Although he does not have his own factory for the production of speakers, it is not a big problem. There are many OEM factories. Nowadays, under the model of industrial chain distribution and coordination and cooperation, this method is almost the same. He just needs to find hardware employees, solve some technical problems, and then recruit people to go to the factory to do quality control.

The crux of the matter is how many can be sold.

Wang Yan acted very quickly, and the industries here in Lin'an were also very complete, so he found a small factory the next day and asked it to build a prototype first. We also discussed the OEM price. Since the quantity could not be guaranteed and the products had no reputation, we simply signed a cooperation intention and paid a deposit.

The production of the prototype is still quite laborious because it needs to be adapted to the production line and some adjustments must be made. So it would take a few days. Taking advantage of this time, Wang Yan found a lawyer and went through all the necessary procedures, including applying for trademarks and patents.

I also contacted three online music platforms, Painxun Music, Yiyun Music, and Agou Music, as well as three online video platforms, Painxun Video, Aiqiyi Video, and Youcry Video. I also contacted Baiyi Shoudu and Sou Nagou. Search platform. These things need to be built into smart speakers. If you use other people's products, you have to spend money to buy authorization. This is the advantage of being a platform, and you can make money on your own.

Of course, there are functions such as screencasting from mobile phones and Bluetooth connection to play songs, but people who don’t use it that much, such as the elderly, should also be considered. Although the operation of screen mirroring seems very simple, there are many mobile phones that are difficult to figure out, so these must be taken into consideration.

At the same time, we have recruited a technician in this area and two more people responsible for quality control. They will be stationed directly when the time comes.

Of course, recruiting people doesn't take just one day. He has already sent them out before. The company now has its own manpower and is contacting Wei Lan. A small company has also begun to engage in first and second sides.

On the one hand, Wei Lan and the new recruits simply asked some questions with answers, and then chatted to see what their character and personality were like. The second meeting is with Wang Yan. He will focus on testing his technical level, and then chat and see how he is.

Wang Yan is of course straightforward. If possible, he will make a decision on the spot. If not, he will also tell the interviewer where the difference is. Wei Lan was always there during this process.

The reason for this is to exercise Wei Lan's ability to see people. He will tell Wei Lan how he feels about the interviewer and how he sees it. It is a practical teaching.

Although she was pregnant, it actually didn't delay anything. Every day's life is very regular. They sleep until they wake up naturally in the morning, then go to the company to work until about 11 o'clock. The two of them go home to cook and eat and drink. They go to the company around 1 o'clock in the afternoon and leave at about 4 o'clock in the evening. After dinner and a walk at home, Wei Lan was mostly reading and studying, occasionally consulting Wang Yan.

This is a true joy of learning, and Wang Yan, a player who has taken charge of super giant companies countless times, founded the Wang Empire twice, and has never worked for anyone else in the past thousand years, teaches it without reservation.

Moreover, now Wang Yan has basically ignored the daily operations of the two companies, and has handed over these tasks to Wei Lan. He is only responsible for technology and the future. Now the company is growing up from a young age, and it is very good at training people's abilities. With such a happy study and happy work, Wei Lan can't even think about making progress.

Of course, the lives of two people cannot always be the same day after day. On the fifth day after Wei Lan confirmed her pregnancy, the couple drove a car to the factory in Linping.

As soon as the car drove into the factory, Zhao Changchun, who was eating in the cafeteria, trotted out, wiping his mouth and saying, "Boss, boss lady, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming?"

"Old Zhao, although we are not familiar with each other, there is no need to deal with those false things. I'm just telling you, why don't you prepare a way for me to welcome me and set off some firecrackers? There is no need to have such a big sense of crisis, I Didn’t I tell you before that as long as you do the job that the factory director should do, manage the people in the factory well, complete the factory’s production tasks, and do not be greedy or occupying, then as long as my company does not go bankrupt, you will be the last to I can work here until I retire. Naturally, I have to be more natural."

Wang Yan patted Zhao Changchun's shoulder, which was a bit hunched over. It was still unfamiliar, or because it depended on his face. One sentence could determine their family's life. When people reach middle age, they have to bend down if they can't stand up. It's all the consequences of life. force.

"Our contact time is still short, and there is no business in the factory now. You will know if you have more contact with me in the future, and you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. Let's go, the couple are just here for lunch. The chef is here After working for such a long time, let’s see if there is any progress, and also see how the workers are doing. They’ve been scolding me a lot lately, haven’t they?”

