"Okay, okay, no thanks, no thanks, let's eat quickly. Now, I specially asked the errands to wait in line to buy this braised fish. I don't think you like to wait in line at ordinary times, so try it quickly."

Jiang Pengfei didn't notice anything unusual and greeted him warmly for food and drink.

Wang Yan rubbed it gently with his fingers, then put his hand on the table and picked up the chopsticks to eat.

Jiang Nansun let out a long breath and took a peek at Wang Yan, who looked as normal as if he had nothing to do. He couldn't help but secretly call him a gangster and a bastard. But when Wang Yan turned his head and looked over, he quickly averted his eyes and filled the table with dishes.

Jiang Pengfei didn't notice, but Dai Yin noticed her daughter's embarrassment, but she didn't say anything. She just sat there eating the food without saying a word, pouring and drinking herself, contentedly.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Pengfei sighed and asked, "Wang Yan, after selling the house, there are still 25.6 million left. What do you think about our family buying a small house?"

Wang Yan shook his head: "Two million six hundred thousand, 30% down payment, put it in Nansun's name for a loan for thirty years, six million will have to pay back more than 30,000 per month. And for a house worth more than eight million, the location will definitely not be as good as ours The place we are in now is good and the area is not that big. You have lived here on Fuxing Road for half your life, so you will definitely not get used to it. Add in the monthly mortgage repayments, and your quality of life will definitely drop a lot. For the most part, I don’t think buying a house is a good choice for your family.”

Jiang Pengfei asked: "Are you not optimistic about real estate?"

"It's not that I'm optimistic about the future, it's just that the house is for living and not for speculation. You are not speculating in houses, but I don't think it is necessary. But if it were the 1980s and 1990s, I would buy a house and hoard it if I didn't talk about you. . But now the housing prices in Shanghai are not low. I believe that with the current economic situation, there will be room for growth, but the room for growth is really limited. And Uncle Jiang, you are already over 50, and the old lady is almost 70. You’re eighty, why spend a lot of money on buying a house?”

The old lady took the dinner paper and wiped the corners of her mouth elegantly: "You are still young and don't understand our thoughts. No matter how small the house is, it is yours after all. It is a home. Besides, if I die one day, I will always die. It's good if it's at home, but if it's in a rented house, it will cause trouble to others, which is unlucky."

"Mom, judging from what you said, you will definitely live a long life." Jiang Pengfei brought vegetables to his biological mother with an unhappy look on his face: "Eat the vegetables quickly and eat more. You will be healthy. Don't talk about those things that are not good for you." Lucky words.”

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Old lady, do the math. Now I have about one million in dividends every year, which is your family's living expenses for a year. Buy a house in a poor location and with a small area for 30,000 a month. The monthly payment is 360,000 yuan a year. The nanny your family hires is 13,000 yuan a month and 156,000 yuan a year. This is half a million yuan. What about your family’s life? The remaining half a million yuan , spread out to only 40,000 per month. The food and clothing expenses for your family are calculated here. Compared with your original life, it is really far behind."

Forty thousand a month is certainly a lot of money. After all, many farmers cannot make money in a year, and many other migrant workers have to make money for a long time. But that has to be seen in relative terms. Compared with the original level of the Jiang family, it is not as simple as cutting it in half. The old lady lives an exquisite life, Jiang Pengfei has big hands and feet, Dai Yin plays mahjong and dances, and Jiang Nan and the rich daughter-in-law have 40,000 yuan. Of course, the standard of living of a family with such a combination will plummet.

Of course, what the old lady said does make sense. After all, dying in a rented house is indeed very uncomfortable when you think about it. In particular, although the old lady suffered the most when she was young, she will always be rich and prosperous all her life. She has old ideas and concepts. It is actually understandable to buy a house.

He paused, looked at the disapproval of several people, raised his eyebrows and continued: "Of course, this is my personal opinion. If you ask me how about buying a house, I don't recommend it. If you want to buy it, then buy it. . The average price in Huangpu District is 100,000, but you can still buy a two-bedroom apartment of 80 square meters. It’s up to you.”

