Tietou asked in confusion: "Didn't you steal all the people you hit along the way? How did you steal them? Why didn't I come out?"

"Why do you say it so harshly? Those people helped us brothers overcome the difficulties. This is a good deed and virtue. Buddha protects them, do you understand?" Wang Yan looked like a child and shook his head and said, "Come out and walk in the world. How can I do without the unique skills of my hands? If you could understand the skills of my empty hands, I don’t know how many times my hands have been chopped off by others.”

"Brother Yan, isn't it a good idea to take advantage of others like this? We are not familiar with the place here. If we steal... well, we find the wrong person to help us and cause big trouble, we will die without death. Oh my god. I heard from my brother that there are a lot of underworlds here, and they kill people and take their lives at every turn..."

"Tietou, I can understand that you are here to find someone. But you have to think about it, what will you do after you find someone? You will definitely not be able to return to the country in this life. If you go back, you will be shot. But if you want to stay here, we They are all gangsters. You may not know what kind of life the gangsters here live, but you will know in the future. One day you will know that if you want to succeed, you have to do extraordinary things."

You said it as if you knew a lot. Tietou shook his head disapprovingly: "Brother Yan, how much did we spend on clothes just now?"

"One hundred thousand."

"I heard from my brother that our one dollar is eleven or two here, that is..." Tietou calculated silently and couldn't help but shout: "More than eight thousand?"

Wang Yan glanced at him as if he were a fool: "Tie Tou, take care of yourself as you come. Don't habitually compare the money here with our family's money. If nothing else happens, you will be here for the rest of your life. To live, let alone eight thousand, even eight thousand, you can't spend it. You have to figure this relationship out for yourself, digest it well, don't always be surprised. "

It's not that he likes to preach, he just wants Tietou to grow faster. It's a good seedling, so it's a pity to let him die like that.

Tietou hummed, opened his wallet, looked through the money inside, and put the money he had in his pockets into the wallet, and the precious ones into the inner pocket of his coat, patted them twice more, and then took a big step. Follow Wang Yan.

It was so safe all the way here, he changed his clothes, and he had such a backbone as a good big brother. Tietou, who was feeling weak when he first came here, also felt safe, and he was able to let go a little bit.

Just like that, the two of them found a place to have a full meal, then arrived at the station in Fukuoka and boarded the Shinkansen, the high-speed train in Little Japan.

Of course, the process was very smooth. It was not as miserable as Tietou originally. He ate, drank and swayed all the way, and arrived in Tokyo that night.

"Okay, you can't see much from the outside. It'll be nice if you have a chance to go in and take a look in the future."

Outside Tokyo Station, Wang Yan, who was carrying a bag, patted Tietou who was looking at the Imperial Palace and said, "Where does your brother live? Let's take a taxi there."

"Oh, yes, yes, he wrote me the address when he sent me money." Tietou took out his wallet from his inner pocket, pulled out a piece of paper and muttered: "Okubo 4-chome..."

Wang Yan took the note and glanced at it, then stuffed it back into Tietou's hand, waved for a taxi, reported the address, and the taxi driver skillfully maneuvered the car and diverted away.

Taking a taxi in Japan is very expensive, especially now that the bubble has just burst and its power has not yet been demonstrated. The arrogance of taxi drivers who have experienced the previous golden age and made quick money has not yet faded. The chat with Wang Yan was full of complaints, complaining that people are too stingy now. There have been fewer people taking taxis, and their incomes have plummeted and cannot be balanced.

Tietou couldn't understand what the chirping birds were saying. He just leaned against the car window and looked at the neon lights outside the window, feeling the prosperity he had never seen before. Thinking about his Xiuxiu...

Wang Yan knew Tietou's thoughts, but he was not prepared to say anything because that was the main reason Tietou decided to become a gangster. It was only when he saw that Eguchi Toshinari was the vice-president of the Triad Society and knew that he was a gangster leader that he wanted to do it and want that kind of success. Of course, there are reasons why he doesn't want to be ordinary. After all, he has been so miserable. He can't live a good life just by being diligent and thrifty.

The most important thing is that he is a thoughtful person. In my hometown, I ran an agricultural machinery repair shop, and it was in the early stages of opening up. If I didn't come to Japan, I would probably be able to develop normally.

What Wang Yan values ​​​​is that Tietou has ideas and execution ability, and is a good subordinate...

Tokyo Station is not very far from the destination, only about seven kilometers. Even though it was nightlife time, there were a lot of cars on the road, and there were a lot of traffic lights, it only took half an hour to get there.

When we arrived at the place, we understood why the taxi driver was a little rude to Wang Yan, because the environment here was not very good. Compared with other places, the houses were a bit old, and there were many people walking on the street. He has a bad look or a careless appearance.

Think about it, how can a bunch of gangsters stay in a prosperous place? It would be nice to have a place to stay, and what kind of bicycles are needed?