Zhao Changchun led the way. He felt a little embarrassed after hearing the young boss's words, but he still shook his head without changing his expression: "It's okay, they all say you are a good boss."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, I don't know about others, I know myself. If I had a boss who was so tossing, I could scold him three times a day. Regardless of whether the conditions are good or not, I have to scold him when he deserves it. I come out to work to make money, and the conditions are indeed better, but it’s boring to say how grateful I am to the boss. Also, from now on, I will call you Mr. Wang, don’t always refer to the boss, the boss, it sounds awkward.”

You all know it, but you still ask me what I am doing... Zhao Changchun said, "Yes, Mr. Wang," and took Wang Yan and Wei Lan into the cafeteria.

This canteen is actually a production workshop, but the previous boss didn't run it very well and had no room to expand the production line. Even if it was expanded, it would be useless, so it was tidied up and used as a workers' canteen.

As Zhao Changchun led Wang Yan and Wei Lan in, the buzzing noise that filled the workshop stopped. Pairs of eyes looked at Wang Yan and Wei Lan.

Wang Yan glanced at the more than fifty people in the venue and saw that his mental state had indeed improved. After all, it has been half a month since I acquired the factory, and the food has improved almost at the same time. I have been training all day with a veteran who came back from a professional military training base, and my mental outlook has improved a lot.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm just here to take a look. I'm not looking for trouble. I should eat and chat."

The boss said that, but those workers didn't dare to be careless, so they stayed quiet for a while. But it only took a while, and then they began to whisper in small groups in twos and threes. If they kept mumbling too much, it would become chaotic again.

Wang Yan just kept thinking on his heels, knowing that these people were complaining about him again, but he didn't care and followed Lao Zhao to the innermost place.

There are several sliding metal tables with several pots of vegetables on them. Braised pork, fried saury, scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, boiled cabbage, and a vegetarian meatball soup, followed by plates of rice and several small pickles. When it comes to four dishes and one soup, it means four dishes and one soup. The implementation is still in place.

Seeing Wang Yan looking at him questioningly as he looked at the many dishes left, Zhao Changchun explained: "Mr. Wang, the meal has just been served, and many people haven't come to refill it yet."

"We must pay attention to leftovers. You can eat too much, but you can't throw away too much."

"Yes, Mr. Wang. The workers have also downloaded and installed the management system we developed. Usually when eating, I ask them to determine the number of people there in advance. Breakfast and lunch are easy to prepare, but there are sometimes more people at dinner. Eat, some people don’t eat, so the chefs can’t control it. But it’s been half a month now, and the chefs have been able to control it. Some waste is inevitable, but it’s definitely under control.”

Wang Yan nodded and strolled to the kitchen at the back with his hands behind his back, touching here and there and checking the sanitary environment. Not to mention how clean it is, after all, the cooking area will inevitably have some oil stains, and it hasn't been long since cooking, but it definitely can't be called dirty. After reading it again, I am very satisfied. Lao Zhao does a good job and is relatively safe.

Then he followed Wei Lan and prepared food by himself. This was what he prepared. Wei Lan was pregnant and was experiencing various symptoms, so she just made a few pieces of saury, two other vegetarian dishes, a bowl of soup, and some pickles. Wang Yan was different. There was a big dinner plate full of food, which made Zhao Changchun speechless.

Arriving at the table where Zhao Changchun was sitting, Wei Lan took a bite of the cabbage sum and nodded: "It tastes good, hubby. It's about the same level as you."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile. He had eaten once before and immediately gulped down the food.

"Old Zhao, how is the training of the employees responsible for drug material inspection?"

"The products we make require too many types of medicinal materials, hundreds of them. Our workers are basically middle school and high school educated. They are not too young and have poor learning ability, so the effect is not very satisfactory. Even though I later We have found some new employees, but the time is too short, the identification of medicinal materials is not easy, and the progress is not fast. Mr. Wang, I think if we want to reach the level you mentioned, we can't do it without working for a year and a half. "

"It's normal. In the past, it took several years for Chinese medicine apprentices to identify medicines. Although our level is much less difficult and we don't need to know the properties of medicines, it is not an easy job. Take your time and don't be in a hurry. At this stage, as long as you can clearly distinguish what It’s okay as long as this doesn’t work.”

"They have already met these conditions." Zhao Changchun nodded and then asked: "Mr. Wang, are we going to start production?"

