Another day full of energy and getting up early. Wang Yan packed up, put on a pair of Jai Alai sneakers, and with the morning breeze and the rising sun, he went out for a jog to stretch his body. He ran up Chang'an Street within a short distance.

It's only after five o'clock, but Chang'an Street is already very busy. Although there are not many cars, there are still many people riding bicycles. Nowadays, there are not many tall buildings on both sides of the road, and Chang'an Avenue is already wide, and there are no filters for looking at old photos decades later. It feels very good.

In the eyes of people looking at the two fools, Wang Yan ran his long legs upside down and ran the entire Chang'an Street from Dongdan through Tiananmen to Xidan. Then run back again, one round trip, one more trip. It’s less than four kilometers one way and less than twelve kilometers in total.

After that, I didn’t go home. Instead, I went to Beihai Park and found an open space. I stretched my arms and kicked my legs, spun, jumped, and rolled around every day. Fighting against his imaginary self, his only opponent is himself.

After struggling like this for a long time, I went home at a normal pace.

When I got home, it was already past seven o'clock. It was a busy time in the courtyard. A group of people had gotten up early, had eaten, packed up and went to work, starting a new day of work.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, you went out for a run again? You kid, you are not tired every day." Old Guo Tou came out again pushing his bicycle and watched Wang Yan enter the hospital to greet him.

"Exercise and exercise will make your body taste better and your body will feel better." Wang Yan patted the tendon on his arm with a smile.

"Young people are still energetic." Lao Guotou clicked his tongue and said nothing more. He placed his left foot on the pedal and swung the car forward. When the car could slide stably, he stepped forward with his other leg. Because Lao Guo has a short head and short legs and cannot ride a 28-year-old bicycle, it is inevitable to look a little funny from behind, but no one laughs at it, after all, many people don't have one yet.

Looking at the back of the guy who was riding a bicycle, Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, then turned around and entered the yard.

"Xiao Yan, you went out so early. I thought you hadn't gotten up yet and I was about to call you to go to work." Han Chunming's mother, Li Ping, was combing her hair in the courtyard.

"I've been out running for two laps, but Chunming hasn't gotten up yet?"

"It's early. Besides, there's nothing wrong with getting up so early. Oh, you said that our five sons have been back for more than a month. Now that more and more educated youths are returning to the city, the street can't make arrangements. Xiaoyan , you know a lot of people, is there any way? If not, go to work and ask the leaders in your factory?"

"Chunming told me last night, aunt, I really have no choice. Otherwise you have been taking care of me like this all these years without you saying anything, and I should have found a solution for Chunming myself."

Chunming's mother sighed: "This is really sad..."

Then I thought about my sister, who had just left not long ago, and the two nieces, who came over and shaved me again, which made me even more worried.

Things are like this these days. The material conditions in the city are much better. Life in the village is hard and life is difficult. If you have relatives in the city, if you can take advantage of it, you must take advantage of it. Even if you know that someone doesn't want to see you, you still have to be shameless, but there's nothing you can do about it.

"Don't worry, auntie. If you really can't find a job after a while, I can take Chunming to do something else. I'm sure he won't be hungry. He just doesn't have a job and can't afford the job provided by our country."

"Then just wait a little longer. You have to find something to do. You can't stay like this every day."

Wang Yan smiled, washed his hands with tap water, rubbed his face, then opened the door and went into the house. He took the remaining sorghum rice from last night and poured it into the water twice. Then he ate it all with a slurp of salted radish. , and washed the dishes diligently, then went out to wash up, changed into the blue work clothes issued by the factory, locked the door, pedaled his bicycle and went out to work.

Now is the serious time to rush to work. Chang'an Street is really busy. Looking around, except for a few cars and jeeps, almost all of them are riding bicycles.

He mingled with the workers of this era, no, it should be said that they were workers. The status of workers in this era was high and respectable, unlike later, they were just a bunch of leeks.

So he mixed in with the workers rushing to work, rode along Chang'an Street to Xidan, then walked south through Xuanwumen, and soon arrived at the place where he worked, Yili Food Factory.

