After driving to the hotel, Wang Yan found Jiang Pengfei who was already drinking in the corner, looking a little lonely and lonely.

After ordering a few more dishes with the waiter, he walked over to Jiang Pengfei and sat down opposite him: "Uncle Jiang, why are you so drunk?"

Hearing this, Jiang Pengfei raised his head and smiled sheepishly: "Aren't you a little hungry? This place is quite far away from your company, and we are not outsiders, so I will eat first. Take..."

"No need to look for it, I ordered everything just now." Wang Yan waved his hand, picked up the wine on the table, filled it for Jiang Pengfei, and poured another glass for himself: "Come on, Uncle Jiang, I haven't seen you for half a month. Right? Let’s have a drink.”

Jiang Pengfei sighed, raised his wine glass and touched it with Wang Yan, took a big sip, and grinned while holding up his chopsticks to pick up the food and drink. The old boy is like this. He almost doesn't write it on his face. I have something to do. Ask me quickly. Ask me quickly.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, took a mouthful of food, and asked considerately: "Uncle Jiang, you look worried, what happened?"

"Hey, Wang Yan, I don't have the shame to tell you, really." Jiang Pengfei grinned bitterly, took another sip of wine, and said to himself: "If I had known that this day would happen, I should have listened. If you say it, I will regret it..."

"The stock market has indeed been volatile recently. The stocks you talked about to me before have not performed very well recently. Uncle Jiang, did you not have time to clear your positions and were you stuck?"

"Yeah, I'm stuck..."

Wang Yan took out his cell phone and played with it for a while, and then said, "Uncle Jiang, to be honest, I'm still not optimistic about the future of these stocks. No matter how much you lose, what you get in the end is yours. I still suggest you clear your position as soon as possible." The longer you delay, the lower the stock price will be and the greater your losses will be.”

"It's too late. It has been falling continuously in the past few days, and there is even a limit. Even if I get the money back, I will still be bankrupt." Jiang Pengfei sighed: "I met Ye Jinyan a few days ago, just because I wanted to know Are there any good stocks that can help me quickly earn back my previous capital, but he didn't tell me. Wang Yan, only you can help me now. Your fund performance is so good, you must know a few strong stocks. Help me, help me, okay?”

Wang Yan shook his head and said: "Uncle Jiang, I really can't help you with this. You see, my performance is good because of the large base. Even if it is just a point of profit, my capital of more than 30 billion is still More than 30 million, this is different. Don't say that I don't know any strong stocks. Even if I know, your current capital should only be 18 million. Even if you pull the daily limit three times in a row, it is just It’s just over three million, it’s useless.”

Jiang Pengfei drank and ate in silence for a long time before he raised his head: "Wang Yan, let me tell you the truth. This stock trading is all money I borrowed. The money I can get back from clearing the stock is what you said. It's more than eight million. But I still owe tens of millions. This little money is not enough. I have mortgaged our house to the bank. In the recent period, those creditors have been calling me every day to demand payment. I repay the loan and I can’t make any money from the stock, so I really don’t know what to do.”

"You want to take away the five million from me? Let me lend you another thirty to fifty million?" Under Jiang Pengfei's fiery eyes, Wang Yan shook his head and said, "Uncle Jiang, I'm telling the truth, don't blame me. . The five million you have with me, I do not suggest or agree with you taking away this money. Firstly, these five million are just a drop in the bucket, not enough to fill the hole. Secondly, this is also the guarantee for your family’s future life. Every time You have seen the weekly reports every week. If nothing unexpected happens, there is no problem in making more than one million yuan every year.

I also know something about your family's situation. You and Aunt Dai have never worked. At this age, you have been pampered for half your life. You can't do any work. If you work hard and hard, you can't do it, and neither can Aunt Dai. And your old lady has enjoyed it all her life and has very high requirements for the quality of life. Uncle Jiang, you are a filial man. Even if the old lady is so old, I guess you can’t bear to suffer. With one million, your family's life may be worse than before, but it won't be much worse. You can still live a prosperous life.

If you think about it another way, if I hadn't encouraged you to invest in me, your five million would have disappeared with the stock market. Thinking about it this way, you still made money. In this situation, these five million cannot be moved unless absolutely necessary.

As for asking me to lend you money, Uncle Jiang, I do have a good rapport with you, but in the final analysis, we have only known each other for more than a month, and a loan of tens of millions is not realistic. You know, Uncle Jiang, the investment threshold of my fund now starts at 20 million. I am able to let you invest 5 million, which is already a special consideration. The most valuable thing in your family is the house, but you have already mortgaged it to the bank, what else can you use as mortgage? I believe you lent me tens of millions, what do you want in return? "

Jiang Pengfei was just desperate and struggling to his death. It wasn't that he didn't understand the matter. "I'm sorry, Wang Yan, I really don't know what to do." He sighed again and started drinking.

