Wang Yan opened the drawer, took out a one-yuan note and put it on the table, then pushed the drawer up: "Don't be in a hurry to pay it back. You probably didn't use this money to supplement your family income. You must have seen something else." You haven't arranged your work yet, just wait until you get a job and get paid and you can pay it back."

"Hey, thank you, Your Majesty." Han Chunming clasped his fists and asked: "You know so many people, why don't you help me?"

"What's the use of knowing a lot of people? Why do you think they are giving face? It's not because I have nothing to worry about, I'm alone, and I've practiced my skills, and three or five people can't get close to me. If I really don't have much friendship, it's because I'm not sensible. Damn it. The stubborn masters are all a bunch of alley gangsters who are not doing their job properly. To be honest, veterans, our status is not good enough for others. It would be nice if we can go out and have a good time and eat and drink.

Besides, we are all in our twenties now, how can we still think we were in our teens before? If you give me face, call me "Master" like you. If you don't give me face, then I'm just a grandson. They either serve as soldiers or work as odd jobs in some units, so I don't have the right to speak.

Moreover, there are so many old prostitutes returning to the city now, and they are all looking for connections and favors, so where can I speak? Don't even think about it. If I really had that ability, I wouldn't have to go to a food factory to repair equipment. It's because of my father who took special care of me and made me an apprentice. Otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do. "

Wang Yan shook his head: "Don't count on me, but I remember that Yang Huajian's father seems to be a bit capable. You go to him to study it."

"Why haven't I looked for it? He is idle now. How can he care about me?" Han Chunming sighed: "I'd better wait for news from Cheng Jianjun's father. His father promised to help find a solution. That's okay, no. I'm sorry for disturbing your pleasure of drinking."

After he finished speaking, he carefully moved the stool. This fucking chair belonged to Huanghuali, and it burned his buttocks even when he sat on it. After placing the stool, I went out and left.

Wang Yan smiled, turned on the radio on the table, listened to the news broadcast inside, and drank a small wine from a small wine glass that might be worth millions in the future.

The most famous doucai cup in Chenghua is the doucai chicken cup, which sold for more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars in the real world. This one is not as exquisite as the Chicken Bowl Cup, but because there are not many porcelains from the Chenghua period handed down, less than a thousand pieces, and this one is a set of the Four Gentlemen of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, and it is in extremely good condition, with four pieces. If they are packaged and sold together, the total price must be much higher than the chicken vat cup. As for whether there is such a set of things handed down from generation to generation in the real world, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he has it now, and it is still used by the imperial court.

So finally, this time the living father treated such a big boy like him well. Just the things in his house, just living and waiting to die, will be worth hundreds of millions in the new millennium.

He had to eat well by himself, so he leisurely drank half a catty of wine, finished the fried pork with bean sprouts, stood up, cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and washed the remaining sorghum water and rice, and poured out the water. Place in a basin to dry. It's midsummer now and this is to avoid going sour tomorrow morning. It's rare to go out for breakfast these days. Firstly, it's not easy to buy, and secondly, it's too expensive.

Of course, when it's so hot, the rice will definitely still taste a little bit if it's been left overnight, but it's definitely edible. Not to mention Wang Yan's current body, even if it was as weak as before and unable to restrain a chicken, there would still be no problem. After all, when he was a child in the village, he ate sorghum, millet, etc. like this.

After tidying up, Wang Yan lit a flower and walked out carrying the trash can.

Now that the genius is about to darken, the Han family in the main room is very lively. The whole family is back and they are eating meat dumplings in a lively manner. After passing the reverse-seating room in front and going out, there were many people gathered at the canteen at the corner of the street, sitting on their own small mats, or on some large stones scattered here, and some people were waving cattail fans. , the chat was very lively.

Under the streetlight of the telephone pole, there was a circle of people surrounding him. It was not difficult to understand that he was playing chess with him when he heard the words "general draws his cart" among the crowd.

Wang Yan carried the bucket and walked through the crowd with a smile. Uncle Zhang, Aunt Liu, Uncle Qian, Aunt He, and Brother Lu said hello.

People responded with smiles, and after he left, the group began to turn the topic to Wang Yan. Why does this child have a hard life? This child has a good physique, this child is capable, this child has been delayed in his studies, all this nonsense...

The place where garbage is dumped is not far away, a few dozen meters beyond the street entrance. There are special trash cans here for centralized disposal, and a few more next to them are public toilets. The land of grain reincarnation is for the use of many people nearby. Of course, there are so many people who are particular about it and some who are not, and their quality is uneven, so that's it. The relevant personnel were very diligent in cleaning up, and there was still room for work.

"Your Majesty!"

