The next day, at the beginning of the new year, everything is new.

Early in the morning, Sun Fugui and a group of hungover people came over to wish Wang Yanliang New Year's greetings and report on their work.

"Sir, we now have... regular soldiers... military households... supplies..."

Sun Fugui introduced the overall situation of his soldiers and a certain amount of money, food and supplies. There were more than 3,000 soldiers belonging to three thousand households, and there were more than 1,000 and less than 2,000 military households. In addition, Wang Yan had His team of 300 people had already been supernumerary, and his men had expanded to more than 5,000 people.

And in terms of combat effectiveness alone, the combat effectiveness of some of the reserve military players who were neglected in the battle formation and worked as slaves to farm the land for the commander of the guard station was now stronger than the 600 people he had at the beginning.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, there is not much training, just to feed these military households. The food may not be good, but the daily fuel and water are enough. After several months of recuperation, his physical condition has caught up with those of the previous big-headed soldiers.

In addition, a good life is hard-won, and no one wants to go back to the past. So why bother trying to get better? Therefore, the competition for the last thousand households is now very fierce. After a period of time, it will definitely affect thousands of households, and by the time it reaches thousands of households, the mechanism of competition and selection of people will be activated.

The people below climbed up step by step, and based on their personal ideas and judgment of their overall strength, some were promoted to his reinforced non-staff team, and some were lowered to the grassroots to serve as officers.

Moreover, even if you become an officer or work under him, everything is not worry-free. There are competitions within your subordinates, as well as competitions between all officers of the same level. The last ones are eliminated and retrained, and the top ones are promoted.

In this way, it not only expands the combat effectiveness of the leading soldiers, but also raises the bottom line of his subordinates bit by bit.

Correspondingly, he had so many people under his command. Not only did they eat horse chews, armor and equipment, but he also spent a lot of money to purchase medicinal materials to replenish the bodies of the soldiers. He had so much money that he was a little stretched and not quite enough. Of course, he is also striving for excellence. If he had followed the way these big-headed soldiers used to live, it would be frivolous for him to support ten or twenty thousand people with so much money...

Sun Fugui's report also said these things. The current money is just enough to support more than 5,000 people now. Any more will lower the standard.

After listening to the reports from the other two Qianhu on the training status of his subordinates, Wang Yan nodded and said, "Okay, I know everything. Old Sun, the recruitment of craftsmen and doctors has not stopped."

"We all asked for craftsmen from other generals. According to your instructions, we sent a lot of money to the Ministry of Works and the generals and supervisors, and brought in a group of great craftsmen. As for the doctor..."

"Sir, you also know this. They are all respectable people. It is difficult for us to find barefoot doctors in the countryside. And some doctors in the city are decent people with families and businesses. When they hear about us, When the border troops come there, they want to shake their heads off. And they also have some connections. If we use force... it will be difficult..."

Of course Wang Yan knew that as long as you are sick, you can't avoid doctors, let alone good doctors. This will be the case four hundred years later. After thinking for a while, Wang Yan said: "Let's do this for now. We can recruit as many as we can, and we'll talk about it later."

"Yes, sir. As for the military households, we..."

"The number of military households is increasing normally. You are in contact with General Man's subordinates, so everything will be fine as usual. I will figure out a solution for the supplies."

"Is there anything else you want to do?"

"No more, my lord."

"Okay. Later, you go to the logistics department to collect the twenty taels of silver. It's a little bit of my kindness and a good fortune. Go down first."

"Thank you, sir, for the reward."

A group of people went down happily, and no one refused. After all, anyone who can have a meeting with Wang Yan is worth a thousand taels at the end of the day. It's only twenty taels, it's nothing.

After everyone left, Wang Yan went to the craftsman's workshop. After spending some money as usual, and getting some smiles, he asked a master craftsman in charge of the craftsman's shop to make perfume, glass mirrors, cups, etc.

As I said before, you can do anything from perfume to facial mask. The reason for making perfume is that he has now developed glass and added some fragrance technology, which is still a hot commodity.