"Exactly how much is owed?"

"The bank loaned me money at a rate of 65%. The valuation at that time was 37 million, and it loaned me 25 million. There were other loans from companies and individuals, and they added up to almost 2,000. About 10,000. I don’t know how much the interest is, but it should be several million more, adding up to more than 50 million.”

"Your house should be sold for more than 40 million at a normal market price. If it is sold urgently, it should be sold for more than 40 million. After excluding the bank loan and counting the remaining money in your hand, it will almost be like this. Things are settled."

Wang Yan did the math and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Jiang, admit it, you can't undo it. If you stop now, you can still keep the five million from me, and I will ensure that you have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life. But if you still If you think about getting rich suddenly and making back all the money you lost, you will be doomed. By then, the huge gap from wealth to poverty will probably be unbearable for you, Uncle Jiang, who has been pampered for half your life. As a result, That is to say, find a high-rise building, close your eyes, and jump down to your death. Think of your old lady, Aunt Dai, and Nan Sun."

Jiang Pengfei shook his head and said: "But I don't have the money to pay back the bank, release the house, and the remaining money can't pay back the loans from those companies and individuals."

"Now that I have proposed it, can I still watch you jump off the building?" Wang Yan shook his head and said, "Let's sign a contract first in a while. I will withdraw a sum of money in the past few days to release your house first, and then Talk to the old lady above your house and put the whole thing up for sale.

Then look for a buyer. Your house has been sold for a lot of money. It is in a good location and is scarce. It is a guaranteed profit without losing money, so you don't have to worry about selling it. If no one buys it in the end, I will take over this house. In addition, let our company's legal affairs come over to help you fight with those companies and individuals who borrowed money, and try to waive interest and late payment fees. This is my greatest ability, Uncle Jiang, please think about it carefully. "

"Is our house really no longer safe?"

"I have reminded you more than once, Uncle Jiang, you should have thought of this day." Wang Yan drank wine: "You can settle those accounts now and still have a way out, which is already very good."

"Okay, let's do it like this. It's all up to you. I'm sorry to have to trouble you again, Wang Yan. We met by chance, and it's really not easy for you to help me so much. Thank you." Jiang Pengfei sighed. He took another sip of wine and said, "I should have listened to you, really..."

"What are you talking about at this time? Uncle Jiang, do your family members know?"

"No, I, a loser, don't have the nerve to tell them."

"Let's find a chance to talk about it in the next few days. If we don't talk about it, it's time for the debt collectors to come, right?" Seeing Jiang Pengfei nodding, Wang Yan said: "I think you can't stand it, otherwise you wouldn't tell me this. Yes. You are in a bad mood today. Let me drink some wine with you. Tomorrow you go to my company to sign a contract and clearly state that I will help you advance the funds and release the mortgage. How much does it cost to spare 30 million for me? God, you need to keep those who are collecting money in check for the next few days. Let’s release the house first and hang it out for a look.

You can also ask your friends if any of them want to buy a house. They won't lend you money, so making money should be quite positive. In addition, during this period, you should also rent a suitable house and make preparations in advance, so as not to be in a hurry when the time comes. "

Jiang Pengfei was no longer able to move his head, and he nodded numbly, with tears streaming down his face. He had been eating, drinking and having fun for half his life. He used to sell his family's antiques and extra real estate to make a living. This time, he went completely bankrupt and had no fixed place to live. You can imagine the panic in his heart. Because he had never experienced such a big thing in his life. Such a big business collapsed in his hands, and his family fell from the top to the bottom. This was something he could not bear.

Of course he knew that all of this was caused by him. But just because he knew it, he felt that he couldn't bear it.

A person's maturity is not determined by age, but by experience, knowledge, and experience, supplemented by corresponding realizations, which is the so-called maturity. Jiang Pengfei grew up being spoiled. His family was rich. When he went out, he saw mostly smiling faces and heard mostly flattery. When I had no money, I asked the old lady for help. If I didn't have any money, I just sold some things. I lived like this for half my life. His knowledge is the so-called upper-class refined life, his knowledge is the so-called calmness when others are crazy, and madness when others are calm. His experience is spending money, losing money, and asking for money.

So strictly speaking, he is just a kid in his fifties, a giant baby who cannot handle anything. This is why this old boy originally couldn't think of jumping off a building, because losing his entire family negated the value of half his life. He found out that he was a waste, only causing trouble and dragging down his family, so it would be better to die.