After paying the expensive fare, Wang Yan and Tietou stood side by side, feeling a little out of place with the surrounding crowd. After all, they were wearing suits, big leather shoes, and coats. Compared with other people who were dressed casually, they still felt a bit oppressive. Especially when Wang Yan deliberately glanced with cold eyes, the sense of oppression became even stronger.

Ignoring the people waiting, the two of them followed the sign with the address on the wall and searched for it, and soon stopped in front of a house. It is a Japanese-style one-family building. It still looks a bit old from the outside. It has obviously aged. There are bursts of laughter coming from inside. There are many people there and it is very lively.

Standing in front of the door, Tietou took out the piece of paper from before and compared it word by word on the sign on the door, just in case he knocked on the wrong door and got into trouble. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded to Wang Yan: "That's right, Brother Yan, it's right here."

Wang Yan raised his head and signaled: "Knock on the door."

Tietou nodded, took a deep breath, raised his head and knocked on the door.

In an instant, the bustle in the room disappeared, and no movement could be heard. Soon, the door was opened, revealing a somewhat wary face.

The man looked at the energetic Tietou in front of him and was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. He grabbed Tietou's arms in surprise: "Brother Tietou!"

"Ajie." Tietou laughed, opened his arms and hugged Ajie.

This handsome face is exactly the target of this mission, Ajie. But handsomeness is actually limited. Looking at it now, it actually doesn’t have the same texture as in the movie. After all, the living environment is such that even if he is handsome, he cannot show off very well. And like Tietou, Ajie also spoke Northeastern dialect, and he was completely different from the Yanzu in Wang Yan's mind.

The two brothers hugged each other for a while. Tietou let go of Ajie and said, "Ajie, let me introduce to you. This is the eldest brother who came with me. I came here thanks to his care. Brother Yan, this is the eldest brother who came with me." The younger brother from the same village you mentioned, our surname is Zhang, his name is Zhang Yujie, he is a good brother who grew up with me."

Ajie nodded and said: "Hello, brother Yan, thank you for taking care of my brother Tietou."

"Hey, there's nothing to thank you for. Tietou said that when you go out, you have to help each other." Wang Yan waved his hand: "Okay, don't stand at the door. There are too many people, so go in and talk."

Ajie reacted and saw some people standing and watching not far away. He quickly let the two of them in and closed the door.

The house is not big, and you enter the living room. There are seven men eating and drinking around a small square table. At this moment, they all stood up and focused on the two of them. This is different from the original drama, because originally Tietou came here in a very embarrassed state, but now he and Wang Yan are dressed like dogs, and the money is not wasted. As the saying goes, they only respect Luo Shan but not others. These people couldn't figure out the details of Wang Yan and Tietou, so they were all very polite and even a little reserved.

Ajie walked up to Wang Yan and Tietou in two steps: "Let me introduce to you, this is the good brother Tietou in my village who I have always mentioned to you. This is Brother Tie who came to take care of my brother Tietou. Brother Tou, Brother Yan, this is Laogui, Xiao Dai, this is Aunt Hao and her daughter Xiaomei, who also just came here and are now helping us with cooking, doing chores, washing clothes, etc. This is..."

The conscientious Ajie introduced Wang Yan and Tietou to get to know them.

Wang Yan looked at the heads of garlic one by one. The old ghost was a fat guy with a short beard and a crew cut. Xiao Dai was a dark and lean one. The other few wore glasses and looked like educated people, and some had dull eyes. There are those who are not good at talking, and there are those who grin and look honest, each of them has his or her own characteristics. No one at this table, not counting Aunt Hao and the little girl, survived. They were all hacked to death by the little Japanese from the Triad.

It's not a big problem for them to gain fans. After all, they are all sold to Japan. They are not powerful and they can't harm China. Wang Yan doesn't care about the community with a shared future for mankind. Just don't harm his own people.

It's just that they don't know how to protect themselves, and they mix too much without overestimating their capabilities. This is the right way to kill themselves. Later, they have been blinded by desire, unable to see, let alone listen. No matter how focused on money, it will never last long. You must have power, a background, and integrate into society, especially the upper class. This is the best policy. And they only have power, and it is only a power that can support two hundred people to death. There is no reason to exist, and they will die sooner or later.

Wang Yan lowered his head to look at what they were eating and shook his head: "When I was in my hometown, I heard them talk about how people from Japan made a lot of money, but in the end you just eat these rice balls? Not even a piece of meat?"

Ajie was embarrassed and wanted to explain, but Wang Yan waved his hand, took out his wallet, took out three big bills and handed them to the little girl on the side. He looked at the older woman and said, "Sister Hao, right? Listen to you. The accent is also from our Northeastern part. You can take this money and put all the hard food on the table. Oh, by the way, buy some wine. Tietou and I haven’t eaten since noon. . Now that I’m giving you 20,000 yuan, just buy it based on these, and you can just keep the rest.”