Entered through the gate, pushed the bicycle to the parking shed, locked the car, bypassed the production workshop, went to a three-story office building at the back, and entered the innermost room.

All he saw were boards, screwdrivers and other tools, as well as two tables. There were also a bunch of messy tools on the table. Two middle-aged men were sitting at the table, each holding a large enamel jar. , there is some chrysanthemum tea brewed in it, plus some high foam, take a sip, and read the newspaper in your hand.

"You two came so early." Wang Yan greeted with a smile, and skillfully took out a pack of Hongtashan from his pocket to spread cigarettes for the two of them.

"Xiao Yan, I'm not criticizing you. You're already twenty-three this year, right? Twenty-six yuan a month is a lot of money. But you can't just smoke and drink all day long. You're already so old. , it’s time to find a wife, if you can’t be so moonlighting, then how can any good girl be willing to be with you?”

"Isn't that right? Xiaoyan, you have to take it seriously. You said that you are the eldest, you are the only one in the family, and your family depends on you to continue the family lineage. In this way, we will go back and ask you about it, and see Is there any good girl I can introduce to you?"

Wang Yan took a match and lit cigarettes for the two of them, and lit one himself. He shook his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry. Listening to you two talk about how your life is going every day, I don't want to get married and have children, let alone live with you. You two seem to be having trouble eating or drinking. How good it is for me to be like this now. I can eat and drink as much as I want every day without treating myself badly, and I don’t have to worry about anything. This is a comfortable life."

"You are still young, so why don't you have someone who knows both coldness and heat?"

"I know two more widows, so why don't I worry that no one will know what's cool and what's hot?"

"Go, you little kid, you have pretty fancy ideas."

Wang Yan laughed and didn't say anything. He also took his own big pot and brewed some chrysanthemum tea. He sat at the table and pulled out a newspaper. After looking at it twice, he folded it and put it on the table out of boredom, then took it again. It looks like a clasped mechanical professional book.

Yili Food Factory is very good. It was established in Shanghai in 1906 and moved to the capital in the early 1950s. It is a serious time-honored brand. This factory has thousands of workers and several workshops, producing fruit, toast, vitamins and other different types of bread, which are very popular among the people and are very popular.

But the three of them are responsible for equipment maintenance. There were originally five. One of them was Wang Yan's master. He retired when he was old and didn't hire any more people, so there were only four. One of them didn't come because he worked an extra night shift last night. After all, the bread equipment is not stopped. If there is an accident, emergency repairs can be done and production cannot be delayed.

They are responsible for maintaining all equipment in the factory, both domestically produced and imported. The proofing box, dough mixer, egg beater, oven, etc. are all they need to repair.

To be honest, the three of them are more like decorations. Of course, it’s not true that nothing can be done. They can solve common problems. For some problems that cannot be solved, you need to find people from the equipment manufacturers. They are also responsible for coordinating these issues. But all kinds of machines can't break down without any trouble. Having problems two or three times a month is overwhelming. Other times, I just drink tea and read newspapers. Otherwise, I go to the activity room to play table tennis, which is really relaxing.

No accidents, today is also a leisurely day. I only repaired a conveyor belt and applied some lubricant. Except for eating cabbage and potatoes in the cafeteria at noon, and going to the toilet a few times in between, I basically didn't move anywhere that day. I just smoked and drank tea. It was too leisurely.

At five o'clock in the evening, Wang Yan, who had been drinking tea all day, stood up and went directly to the parking shed to ride his bike without leaving any time behind. He was on the night shift just the day before yesterday, and he hadn't been assigned yet.

Going back the same way, riding my bicycle, I saw the same crowd of people getting off work again. Wang Yan was wandering leisurely on the side of the road, trying not to block others from racing.

There are always many coincidences in life. Wang Yan has experienced this a lot and will continue to experience it.

Not far after he stepped past Tiananmen Square, he saw a girl with two big pigtails and a dress walking on the road. Her steps were hurried, and occasionally she landed heavily, as if she was a little angry. The breeze blew gently, causing the skirt to wrinkle, which was quite beautiful.

