Under the warm sunshine, Wang Qianhu's residence is located thirty miles in front of Shanhaiguan.

Although it was already September and the weather was getting colder, on the school field, a group of shirtless and sweaty soldiers with resolute faces were singing "haha" and performing martial arts moves one after another.

The big-headed soldiers practiced military posture and goose-stepping for a month before changing subjects. In just one month, whether they were veterans or new recruits, they were well fed and nourished by good food and drink.

So Wang Yan taught him the boxing technique that he had summarized before that combined physical training and fighting. At the same time, he combined it with the nourishing herbal formulas he obtained. Of course, the efficacy was far from the level of those secret formulas, and they were too expensive. He couldn't afford it if more than a thousand people used it.

Therefore, after practicing for another month, the difference in personal physical talents can be roughly seen. Wang Yan organized an internal competition to determine the top two hundred seed boys, provide them with medicine and increase their training.

After finishing all these things, it will be now.

On the high platform set up in front of the school grounds, Wang Yan was dressed in black and sat on a round-backed armchair made of red sandalwood with his head raised. His freshly washed long hair was flying in the wind. , stepped on the front corner of the chair with his right foot, leaned completely on the back of the chair, put his left hand on the armrest to support his head, and looked boredly at the big soldiers performing martial arts below in a daze.

The business is going well and business is booming. The most amazing thing is that he even heard that those two soaps were fucking sold to Mongolia, Houjin, and North Korea. As for the drunken Jiangnan, there is no need to say more. The famous prostitutes in the brothel Chu Guan over there are all using this thing now. Wang Yan also cooperated and launched a complete set of hardcover soaps with various scents, such as plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, spring, summer, autumn and winter, which are quite popular.

The big-headed soldiers who practice martial arts below are also pretty good. They already have considerable combat effectiveness when they go to the battlefield with blades. Without bragging, the thousands of men he has now are the same as those before. With the cooperation of the military formation, it is not a big problem to fight three thousand people. Of course, the casualties are also not small. Basically, it will be fought in one battle. Wasted.

There is no way to measure it when fighting Hou Jin. After all, there are still less than half of the recruits here who have never been on the battlefield. But when thousands of people kill each other, it shouldn't be a big problem. Because in a war now, once the casualties cross the line, they will immediately collapse. The soldiers he trained are much better than those people. This is the military power forged by his iron and blood.

He has practiced so much, and after such a long time, there must be someone who is dissatisfied, or wants to escape. But it wasn't a big problem. Those who refused were beaten half to death by Wang Yan. After the escaped ones were caught, Wang Yan personally beheaded them on the high platform in front of thousands of people.

As for the big stick and sweet jujube, the big stick smashed down and the sweet jujube followed. Not to mention food and drink, these big-headed soldiers are paid in full. Wang Qianhu showed mercy. During the holidays, except for a small number of people who sent money home and stayed away, most people went to visit the brothels...

It has only been more than two months, and such results are quite sufficient. Moreover, he would not be unhappy on his own, leading his men to kill each other with several times the enemy's force.

The rest is the training of military doctors and the craftsmen.

As for the military doctor, the medical conditions are there, and he can't make flowers. Just give them some suturing skills and disinfection and so on.

As for the craftsmen, they are currently studying the steam engine given by Wang Yan...

Some other things were done by Sun Fugui and the subordinates he brought up. After this period of training, Sun Fugui's abilities were still sufficient and he handled them properly.

Sun Fugui's family had already taken it over and placed it in Shanhaiguan. He sent people to guard it.

In fact, as long as Sun Fugui maintains his current status, doesn't get greedy, and doesn't die recklessly, there is basically no problem with being rich in this life.

The reason why he brought up another person was not because he couldn't trust Sun Fugui. But leaving all the work to one person is really setting yourself up for trouble. Having someone come up to balance things out for a while can be considered an insurance policy and is good for everyone.

The same is true. Now Wang Yan basically has nothing serious to do. He can only watch his soldiers train and look for existence.

At this moment, he was sitting on a chair, his eyes wandering, and he was studying whether to make some moves or something. Although he now has a lot of materials and money in his hands, there are too many things and he can't use them. After all, there are only so many people. Besides, he's a fucking officer. He's been idle for more than half a year. How could he get to the position without fighting?

