The next day, Wang Yan took Sun Fugui and two of his henchmen to prepare caustic soda, refine oil and glycerin, do this and then do that, and then combined with a pair of medicines that Wang Yan, an old Chinese medicine doctor, did not hurt people. , and added several grades of soap made from flowers and plants, as well as scented soap.

The extracted glycerin can be used in cosmetics and other products in the future, and can also be used to make nitroglycerin, which can then be used to make explosives...

It can not only make money and raise troops, but also improve the physical fitness of the soldiers under your command. The most important thing is to upgrade the technology tree, and you can get many things with one fell swoop...

Chemistry is really good...

In the blink of an eye, three days later, Sun Fugui stared blankly at the soaps and soaps packaged in good wooden boxes in front of him. Even though he made them throughout the process and saw them getting like this little by little, he still couldn't believe that just one look was enough. Very expensive things were made with his participation.

"This... this... Mr. Qianhu, this thing..."

Not to mention the other two subordinates, this thing has a huge impact on people like them who know nothing. I still don't understand how a bunch of useless things except lard can become such a precious thing.

It was also the first time for Wang Yan to make this thing. His hands were a bit disabled, otherwise it would have been cured in two days. His command and leadership skills are unparalleled, and to be honest, he has never developed his hands-on ability.

After all, he used to live in modern society, where he could do everything with just one sentence, and his subordinates would do it clearly and neatly. Now this sudden move makes him somewhat disabled. It seems that I will have to do more hands-on work in the future, and read more engineering books. This thing is really useful, especially at times like this.

Hearing Sun Fugui's words, Wang Yan nodded and said, "This is the source of wealth I'm talking about."

"I... um... take the liberty to ask, how do you... know such a precious secret recipe?"

There is nothing wrong with this at all. After all, Wang Yan, a sixteen-year-old boy who doesn't have all his hair, can beat a thief, which is already too much. As a result, he is now able to turn stone into gold, which is somewhat unbelievable.

Hearing this, the other two men also looked at Wang Yan closely. They were also afraid that the adults of this thousand households had been hit by evil spirits, and their bodies had been taken over by some kind of ghost or snake spirit.

"I forgot where I went with the old beggar when I was a kid, and I accidentally made that thing. Then I experimented with it again. After so many years of study and improvement, it became what it is today." Wang Yan laughed. Hehehe pointed at the caustic soda and babbled casually for a while, and then his face straightened: "From now on, these two things will be the source of wealth for the more than 600 brothers in our institute. Whether they can be popular and spicy depends on this. There is a saying I want to say that at the front, if anything here is leaked out today, it will be as severe as being cut into pieces or suffering from skin cramps."

Sun Fugui immediately straightened up: "Don't worry, sir, as long as this subordinate is still alive, it will be impossible for him to leak out in this life."

The other two people also quickly followed suit and promised again and again.

The fact that the three of them are here and able to participate shows that Wang Yan trusts them. Otherwise, why would there be only three of them among more than 600 people? And judging from the current situation, these thousand households are generous, and there is no need for them to take risks.

Wang Yan nodded: "Let's take over all the family members at home now. After a while, I will buy you a house in Shanhaiguan and send people to protect it. This will save you from being caught and threatened by your family members in the future."

"Don't worry, sir. I will fix a letter when I get back soon and let them come over as soon as possible."

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

The other two were simply more capable, a soldier. Although they were not stupid and knew that Wang Yan was intimidating, what could they do as a soldier? Besides, as long as they don't do anything wrong, don't you feel comfortable eating and drinking the soap and soap on the table?

Wang Yan nodded noncommittally: "That's it, you two go back first."

"My subordinates resign."

After the two younger brothers left, Wang Yan looked at Sun Fugui and said, "Pack up and follow me to see the Commander-in-Chief later."

"Yes, sir."

Sun Fugui didn't talk nonsense. Isn't this thing more willing to give up than the obvious one? He has been a Baihu for so long, but he still doesn’t understand that if you don’t give up, you won’t get anything at all? Immediately and obediently, I found a bag and packed the beautifully packaged soap and scented soap squarely.

The two of them went out, mounted their horses, and galloped all the way to Shanhaiguan.

