The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 185 Heavy Snow Full of Bows and Swords

The next day, it was freezing cold and the mountains were covered with snow.

After getting to know the general situation, Wang Qianhu once again stood up and sat on the high platform of the school grounds out of boredom... feeling cold.

Sun Fugui gave him a detailed report on the specific situation of this month, including other supplies, soldiers, and the progress of fortress construction. The only thing that couldn't be said was the progress of his top soldiers in one month. Sun Fugui had a lot of experience, but that was fucking escape experience, not real field experience with Hou Jin. So this morning, after having a meal and warming up, the whole army competition began again.

The previous forty-nine people were dead and injured. Originally, six people were seriously injured. In the end, after a bumpy journey, only two people survived. This is even if the boss of the Li family is there, otherwise no one will survive. It's just that although two more people survived, they basically won't have combat effectiveness within half a year, so the twenty-three people who returned this time are considered to be the elite of his men.

Wang Yan's plan was to use these twenty-three people as seeds to form a separate team. His thousand households would normally be replenished to more than a thousand people, and the other forty-nine people would be made up of previously trained military households. Among them, the first forty-nine are determined and advanced.

In small-scale battles, these people will bring new recruits to the battlefield for actual combat training. If it is a large-scale battle, they will be directly transferred to become officers. After a period of training, if the ability is not required to reach the level of a hundred serious households, a general banner will be enough. Under this situation, if he has a hundred people in his hands, when they spread out, they will directly become an army of 5,000 people.

This does not include the hundreds of households, general banners, small banners, etc. that he originally had, otherwise it would be easy to pull out tens of thousands of combat-effective soldiers and horses.

Well...this is just a random thought on his part. After all, the objective conditions don't allow it. If you really bring out ten thousand people, not to mention the compensation for the dead, but just eat horse chews, how much money must he have to support them?

The same is true. He can only continuously increase internal competition, constantly screen out the survival of the fittest, and constantly raise the bottom line to improve the overall combat effectiveness.

Anyway, as time goes by, his men will become more elite. It's not that he's bragging, or that he looks down on Yuan Chonghuan. At the same time, the soldiers he trained would definitely beat the Guan Ning cavalry carefully trained by Yuan Chonghuan.

After all, where are the resources that were thrown down? He, Wang, didn't even enjoy it himself, but was all thrown at these more than a thousand people. Materials such as soldiers' armor, wages, food, Chinese herbal medicines, etc. are not of the same magnitude when spread per head. If this can't defeat the soldiers trained by Yuan Chonghuan, Wang Yan himself will have to pick up a sword and chop these losers without anyone else. In other words, the murderous nature is not that great, after all, this does not happen.

He didn't know what Zhu Youxiao was thinking this time, but it was always good to be prepared. After all, he now has nearly ninety war horses. If possible, he would look back and ask Man Gui to make some points and gather a hundred cavalrymen to go out to fight guerrillas.

If Zhu Youxiao doesn't promote him to a higher position, this thing will still have to be compared. He has to see the specific progress of his men so that he can continue to arrange the training plan.

Wang Yan has customized a detailed competition mechanism. It does not mean that he can fight well, but it is a comprehensive strength assessment in multiple dimensions such as literacy, physical fitness, command, and map recognition. Being able to fight is only one of them. It's just an item. Of course, cold weapons are mainly used in combat nowadays, and the proportion is not small. However, if his other results are not good, no matter how hard he fights, it will be in vain, and he will still not be able to get into the position. After all, what he wants is someone who has fighting ability and can lead the team. No matter how hard he can fight, someone else can fight?

Correspondingly, regarding ranking in the military, treatment is also different. The salary and silver stipulated by the court were paid as usual, but on top of that, there were ranking rewards. He couldn't get a promotion because he had not yet reached the position, so he had to find money every month.

Moreover, although those military households who have undergone training are not as well-paid as the regular army, their money is also guaranteed to be more than before. And they can challenge the regular army. If they are conscious enough, they can definitely challenge. After winning all the benefits, the two parties exchanged benefits, that is, the challenger came to power, and the challenged person was removed from the regular army and went to work in the place of the original challenger. If you lose, give money. After all, you can't challenge others blindly without pressure. It can be regarded as a small gain.

Since the promulgation of this system, there have been many challengers, but no one has successfully challenged it... This also shows that there are no talents among his military households, and the base is still not large enough.

This kind of reward system has a very good motivational effect for these top soldiers. After all, the veterans know what they are like, and the new recruits are not living a good life. They compete with each other every day for fear of falling behind. Delay in making money.