While he was pouring dirty water, he heard someone saying hello. Wang Yan turned his head and looked at the sound. Around the corner not far away, there was a skinny boy with a crew cut who looked like he was malnourished and waved to him.

After spitting out the cigarette butts in his mouth, Wang Yan rummaged the bottom of the bucket twice more, then left the garbage pile and walked towards the boy: "Monkey, what's the matter?"

This man's name is actually Li Hailong, which is a somewhat domineering name, but because of this guy's skinny monkey-like figure, he naturally got the nickname "Monkey". He is also in his twenties, but because his family background is not good and his job opportunities are limited, he has naturally become a gangster, but he has not done anything bad, that is, playing hard, getting into fights, etc. No harm to anyone.

Now it's on the Hunshichahai side, where there is a black market that has been passed down since the Republic of China. In this day and age, everything depends on tickets, it’s hard to spend money, and it’s hard to buy things if you want. Naturally, this place has become active again. You can get some items to exchange for money, you need to exchange for national tickets, you need to supplement nutrition for your children at home, there are all kinds of things. This guy has a small gang, and he brings a group of people to trade tickets with him, or to get some agricultural and sideline products, and he can also do some small business secretly.

In this day and age, to do this job, of course one is not short of money, but he is always on tenterhooks.

"Didn't I just happen to see you? Today is the day when the market opens again. I wanted to ask if you would go?"

"I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me." Wang Yan patted his forehead, shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, I won't go. I'm a little tired from working these two days, and I drank wine at night. You guys do your thing. Just keep an eye out for anything good that I can use."

This thing is like going to a market, there are rules, such as three, six, nine, two, four, eight, etc. Of course, these rules are only in a few larger places, or places with a relatively complete range of things. There are people behind you, so there are so-called rules. However, there are so many people in the capital, and there are too many people in need every day. The spontaneous formation of large and small trading markets is naturally inevitable and cannot be controlled at all.

Of course, it is not without control, but it is only to catch them regularly and complete the tasks. In addition, the focus of people's attention is not on the heads of these ordinary people. Now it is considered to be in the later stage, and it is not as strict as it was at the beginning. And to a certain extent, this can be regarded as a spontaneous adjustment by the people. The road cannot be completely blocked, but there must be some openings.

So secretly, the market in Beijing is also quite prosperous. After all, people here are more sensitive, and the sensitivity to tightness is very strong.

"Okay, Your Majesty, you are busy, I'm leaving."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, swayed the bucket in his hand and returned home.

Judging from the monkey's attitude towards him, you can tell that he is not working in a food factory honestly. If not, no matter how famous and prosperous he once was, such a money-making man with several subordinates would not be so respectful to him. Strength is what matters all the time. When I was young, it was about personal strength. Now in my twenties, it doesn't matter if I can beat the shit out of real people. It's about who has the ability. Obviously, he is still capable.

According to the identity given by the living father, his majesty is certainly not for nothing. He still has a few loyal followers who thoroughly implement his instructions. I can do everything from selling tickets to collecting antiques. Anyway, I just don’t need to be poor, let alone bullied. After all, watching him grow up, the living father understands him...

I put the bucket home and didn't stay in the house. Instead, I got a folding fan to fan the wind and went out to watch people playing chess. It's actually still early now, it's only after six o'clock, which is not the time to go to bed yet, and there are not many entertainment activities. It's hot and the house is stuffy. Otherwise, I would stay outside to feed the mosquitoes.

Although he watched TV series before coming here and worked for another day, he was not sleepy now, so he went out for a walk to feel the authentic atmosphere of the old capital in the 1970s.

Fanning himself, he strolled to a group of people playing chess and stood back to watch the excitement.

Now, one of the people involved is Old Man Guan. Dangling sniffed, raised his head and glanced at Wang Yan who was gathered outside, and then continued the game.

It's quite possible to survive at this old age, and there are still thirty years left. Speaking of which, apart from his unfilial son and daughter-in-law, he is the most comfortable person in the play. Regardless of seniority or age, all are offered. Moreover, he is seriously an old man and a young man. Although it doesn't seem to matter in the play, in fact, according to his identity, he still has some connections.

After watching for more than an hour, the number of people gradually disappeared. This was my daily schedule at this time. At seven or eight o'clock, I would lie in bed with my family and talk to each other about the shortcomings of the parents. I don’t even light a lamp because electricity is expensive. A quarter of a degree is a dollar a month. At this time, the average salary of people is only twenty or thirty, and a pound of fat meat is only seventy or eighty cents, so I can't bear to part with it.

Of course Wang Yan would not go to bed so early. He was still watching. It was only after seven o'clock and he planned to return at eight o'clock.

At this time, Han Chunming ran over from the courtyard and squatted next to Wang Yan, who was smoking.