"Let's think about it again. We don't know what kind of house we can buy with that money. Let's see." Jiang Pengfei poured the wine and raised his glass again: "Come on, let's drink and drink."

Wang Yan raised his glass happily and ate and drank together with Jiang Pengfei. Of course, he ate a lot and Jiang Pengfei drank a lot.

Maybe it was because he got the confidence, everything was settled, Wang Yan was no longer pressed for money, and he could get more than two million back, so he really relaxed this time. When you are in agitated mood, you will naturally talk more, and if you talk more, you will drink more. There was no need for anyone to persuade me, the small cups were for one mouthful, and if I couldn’t pour the drink into the cup, I drank directly from the wine divider.

He kept talking about all the prodigal things he had done since he was a child, making him cry and laugh at the same time. Of course, I cried and laughed with Wang Yan. The old lady couldn't stand the bearish behavior of her precious son, so she went back to her room and lay down. Dai Yin naturally couldn't stand it and went back to her room to update her sister on the latest situation and share her feelings. Of course Jiang Nansun would not sit next to him, leaving Wang Yan to fumble around for nothing, so he ran to the sofa and sat playing with his mobile phone. From time to time, he turned his head to look at Wang Yan, and then continued to play with his mobile phone.

Just like that, the meal lasted from twelve o'clock to three o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Yan finally finished the food, and Jiang Pengfei finally vomited and fell asleep. This sleep should be the most comfortable he has felt in a while.

Wang Yan helped Jiang Pengfei to the bedroom and lay down. Dai Yin gave him two big slaps angrily, then looked at Wang Yan and said, "Wang Yan, you haven't drank too much? Is that okay? Otherwise, Take a nap at home?”

"It's okay, Aunt Dai, I'm okay. Didn't you see that I don't stagger when I walk?" Wang Yan smiled and patted her arm: "Uncle Jiang is also blaming himself. He feels bad. Ye Jinyan wants to buy something today. The dust has finally settled on the house, but the old house he has lived in for half his life is about to be sold, and he doesn’t want to let it go. Aunt Dai, I think Uncle Jiang is indeed sincerely repentant, so don’t be the same as him."

Dai Yin looked at Jiang Pengfei lying on the bed with his mouth open and snoring, and shook his head helplessly: "Don't worry, we all know it. If I really knew him, I would have been pissed to death by him."

"Haha, that's fine. I'll leave first. Aunt Dai, call me anytime if you need anything. Oh, no need to send him away. He's not an outsider. You can take care of Uncle Jiang."

Looking at Jiang Nansun, who was pouting at the dinner table and not knowing what to do with his father's vomit, Wang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Let's go, Nansun, goodbye."

While speaking, he didn't wait for her reply, simply opened the door and left.

Dai Yin followed behind: "Oh, don't worry about it. Go wash your hands and send Wang Yan off. He doesn't drink too much. What should I do if something happens? Go quickly, go quickly."

Jiang Nansun yelled, trotted to the bathroom and washed his hands, then picked up his small bag and hurriedly chased out...

Wang Yan was walking out of the community with a cigarette in his mouth. Jiang Nansun trotted up to him. He met Wang Yan's teasing eyes and turned his head away from him: "My mother said you drank too much, so she asked me to give you a ride."

Seeing her like that, Wang Yan smiled and happened to pass by the trash can. He walked over and put out his cigarette in a very civilized manner. He walked back to Jiang Nansun and looked at her with a smile: "Are you sorry?"

Jiang Nansun blushed, curled his lips and said vaguely: "Rogue!"

"If men are not bad, don't women love them? That's a wise saying." Wang Yan waved his hand with a smile and stopped a passing taxi. The two of them sat in the back row. He directly told the driver his address: "Please go to the soup." The first grade of the minister.”