"The company that I ordered the equipment from previously called me to tell me about the progress. It will be delivered to our factory for installation in one week or no more than ten days at the latest. I have already contacted the supply of medicinal materials from Northeast, Yunnan and Guizhou. We have ordered more than 2 million medicinal materials, which will be shipped this week. Once the equipment comes in and is debugged for one day, production can officially start. Recently, you need to check the warehouse and the medicinal material processing area that you have designated previously. There is also the workshop environment. Let’s find someone to come and check it. Things at the entrance must not be careless.”

"Okay, Mr. Wang, we will organize manpower to start cleaning again in the afternoon, and then find professionals to come over to see if our workshop is up to standard, and seize the time to prepare for production."

Wang Yan nodded, and then chatted casually, caring about Lao Zhao's family situation and so on.

More than two million medicinal materials may seem like a lot, but in fact they are not much. After all, medicinal materials have different values, and there are many precious medicinal materials. With the current proficiency of these employees, basically once the production line is started, the work can be completed in two days. Once they are proficient, it may only be half a day's work. Double the profit, a net win of more than 4 million.

In fact, he is not very anxious about mass production. Because he doesn't have that many customers. Although the people he is recruiting now are making selected calls to all parts of the country every day, there are still few customers. He still has to slowly accumulate, slowly ferment, and then explode.

But mass production is also good for him. After all, he used to rely on his hands. This month he broke out, and so far he has only made three million goods. The more goods a factory has, the faster it can produce, which he cannot compare with. Now he was finally freed from this repetitive work and freed up his time.

In addition, and most importantly, he is finally compliant with the law. No one paid attention to him in the past, but if he really wants to be serious, he is not going to jail for being so productive, but he will definitely not be able to escape with a fine, and his business license may be revoked. Now he is finally safe. He can produce boldly, take out loans and pay off debts, and he has no worries at all.

And in fact, he also has a marketing strategy to quickly develop business, a very simple method, let's make profits. Give current old users discounts to attract new customers. New customers can purchase three bottles for a course of treatment for only 9999 each. Customers who have successfully promoted the product can also get a coupon and can also purchase one bottle for 9999. At the same time, this offer has no upper limit and the event lasts for half a year.

No one's money is blown by the strong wind. When the original price was restored from more than 8,000, it caused a lot of dissatisfaction. However, this is a complete seller's market, and it has been explained long ago that there is no way to dissatisfaction. The current event price has dropped by nearly 3,000 yuan compared to the original price, and rich people will also be tempted. After all, not everyone is that rich. If a normal family of five eats all their food, their annual salary of one million cannot afford it. Unless it is one million after tax, but in contrast, the standard of living has dropped significantly.

Therefore, the discount of 3,000 yuan is quite powerful. If nothing else happens, there will be a wave of sales explosion.

After hearing Wang Yan's plans for the future, Wei Lan sighed: "It's so fast. If things continue like this, our family will probably have several hundred million by the time the child is born, right?"

"You can enlarge the number even more." Wang Yan still held the car window with his left arm, resting his face on his hand, and controlling the steering wheel with one hand, with a careless and lazy feeling: "You can use the factory as a mortgage next month A loan of 20 to 30 million is not a big problem. With this money, our company will expand in an instant, one day at a time. If nothing else happens, by the time the child is born, we should already be a well-known company in the country. No matter how you define it, you can already be called a successful person.”

Wei Lan puffed her lips: "The reputation of selling Dali Pills is not good."

"The thinking is too narrow. The name is just a code name to distinguish it from other products. It doesn't matter what it is called. The main thing is what do we do? Although it is very expensive, we can earn more than 8,000 for a bottle of medicine. But you can feel it firsthand, we do It is improving the health of the people of the motherland and is a major matter related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Reputation is a burden, so don't be obsessed with those that are useless. As for our products, if you give them to anyone who scolds us, it will be in your heart. Those with average qualities may die suddenly, which is why they are envious and jealous.

And you don’t think our products are very famous, right? Although it is true that we earn a lot, it has always been spread among the rich. People who earn 18,000 yuan a month may have received harassing calls from our artificial intelligence, but they will not believe it. They will only think that we want to Crazy about money. "

"What about the future? Have you never thought about lowering the price? Rich people are already healthy, and they control all kinds of resources in society. I think we should invest in research in the future to lower the cost further so that people all over the country can Everyone can afford it. That way we can make a lot of money and have a good reputation."

"Now the situation has come up." Wang Yan nodded with relief: "Don't worry, we still have too little money at this stage to do anything big. After a while, I will set up a laboratory to make research and development cheaper. The capsule medicine can be afforded by more people."