Although glass is available now, it is not easy to make and contains impurities, so it is still relatively expensive. As long as he puts out a small amount of it in a reserved manner, he can sell it at a high price. He doesn't even need those noble ladies, just the famous prostitutes in the brothel, which is enough for him to make a lot of money.

Moreover, famous prostitutes are the small group who are at the forefront of fashion nowadays. They are all men, so no one knows who they are. I guess it won't be long before it becomes a new trend.

After the explanation, Wang Yan asked his men to take the car containing the heads and set off directly to the General Military Mansion in Shanhaiguan.

Sun Fugui had already given him gifts for the New Year, and basically all of them had been given away to a group of middle and high-level people, including Man Gui, Chen Baoning, and Zhang Xinggui. Naturally, there are civil servants in Liaodong, but they don't look down on military attachés. After all, where is the status? It seems that it is appropriate to receive gifts and not wait to see them.

Wang Yan didn't pay attention to Sun Fugui's complaints. They were all mobile piggy banks. In the future, one by one, the clan must not be destroyed. After all, they are all laborers, but the family must be looted, and no one can escape...

When we arrived at Shanhaiguan, the General Military Mansion was also very busy. Some of the generals, guerrillas and other juniors came to pay homage to the elder brother and listen to the instructions. Wang Yan, a small guard follower, was not ranked in the ranking.

Of course, the money is not free, and everyone is basically polite to him.

Wang Yan greeted everyone with a smile and asked his men to drive the car to the backyard. After a busy morning, Man Gui came here without even taking a bite of food. Man Gui couldn't find time until the afternoon, so he went to the kitchen with a group of familiar men and asked someone to get some food.

Man Gui really regarded Wang Yan as his nephew and was closer to him than his son. After all, Mr. Wang has high ability in getting things done, he doesn't cause trouble, and most importantly, he can earn military merit. As for Wang Yan's death of more than a thousand people last time, although Zhu Youxiao did not actually express it, the imperial edict of condolences was still enough.

In the afternoon, when it was almost dark, Wang Yancai finally saw Man Gui.

"You've been waiting for a long time."

Wang Yan sat down under Mangui and put down his tea cup after hearing this: "Your Excellency is busy with official duties and is concerned about the safety of Liaodong. What does this little time of my subordinates count?"

"You, you, you are flattering me again." Mangui nodded twice with his hand, "Okay, let's get down to business. When did you come back?"

"It happened just in time. I came back yesterday afternoon." Wang Yan said: "The heads captured this time are similar to the last time, more than a thousand heads."

"Oh?" Man Gui frowned: "I remember that you brought more people this time than last time. How can the gains be equal? ​​But what happened?"

Wang Yan shook his head and said: "My subordinates were divided into three teams this time and did not act together. Therefore, the other two teams without subordinates have relatively poor combat effectiveness, but the results are not bad."

"Haha, I was thinking about saying before, don't always go into battle in person. I didn't expect you to know it yourself. Give your subordinates more opportunities. And without your leadership, their results are not bad. It seems that your soldiers are I’ve practiced it, okay, very good…”

"Your Excellency, you are exaggerating. These three hundred of my subordinates are very useful. The others are still inferior in comparison."

Man Gui shook his head and said nothing. How could he not know the strength of Wang Yan's men? You must know that even ordinary guerrillas don't have as many people as Wang Yan. How can he not pay attention? That is to say, the money is in place, the credit is in place, and he really can't suppress it. After all, he caught the emperor's eye in the first battle, so he will give more support and add fuel to the flames.

"What's the next step?"

Wang Yan didn't even think about it: "Take five hundred people out and kill the slaves."

"You, don't keep shouting and killing every day. We are all on guard, so you have to be more steady." Man Gui shook his head and said, "You probably won't be able to go out this time."

"Please show me, sir."

"Previously, Governor Yuan Chonghuan was in peace talks with Huang Taiji, and now it seems that something is coming." Man Gui frowned and said: "And we have received news that they have been mobilizing troops, horses and food frequently recently, and Huang Taiji intends to attack North Korea."