Last month, on August 11th, the sixth year since the dawn of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhaci died. Yuan Chonghuan sent someone to express his condolences. Of course, it was to express condolences, but also for the purpose of exploring the truth...

Then Huang Taiji came to power and directly approached Governor Yuan Da to negotiate peace.

Yuan Chonghuan agreed...

Of course, it is indeed a good idea to develop peacefully and accumulate strength for a period of time.

So now there are fights and talks in the front, and large-scale farming is starting in the back. It is said that Xiang Zhu Youxiao wants to regain the territory lost by his former eldest brother Dagaodi...

There is no specific result yet. It is probably still being discussed at the top. Anyway, Wang Yan did not receive any news from Man Gui.

Wang Yan held his head and couldn't help but think, what the hell is this Baylor and that elder brother's side, just watching Huang Taiji rise to power? Don’t you have any extra ideas?

At a time when the transfer of power is so sensitive, Governor Yuan and a group of civil and military ministers above the temple have no idea? Didn't you say that you would send someone to prod and prod other Baelor who are qualified to inherit the throne?

Hou Jin's total number of soldiers and horses is 200,000. Since the battle of Ningyuan, for half a year now, troops and horses have been mobilized and vacancies have been filled. It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 soldiers and horses.

But it has been a month since Nurhaci died, and there has been no movement.

Wang Yan didn't believe that these people didn't know the specific situation, and he also didn't believe that no one had any ideas. But the results of history told him that Huang Taiji had secured his position as the eldest brother.

Now that my subordinates have been sorted out and the foundation has been laid, it will be impossible not to fight and designate.

As soon as he thought of it, Wang Yan stood up and left.

Seeing Master Qianhu in front suddenly start fighting, thinking that the elder brother had something to say, the big-headed soldiers performing martial arts below subconsciously stopped their movements.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yan's face turned a little dark. Just now he thought that this soldier was practicing well, but what the hell is this?

Wang Yan paused, stood on the edge of the high platform, and shouted, "Did I tell you to stop? Ah?"

Seeing the eldest brother getting angry, the younger brother below stood at attention, not daring to make any movement. There is no fool like being smart enough to continue the previous actions in a panic, because past experience tells them that they will be dealt with more harshly.

It’s okay to say it or not, but it’s good to work with Wang Qianhu’s subordinates. Everyone usually talks and laughs, and Mr. Qianhu doesn’t have any airs, and he’s well paid, so he can handle anything he asks for. Basically, everything is good, but practicing all day long is killing me...

Knowing that they were going to suffer again, the soldiers below had their own thoughts...

Nodding with satisfaction, Wang Yan shouted: "Run forty miles in one hour. If you can't finish it, practice with me tomorrow. Move faster..."

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

The people below responded in unison, and then ran out silently without any unnecessary words.

After everyone ran away, Wang Yan staggered down the high platform and returned to the room, where his men helped him tie his hair, dress, and armor. Although it is a bit strange to be served by a man, but let's make do with it for now. After all, he is inconvenienced now, and it will be better after a while. There are two ladies serving him.

After finishing cleaning up, Wang Yan put on his sword, went out and rode horseback roaring towards Shanhaiguan.

This is a military operation. If you don't say hello to Big Brother, you would be really stupid.

The distance was only thirty miles, so it wouldn't take him long to get there by running, let alone riding a horse. Although his horse was not a thousand-mile horse, it was still a good war horse, um... fast and lightning-fast.

After a while, when they arrived at the General Military Mansion, they were informed by the soldiers standing guard at the door as usual.

Although Man Gui has already explained that he can just come and go directly, but after all, he is the younger brother, and his rank is too different to be taken seriously.

After a while, the soldier on guard came over to lead the way. Wang Yan followed the soldier to the place where Mangui was doing business.

Very naturally, Wang Qianhu suddenly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and saluted: "My subordinate, Wang Yan, please see the Commander-in-Chief."

"Hey, I have told you so many times, I treat you as my nephew, no need to see anyone outside." After Wang Yan paid his respects, Man Gui stood up, came over to support Wang Yan, and said, "Get up quickly, sit down and talk."

