(I drank heavily yesterday, have a headache today, will be fine tomorrow. Now I have two thousand, please be careful, I hope you don’t blame me.)

After more than four days of wind and snow, Wang Yan and his party finally rushed back to the station on the afternoon of the 30th.

Seeing a group of people coming on horseback from a distance, the soldiers standing guard outside quickly ran towards the military camp.

"My lord is back..."

"My lord is back..."

"Hurry up and boil water for cooking..."

When the people in the military camp who were chatting and gambling on the kang heard this, they cheered and ran out in a swarm. Sun Fugui and a group of Wang Yan's senior officials also came out to greet him.

Although they knew that Wang Yan was powerful, he always had his head on his waist every time he went out. No one knew whether an accident would happen. Xiao Bing is okay, after all, he doesn’t know much information. But people like Sun Fugui know the truth. If something happens to Wang Yan, then everything they have now will be wiped out. Everything they have is tied to this senior guard who is about the same age as their son. superior.

Not long after the people here came out, Wang Yan came roaring with people.

"Arrange to boil more hot water, brothers, take a good wash." Wang Yan got off his horse, then turned around and said, "Hurry up and come in to warm yourself up."

In fact, Wang Yan didn't need to say more. Everyone flew down directly, no matter which room they were in. Anyway, apart from the warehouse in the distance, there was a big kang in every room, so they just went in. Drill. When Wang Yan turned around to give his instructions, only a few slower ones heard him...

Wang Yan knew that these big-headed soldiers must have complaints in their hearts, but at the same time, he, who was so outstanding, led a garrison of 3,000 soldiers and horses and went into battle in person, eating, sleeping and freezing with them. They had many big-headed soldiers. Chicken feathers? It can also weaken a lot of inner injustice.

Of course, Wang Yan's physique is there. Although it is cold, it is more than what they can withstand... It can't be said that he is bullying people. After all, he has so much energy to be where he is today, and he has suffered countless times.

"Is there anything urgent?" Wang Yan looked at Sun Fugui and the rest of his men.

Sun Fugui thought seriously for a moment and replied: "No."

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow. Let the brothers in the kitchen cook and bring out the wine. Today is the New Year. Let's drink wine and eat meat, so that the brothers can have a good time."

"Yes, sir."

Sun Fugui responded with a smile, and he and the other senior executives dispersed.

When Wang Yan took off his blood-stained armor, took a hot bath, and came out with his big bear skin coat, the station was already bustling with activity. There were no lights and decorations, but the pigs and sheep were being slaughtered, and the whole place was filled with a scent.

I walked to the kitchen and took a look. The dumplings were filled with pork and mutton. The pot was filled with large pieces of meat and stewed butchered vegetables. Just because of transportation and preservation, there are a few green vegetables. There are only a few carrots and Chinese cabbage, but overall it is quite rich.

Wang Yan can guarantee that in addition to the more than a thousand people under his control, the two thousand households he later took over and the entire Ming army, and even the entire world including Houjin, Mongolia, North Korea, and the far west, etc. Even the meals during the Chinese New Year and Chinese New Year are not as good as his.

As for why the two Qianhu Suo were not comparable, it was because he made some adjustments later.

After he took over the troops of two thousand households, Sun Fugui held a big competition under his instruction. After some competition, the team was reorganized and he personally controlled the top one thousand people in the three thousand households, and the rest were divided into one thousand people and the bottom one thousand people. The original military households can still be challenged, but they can only challenge the most rubbish Qian households, and so on.

In terms of treatment, the one he personally handled was naturally the best, and then it went down step by step. One is to affirm the efforts of those who rank high, and the other is to stimulate the efforts and progress of the latter. Therefore, the other two thousand households do not have such abundant material conditions. Of course, it's Chinese New Year, and Wang Yan must let them eat the dumplings. As for other wines, don't even think about this and that.

There is not enough space for thousands of people to eat together in the camp. Basically, dozens of people live in a room, sitting around a hot bed, drinking, bragging, and lamenting about the good life today.

Wang Yan took Sun Fugui and other senior officials to visit each room to express condolences, and finally sat down to eat and drink together.

Although Wang Yan is now a guard master, he is still too young. He is only seventeen after this year. Among the senior officials of his group, the youngest is twenty-nine, and the children are in their teens, so they can catch up with Wang Yan.

It's not that Wang Yan doesn't give opportunities to younger people, but that in the previous environment, whether it was because of military merit or because of flattering the leader, they came up from nothing. The main reason why they can't be promoted is that Because the background is not enough. And the abilities these people have developed in their wasted time are up to Wang Yan's standards, so it is only natural that they can improve.

In addition, Wang Yan didn't have any airs and didn't show off his clothes, so everyone had a great time drinking and eating meat together.

And Sun Fugui and others drank a little and let go. Nothing else could compare. Damn it, you can't even drink a child? That's a very exciting thing to say to Wang.

Wang Yan said that he should not be afraid of those who come, he can fight alone and do it with a toast.

Seeing the last person fall, Wang Yan drank the last sip of wine with a smile, got up and walked out unsteadily.

Nowadays, the wine-making skills are quite good, and the wines we drink are all high-altitude wines of 50 to 60 degrees. After drinking so much, Wang Yan couldn't hold it anymore, and he was shaking in the aisle...

When he was blown by the cold wind when he went out, Wang Yan regained his energy for a moment. He looked at the stars in the sky, which was rarely seen later, and listened to the shouts coming from time to time, and slowly walked back.

The last time he came back, he handed over more than a thousand heads. Although there were many people when he went out this time, he dispersed the team, and the combat effectiveness was different without him taking the lead, so in total, it was almost more than a thousand heads.

He didn't know what Zhu Youxiao's reaction was when he saw so many heads, but he thought he was happy and had deep doubts about the general who had led tens of thousands of troops before. Was it Yang Kou Zizhong who acted as the two of them?

After all, it was only a few hundred people who attacked, killing more than a thousand people in two times. Compared with the previous generals and that army, they lost ground and were driven around. It was a battle of tens of thousands of people, and the result was a victory. Not worth those hundreds of people? What the hell was done with the tens of millions of taels of military expenditure that year?

Then he found that he couldn't do anything. After digging wood for a while to vent his anger, he turned around and put it in his heart, preparing to kill them all one day...

Why did Wang Yan think so? It was not because he was not promoted because he had more than a thousand heads, but because he was given a symbolic twenty taels of silver... It was also a matter of age, and his qualifications were not enough. But in the final analysis, it was the decline of imperial power and Zhu Youxiao's inability to speak, and he did not dare to make nonsense. In this case, what else could he do if he didn't plan wood and build a palace?

If he participated in the martial arts examination and came out, it is unlikely that he would be promoted faster. After all, the martial arts examination itself selects generals. But then again, it was basically in vain for him, a useless little guy, to participate in martial arts competitions even if he performed well. Just as civil servants controlled the civil examination, the military examination was also controlled by the nobles of the Ming Dynasty, and it was still difficult...

After returning to his yard and cleaning up briefly, Wang Yan lay down on the warm Kang, closed his eyes and fell asleep...


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