An all-round competition involving thousands of people cannot be completed in a short time. Wang Yan stopped thinking blindly and watched his subordinates compete, assessing their general combat effectiveness, and thinking about the next training plan...

Three days later, the Forbidden City.

It was already October, which is around the end of November according to the Western calendar. Due to the low temperature in Little Glacier and the influence of the cold current, it had already started to snow heavily.

It's a nice day today, the snow has stopped and the sun is out.

In the Forbidden City, the bracketed cornices, golden bricks and green tiles, and red-and-red nanmu doors and windows shine brightly against the white snow everywhere, and reflect against the melting pools of water, making it look so exquisite.

Because Zuoye and Miss Gao had worked hard, the somewhat listless Zhu Youxiao was wrapped in a thick fur and yawning. He was not carried by anyone, but was walked around by a group of eunuchs. Planing wood in his carpentry shop.

When they arrived at the place, someone had already placed a charcoal basin in the house. When the little eunuch took off the bearskin coat that he had packed, Zhu Youjian had just finished playing with some tools and was thinking about making something. Wei Zhongxian came over.

Before Wei Zhongxian could greet him, Zhu Youxiao said, "Look at this."

He doesn't care about things, and he's not a fool. How could he pay Wei Zhongxian everything? Although the Ming Dynasty is currently surrounded by crises, it is not a camel suffering death or a toothless tiger. It naturally has dedicated people to handle things, so Man Gui's secret memorial was of course presented directly to him.

"Old slave obeys the order."

Wei Zhongxian bowed and took it with both hands. After taking a look twice, his eyes widened.

Damn it, Man Gui, who is always said to be honest and has little contact with him, will give him money. His feelings are fucking waiting for him here. Let’s look at what’s written. Why did he know that the transfer of power to the slave establishment was unstable in the rear? Why did he know that Yuan Chonghuan was in charge of negotiating peace? Why did he still have the desire to destroy the Ming Dynasty? Why did he do it under his instructions? What did he do to delineate the location here and there? Do you want any more? Faced? They are all eldest brothers, and his position as eldest brother is much higher. Who doesn’t know who is who?

As for Wang Yan's ability to obtain the heads of more than 500 slaves, it means that he killed far more people than that. Wei Zhongxian had to admit that the boy he had almost forgotten about was indeed capable.

After watching Man Gui's secret performance, Wei Zhongxian opened his mouth just in time and glanced at Zhu Youxiao with wide eyes, guessing that he was very proficient in trying to figure out what he meant. After all, his expression could mean he was surprised at Man Gui's boldness, or he could be surprised at the harvest of more than five hundred heads. These were two different things.

After confirming, Wei Zhongxian had a good idea, and he was surprised and said: "Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, this Thousand Households Wang Yan was appointed by you. I didn't expect to have so many gains now, which is no less than A battle with thousands of people was won. I congratulate the emperor for his discernment and talent, and for finding another strong general for our Ming Dynasty."

"Haha... I still know what I am." After hearing what he wanted to hear, Zhu Youxiao laughed: "But it's too early to say this now. Everything has to be investigated clearly before making a decision. Daban, you will send someone later. Investigate it.”

Of course he knows about Daming

Wei Zhongxian bowed and accepted the order: "I obey the order."

He knew what the emperor meant, and it was nothing more than sending someone to see what impact this action would have on Jiannu. As for whether it is true or not, unless Mangui is crazy and has had enough of life, it must be true.

"My lord, Wang Yan is so promising, how do you think I should reward him when the time comes?"

"Wang Yan is only sixteen years old this year. He is already in charge of thousands of households and controls thousands of people. The emperor already attaches great importance to him. This time he has made new achievements, but after all, he acted in secret and it is inconvenient to show his merits. This is a reward without merit. The king said that he is still young, so I am afraid that other generals will have some criticisms..." Wei Zhongxian frowned and said, "The emperor's holy heart is arbitrary. I think he has been calculating for a long time, and it is the old slave who spoke nonsense."

After all, he was collecting money and he had to be trustworthy, so just tell the truth. What else do you want him to do?

"Daban, what you said is very good." Zhu Youxiao's smile suddenly disappeared: "Huh, you can't fight one by one, but you are jealous of the wise and capable. You really deserve to be killed."

Don't blame him for being angry. Ever since he came to power, he has been fighting Jiannu, making people chase him and kill him all the way. Liaodong was fucking lost. There are people who can fight now, but why the hell are you complaining?