Wang Yan nodded and said: "Huang Taiji has just come to power. He needs to fight to prove himself and stabilize his position. It is natural to attack North Korea. However, you should understand the truth of lip loss and tooth loss. Once Jiannu pacified North Korea and drove away General Mao, there is no other choice. If we are restrained, they will attack our Ming Dynasty with all their strength."

"I'm very happy that you can think of this..." Captain Mangui Laohuai and Ruzi Keke nodded in approval: "This is the reason why I won't let you go out. One is to prevent Huang Taiji from pretending to attack North Korea and hit me. The Ming Dynasty is true. First, if Huang Taiji really attacks North Korea, he will not be able to defeat it for a while. For us to develop stably, farming, building forts, and training troops are the first priority."

"And if you go out to kill Jiannu now, the emperor will remember it, but at such a young age, you are already leading a garrison of three thousand troops, so you are unlikely to receive another reward in a short period of time. So it is better to develop with peace of mind for a while. Time is the key to accumulating strength.”

Man Gui sighed: "I have wronged you. If you were in the Han and Tang Dynasties, you should be a heroic young man who was like a champion and was given the title of wolf. It's a pity..."

Wang Yan understood what it meant. It was nothing more than that the Ming Dynasty was now fiercely contending for power, surrounded by internal crises, and surrounded by wolves externally, showing its decline. Even if Jiannu was really defeated, it would be difficult for him to die.

Of course, these have little to do with him. After all, he has never thought about working for others and having others send him away with a piece of imperial edict. I never thought that anyone would play any political games with them. Do you really think that the big soldiers in his hands are just for food?

As for what Man Gui said about not being able to go out, even though he had already said that, Wang Yan still wanted to fight for it: "Sir, I feel that now that Jiannu is going to attack North Korea, the rear is empty, and it is a good time for me to harass the rear. In this way, we can also restrain their energy, so that they have no time to take care of the Ming Dynasty in a short period of time, and buy time for the development of the Ming Dynasty."

"Of course I have considered what you said." Man Gui stroked his beard and grasped the pearl of wisdom: "I said that you can develop in peace for a period of time, and I didn't say that you will not be allowed to go out. When Huang Taiji really fights with North Korea, you will It’s not too late to go. It just so happens that we can train more troops during this period, so we can bring more manpower there then.”

Wang Yan chuckled and handed over his hand: "Your Excellency has a clever plan, and I admire it."

"Come on, you're flattering me again." Man Gui laughed and said, "If you have nothing else to do, just go back and train your troops. As for those heads, I will give them to the emperor. There will be a day, so you can wait with peace of mind. On."

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Wang Yan cupped his hands and said, "I still have something to report to Your Excellency."


"That's it, sir. Before we made soap, didn't I find a lot of craftsmen?" Wang Yan said: "After such a long period of research, we have successfully developed a fragrance suitable for women. Spray it on your body and it will be fragrant. I don’t dare say it if it floats ten miles, but there is no problem if it floats ten steps. There are some other things, adults will know at a glance."

"Hahaha, okay, okay. You can just send someone to deliver it when the time comes. You don't have to go there alone. So this time we..."

Wang Yan said knowingly: "It's still the same as before."

"Okay, it's settled."

"In this case, I will resign."

Mangui smiled with satisfaction: "Go, go..."

When the money reached him, although it was already a figure, no one thought it was too much. Isn’t it a good idea to buy real estate in enclosures? Moreover, his family has a great business, so he has to plan a lot for his descendants, so that he can be worthy of his ancestors.

Wang Yan returned to the station to rest for a night, and the next day he directly raised the 300 people he personally led to 500 people. He knew history. After defeating North Korea and driving the leader of Mao Island back to Pi Island, Huang Taiji will attack Jinzhou and Ningyuan, which will be the second battle of Yuan Dadu, the victory of Ningjin...

