Wang Yan took a drag on his cigarette, ignored the anxious finances, and looked at Feng Kun, who was cautiously smiling across from him: "Akun, you are Gao Hong's confidant, and you are having an affair with his wife. Do you know how much Gao Hong is worth? ?”

"Brother Yan, I really don't know about this." Feng Kun shook his head: "They are all men. As you know, Gao Hong's wife and children are just for display at home. Those in our loan shark company who have not repaid their debts will be sent to film. He was the first to open the beautiful ones. In addition, he also had two women raised outside, both of whom gave birth to his children. In this situation, his wife could not touch the money. However, the previous financial estimates were based on the income of these years. At a glance, excluding the restaurants, bars, and other properties under his name, there are still 200 million, just a lot more.

Brother Yan, don't worry. I have contacted a lawyer today and will report him missing tomorrow. Next month, I will use normal legal channels to get all the property in Gao Hong's name. "

Wang Yan nodded and stared at him expressionlessly: "Akun, don't let me down again."

"Brother Yan, I promise, there will be no next time."

Feng Kun knew very well that if it weren't for this matter, he would have died. Now he wouldn't dare to spend a lot of money and then fly away. He had no doubt that Wang Yan could kill his Wanwan hometown and dig up all their graves. What's more, his whole family is here now, and he has to instruct others to do things. Those who were left yesterday are now Wang Yan's supporters. If he has any small thoughts, life will be worse than death.

Just like the two people who were thrown out before and had their legs broken, without the support of hundreds of people behind them, their legs were broken again. The key point is that these two people have no serious identities. Even if they are not dead, they will still be alive in this life. It was unspeakably miserable, and he didn't want to get to that point.

"We are out here just for money. We can't let everyone be unable to eat and support their families. In the future, the salary of the lowest brother will be increased to 200,000. For big brothers like them who are in charge of people, I have already agreed before, and the share will be increased. 10%. That’s it for the time being, and I’ll talk about the rest after I understand it in detail. In addition, there are a few positions for the big brothers who are in charge of people. Tomorrow I will ask my previous brothers to take over and make arrangements.”

After explaining to Feng Kun, Wang Yan looked at the financial person aside. Of course, this person was also a crooked person, and Gao Hong trusted him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to leave such a matter to this kid.

Wang Yan said to him: "Emperor and courtier. Although I am not the emperor, I am also the new boss. I know that you are Gao Hong's confidant, but you can rest assured. As long as you work honestly and don't do any small tricks, then I won't do anything to you. I always keep my word. Look at Akun. Isn't he also Gao Hong's confidant? Isn't he also good? Where are you looking? He didn't let you see his legs. He asked for it. of.

Listen up, I'll give you three days to settle the accounts for me. I have thirty-seven people under my command, and their treatment must be the same as the previous people. How much money can I get from dividing the accounts with the triads? Prepare them all for me, I want to use them. I will check the accounts in three days. Don't take any chances and fool me just because you think I can't understand the accounts. If the accounts are even, then everything will be fine. If it's not fair, say goodbye to your family and prepare for funeral arrangements.

You can do it, right? "

Meeting Wang Yan's smiling eyes, the finance minister nodded repeatedly and raised three fingers to swear: "Brother Yan, I promise I will not let you down."

Ignoring the financial statement, Wang Yan drank down the glass of wine, stood up and patted Feng Kun on the shoulder: "Let my three brothers make arrangements to have some fun with Japanese women. I'll leave first."

Amidst everyone's greetings, Wang Yan left without hesitation, leaving Xiao Dai, Taibao and Tietou, who were all laughing, looking at Feng Kun.

Of course, being able to be taken by Wang Yan, they are all real hardcores. Feng Kun is not ignorant, so he immediately sent someone to take these three people to a shop in Kabukicho to be cool...