When it comes to horseback riding, Wang Yan's level is quite good, with LV3.

I don’t know when the aristocratic sport was introduced from the foreign devils, but Mr. Wang practiced it for a period of time. Of course, he didn't ride a horse to pretend to be noble, but he used it as a skill for nothing. Compared with horse riding, a European aristocratic sport, he prefers riding European aristocratic horses...

His LV3 equestrian skill level is sufficient for him to perform archery on horseback, slash with a knife, spin and roll, etc. It's not too difficult to upgrade this thing. After a while, he gets on the right track. If he has nothing to do, he can go out for a walk on horseback. After a few battles, he will probably reach LV4. After all, compared to unstressful and boring training, chopping heads on the battlefield is the fastest way to level up.

All the way to the General Military Mansion in Mangui, Sun Fugui was asked to feed the horses. Wang Yan went to the door and asked for a report.

After a while, the guard standing guard at the door let him in and was very polite to Wang Yan.

There is no other way, Wang Qianhu has a bright future, the emperor has already registered with him, and General Manchu also wants to see this lucky young man...

If you really want to talk about it, in fact, these soldiers in the General Military Mansion are all servants of Mangui, and they are private soldiers. This situation is not uncommon. Yuan Chonghuan also has many subordinates, and other generals, big and small, have servants under them. Ordinary small-scale battles don't require other people, just a few generals and a large number of servants go out to do it.

It's no wonder that people are willing to be servants. After all, compared to those in the military, the pay is not that bad. It's really a good meal. Therefore, compared with the large number of Kuhaha soldiers that Wang Yan currently has, these servants have stronger combat effectiveness and better equipment. After all, they are all a bunch of fucking generals who have studied the elite border troops under their command. These talents are the de facto main force of the Guan Ning Army.

If he, Wang, hadn't been lucky enough to be praised by Zhu Youxiao, Mangui might have thought of taking him under his command.

Wang Yan followed the person who greeted him and walked in. When he saw Man Gui who was reading documents there, he knelt down on one knee with a very skillful 'click' and clasped his fists in salute: "Your Majesty, Wang Yan, please see the Commander-in-Chief."

"Get up." Mangui stroked his beard and nodded: "The meat of the wild boar legs delivered two days ago is of good quality. I'm sorry you are still thinking about me."

"As long as you eat well, sir, I will send someone into the mountain to see if we can catch a few more when we get back." Seeing Man Gui frowning, Wang Yan stood up without waiting for Man Gui to criticize him for not doing his job properly, and continued: "I just want to train my subordinates. The endurance of those soldiers and their cooperation in jungle warfare killed two birds with one stone."

"Haha... so good, so good." Man Gui smiled with satisfaction and praised. After all, jungle warfare does exist. Although it is useless for Hou Jin's cavalry, it allows the soldiers to practice their physical endurance. Always good. He knew the behavior of his soldiers and horses. Wang Yan's soldiers could still go out into the mountains to fight. Whether they were hunting wild boars or not, he was very happy. After all, they still had the strength to fight, which meant they were still motivated to fight.

After a moment of recognition, Mangui felt comfortable and glanced at the bag in Wang Yan's hand with a smile: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Your Excellency is really a master of calculation. This subordinate does have something to tell you, but..."

As he spoke, Wang Yan glanced at the soldiers standing guard at the door.

Mangui frowned. He didn't understand what a small Qianhu could have to say to him. He was silent for a moment and said to the soldier at the door: "Close the door and stay away."

"Yes, sir."

The two big-headed soldiers at the door responded and then closed the thick wooden door.

After the door was closed, Wang Yan carried the bag and walked to the opposite side of Man Gui. With Man Gui frowning, Wang Yan put the bag on the table, took out the beautifully packaged soap and scented soap, and placed them in two piles on the table.

After doing this, Wang Yan stretched out his hand and said, "Sir, please take a look."

Thanks to brother (Fu News) for the reward of 100 coins and the monthly pass for continued support.

Thanks to the reading user (Baiwei Life) for the 100-coin support.

Thanks to the two elder brothers (my name is Jin Li) (who eats spinach every day) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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