The reason why Huang Taiji went to North Korea, as he said before, was to stabilize people's hearts and position, and to eliminate future troubles for the Ming Dynasty. After all, Huang Taiji watched with his own eyes. Whenever they fought with the Ming Dynasty, North Korea was always behind to interfere. It was really annoying. Not to mention, there is Mao Wenlong who is even more annoying.

Unlike history, Wang Yan's results this winter were brilliant. Mao Wenlong has been playing for so long, but it has not had as big an impact as Wang Yan's three visits.

During this period, more than two thousand soldiers were lost, and the number of adult men who were slaughtered was not counted. Moreover, they sent so many soldiers and horses out to arrest people, and they were left hanging for three months. Once the army is mobilized, logistics materials, money and food flow faster than water. Ordinary people are also panic-stricken, fearing that others will come and massacre them.

Of course, there are benefits to killing so many grown men. After all, men are the heads of the family. Now that so many people have been killed by Wang Yan, the remaining orphans and widows cannot survive, so... this winter, the men who were lucky enough not to be killed were terrified of someone coming to kill them, but at the same time they were happy... …

To be honest, Huang Taiji even toyed with the idea of ​​merging villages and merging towns to build a city. However, it was winter and the logistical pressure was too great to withstand, so it was not possible. Otherwise, it would have been hard to say.

In addition, the bannermen were not very good at the plundered Han people, often beating, scolding and treating them harshly. After a long time, there were some players who really couldn't survive and just wanted to do something. From time to time, there was a bit of internal rebellion.

Moreover, the Eight Banners itself is very complicated. After all, brothers from the same mother are very particular about and plot against each other. If they had some power and some soldiers, wouldn't it be even more chaotic?

In addition, the Ming Dynasty has been building a fortress in the fields. Although they have been talking about peace on the surface, everyone knows that they are going to kill them.

Therefore, the situation in Houjin is not very good, with internal and external troubles and many contradictions.

In this battle with North Korea, Huang Taiji had to fight. The reasons mentioned before are all normal strategies. The main reason is that they have no money in their hands... If they continue like this, they will fall apart without Ming to fight.

Then again, did Huang Taiji know that it was people from the Ming Dynasty who did this to them? He must know. At first, I suspected that Mongolia was involved. Later, after the cavalry hedged for a long time, they discovered that the combat effectiveness was different.

Doesn't Yuan Chonghuan know that Wang Yan is secretly sabotaging things behind his back? of course I know. Isn't it the most basic thing to plant an agent on the enemy's side to investigate and gather information? I just might not know which unit is being mobilized, but I'm sure he's not a fool to get to the top.

If he can hold on to the battle of Ningjin, he won't have any problems at all. If he failed to hold on, Wang Yan had no doubt that he and Man Gui would be cut off from the sacrificial flags. Even Zhu Youxiao, who secretly supports the plan and can only plan wood, will happily support this decision and express his joy to cut it directly without waiting for the future. Because someone needs to be responsible, two good heads like him and Man Gui are enough.

Wang Yan was secretly preparing, sharpening his sword. On the second day of the first lunar month over there, Huang Taiji sent an envoy to discuss signing documents with Yuan Chonghuan. On the fifth day of the first lunar month, without waiting for a reply, Huang Taiji directly raised 40,000 troops and sent Amin across the river to attack North Korea.

Originally it was the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, and 30,000 troops were raised. In these eleven days, the extra 10,000 people were all thanks to the little butterfly Wang Yan.

By the time Wang Yan received the news from Man Gui's people, it was already the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. He didn't do ink. As soon as he received the news, he headed north directly with the 500 people who had been organized and working together.

But this line of work has not been smooth sailing, and it has been manipulated in the past.

He knew that there must be a trap and an ambush on the other side.

After all, from his perspective, if someone happens to send troops to fight and the rear is empty, they will definitely send people to harass them, so it is certain to have a judgment about his arrival.

The imaginary is real and the real is imaginary. Wang Yan directly led people to the surrounding areas of Shengjing. In the end, he was convinced that this old boy Huang Taiji was too damn precious about his life, and most of the remaining troops were here. Of course, it is also possible that he is a master tactician and has predicted Wang's prediction.