It was 50,000 yuan. Not only Aunt Hao was a little overwhelmed, but everyone else was a little confused. Only Tietou didn't react, because on the way to Tokyo, he saw this big brother bumping into people, and he later paid attention. I found that this eldest brother could steal without hitting anyone. He had quick eyes and quick hands and was very courageous. He looked like he was doing nothing. He looked at the briefcase that his good brother had casually placed at his feet and fell into deep thought...

Seeing no one responded, Wang Yan waved his hand: "What are you doing standing still? Go, eldest sister, you are hungry."

Sister Hao opened her mouth to speak, but Ajie saw her embarrassment: "Brother Yan, you forgot just after you finished speaking. Aunt Hao has just arrived. It's a bit chaotic here. She doesn't go out much. I'll go, sir." Ghost, Xiao Dai, please accompany me to talk and introduce the current situation."

There was still a sensible person, and a person with a simple and honest face standing behind came out: "I'll go, you guys sit down and talk first, and I'll be back soon."

"Thank you, Brother Li."

The man waved his hand, took the money very simply, put on his shoes, opened the door and left.

Ajie greeted: "Brother Tietou, Brother Yan, Lao Gui, let's sit down and talk. Little sister, bring over two more cups."

Wang Yan and Tietou took off their big leather shoes and sat on the tatami of Little Japan with a group of people. The little girl brought cups and poured Little Japan sake for Tietou and Wang Yan. Ajie finally Asked the doubts of everyone present.

"Brother Tietou, Brother Yan, how did you two get here? When I opened the door just now, I didn't recognize you at all."

Tietou smiled and said, "It's not like you don't know about my situation. Brother Yan takes care of me. He is more powerful. He bought both of our clothes."

The old ghost looked at Wang Yan: "Brother Yan, have you been to Japan before? Or did a friend here send you money? The clothes you two are wearing are not cheap. They are enough for us to earn ten or eight days without food or drink. But I can’t afford to buy such expensive clothes.”

Wang Yan waved his hand with a smile: "This is my first time here too. Didn't I just say that I heard from people over there how I got rich in Japan, but I saw that your food is so poor, which is different from what I imagined. "

"You can't believe what others say. That's what I thought at the beginning, but it turned out that I was miserable. I was frightened every day and bullied from time to time." Seeing that he was kinder, Xiao Dai on the other side also spoke: "Brother Yan, how did you get the money?"

"Good Samaritans helped us."

"Good Samaritans?" The faces of the people in the room were full of questions. Most of the little Japanese they saw looked down on them. I really didn't know there were such kind people here, giving away hundreds of thousands to others?

"Oh, he just stole it." Tietou revealed the good brother's secrets and imitated Wang Yan's movements to show them: "He just bumped into someone and got the wallet in his pocket. Japanese people have money, and wallets There are tens of thousands in it, doesn’t this give us an advantage?”

"Brother Yan has such a unique skill?" The old ghost felt a little relaxed at once. He was not cornered by the police and was fighting for his life. Most of the lone thieves were rats, and in terms of status, he was considered the eldest brother in the house: "You should be doing well in your hometown, right? Why did you leave your hometown and sneak into Japan?"

"I got into some trouble and couldn't survive in my hometown. Didn't I just come to Japan to make a fortune? When I first got off the ship, Tietou kindly gave me a big pie. I thought he was a nice guy, and I heard he said he had an acquaintance here. , we all can be considered fellow villagers, so we followed here shamelessly. After all, if you are not familiar with the place, you should first find a place to stay."

Wang Yan raised his glass and drank with them, grabbed the peanuts on the table and ate them, then changed the subject very naturally: "What do you do here?"

Ajie answered: "It's just doing odd jobs. There are intermediaries who specialize in introducing work to black households like us. They are all Chinese, but they are all permanent residents. They are Chinese who have been here before. They provide We found work, each of us smoked several thousand, and made a lot of money."

Tietou asked: "What exactly do you do?"

Xiao Dai, who was drinking, put his cup on the table angrily: "What else can it be? Collecting and sorting garbage, cleaning up garbage on the land for construction companies, picking up debris in sewers, digging out feces, in short, no little Japan is willing The work is done by us gangsters, who are dedicated to serving the happy life of little Japan, damn..."

There is a big gap between imagination and reality, and since I can't change the status quo, I don't want to run back home in such a mess, so I can't help but feel a bit resentful.

Tietou asked again: "How much money can you make in a day if you do those jobs?"

"If you're unlucky, you'll get about 7,000 or 8,000, but if you're lucky, it'll be around 10,000, not necessarily. There's not always work, and there are a lot of gangsters living near us, and they're all going to grab the work."