Wang Yan changed from sitting to standing, pedaling his feet horizontally, bending his knees, exerting force on his waist and abdomen, and moving his arms along the way. The big 28's wheels lifted off the ground and he jumped onto the sidewalk of a higher level. The people riding behind the bike were stunned. It’s so refreshing, it’s the first time I’ve seen someone ride a bike like this.

Ignoring what others thought, Wang Yan pedaled hard and slowed down beside the girl, whistling frivolously.

"Wang Yan?" Su Meng, who was a little impatient at first, turned around and saw Wang Yan, and suddenly changed her smile: "Are you just coming home from get off work?"

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Isn't this obvious? Where are you going?"

"Where else can I go, of course, home. I was supposed to take the bus back, but when I was waiting for the bus, I realized that my bag was lost. I had no choice but to go back on my legs."

"There are still three miles to go. It will be dark by the time you get home. Get in the car and I will take you back." Wang Yan rode the car onto the road again and waved to Su Meng.

"Hey, thank you." Su Meng didn't refuse. She was sweating all over her forehead and wanted to die. Lost the bag again, and had to walk so far home again, it was very uncomfortable for everyone. If it rains again, I will instantly feel like I have been abandoned by the world.

She walked over and jumped lightly onto the back seat, reaching out and grabbing a corner of Wang Yan's clothes around his waist: "Sit tight, let's go."

Wang Yan didn't say anything, just hummed, and started pedaling vigorously. Su Meng was caught off guard, and was about to fall backwards due to the inertia. She panicked and stretched out her hand to catch Wang Yan's waist, her face turned red, and she drove smoothly. Only then did he let go. However, she did not hold on to the corners of her clothes as before, but held her waist with both hands. Feeling the rhythm of her waist muscles, she blushed even more.

"Where did you come here?" Wang said in a normal tone, as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't even know.

Su Meng couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she mentioned this. She was really holding back her anger as she walked this way. She said: "From the Houhai side."

"Hey, you have to walk a little bit now, right?"

"It's already two o'clock. Fortunately, I met you. Otherwise, I would have been exhausted when I got home."

Wang Yan smiled and said, "What are you doing running away to Houhai?"

"I made an appointment with my classmate to play there. Who would have thought that my bag would be lost while I was playing with it? It's so unlucky." Su Meng started to complain about how she felt about losing her bag, and she chattered for a long time. .

Wang Yan asked with a smile: "How is work going?"

"I want to go to the Children's Palace. My dad is looking for someone. It's been so long and I don't know if it's the right one or not." Su Meng didn't say much about her work: "I found that you are different from what I imagined."

"You're asking me to say this. After all, we have lived in the same courtyard since we were young. It's okay for us to be childhood sweethearts, right? How could we still imagine it?"

"Don't be a childhood sweetheart, there is something wrong with your description. Although we are in the same courtyard and almost grew up together, we have only met and said hello for so many years. You are like a dragon that never sees the end. Maybe it's because the time is wrong and you are always there. I haven’t seen her for several months. I was thinking yesterday that after living in the same hospital for so many years, I haven’t seen her more often recently.”

Wang Yan nodded: "Then tell me how you imagined it and how it is different."

"I know that others call you Prince, and Han Chunming has always called you that. When I was in school, the male classmates said that you were very powerful, knew many people, and often got into fights, so I have always been afraid of you. But recently I’ve seen you a lot, and I’ve noticed that you’re not as smiling as they said, you’re very kind and easy to get along with.”

"You are looking at people through colored glasses. You have heard that I do bad things, but not that I am good at studies? Since elementary school, I have always been number one in the school. I have two shoulders to support my head, two arms and two arms. Legs, what are you afraid of? Now it's better, we can get to know each other again. There is a pit ahead, so hold on tight. If I fall and lose my appearance, I won't be able to explain it to Teacher Su later."

Su Meng obediently tightened her hands and crossed the pit. She relaxed and asked, "Hey, Wang Yan, can you tell me about the past?"

"What happened before? Who did I beat, and who beat me again? You are a grown-up girl in your twenties, listening to children fighting? Is it interesting?"