He probably has the same mentality now, but there is always a little light in his dark world. Because he got to know Wang Yan, trusted Wang Yan, and invested five million in a private equity fund, leaving himself a way out, it was still not useless.

The world is so beautiful, but the old boy should be so depressed. This is of course wrong. Wang Yan drank with him and comforted him so that the old boy wouldn't get too distracted.

Until late in the evening, Wang Yan ordered some new dishes and had dinner. Then he called a driver to drive Jiang Pengfei back to Jiang's house.

Only the old lady ate a table of food by herself, saying that Dai Yin was playing mahjong outside and would not come back to eat. Wang Yan didn't say anything to the old lady. After settling Jiang Pengfei, he returned home...

After receiving the summons, Zhu Suosuo left work and went straight to the house. Seeing Wang Yan drinking tea in the living room, she closed the door and changed into slippers, walked to Wang Yan and sat down. In her impression, Wang Yan always seemed to be drinking tea in this posture when he was at home.

"What's so good about tea? I see you drink it in the morning and at night, but you can't get enough?"

"What I'm drinking now is the Lu'an Guapian that I bought last month, which costs 500,000 yuan per catty." Zhu Suosuo is a very vulgar person, so he can just say how much it costs, simple and direct.

After silently estimating the amount of tea consumed in a pot of tea, Zhu Suosuo's eyes widened: "Doesn't that mean that the pot you are brewing now costs tens of thousands? Give me a cup?"

A pot of tea costs tens of thousands, and I drink it every damn day. What about her? Although I didn't sleep with her every day, I did sleep with her several times, and every time I slept with her until midnight. She only had 50,000 yuan? Or a month?

Of course this is something she would never say...

Zhu Suosuo's Taoism was so shallow that Wang Yan could tell what she was thinking at a casual glance without telling her. Both can make him comfortable, but at such a price, one is a living person and the other is a creature of the market economy, so there is no need to compare.

Just like pouring some water into the teapot, he poured a cup for Zhu Suosuo. Seeing her carefully tasting the taste, Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "If you can't taste the taste, just drink it from cows. There's no need to force it."

After she finished drinking, he poured her tea again, and Wang Yan asked, "Did Uncle Jiang ask you to meet Ye Jinyan before?"

"Well, how did you know?"

"He came to see me today and told me about his previous visit to Ye Jinyan. I think you are doing well in Jingyan, and Jiang Nansun's aunt has said hello, so she must be acquainted with you. Uncle Jiang's situation is not very good. , have you told Jiang Nansun?"

"I've said it before, but it's useless. Nansun can't make the decision. If he could listen to what he said, Uncle Jiang wouldn't lose the antiques that belonged to my grandma and the several houses they owned. I didn't Let me tell you, before Uncle Jiang asked me to meet Ye Jinyan, he drove away the car that his aunt bought for Nansun. He said he was borrowing it from a friend to drive for a few days, but I guess he either mortgaged it or paid it back. Because earlier When I was young, I heard Uncle Jiang calling others, saying that the stock market was not good and that he should give it a period of grace. I also saw him kneeling in front of his grandma and asking for money from his aunt. He must have owed a lot outside."

Wang Yan nodded, poured tea again, pulled the tablet on one side, and said no more.

Zhu Suosuo sipped the taste as much as possible. Looking at Wang Yan's leisurely and contented look, he thought of Ye Jinyan queuing up to buy coffee every day, and then thought of Xie Hongzu's idleness on the yacht...

She shook her head and sighed: "Brother Yan, Dongli will be open for sale in three days. Are you really not going to buy one?"

"How much will I charge you for selling a set?"

"The largest house of 420 square meters can cost more than 100,000 yuan."

"I'll give you 100,000 yuan next month and treat it as if I'm buying a house from you. Stop talking to me about buying a house from you."

"Oh..." Zhu Suosuo responded with her mouth bulging. At this moment, she felt that Wang Yan was still handsome without the aura of wealth. He had that kind of straightforward and domineering feeling, which was very exciting.

She drank two more cups of tea and then asked: "Brother Yan, you just said Ye Jinyan, I want to ask, who of you two is richer?"

"Of course it's Ye Jinyan. Jingyan Group is a listed company with a market value of more than 70 billion. If I remember correctly, he personally holds 12 points of shares, which is more than 8 billion. This is on the books , in addition there should be some real estate and other securities investments, etc., the total should not be far from tens of billions. Most of my personal assets are cash and securities. Although I have not calculated them carefully, they are six to seven billion. So be it.

Of course, don't look at Ye Jinyan's tens of billions of wealth. After all, most of it is not real money. Let's put it this way, you just need to find someone to get some dirty information about Jingyan Group, whether it's a project quality issue or a corruption issue among the group's top executives, post it on the Internet to hype it up, and then find someone to make a fuss. In less than three days, his eight billion will turn into more than seven billion.