"Seven to eight thousand..." Tietou was accustomed to silently calculating accounts, and nodded: "Not bad, I have more than 600 yuan every day, which I can't make in a month at home."

After he finished speaking, he reacted and subconsciously looked to his side, only to see his good brother shaking his head with a smile.

Before he could say anything, the old ghost snorted coldly: "More than six hundred is just money to us, but it's nothing here. Do you know how much our rent is? Ten thousand! It's not a group of people, it's one person." .You will know if you go up and take a look at the living environment in a while. It is very broken and is still small. You can’t stretch your legs at all. Just now, Brother Yan said that we don’t eat well and drink well. There is nothing we can do about it. If we really eat well and drink well, everyone There isn't much money left in the monthly salary. Even though we came here to make a fortune, our parents have to provide for it, right? We have to send money back so that they can enjoy themselves. Even if Brother Yan has the ability, our money will never be enough. Brother Yan, we need to Why don't you pass it on to us?"

"You are too old to react slowly and cannot learn." Wang Yan shook his head. He just didn't want to teach, it was too laborious: "I heard that little Japan looks down on thieves. Although there are some people who steal, there are not many. Along the way I came here and found that little Japan is really not vigilant. If you are brave, it will be easy. Don’t say you don’t do this on weekdays. If you want to learn from me, you know your hands are not clean. "

The old ghost chuckled and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. I'm all forced to do it. If you can make a little bit of money through petty theft, you can make a little money."

After waiting for a while, the man who had just gone out to buy things came back hard carrying large and small bags of things. They were all cooked food and food prepared by restaurants, so Aunt Hao didn't need to do any more work. Immediately, everyone started eating and drinking together, chatting and laughing in a relaxed manner.

While eating and drinking like this, Wang Yan got to know each other well, and they all understood Brother Yan at the same time. At the same time, he also found out the details of each person. Although they are quite thoughtful, they are still too young for him.

They didn't eat or drink for a long time. Wang Yan didn't tell lies. He and Tietou were really hungry. They had a great meal and drank a lot of wine. What I bought was sake, which was boiled and drank at a temperature of 15, 6, 7 or 8 degrees. After drinking it for a long time, I felt like I was in a daze. This was just the right state.

Seeing that it was almost done, all that was left was to talk. Wang Yan said, "Can I take a shower? I just washed my face in the past two days. It has been a long journey, so I need to take a good shower to feel comfortable." sleep."

"Yes, I was nervous all the way. I sweated a lot and my body was very sticky." Tietou, who was already a little confused, became more energetic. He was always tense, and with the daring big brother, he was even more tense to the point of breaking. . Now that I'm in my own place, I relax and drink again. I'm tired and ready to sleep.

The old ghost shook his head and said: "This poor place has a nice toilet, but there is no room for a bath. Ajie, please take them both to the bathhouse to wash up."

"Okay." Ajie took the last bite of meat and wiped oil on his pants casually: "Old ghost, please find a place to come out and tidy up."

"Come on, there's no need to go to that trouble. Tietou and I will sleep in this hall. Just get a bedding for us two." Wang Yan waved his hands and stood up, stretched out, and then tucked his white shirt into his pants: "Ajie, please put my bag away."

Tietou became more energetic and raised his head to wink at Wang Yan. Wang Yan just shook his head and pretended not to see it.

Ajie said: "Then you put on your shoes first, I will go up and put them in my room."

Quickly, Ajie put down his bag, Wang Yan and Tietou tied their shoelaces, said hello to the others, and the three of them opened the door and walked out.

"Hey, Iron Tou, Ajie." Wang Yan took out the Huazi and divided one piece each: "Don't say I'm stingy, it's not easy to buy here. I left in a hurry, and this is all I have on my body. Take a cigarette. One less root.”

Ignoring Ajie's surprise as he had never seen the world before, Tietou lit up his cigarette, took a puff, and asked, "Brother Yan, is it okay if you just leave the bag in the house? I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, we are all our own people, trustworthy." Ajie assured: "What's in the bag? Are you so worried?"


"That bag is..." Halfway through the words, Ajie reacted: "That bag is full of money? Did Brother Yan steal it along the way?"

Tietou hummed: "More than six hundred thousand!"

"What?" Ajie was shocked and stopped in place: "How about... let's go back and take it with us. It's safer this way, Brother Yan?"

Wang Yan, who had been silent for a long time, shook his head with a smile and blew out a long puff of smoke: "It's only a few hundred thousand. It's not like you can't make money. It's not a lot of money. They shouldn't be so short-sighted. Let's go and take a shower." go."

Ajie asked innocently: "What if they really took it?"

Wang Yan turned around and looked at him calmly: "Whoever takes it will be killed!"

Thanks to the three brothers (I am a bookworm 8983) (brave lazy cat) (passerby ya) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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