Wei Lan hummed, remained silent for a while, and said, "How about we donate some money? Let's use it as a blessing for the child."

Wang Yan was even more pleased and said with a smile: "How much do you want to donate?"

"Donate... one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand? Doesn't it mean that the donation can be tax-deductible? We have done a good thing and paid less tax. How great."

"You have to be bolder. One hundred thousand and two hundred thousand is not in line with the amount of money we make, but this can be regarded as a first expression of your feelings and meaning." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, thought for a while and said, "The money we make now It’s not much, but money is needed everywhere. Wait until next year, let’s go to impoverished mountainous areas to donate a school, or build a cement road or something, and spend three million. If we are building a school, we can’t tear it down after building it. Because we have greater capabilities, we can build it in one step.

We have to be responsible for the children's food, drink and nutrition, and we have to negotiate with the local education bureau. Either we bear the teacher's fees, or we subsidize part of it. Anyway, we have to be responsible to the end. If there is a shortage of junior high schools in the local county, then we will build junior high schools in the future. If there is no shortage, we will subsidize the junior high schools and improve the teaching conditions and teaching standards of the junior high schools. Then we will subsidize high schools, and then we will set up special scholarships and grants for universities. We will ensure that those children can study safely until they graduate from university.

I believe that one day, we will definitely see a little girl or young man in our company. He walks up to us with some anxiety and says that he is a graduate of the school where our company was built. At this moment, what kind of mood should we feel when we see such a healthy and energetic child standing in front of us? "

Wei Lan lay on her back on the passenger seat, staring blankly at the road ahead. For a long time, she breathed out: "That must be good..."

There was distress, expectation, joy, and pride in her tone. She must have thought of the most miserable child that had ever appeared in the news. She thought of how this child walked many miles to the school they built in a remote mountain village, wore warm clothes, studied hard in a warm classroom, and ate The meat, eggs, and milk supplement nutrition and grow the body. The child went to junior high school, high school, was admitted to the university of his choice, and found a job. After more than ten years of hard study, he came to her...

so good……

An untimely ringing of the phone broke the hopeful atmosphere. Wang Yan glanced at it and then answered the phone with a smile: "Hello? Mr. Zhou?"

"Mr. Wang, the prototype of the smart speaker you developed has been produced. It's very hot. When will you have time to come and pick it up? Or can I have someone send it to you?"

Zong Zhou is also a knowledgeable person. After producing it, he fiddled with it for a while. His feeling is very simple, that is, there is a way to make money. The market for smart speakers is also worth tens of billions. Although it has been shrinking and falling off a cliff in the past two years, the market is still there. Sales of millions a year. And now Wang Yan's game is very good. Once the situation is opened, it will make a lot of money. So he does OEM production, and although he doesn't make as much as Wang Yan, he still makes a lot of money. The Chinese New Year will be over in more than two months, so he will try to have a good year this year.

"Oh, I might have to ask Mr. Zhou to send someone to deliver it. I'm in Linping and I'm about to go back. Your factory happens to be in Xiasha. Let's go on both sides and I'll go back to collect the goods."

"Okay, then I'll have someone drive over right now. I'll first congratulate Mr. Wang on the big sale and making a fortune."

"Isn't Mr. Zhou getting rich in the same way?"

The two laughed twice before hanging up the phone. If you can make money, you will become a good brother, and your relationship will become much closer.

Wei Lan asked curiously: "I heard that Mr. Zhou laughed so happily. Is he definitely making money?"

"Didn't I show you the design drawings? If nothing else, just put it in the living room and track the children's functions at any time. You can already make a lot of money. We will go back to the company later and you will know after seeing the finished product."

"I really don't understand why you have so many..."

"Maybe this is genius."

"Shit, genius, why were you so miserable before?"

"People have to wake up. I just woke up for a moment, and with some luck, I became what I am now. I can be regarded as a genius who awakened the day after tomorrow."

"What kind of luck?"

Wang Yan turned his head and glanced at Wei Lan, raised his eyebrows, deliberately clamped his voice, and changed into a magnetic voice like a magnet, and actually sang: "There are always some surprising encounters, for example, when I meet you~~ "

Wei Lan burst out laughing, humming along to Wang Yan's singing, and then found the song on her phone and played it...