"I won't send you back. Suosuo is still waiting for me at home." Jiang Nansun quickly shook his head and reported another address to the driver, where she lived with Zhu Suosuo. She was not a fool. Of course she knew that based on her previous fumblings, if she really followed Wang Yan today, she would definitely not be able to escape. She was still struggling, of course she didn't want to hand herself over like this.

And she still had concerns about the women's cosmetics she had seen at Wang Yan's house before. She was not sure whether Wang Yan was her beloved and a good home for her.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, but did not force it. In fact, if he drove here today, it would be a matter of course in the name of asking Jiang Nansun to drive him back. But now he did not drive. Jiang Nansun showed a certain amount of resistance again. This was real resistance, not the half-hearted attitude during the previous kiss. If he forced it any further, it would be annoying.

He didn't say anything, just put his elbow on the car window to support his face, and tilted his head to look out the window.

Jiang Nansun pretended to play with her mobile phone to avoid the embarrassment of being so upset and not knowing what to say. Seeing Wang Yan like this, she felt a little weak. She couldn't help but poke Wang Yan with her index finger: "Brother Yan, are you angry?"

"What's there to be angry about? I'm just a little dizzy after drinking a lot of wine." Wang Yan hugged Jiang Nansun into his arms very naturally. He put one hand around his neck and rubbed his face, and the other hand gently scratched his thigh.

Jiang Nansun did not resist and rested his head resting on Wang Yan's body relaxedly: "I'm sorry, Brother Yan, I just feel that everything happened too fast. It's very chaotic now. I don't know what to do."

If Zhang Anren knew about her current natural powerlessness, it would be a great humiliation for him. He has been serving him for more than two years, let alone sleeping, and how has he ever worked together like Wang Yan?

Of course, it's actually Zhang Anren's problem to say it right. He praised Jiang Nansun too highly. If he was tougher and took the initiative, he would have already finished the meal.

"Actually, sometimes what is needed is not to know what to do, but to act according to what is in your heart, because gains and losses are never clear, and emotional matters are never clear." Wang Yan laughed. He continued what he was doing: "But since you think so, it doesn't matter, there is still a lot of time."

"Brother Yan, thank you." Jiang Nansun raised his head and kissed Wang Yan's face gently with her thin lips.

There was silence all the way, because the distance was not far, and soon we arrived outside the community. The taxi stopped on the side of the road, and Jiang Nansun said: "How about... go up and take a seat?"

"No need, it's better to go back to bed early. Come back when you have the chance."

"I'm leaving?"

"Let's go."

Jiang Nansun took another bite on Wang Yan's face, got out of the car, closed the door and waved goodbye, all in one breath.

Wang Yan also smiled and waved to her, and casually told the taxi driver the address of Da Lang's house.

The driver started skillfully and looked at Wang Yan who was looking at the scenery behind him in the rearview mirror. He did not doubt that a man like Wang Yan, who showed the temperament of a successful man, lived in Tangchen Yipin because of the change of destination. He was just bored. He sighed, it turns out that the players who live in the first level of Tomson can't just get a girl...

Seeing the taxi disappear, Jiang Nansun covered her cheeks with both hands, feeling the heat. She turned around and slowly kicked pebbles into the community all the way to cool down.

She didn't expect Wang Yan to be so bold, she didn't expect that she didn't refuse, she didn't expect Wang Yan to be so direct, and she didn't expect that she refused so confidently. She didn't even expect that she would take the initiative to kiss Wang Yan.

Before everything happened, of course she had some affection for Wang Yan, but it was just a favorable impression. It was because of Wang Yan's excellence, his guidance on some professional issues after they met her, and his help to their family to find a way out and pay off their debts without asking for anything in return. Now that she had kissed and touched him, the image of Wang Yan suddenly stood up in her heart. The confident man who always had a smile lingered in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it. She felt that she was very unreserved...

Just like that, she arrived downstairs in the rented house. She touched her face, took out a small mirror from her bag and looked at it to make sure nothing would be seen. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and stepped upstairs. .