From the time when Wang Yan gave speeches and brainwashed hundreds of young men who originally belonged to the Tainan Gang, it can be seen that Wang Yan has actually taken control of the Tainan Gang. If we want to talk about it earlier, it was last night, when only the small bosses who had not taken action were left to start. They were frightened out of their wits and couldn't bear to resist, and they controlled half of the effective strength of the Tainan Gang. The remaining half, whose leaders had been killed, were unable to organize themselves, and posed no threat to Wang Yan.

The next day, Wang Yan went to each industry and looked at it to actually understand the specific situation. Not to mention the hotels, those bars, arcades and custom shops are really very profitable. It's the worst bar, with monthly turnover of tens of millions. Of course, this is after taking into account all the money spent on fake wine, women accompanying him to drink, sleep with him, and all kinds of food and drinks. The main reason is that these bars are very big and lively.

With this kind of income, after excluding half of the money to be distributed to the triads, nearly 40 million to pay the salary to the younger brother, and various public relations expenses, in fact, the money in hand is only 10 to 20 million.

Being the eldest brother has its difficulties. Gao Hong looked at the scenery, but the stall was not too small, and he supported so many people who were free to eat. In other words, he was stingy and didn't have much money to pay his younger brother's salary, so he saved some. net worth.

Of course, Gao Hong has developed in the past three or four years, which coincides with the rise of Japan. It is easy to do anything. It is more profitable to be a gangster and make a gray product. To have those few restaurants, bars, real estate, etc., it costs seven to eight billion, which is more than 60 million in Chinese currency. It is already very good, and you can seriously call him a rich man.

Compared with Gao Hong, a rich man, Wang Yan's group of young men who are so poor that they don't even care about their lives can certainly not fight in vain.

Including Tietou and Taibao, a total of five people were promoted to be small leaders. There was no old ghost. Wang Yan clearly told him that it was because he was being mean-spirited before and it would be his turn next time there was room. Of course the old ghost nodded repeatedly and had to thank Brother Yan. As for what he was thinking in his heart, he didn’t know and it didn’t matter. Xiao Dai has no arrangements. This guy is not smart, so he will take him as a bodyguard from now on.

There were so many young men left who went to various places, either to guard the gates, or to collect protection fees, or to go out to collect debts with the young men in Tainan who were skilled in the business before. Someone actually found Wang Yan and wanted to make a film. Protagonist...

Wang Yan agreed. After all, his appearance was not bad, and his little brother was big enough, otherwise he wouldn't have volunteered. It would be good to add some strong medicine like this. The most important thing is that he is the younger brother who followed him in the first place. If he is not satisfied with this requirement, how can he lead the team. Anyway, it's all about making money for him. As long as the conditions are sufficient and as long as it doesn't cause him trouble, you can do whatever you like.

Of course, their treatment is the 200,000 mentioned before. This number is actually not much different from before they worked hard, which is only 32,000, but the treatment is completely different.

In the past, they had to accompany others with smiling faces on the street, but now there is no such thing. Occasionally, they can find a place to eat, drink, and sleep with women. It is their own property. Although they also spend money, they are always discounted. I don’t know how easy life is. How many.

Of course, Wang Yan would not sap their fighting spirit so much, so he built a dilapidated factory building in the suburbs, renovated it casually, installed some equipment, and asked them to go there to exercise and conduct regular assessments. Although everything is business, although the arena is not about killing and killing, they are serious hooligans, not the kind of little hooligans who play rogue. Their foundation is fighting and killing, and they must practice their special skills well.

As agreed before, Wang Yan went to check the accounts three days later in the afternoon. He was already a lot haggard, and the financial look on his tired face did not disappoint Wang Yan. The accounts were indeed balanced, and the specific figures were all correct. The amount of money that can be withdrawn is as much as 50 million, which is all working capital, money to ensure the normal operation of other industries.

They are all businesses that make quick money. This kind of entertainment industry, even though Little Japan is starting to fail now, people who should play have not delayed others' enjoyment, and the money that should be made is still being made, and there is still a lot of liquidity. . Besides, even if you need working capital, you shouldn't go with him, but go to the triads to get it. So Wang Yan directly withdrew the money and loaned it to a Japanese boy under him through the name of the mortgage company. A few days ago, what was going on at the same time was using his name to find a lawyer to apply for registration of a technology company.