Lao Guantuan raised his eyes and said, "Thief Sun, what's the matter?"


"Come on, boy, give me a couple of tricks." Lao Guantuan stood up and spoke to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan shook his head and said to the middle-aged man watching chess on the other side: "I'm just a stinky chess player. I just want to watch the excitement. Uncle Zhang should do it."

"You kid watch this every day, how can you make any progress if you don't do it?" Uncle Zhang said so, but he sat down at the old juncture position, and even "gong pawn" very simply, everyone had already thought of his moves.

Playing chess is addictive. This process of confrontation, the competition of wisdom and chess skills, and the joy between victory and defeat are actually very good. Wang Yan smiled and said nothing, and just squatted there and continued to watch.

This scene is actually not unfamiliar, it is the beginning of this play, but it has already changed. The source of the change was just a dollar that Han Chunming borrowed from him.

It turned out that Han Chunming deceived his eldest brother. After his eldest brother found out that he had been deceived, he went to Han Chunming to settle the score, while Han Chunming went to Su Meng to pay back the money. He borrowed money from Su Meng because his aunt came empty-handed during the day. He borrowed money from Su Meng to buy apples so that his family would not find fault. After paying back Su Meng's 50 cents, he took Su Meng and ran to the air-raid shelter to avoid being chased by his elder brother.

As for Cheng Jianjun, the player whose brain was kicked by a donkey, while he was thinking about pursuing Su Meng, he also locked the two of them in to assist. He directly helped the two of them hug and hug each other, and their relationship developed rapidly.

Then Han Chunming ran out and found the old juncture to find out whether the telescopic cigarette pole he saw during the day was a good thing.

But it was different now. Wang Yan lent Han Chunming a dollar, so there was no need for Han Chunming to lie to his elder brother about being hunted, and naturally there was no need for him and Su Meng to run to the air-raid shelter to hide. That is to say, they paid back the 50 cents normally, and after some gossiping, they came over to see Lao Guan.

Things are different now, although it is still hard to stop Han Chunming from liking Su Meng. After all, Han Chunming has been interested in Su Meng since he was a child and has always played well with her. It's just that I felt unfamiliar after joining the queue for several years. I came back and stayed for a month. It happened that Su Meng didn't have to go to class anymore and lived in a hospital. She walked by one after another, and she regained her feelings. There was some response from Su Meng, and this was considered a positive contact.

But because the current experience is different from the original, the progress bar is definitely not that fast, so a lot has been decided. A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an anthill. Many things are often doomed from the beginning.

Han Chunming murmured a few words to Lao Guanguan, then suddenly ran over and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to discuss with you."

"It's not you, why are you so busy?" Wang Yan turned to look at the old man sitting behind him, stood up with his knees up, and walked over with Han Chunming who was smiling awkwardly: "What's the matter?"

"I just told you about your set of colorful patterned wine glasses. The old man wants to hug you."

"Is it possible, kid?" Lao Guanjian said: "I knew your father had good things before, but I didn't expect that your kid is also quite capable of tinkering. You got such a good thing."

"What's wrong with this? Let's go and have a look at my house. You can also have a close look at it and see if it's true."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled. It means that the old man is old and his brain is not clear and no one takes it seriously. Otherwise, if he keeps talking like this all day long, there will be no good results and he will basically die in the bullpen. Of course, it is also possible that he saw this at this old juncture and acted like this.

Han Chunming said: "Admiral, Prince, you two go and see me. I have something else to do and I won't accompany you." After saying this, he turned around and ran away.

The old man snorted: "You brat, you're so frizzy."

"The goods have been restocked. Didn't I ask you about the items just now? I was thinking about it."

"you know too?"

"He just borrowed a dollar from me before."

"That's it." Lao Guanguan nodded and said, "The pipe that Elgin used when he signed the treaty is just an object."

Of course, it is impossible to say this to others. At this time, those who are messing with this thing are really crazy. I don’t know how many good things have been burned. But since Wang Yan knows the inside story and understands a little bit about this stuff, even if he doesn't understand it, it seems that he is still collecting it. Since the old man wants to read Wang Yan's things, there is nothing to say about such innocuous things.

"Boy, is your fan from Jinsunan?"

"Hey, the Admiral has great eyesight, can you tell it right away?"

"I smell it." He didn't show off at this juncture, and his tone seemed normal: "Why didn't I see you take it out and fan it before?"

"I just got a board from the late Ming Dynasty. I dismantled it to make a small cabinet. From the remaining scraps I made a few fans, a few strings of beads, and a few pairs of chopsticks."

The old juncture was silent. Even though he was a waste, this kid really dared to think and do it. Forget about fans and beads, you can even make chopsticks. Doesn’t it burn your mouth? Aren't you afraid it's a coffin board?