Zhu Suosuo was paralyzed on the sofa in the living room, listening to the TV and playing with his mobile phone. It seemed that the TV was only used for this. Hearing the sound of opening the door, she sat up and looked at her good sister who was changing slippers at the door: "I sent you a message and you haven't replied yet. How was the conversation?"

"Of course it's been negotiated. I'll go through the formalities next Monday. I'll finish it in the morning and the money will arrive in the afternoon. Didn't you ask Fan Jingang?"

"No, I just wanted to wait for you to tell me and be happy with you. How much did it cost? Can you still have some left?"

"Fifty-five million, after taxes and fees, and the 52 million returned to Wang Yan, there are still more than two million left. My dad said he would give it to Wang Yan. After all, he lost so much, but... …”

"Of course he doesn't want it. Didn't I settle the accounts for you? He has already lost more than ten million, so what's the difference between two million? After all, for him, ten million and eight million are not that different. Where to go. Help thoroughly. Since you have decided to help, how can you ask for the more than two million." Zhu Suosuo waved his hand: "Why didn't you reply to my message? Why did you come back?"

"Forget it, Fan Jingang and Wang Yan negotiated the price. It didn't take ten minutes from start to finish. It was very simple. But my dad planned to leave Wang Yan at home for dinner in the morning. As you know, my dad wanted to bring us together. Now that Wang Yan has helped our family so much, he must be thinking about it even more. So my mother took grandma out for a walk, my father and the nanny were cooking in the kitchen, and I was left in the living room to talk to Wang Yan.

Weren't you still awake at that time? Later, when it was time to eat, my dad probably finally let go and took Wang Yan to drink. I drank until after three o'clock, and I was too embarrassed to leave, so I just stayed there with him. Fortunately, Wang Yan had a good drinking capacity and was still sober. He took a taxi and passed by and brought it back to me. "

Of course Jiang Nansun would not tell anyone about the little ambiguity she had with Wang Yan today. After all, she had said before that she just broke up with Zhang Anren and then said she was having sex with Wang Yan in the blink of an eye. It was a bit of a show-off. Dislike the poor and love the rich. In addition, she introduced Wang Yan to Zhu Suosuo before, but now she is getting involved with Wang Yan again, which shows that she is very shameless. Even though she is a good sister, she doesn't really want to say it, it's too embarrassing.

"I knew that my uncle would never let go of the opportunity to ask Wang Yan to be his son-in-law." Zhu Suosuo asked with a smile, "How was the conversation this time? Is there any progress?"

That's too much, and it's very substantial... Jiang Nansun was afraid of blushing, so he turned around and packed his small bag: "What progress can be made? I just broke up with Zhang Anren, how can I have any thoughts..."

Everyone is an actor, and there is no need to fight with the camera in life. In fact, their acting skills are quite good. Zhu Suosuo didn't see anything. She even tried to persuade him: "With Zhang Anren, what else is there to think about? Is he worthy? You should open your arms and heart to welcome the next beautiful relationship."

"Forget it, I feel like it's good now." Jiang Nansun shook his head and changed the subject very naturally: "You haven't been out all day?"

"I woke up at noon and stayed here until now."

"Didn't Xie Hongzu just confess to you? He didn't contact you?"

"How could I not contact you? I was sleeping in the morning and my phone was on silent all the time. He was about to call me all the time."

Jiang Nansun asked doubtfully: "Then why didn't you go out with him?"

"I've been too tired for a while, and I'm really too lazy to move. Besides, I just rejected someone yesterday, and today I go out with him like no one else. What will happen to me?"

Jiang Nansun has always known that good sisters have always been good at men. She didn't say much and let out a sigh of relief: "My dad was crying and laughing today..."

The two sisters turned to talk about the recent changes in their thoughts, sighing and looking forward to a better future...