After all, no one knew where Wang Yan was going to kill. It's just the right time to kill someone's lair and catch them all in one fell swoop. But if Wang Yan didn't go and went to other places, then all those who died would be serious bannermen. Not prepared at all? Just let him slaughter you?

It can be seen that people's success must not be accidental. Most people really can't let go of their love to death. After all, other people are not just for a living. After the war, they come back and find that all their own men have been fucking killed. What's the point?

Of course, there aren't that many what-ifs. After all, Wang Yan really went there and people really gathered around him. If he hadn't stored a lot of explosives and blasted a way out, he might have died in the end.

As for exposing the space, Wang Yan immediately kept a large package tied to it as a disguise. And later, Wang Yan will also tell the living people not to leak the news.

Anyway, in the end, his elite team was basically wiped out, leaving only more than a hundred people to follow him and escape to heaven, and everyone was injured. And he himself was a fierce tiger surrounded by wolves, and he also suffered serious injuries. After all, he was the one who opened the way, used the explosives to blow up, and he was under the greatest pressure.

Fortunately, there are no Ming army logos under his command. They are either Korean or Mongolian, and there are also many post-Jin styles. Anyway, you won't be able to use this to cause trouble with him. Of course, these are useless, it still depends on how well Ning Jin fights next. If he doesn't fight well, he will die without any reason.

The time spent here was short, and most of it was spent on the road. It took about twenty days, and at the end of the first year, I returned to the station to rest and recuperate, train my troops, and then fight that old bastard Huang Taiji.

Mangui heard the news that Wang Yan was injured, and came to visit on the pretext of inspecting the garrison situation. After making sure that Wang Yan was okay, he encouraged him and left.

He didn't say anything. After all, the more than two thousand heads and the family's house, land, and property were all there. What else could he say?

Human inertia is there, and it is inevitable that there will be things that cannot be imagined. Taking this opportunity, Wang Yan once again organized a large-scale competition, kicking down the top soldiers who were fishing among thousands of households under his personal control, and letting the best performers come up.

There are more than a hundred elites left, and Wang Yan does not intend to let them go to the battlefield again. Although it was planned to let them serve as low-level officers when they expanded the army, it was easy to lose this foundation.

The remaining people had narrowly escaped death, and they probably no longer had a strong desire to go into battle and fight again. So after Wang Yan asked these people what they thought, those who still wanted to fight would wait until they recovered from their injuries and return to the army to become officers. Don’t want to fight…

Wang Yan started classes, changed his profession to work in the studio, and moved behind the scenes. It is already the seventh year of Tianqi, and it will be February soon. It will be time for Zhu Youxiao to play in the water in a few months. Therefore, he should prepare as soon as possible, as he has a power hidden in the dark.

He wanted to do it alone before, but now it was just right to let Huang Taiji do it. Although the plan he had been working on for half a year went bankrupt...

Time passed slowly, and on the battlefield ahead, Hou Jin's soldiers and horses were so powerful that they were driven up and down by Island Master Mao. North Korea was also beaten and was unable to fight back, and was retreating step by step.

Affected by this situation, a group of people in the Ming Dynasty studied and studied, and finally removed Wang Zhichen, the eldest brother who was trying to keep Mangui, saying that he would no longer be in such a position. All military and political matters inside and outside the pass were all governors of Liaodong. Yuan Chonghuan had the final say and became a serious boss.

At the beginning of March, Wang Yan, who had given lessons for a month to his younger brothers who wanted to change jobs, finally recovered from his injuries. The big competition among his men has been completed, and the injuries of the younger brothers who did not want to change jobs have recovered. Wang Yan organized them into the team, gathered another 500 people, and went north again to kill slaves...

Thanks to brother (cooking wine and talking about money) for the 500-coin reward for your support.

Thanks to the four big brothers (Feifeifeifeifei is here) (Chu Kuangtu 110) (High-speed Tramp) (LAWENCE) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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