Wei Zhongxian lowered his head silently and did not answer.

After thinking about himself for a while, Zhu Youxiao waved his hand and said: "My dear companion, go let someone investigate, and then go down."

"In compliance with your order, Your Majesty, I will retire."

After Wei Zhongxian left, Zhu Youxiao dug at the wood depressedly. He is a bird imprisoned in this deep palace. Although he is the emperor, he cannot do everything as he pleases. He should be killed...

Five days later, Wei Zhongxian reported the collected information to Zhu Youxiao. He is the admiral of Dongchang, and Dongchang is a secret service agency. So naturally there are people who are concerned about collecting intelligence and assassinating the slaves who are eyeing the Ming Dynasty.

It has been ten days since Wang Yan last went there, and the flag owner over there is still sending people out to arrest people like a mad dog. There was no way, the flag owner wouldn't give up until he was caught, pulled, cramped, and scratched three thousand times.

Not only did he kill hundreds of his soldiers, he also slaughtered several adult men in the village, and the most egregious thing was that he didn't even see a single figure. To put it bluntly, it was all his property, and he was the one who suffered the loss. He is a joke now, everyone else is looking at him, and his own brother was killed. How the hell can he bear this?

Zhu Youxiao laughed loudly after hearing the news. He was so happy, so he had to kill Jiannu like this. Peace talks? Go to hell, sooner or later we will kill them all.

Happy, a piece of edict was sent directly to Shanhaiguan.

By the time Wang Yan received the news, it was already three days later and half a month since his return. What should be said should not be said, the efficiency of transmitting information is really low, it delays things too much, and he has killed many people in half a month.

The imperial edict didn't say anything, just a lot of it, mainly two points. One was to express that he was very satisfied with Man Gui and encouraged him to continue working hard. The second is to be promoted to the commander of Wang Yan, who actually takes charge of the garrison, and leads three thousand soldiers, who are still stationed in place.

After wrapping a big red envelope for the eunuch who delivered the order, Wang Yan and Man Gui looked at each other and smiled, completely speechless.

Nothing more to say, no need to say more, just do it and that’s it.

As for whether other people have any ideas, to be honest, it has little to do with Wang Yan. The whole of Liaodong knows that he initiated the business, and perhaps Zhu Youxiao and Wei Zhongxian also know that so many people support him, and his eldest brother Da Mangui is supporting him. With just one sentence, who approves? Who objects?

The next day, Wang Yan received two people from a thousand households. One had six hundred households like he had before, and the other had five. Wang Yan didn't touch the two thousand households. They were all smiling and wanted to take a look first before talking.

Wang Yan was very wealthy, so he selected a few top-ranking general banners from the original thousand households and directly transferred them to become a hundred households. At the same time, he also added all the military households he had trained before, and the remaining manpower was Not enough to recruit again.

As for the appointment documents, he would write a report later, and Mangui would give instructions, it was all easy to say.

The rest follows old routines, and Sun Fugui can do a good job. After all, Sun Fugui followed him from scratch, and he knew how to do it and to what extent he could achieve it. Sun Fugui can be regarded as a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven. After all, Wang Yan is the guard, and Sun Fugui is the deputy guard. It doesn't matter whether he is an official or not. In name, he is the deputy of Qianhu, and he does just that kind of job.

After arranging these things, another three days passed.

The previous competition was over long ago, and with the twenty-six people who had returned earlier, Wang Yan added more than a hundred people to the competition, plus a nine-person military medical team led by the boss of the Li family, a total of one hundred and fifty people. ten people. After changing their equipment, bringing dry food, and riding on the war horses they had obtained, One Hundred and Fifty One rode northward in the heavy snow, killing the slaves...

This Houjin's life is not going to be easy, because Wang Shoubei leads more people...

To be honest, when it comes to guerrilla warfare, Wang Yan is far superior to Mao Wenlong. He really traveled three thousand miles, which is a literal meaning. He really traveled three thousand miles. After all, he was chased by Little Japan to run around the map of China.

When he led his people to the last garrison in Guangning, the flag leader from last time was still looking for Wang Yan and had no intention of giving up. Wang Yan was not used to bad habits. He would massacre the village if he couldn't kill the regular army. As long as he got the chance, he would definitely annihilate them all and behead them. Generally speaking, if you come too little, you won't be able to kill people, and if you come too much, you won't be able to see Wang Yan.