In Da Lang's one-room home of more than 60 square meters, because at home, Da Lang, who was only wearing a pair of cool pajamas, leaned into Wang Yan's arms, took a deep breath, and snorted: "It smells like other women, doesn't it?" Zhu Suosuo’s…”

"My nose is pretty good." Wang Yan lay on the sofa with his eyes closed, concentrating.

"Who is it? What is the name of the good sister Zhu Suosuo who is not from the Jiang family..."

"Jiang Nansun."

"Is it really her?" Da Lang asked curiously: "What does she look like? Let me see?"

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, but did not refuse. He took the mobile phone aside and found Jiang Nansun's WeChat account. He opened the WeChat Moments and handed it to her.

"You are indeed discerning and quite beautiful." Da Lang flicked through the photos in his circle of friends, then returned to the chat interface, and flicked around for a while: "Hey, talking so much? Are you planning on it? You have a plan?"

"I just let it take its course. After all, I never force anything. We were all talking about professional knowledge in construction, and we didn't talk about anything useless."

"Do you also know about architecture?"

"I know a lot, but you haven't discovered it yet."

Da Lang bit his lip and blinked at Wang Yan: "Is there anything else I haven't discovered?"

Wang Yan liked the power of Da Lang. He finished holding the big baby with his palms and was about to speak. Da Lang snorted: "I saw the chat history between you two. This Jiang Nansun is locked up with Zhu Suo. Don't you be afraid?" Wearing clothes to show off your stuff? Do you have some bad intentions?"

"Didn't I tell you? Just let nature take its course, whether it's a secret or a bad idea. And as far as I know, Zhu Suosuo has not told Jiang Nansun about our affairs before. Jiang Nansun is also an eldest lady. I went on a blind date with her before, and her father also tried to match her up many times without success. Now there are some signs. I guess she will not tell Zhu Suosuo, a good sister, because she is thin-skinned and is afraid of embarrassment. "

The smile on Wang Yan's face was of course the bad idea that Big Wave said. This seemed to be a permutation and combination. There are bad ideas in Xiuchundao, and there are still bad ideas in that year. Two people in two worlds, with completely different styles, became good sisters in the third world...

As for whether he would become a gangster, he really wasn't worried. Although he said to let nature take its course, the result of letting nature take its course would definitely not be the case. Because of this topic, it was doomed when Zhu Suosuo did not disclose it to Jiang Nansun before. Only Jiang Nansun opened his mouth to share today's events with Zhu Suosuo. Under this situation, it was impossible for Zhu Suosuo to admit that she was with him for money. What's more, it was both kissing and touching, and Jiang Nansun couldn't continue talking, so there was nothing to worry about.

Da Lang found that since he was with Wang Yan, his lower limit was getting lower and lower, and he became more and more shameless. She confessed for herself, continued to look at the phone, and suddenly sighed again: "I have a message for you, asking if you are home."

After taking the phone and taking a look at it, Wang Yan casually threw the phone aside, ignored it, and asked, "How is Yang Ke doing there?"

The phone was taken away, but Da Lang didn't care. After all, Wang Yan could show her the chat history with another woman, which meant that her position was higher than that woman's and she was more at ease with her. Although this would make her look very shameless, it did also show Wang Yan's favor. She didn't really care whether she was shameless or not. After all, it was all private and no one knew about it. To say it, it is just Yang Ke.

Speaking of Yang Ke, she replied: "Yang Ke called me at noon today and said that he had already contacted Dadi Hengxin before, but it was only put on hold because Ye Jinyan gave him a promotion and salary increase. He I contacted him again today, roughly made a plan, and asked me if I wanted to go with him. Of course I said yes, and then he hung up the phone. In the afternoon, Zhou Qing called me and said that Yang Ke had invited her to dinner. , inquire about what I mean. I estimate that Yang Ke will meet these key people one by one in the past two days, and then leave directly, catching Ye Jinyan by surprise."