"Thank you, sir."

As he spoke, Wang Yan skillfully sat down at the bottom of the table.

When the hot tea was served, Mangui said with a smile: "What do you want to see me for this time?"

"Sir, now that Nurhachi is dead, Jiannu must be in internal turmoil. And my subordinates have been training troops for a long time, and it is time to test the results, so I am thinking..."

Before Wang Yan could finish speaking, Man Gui frowned and interrupted: "You want to go to war?"

Nodding, Wang Yan said: "Yes, sir. Of course, my subordinates will not go out with thousands of people. Instead, they will take the fifty cavalry sent by my Lord before to go deep into the enemy's rear and destroy their rear like General Mao did."

Now the relationship between the two is extraordinary and they have big interests involved, so they can just say whatever they want. If it works, Mangui will agree. If it doesn't work, Mangui will say it. Instead of talking official talk with them and saying nothing serious.

Man Gui did not speak, frowning, tapping his hands on the table back and forth. After a long while, he looked at Wang Yan: "I know you are eager to make contributions, but now Mr. Yuan is negotiating peace with Jiannu, and a single move can affect the whole body. This move of yours may have an impact on the strategy above, which is difficult to handle..."

He didn't understand what Wang Yan was thinking. At such a young age, wouldn't it be wrong to earn so much money and just enjoy it comfortably? Why do you still want to go out and kill people when you have nothing to do?

"Sir, my subordinates believe that they are determined to establish slaves and destroy the Ming Dynasty, and they have been coveting the country of the Ming Dynasty for a long time. Even if they openly reconcile, it is just a delaying tactic to buy time because of their internal instability. Sooner or later, they will still have to fight. of."

Wang Yan looked at Man Gui with sincere eyes: "General Mao in North Korea has not stopped moving, and there are frictions at the Jinzhou frontline post from time to time. Moreover, when my subordinates lead troops out, they will erase the traces of my Ming Dynasty and pretend to be a strongman. , so I privately believe that it will not have any impact on the peace talks."

Man Gui was still frowning in thought. In fact, he supported sending troops at this moment. Wang Qianhu, who was an amateur in military strategy, knew that there was internal instability, not to mention the Manchu Army general who had been in the army for many years?

But the civil servants have the final say in the world. Even though Wei Zhongxian is so awesome, he is just promoted by the emperor to compete with the civil servants. Just like that, Wei Zhongxian sent people to Jiangnan to collect taxes every damn time...

Unknowingly, Man Gui thought for a long time and slapped the table hard: "It's done."

"Yes, sir."

Wang Yan stood up and simply accepted the order.

"Well...you must be careful not to let anyone discover the traces of my Ming Dynasty. Also, if you are defeated and caught..."

There was no need for him to say more, Wang Yan said: "Don't worry, sir, my subordinates will only die in battle and will not be captured."

When he said this on the surface, he couldn't help but complain in his heart, Damn, wait a moment, say a little less, the table banged so loudly, I thought the Manchurian general soldier was peeing a lot, but the result is this?

Mangui stroked his beard and nodded, stood up and said: "So... be careful in everything..."

"Thank you, sir. I will take my leave."

Wang Yan bowed his hands, took two steps back, turned around and strode away...

When we got back to the station, a large group of soldiers had already finished running and were already resting and ready to fight.

After taking a look, Wang Yan asked someone to notify Sun Fugui to come see him, then turned and returned to his residence.

After a while, Sun Fugui knocked on the door and came in: "Sir."

Wang Yan did not talk nonsense and said directly: "Let the first forty-nine people who competed before and the eldest brother of Li Langzhong's family have a good rest. In addition, prepare dry food and water for fifty people for a week, and use the batch of unprinted weapons we prepared before. The armor is all ready."

"Sir, are you going out to fight?"

Wang Yan nodded and said: "It's none of your business. After I leave, you will be responsible for everything. Guard the house well, train the brothers well, and make money well."

"Don't worry, sir. I guarantee that I will have no problem taking this life."

"Go ahead."

"Yes, sir."