But there were not many such opportunities, and no one was a fool. The flag leader also saw that Wang Yan did not have many men and could not fight a big battle, so there were rarely teams with less than 200 people. But correspondingly, because there are more than two hundred people in a team, the number of teams to catch him has become smaller, and the chance of being discovered has also become smaller.

But Wang Yan came out to earn military merit. The brains of civilians are of no use. No matter how many people he kills, he will not be promoted. So seeing no chance, Wang Yan didn't hesitate and quietly continued northward to near Kaiyuan. This one was really a steal...

From the time he came out in mid-October until the end of December, when he went back to deliver the heads to the capital and replenished his manpower, he had been active in Houjin's territory. He has done it as far as Changchun, and recently as far as Fengtian City. He is very arrogant.

In order to incite hatred, he even went to Mongolia to do it and disguised the scene. There was originally a small friction between the two sides. When something like this happened, it was just a small upgrade. If nothing happened, they would use cavalry to hedge.

Even later, there were many Han people from this side in his team, who were harmed by the people here or were unable to go down. Seeing how fierce Wang Yan was, he gritted his teeth and followed suit. Anyway, he had enough life. These people are familiar with the local environment, and with them as the guide, the run will be smoother.

In general, he caused quite a lot of harm, and the heads of his troops were tied to the horses in a long series. When the horses ran away, the heads of the different faces flew up and down, tsk tsk... I don’t know when. Since then, horror stories have been left here. The protagonist is an evil force who comes and goes without a trace. He has a human head tied to his horse and kills anyone he sees. It’s a pity that they couldn’t make it up. The story of destroying evil, justice, and heroes...

Anyway, if you stop crying at night and being disobedient, it won't be a big problem.

I don’t want to mention Hou Jin’s reaction or Huang Taiji’s thoughts. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable anyway… After all, large-scale arrests can’t be caught, small-scale attacks can’t be fought, and the troops have been mobilized frequently in the past two months. Son, coupled with Wang Yan's large-scale destruction, not to mention the huge losses in personnel and materials, Hou Jin's family itself is not strong, it is quite painful...


Wang Yan drew his bow to the full moon, and the arrow left the string, messing up the flying snow, and penetrated the layers of snow curtains. He only heard a scream of "Ah", and a fleeing Houjin soldier fell off his horse in the distance.

"My lord is good at archery..."

In front of a pile of corpses, a group of young men who were watching the excitement cheered skillfully and naturally. At the same time, one person took the initiative to ride his horse over and beheaded the person, and then chased the horse back.

Now the people following Wang Yan were no longer the 150 before, but 300. Wang Yan promoted the two younger brothers who came out with him in the first place to lead the team of 100 households, and they split up to carry out sabotage. After all, they saw what Wang Yan did, and they were all familiar with the routine.

It's already the end of December, and the Chinese New Year will be here in a few days. I won't say much about my dead brother, but there are many people who are still alive who have been fighting with him for two months. They need to rest and be comfortable no matter what.

So Wang Yan told them before that they should come here to gather for one final vote and go back together.

And here is the Guangning rear garrison, which is near Fuxin last time. He came again to kill the flag leader...

Wang Yan waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop flattering us, pack up quickly, and go back to celebrate the New Year."

These people have been with him for a long time and have become familiar with him. They know that as long as it is not a serious time, it is no big deal, so they are used to laughing and joking.

A group of men laughed, dismounted and started beheading people. They really wanted to go back. It feels like it's freezing every day, and I haven't been able to take a bite of hot food for a long time. I've been working for two months, and I really can't bear it anymore. When I think about returning to the warm kang in the camp, I think about the kiln forty miles away from the camp...

I can’t think about it anymore, I’d better behead my head as soon as possible...

After a while, his subordinates tied up the head and looked at Wang Yan while riding on their horses.

Under the eager eyes of everyone, Wang Yan laughed, waved his hand, and said loudly: "Go home."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large group of soldiers roared away with their control horses roaring...

In fact, he wanted to get a sled before. After all, there was snow here, and it was faster than a war horse. But I gave up later. First, the environment did not allow it. It can be skied where there is snow, and skiing is fast. But if there is no snow, what is the point of skiing when the snow melts and is covered with mud? Even if the environment permits, he doesn't have so many sled dogs. After all, it requires professional training, and a native dog will not be used to Wang's illness...

Wang Yan smiled, clamped his legs together, and whipped his riding crop.

Driving, galloping...

Thanks to the three brothers (Z.DL) (Chu Kuangtu 110) (Prison) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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