Although the laws of each country are different, the gameplay is the same. The purpose is to use various turnovers to separate yourself from the relationship, and at the same time avoid taxes in various ways without delaying making money.

After some financial encouragement, Wang Yan left with satisfaction and went to Gao Hong's hotel. Ajie, Tietou and Xiao Dai were already eating and drinking in the private room.

"Brother Yan." Seeing Wang Yan come in, the three of them stood up to greet him.

"Okay, we are all our own, you don't need to be so polite, just sit down." Wang Yan sat down with a smile, looked at the three people who looked expectantly, took out three residence permits from his pocket and put them on the table: "Let's take a look."

Eguchi Toshinori spoke well, saying that three days would be three days. At noon today, someone found Feng Kun and delivered five residence permits to him.

The three of them stretched out their hands, grabbed it and took a look. Then they looked around again and found the one with their own faces. They grinned sillyly and stared at it without blinking.

Wang Yan did not disturb them and just continued to eat and drink.

Tietou actually felt pretty good. He was happy, but not very happy. He just couldn't go back to China. He was happy to have a serious identity here and not have to be a gangster, but he felt no other way. After all, he came here with Wang Yan, and it was only a month since he landed.

Ajie and Xiao Dai are different. The two of them have been here for several years. Not only did they earn so much money by doing dirty work for others, they also suffered a lot of scorn over the years, and were kicked out by the police from time to time. They were scurrying around in fear of being sent back to their country. Compared to Tietou, the two of them suffered more, and the impact of the small card in their hands was much greater. So the two of them laughed and turned red...

"Okay, it's almost done. You're such a big man, why are you wiping away your tears? Come on, drink and drink." Wang Yan raised his wine glass and knocked on the table, waking up the two of them who were immersed in their own world.

Ajie wiped his eyes and raised his glass: "Brother Yan, thank you for helping me get my identity. From now on, whatever you say will be yours, and I will give you my life."

Xiao Dai also wiped his eyes, but he was a little speechless, because Ajie said everything he wanted to say. But he was more upright and said simply: "Brother Yan, I won't say that much. I will chop whoever you say. I respect you, Brother Yan."

After speaking, he raised his glass and drank.

"You are too hasty. Ajie, don't thank me all the time. Didn't I tell you everything? Just do the job I asked you well and that will be your help to me. Come on, Tietou, Let’s have a drink together.”

Xiao Dai poured himself another glass of wine, and drank one with Wang Yan and others.

Putting down the wine glass, Tietou smiled and said: "This Eguchi Tosei has kept his promise and done what he promised us."

"How can he keep his promise?" Xiao Dai curled his lips, full of disdain: "That's because he was afraid that we would kill him. It's not like you didn't see it when Brother Yan asked you before. That Eguchi Richeng pretended to be You guys are trembling too. The little devils are all wolves that have not been raised well. Brother Yan, I think we should find an opportunity to kill them. Don’t forget, we almost killed him last time As for that subordinate, you said you can't stand the look in that little devil's eyes. I guess they are waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against us. You have to pay attention to your safety this time, Brother Yan, the brothers are all pointing at you."

Tietou very much agreed with Xiao Dai's words and nodded repeatedly: "Xiao Dai is right, Brother Yan. Moreover, the tree attracts wind. The news that we destroyed the Tainan Gang has been spread, and the name of the Tongzhou Society has also been revealed. It must not be that simple. It can get better."

This is true, they are all in the Tokyo gangster circle. Although Wang Yan acts decisively, quickly and cleanly, he still has to take over the property. In addition, there is Feng Kun, the original second in charge, who is limping on one leg and walking on crutches to show his face, not to mention the extra 30 unfamiliar faces such as Tietou, plus some of Gao Hong's related people. I have been unable to contact Gao Hong recently.