Just like that, the two of them slowly arrived at Wang Yan's home.

Arranging the old man to sit on the stool in front of the desk, Wang Yan took out a set of four wine glasses from the cabinet and placed them in a row on the table. He also turned on the lamp on the table to let the old man take a closer look.

I really looked at them very carefully at the old juncture. I held them one by one under the desk lamp and looked at the carcass, texture, glaze color, and painting skills. Anyway, I just turned them over and looked at them.

"How is it? Admiral? Do you have anything to say?"

"This is the real thing. As for what's behind it, how do I know so much? History is the sea, and these four cups of yours are not even a drop of water." Lao Guantou sighed: "It's a good thing, I heard Chunming said you just drink with it?"

"Admiral, what advice do you have?"

At this juncture, he gently put down the cup, glanced sideways at Wang Yan, and then changed another cup and continued looking at it. His throat was stuck with ten years of old phlegm and he said: "Boy, can I exchange things with you?"

"Tell me."

"I'll give you a blue and white wine bottle from Hongzhi, barely enough to make up a set with your four cups. I remember your father has a jade ring inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong. Give it to me, and add a new fan you made." ,How about it?"

"You two, master and disciple, are not good people. I just don't know anything about these old things. I know they are good things just by looking at the green ones." Wang Yan shook his head and said, "Besides, I don't need a wine flask. You also love it." When it comes to drinking, you should know that we drink by ourselves and there is no one to wait on us. It takes a lot of effort to pour the white wine we bought into the jug, and then use the jug to pour it into the wine glass. It takes more than enough to drink. It’s just right. This fan of mine isn’t worth much either. I have plenty of it. I’ll give you this old one for free. You can use it to cool yourself down. Don’t worry about the few things my father left behind. Let’s go, Admiral. It’s getting late. I I'll send it back to you, I can't afford to get stuck in going out."

"You brat, it's like I'm cheating you of something. I just want to know if you know the goods. You sent me away with a broken fan. I don't know whose coffin board it is."

As we all know, Qianlong was in debt. This old boy stamps and inscribes everywhere. Although in Wang Yan's opinion, Qianlong's calligraphy is really not very good, but it does not delay that the ring finger is a treasure, a serious imperial green, clear green. This is why he said that the master and the apprentice were both bad people and wanted to take advantage of him. Of course, if you look at it from another angle, it makes sense that the old juncture is testing whether he is professional in this area. The greater possibility is that he is trying to make amends for himself at this old juncture. If it is really changed, then it will be changed...

As for giving a fan, it really doesn't matter. Even in the new millennium, his fan doesn't have much money, let alone now. The value of this fan only comes from the value of the wood. Golden nanmu is indeed very precious, but it is only a sixteenth-grade good bone, so how much material can be used.

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Then let it go. Why are you holding it so tightly?"

"Don't want it for nothing."

I walked to Lao Guan Guan and delivered it to the door of his house. The old man's house was right next to the canteen. He lived alone. The yard he entered was quite comfortable.

Watching Lao Guanjun go in and turn around to close the door, Wang Yan lit another cigarette and then returned to the door of the courtyard. He saw Han Chunming walking back under pressure. Wang Yan waited for two steps and asked, "Is this a departure?" Is it disadvantageous?"

"Don't mention it." Han Chunming let out a long breath: "In order to sell more money, they even sanded the things with sandpaper. They are so uneducated... Hey, Su Meng, you are still going out so late."

Halfway through the words, the depression on his face disappeared, and he turned to a smile and looked at Su Meng who came out of the screen wall.

Su Meng held a flashlight and looked at the two people standing at the door: "What did you say we were going to do? What else could I do besides going to the toilet? I asked you knowingly. Why are you two still hanging around outside?"

"Let's chat." Wang Yan smiled and said, "You guys can chat, I'm going back to sleep."

"What are you talking about? It's late at night." Su Meng rolled her eyes at Han Chunming and left.

Han Chunming smiled, caught up with Wang Yan, said hello, and returned home.

Wang Yan went back to the house to get a basin for washing. He went to the courtyard and quickly washed his face with cold water, brushed his teeth and washed his feet. Then he turned off the light and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes and preparing for sleep.

When he looked at the door just now, Han Chunming and Su Meng were not that close, which meant that the changes he had thought about before had indeed occurred. This was a good start.

This task is also interesting. Now Han Chunming is having an affair with Su Meng. I don’t know when in the future Han Chunming will express that he wants another life.

Tsk tsk, he, Wang, has always been very decent...

Thank you (No. 1 Infinite Heavenly Lord) for the reward of 100 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to brother (shj) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

Thanks to the four big brothers (Li of the Rain) (Love in Love) (East of the Wilderness) (Novel is a Good Thing) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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