"That's for sure. Yang Ke originally advocated the wolf culture. This time, he was manipulated by Ye Jinyan. Let alone him, everyone will hold grudges. I have to prepare funds. When the time comes, little Let's get involved and try to earn a few big houses... How about I give you one?"

Da Lang twisted his body in discomfort, raised his head and groaned: "No, I don't dare to ask for it. If you really want to count the money, I'm not worth the price. I still have this little bit of self-knowledge. I'm not lying. Damn it, I really can’t afford it.”

"If you want something you can't afford, we'll talk about it later." Wang Yan hugged her and stood up and said, "Go to bed early and get up early, and exercise. Let's exercise and sweat, and I'll sober up."

"It's annoying. You only know that in one day."

"Then do you like it?"


Soon, Sunday passed and Monday came. Of course Wang Yan took action personally and chatted with Jiang Pengfei by the way.

This is Ye Jinyan's private purchase of a house. Of course, the purchase restriction rules are there. The name of another company under Ye Jinyan's name is used, and Fan Jingang personally handles it.

Of course, the reputation of a listed real estate company with a high market value is very sufficient, not to mention that a secretary like Fan Jingang, who definitely represents Ye Jinyan, comes in person, so the work efficiency is of course very fast. They didn't even have to run around. They were just drinking tea in a leader's office. Jiang Pengfei signed a few names with the aunt named Li. It didn't take long for the new real estate certificate to be in Fan Jingang's hands, and the house payment would be Hit Wang Yan's card in the afternoon.

Of course, it is impossible to just change the owner without a contract. Even though they are decent people, they have all the protections they should have.

At the entrance of the real estate trading center, just as Fan Jingang said, everything was done in less than an hour.

Fan Jingang looked at Wang Yan with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, the money will be transferred to your account around two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Of course, don't worry."

"Then we can cooperate happily?"

Wang Yan shook hands with Fan Jingang, nodded and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

"Mr. Jiang." After shaking hands with Jiang Pengfei again, Fan Jingang said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Seeing Fan Jingang getting into the car, Jiang Pengfei exclaimed: "It's finally over, and I'm finally relieved."

"Uncle Jiang, you said the same thing when we were drinking two days ago."

"It's different, it's different. At that time, I believed that a person as big as Ye Jinyan would not lie to others. Now, the house has completely become someone else's. It's different."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Uncle Jiang, is there anything going on today? If nothing happens, let's go fishing? I brought all the equipment and left it here. The place has been found. Let's fish in the river first and let me take a look. What level is Uncle Jiang? Let’s rent a yacht in a few days and let’s go out to sea for two days.”

Jiang Pengfei shook his head regretfully: "Not recently, my sister-in-law comes back today, and I have to entertain her. To tell you the truth, I used to be such a bastard, and my sister-in-law always dislikes me and wants to encourage Dai Yin to divorce me. . Now this family has almost defeated me. I guess she came back this time and persuaded Dai Yin to get a divorce. So I have to comfort Dai Yin these days. You said that we are so old, we really need to get divorced at this time. , isn’t that a joke? Tell me, what are these things..."

Wang Yan also shook his head: "Uncle Jiang, I really can't help you with this matter. You can figure it out yourself."

"Hey, let's take a look and talk." Jiang Pengfei waved his hand and said, "My sister-in-law said she wants to thank you. She might treat you to dinner in the next few days. I'll tell you first, because I'm afraid you won't have time then."

"Okay, let's make an appointment then." Wang Yan did not refuse: "Okay, Uncle Jiang, let's not bask in the sun here. I will call you as soon as the money arrives. Do you need it? give you?"

"No, you see there are so many taxis, I can just take a taxi and let's go."

Jiang Pengfei turned around and left. Looking at his back, he felt relaxed...

Thank you to the six elder brothers for their continued support (Boundary of Rain) (Love, Love, Love, Endless Love) (Breaking Up and Begging) (It’s Nice to Have a Sense of Substitution) (Zheng Guoshu You) (Little Cute Master, Big Cuteness).

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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