These things all indicate that there have been some changes in the Tainan Gang. If you ask around again, you will definitely not know what happened specifically. However, you can still know that the Tainan Gang was destroyed and the original industry changed hands. Besides, Wang Yan didn't hide it, and he didn't tell his subordinates not to tell others. It was normal for people outside to know that there was a new Tongzhou Club.

The most important thing is that the police from the Metropolitan Police Department are paying attention to these gangs of various sizes. Two days ago, Feng Kun took Takahiro's wife to the Shinjuku police station to report her missing. It is difficult for policemen and robbers to separate. After all, they are always dealing with each other, so the people who should know will always know the news.

Tongzhou Club can be regarded as entering the Tokyo gangster circle. Recently, some gang bosses have actively sent invitations to meet Wang Yan.

Wang Yan does indeed always say that he is a gangster, but if you ask him, he will definitely shake his head and deny it. Therefore, it was impossible for Wang Yan to go to this kind of thing. He just asked Feng Kun, who was busy and never touched the ground, to come forward and convey the philosophy of Tongzhou Society, and that was all. They are all so good now that they are immortal, why would you still call them brothers?

"Don't worry, I know everything." Wang Yan looked at Xiao Dai: "Now that the residence permit has been issued, you can learn to get a driver's license in the meantime and be my driver in the future."

Xiao Dai nodded: "Brother Yan, don't worry, I will definitely protect you and block bullet holes for you to ensure your safety."

"Quickly pull him down. It's not certain who will protect whom." This is what Ajie said. He still can't forget that in the bathhouse before, Wang Yan's four big mouths whipped away the four little Japanese gangsters. picture.

Compared with what Ajie saw, Xiao Dai, a player who took a severe beating himself and then joined in the killing, naturally understood better. He could only say that he didn't want his life, but also wanted to ensure Brother Yan's safety.

Chatting and laughing, the four of them talked about how difficult life was before, and had a sweet thought, and the meal passed like this.

After the meal, one of them ordered an after-dinner cigarette to eat. Tietou said, "Brother Yan, can I take in my little brother?"

Wang Yan thought for a moment and asked with a smile: "Is he that Hong Kong boy?"

"Isn't it him, Brother Yan, you don't know, that Hong Kong boy always comes to where we live these days to look for Brother Tietou." Ajie answered, "What did Brother Tietou say to him before?" It's a life-saving grace. Now that I know that Brother Tietou is from Tongzhou Club and manages a bar, I want to come over and help. Having said all that, isn't it better to watch Brother Tietou become prosperous and join in to make money?"

"It's all about living. How about it, Brother Yan? Can he join?"

"Originally, we didn't plan to expand in the past few months, but you have already spoken. It doesn't matter if one comes in. What else can we do?" Wang Yan blew out the cigarette and dusted the cigarette with his slender fingers: "The rules You have to make a good deal with him, and don't let him complain to me when I break the rules and punish him."

Tietou vouched for Hong Kong Island Boy: "Don't worry, Brother Yan. I have been in contact with him for a while, and I feel that he is still a good person. With me watching, there will be no problem. I just want to see if he dares to fight and fight hard, and he is not a bad person." I am an acquaintance, so I feel more at ease when using it.”

"They are your subordinates, you can use them as you see fit." Wang Yan nodded noncommittally and said nothing.

When Hong Daozi later participated in drug trafficking activities with Ajie and others, he was the first to make a move against Tietou. Without saying a word, he simply took out a knife and stabbed him in the waist, and then cut the old ghost's throat with a knife. . If it hadn't been for the fact that Nakajima Hiromasa and the devil Takahiro hadn't thrown rocks in and killed Hong Kong Island boy, maybe that boy would have been able to scare other people away with his ruthlessness and become the big brother that day.

Of course, that was the original, but now that it is in the hands of someone Wang, no one knows what will happen in the future. Maybe it's because of the ruthlessness in his bones that he can fight for the top position under him, or he can cheat and collude with outsiders. It's possible.

There is nothing else important to do during the meal today. I just want to give them my residence permit and see how Ajie is doing. Now that he was full and had nothing to say, Wang Yan took a taxi and returned to Lili's place...

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