After Sun Fugui left, Wang Yan opened the back door and walked into a newly built room at the back with several thicker walls. He found dozens of hand-square, exquisitely packaged parcels in the dark, and waved them all into the space.

He had already prepared the glycerin, so he decided not to waste it. Before, he thought that chemistry was good, but it must be used properly. For such a long time, he had prepared so many explosives in fear. I have no choice but to be afraid. This thing is really going to explode if it doesn't work well. He doesn't have much, so he still can't fucking run away. And for the sake of lethality, he also added a lot of small iron pieces into it.

After making it, he secretly ran to the distant mountains to test its power, and it was quite effective. In the words of Governor Yuan, countless heads were killed in one explosion.

Returning to the front room, he carefully wiped the Yan Fei Dao that he later ordered people to collect materials and specially made, which was completely black and had a restrained cold light.

Speaking of the Yanling Sword, we have to mention the theme of this sword, "Embroidered Spring Sword".

According to his understanding, the shape of the Xiuchun Dao is generally similar to that of the Yanling Dao, and the only difference is that it is made by the royal family. Man Gui has an Xiuchun Dao, which Zhu Youxiao rewarded him with before.

The Yanling Sword is the standard equipment of the Ming Dynasty. The blade he used to scream and chop people was the Yanling Sword. A new one was made specially this time because the knife was too light, weighing only a little over two kilograms, which was not enough for his physical condition. The newly made knife this time weighed nine kilograms, and was slightly longer, about one meter. He didn't say it was just right when he used it. Anyway, it was much more handy than the two kilograms.

In addition, there are bows and arrows. What he got was a two-stone bow, which weighed about 240 to 50 pounds. He compared the three-stone one and found that he could pull it apart, but it didn't last long and had poor output ability. In comparison, the one with two stones is much better, he can fire continuously.

The weapons used by his subordinates were naturally standard, including a batch of Yanling knives weighing just over three kilograms. He didn't use a bow, but a compound crossbow that he and the craftsman had worked on for a while. Due to material limitations, it may not be as lethal as modern times. But it is not worse than ordinary bows and arrows, and it is not difficult to use, and the speed of loading the crossbow is not slow.

The main one is that this is a small-scale guerrilla war. There is no need for large-scale coverage strikes with bows, so accurate small-level shooting is quite sufficient.

Sun Fugui carried out Wang Yan's order very well, and everything was ready.


The next day, before dawn, Wang Yan, who had gone to bed early, and his forty-nine younger brothers and a military doctor were ready to go.

There was no unnecessary nonsense. After checking that there were no problems, Wang Yan took the people directly and set off.

He didn't leave loudly, and it took two days to take a detour out of the actual control area of ​​Ming Dynasty.

Wang Yan didn't have any strategic intentions when he went out. If he had to say that he had any, it was to disrupt the enemy's rear. Indifferent's main purpose was to behead people, exchange military honors, and get promoted.

Therefore, in order to avoid being distracted by the Manchu soldiers, Wang Yan secretly marched for five days all the way to the vicinity of the abandoned Guangning rear garrison.

To be honest, his position is quite awkward, not far from Jinzhou behind, and not far from Shengjing, Hou Jin's hometown. In fact, Wang Yan still wanted to come here. If he hadn't run out of dry food, he would have gone directly to the rear area in Changchun.

At this time, the night was dark and windy, and Wang Yan led fifty people in a mountain col far away from where Hou Jin's army was stationed, looking at a post below.

This place has been occupied by Hou Jin for some time, and it can be regarded as a place where the two armies confront each other, so there are many troops stationed here. It's just that this group of soldiers are used to burning, killing and looting, and their military discipline is not very good. Moreover, they were the ones who sent troops to attack the Ming Dynasty, and even drove all the troops to attack the city and beat the Ming Dynasty. This self-confidence has long been established.

Be prepared for the Ming Dynasty? Those bastards who only know how to run away, otherwise they will stay in their shells and never come out. How can they be on guard?

Therefore, what Wang Yan saw was how happy people were drinking and eating meat...

Thanks to the four elder brothers (Sanju) (Koala Pig) (Yue Yuan 1573) (Prodigal Yan Qing 1) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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