If someone with good intentions takes the opportunity to snipe at the stock market again, causing Jingyan Group to withdraw funds to stabilize the stock price, causing problems in their capital chain, Jingyan Group will begin to fall into bankruptcy crisis in three or four months. If it is not handled well, you will see the news of Jingyan Group being packaged and sold in half a year. By that time, his shares were worthless. Of course, you don’t need to be so surprised. Usually no one does that because it costs too much money. My 600 to 700 million yuan will be wasted first. Otherwise, how do you think Jingyan Group has grown so far? "

Zhu Suosuo had never studied or paid attention to those things. She just studied how to dress herself up and how to play with rich people. So it still felt very powerful when she heard it. She captured two key points. One was that Ye Jinyan had a net worth of tens of billions, and the other was that although the money was fictitious, it was real.

After she digested it, she thought of the rich second generation on the yacht, and asked again: "Brother Yan, I have a customer who is the Xie family who sells air conditioners in Shanghai. They are quite famous. Do you know?"


"Then how strong is their family?"

"It's okay, much worse than Ye Jinyan. That woman, Xie Jiayin, has poor management skills and a small structure. They have been going downhill in the past few years, and I guess I can't support it anymore."

Wang Yan is not talking nonsense based on the plot. He knows a lot about the Xie family. The fact is as he said, the business ability is really not good, the marketing is not good either, and it relies on the previous foundation to support it. Later, Xie Jiayin wanted Xie Hongzu and Zhao Malin to marry, and also wanted to use money and partnership to open up other fields. Sometimes, money can make things happen. Sometimes, it can't. The main thing is to see who is spending the money and how they are spending it. There is no doubt that Xie Jiayin cannot do it.

Zhu Suosuo groaned and asked nervously: "Does that rich second generation still have money to buy a house?"

"A company is a company, and an individual is an individual. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if their company goes bankrupt tomorrow, it will not stop them from spending too much. Isn't your Dongli a set of 50 million? They still have the money. of."

"Then I'm relieved. Not counting the one you introduced to me before, this is my first order, and it's for that rich second generation. When the order comes, I'll treat you to a feast. , I still owed you a meal before, this time I guarantee that you will be open to eating and drinking."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled. He had made some progress. He drank all the tea in the cup in one gulp, stood up and said, "Go and wash up."

"Okay." Zhu Suosuo chuckled, tossed the bag and walked towards the bedroom.

Now she is figuring out more and more how to get along with Wang Yan. She can sum it up in seven words: If he doesn't give it to her, she can't take it. As long as this is achieved, then in many cases, Wang Yan will really be a peerless good man, the kind who is good at everything.

Wang Yan packed up the tea set and wandered to the bathroom in the bedroom. Soon, the charming words of um, ah, ah, hey penetrated out, echoing and hovering in the spacious bedroom...

Although Jiang Pengfei drank too much, he still remembered the business matters that had been discussed before. He endured the headache and discomfort the next day, went to Wang Yan's company, and signed the contract drafted by the legal department.

He is a prodigal, but he is actually a decent person and understands things. Knowing that Wang Yan could help him in this way, but meeting him by chance was really the most benevolent thing. Therefore, there is no objection to signing the contract. After all, it is tens of millions.

Wang Yan also asked when he planned to tell his family. Jiang Pengfei said that he would wait until his mother's birthday, have a good birthday, and then wait until the next day. The old lady's birthday is the same day as Dongli's opening, which is Saturday.

This is someone else's choice, and of course Wang Yan doesn't care. Then Jiang Pengfei was asked to list how much he owed, and discussed with the legal department whether the late fees and interest could be waived. This kind of economic dispute is almost a professional counterpart to their company's business, which saves them the trouble of finding another lawyer.

After some discussion, it was agreed that on Sunday, Jiang Pengfei would bring all the people who owed money to his home, and Wang Yan would bring his lawyer there to help with the matter.

Of course, in the process, it was still necessary to cheer up the old boy Jiang Pengfei. He had no energy at all and was very depressed. Unless absolutely necessary, Wang Yan didn't want to break the old boy's hands and feet. He was still more respectful.

After leaving Wang Yan's company dejectedly, Jiang Pengfei went out to call loan companies and people one by one, and asked them to come to his home together. Then he went to the agency to look at the house together. At the same time, he also learned about the house price and made some calculations. He has good expectations for when he can buy another set.

After running around and looking around all day, outside his home, he looked up at the old bungalow that had housed half of his life. He patted his face vigorously, opened his mouth and winked to activate his facial muscles, and finally pulled Put on a happy smile, open the door, enter the house and call mom...

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