I happily returned to the company all the way, and then went upstairs to the door of their company. The girl at the front desk facing the door pointed to a box on the table with exquisite and simple packaging, looking at the box with a sense of technology and said: "Mr. Wang , this is what the previous visitor asked me to pass on to you."

"Okay, thank you."

A company in this office area had a front desk position, so a girl was hired to sit here and be responsible for receiving interviewers and other clerical tasks. There are no serious people who come to the company to discuss business. Even if you have such a position, it is almost meaningless if you don't become a good-looking girl.

Wang Yan took the box to Wei Lan's office and handed the box to Wei Lan: "Here, this is the first time in the world to open a box, I'll leave it to you, I'll take a video for you, so you can watch it later of millions of fans take a look.”

Wei Lan's pet account has become the only promotional window for customers for a technology company like theirs...

"Okay, please be careful and don't show your face."

"Do not worry."

While talking, Wang Yan took out his cell phone and started taking pictures.

Wei Lan took a deep breath, then reached out and unpacked the package, and then took things out one by one. She moved very slowly, leaving time for the dubbing introduction. This Internet celebrity was not in vain, just two words, professional.

With her actions, this smart speaker was finally revealed.

This smart speaker has a white appearance, a round and chubby sci-fi cartoon image, with two big eyes, no arms or legs, only a round body, a round base, and a floating body between the body and the base. , can rotate freely.

Of course, it's not impossible to make him look slim and cool. The technology he has mastered can even make a small robot with flexible movements. But a fatal problem is that it requires some people to develop and implement it, and in comparison, the cost of production is also high, and the selling price is much higher. This brings us back to the key issue. If he forms this kind of R\u0026D team, he might as well smash the foundations of artificial intelligence and use the technology he has mastered bit by bit, and the robots will go along with it.

So now this has become the best choice. You can build in a large speaker, increase the battery module, and build in more functions.

The two eyes are two cameras, and bionic vision can be used for indoor monitoring. It can also be set up to identify strangers. As Wang Yan said before, it can also monitor children's movements, detect dangerous behaviors, and provide timely alarm reminders. It can also transmit data back through recognized human movements to train artificial intelligence.

On its belly, there is a small projection module that achieves high-definition projection through technical means. Through the suspended design, the elevation angle of 90 degrees can be adjusted, either facing the wall or the ceiling. Of course, no matter how high-definition it is, it is still projection. If there is no curtain or the lighting is better, it will be more ordinary.

Of course, this function is useless. After all, those who have a house usually have a TV or a special projector. For those who don’t have a house, many people have computers, tablets, etc., and there are also mobile phones that everyone has. watch. But there are always some people who like this. After all, it is equivalent to buying a smart speaker and getting a junk projector as a gift, which sounds like a relatively good deal.

And people like fresh things. It doesn’t matter whether they are useful or not; what matters is whether they are available or not. You can not use it, but you can't live without it. Just like many useless things in life and many unused functions of electronic products, it must have them.

Since everything is projected, we can’t just project movies or anything else. So I still made it interactive. The projection module on the chest can create some interesting patterns or the like, or release dark blue light to create some technological mystery. You can also project some of the emotional states of artificial intelligence during conversations.

In addition to smart monitoring, child protection, and projection, the voice assistant function of smart speakers is of course top-notch. With smooth conversation and dialect recognition, there will never be a situation where you say "front door building" and it says "crotch axis". It can also adjust the voice of the artificial intelligence in detail and customize the call title. You can record a family member's voice as an assistant, or you can create a two-dimensional version. Customized calls can be made into two dogs, three donkeys, three or four.

As for controlling other smart home appliances, that's trivial. After all, the industry follows a common agreement, and as long as it has that function, it will work. The response time depends not on his smart speakers, but on the technical level of other home furnishing manufacturers.

Overall, it is actually very good and better than similar products. It is neither a high-quality speaker nor a personal data server, but a more advanced terminal that can simply listen to music, watch movies, and control smart homes.

Correspondingly, although the price cannot be compared with those with outstanding functions, it is still higher than those with only two to three hundred yuan. After all, it must be worthy of its level and pile of materials. So, 999 is a good price.

Then there is the optional projection, which does not add this function, and only costs 799. In this way, the 999 one is very easy to sell. After all, it’s only a price difference of 200 yuan, no more, no less. The light on the chest of the smart speaker is already cool. If you interact with people again, no one will refuse it...

Thanks to my brother (a veteran driver of Kaihei) for the 100-coin reward for his support.

Thank you (w Ye Luo) (Che Fu 773) (just enough) to the three elder brothers for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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