Su Meng curled her lips and said nothing.

Of course, Wang Yan couldn't be idle and chat with Su Meng about his insights from reading books.

Su Meng is the only girl in the old Su family, and Su Meng's parents are both teachers. Although the salary is not high, it is definitely not low. The old lady of the Su family used to be an old teacher, so she would have security when she retired. In this case, Su Meng was naturally favored. Otherwise, it would be impossible not to go to work and just stay at home, with good food, drink and clothing. I just stay at home and read books every day, and occasionally go out to play with my classmates. I live a very comfortable life.

You don't need to think about this kind of girl, she is just a bit of a literary young woman, and she has to have a bit of a petty bourgeois feel. In fact, in the early stages of the play, she was indeed such a person. But in the later period, because of the reform, this country and this nation showed great vitality, she participated in the vigorous tide of going to sea, became obsessed with money, and was no longer what it was at the beginning.

So now Su Meng likes this kind of literary and artistic feeling. If you like it, you won't go wrong.

The two of them chatted all the way, talking about the tragic or heroic stories in the book, and soon they arrived at the grocery store on their street.

"Why did you stop? You'll be home soon."

"No one in my family will cook for me or buy some food. At this time, I won't even be able to drink the northwest wind."

Su Meng giggled in amusement, got out of the car and stood aside. But she laughed twice, and her smile disappeared as she watched Wang Yan park his bicycle and enter the grocery store. Because she remembered that Wang Yan had no relatives and had lived by himself for so many years...

The non-staple food store is a treasure. In this era, staple food and non-staple food are separated. Specializing in tobacco, alcohol, sugar, tea, drinks, biscuits, cans, etc., tickets are also required.

Wang Yan bought a sausage, half a pig's head, and two bottles of Arctic soda.

"Here, I'll buy you a drink."

"Don't say goodbye. It's quite expensive. It's better to save a little."

"Didn't you see that the lid is open?" Wang Yan handed over the drink, tied the pig's head on the handlebar, and went to the supply and marketing cooperative nearby to buy two cucumbers and six steamed buns. Su Meng and I stood at the door drinking soda because we had to return the bottles.

Su Meng drank from the Arctic Ocean and looked at the food tied to the handlebars: "You need more than one yuan to buy these things, right?"

"It's okay to eat and drink well. Anyway, it's just me. I can do whatever makes me feel comfortable."

After a long silence, Su Meng asked, "Has it not been easy for you these past few years?"

It was originally an act of squandering the family's life, but because Su Meng thought that Wang Yan had no relatives and was alone, she naturally classified such behavior as having no support and no belonging, only having wine now and being drunk the next day. It's a day.

So her voice was slightly trembling. In just such a sentence, her mind had already used the books she had read and the things she had heard to make up a picture of how an orphan without relatives would live a difficult life, both materially and spiritually.

"Are you pitying me?" Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Actually, it's not easy. It was really hard to get used to at the beginning, but people have to move on. You've said it, people call me Prince, this Prince Is it for nothing? Don't think too much. I'm just eating and drinking like this because I'm alone and don't need to worry so much. And it's only been these two days. I just paid my salary yesterday. It’s thirty days into the month. If you eat well now, you won’t eat well after that. It’s all a chore.”

Of course, Su Meng would not think it was true. She only felt that what she thought was correct. She thought Wang Yan was comforting her by saying this. With her self, even if she puts herself in someone else's shoes, she uses her thoughts to bring it in and feel it. So the more she felt, the more miserable she felt that Wang Yan was really miserable.

But she didn't say any more, didn't reveal Wang Yan's scar, raised her head and drank the soda, then handed the bottle to Wang Yan: "Okay, return the bottle and let's go back quickly. You have a day's work, and I've been gone for a while." I’m so hungry during the afternoon journey. We’re not far away, so hurry up and go home for dinner.”

Wang Yan took the bottle, drank his own soda, turned around and returned the bottle, then came out and rode on the car, and set off again with Su Meng, only a few hundred meters away he reached the canteen in front of his house.

I saw Cheng Jianjun coming out of the canteen with wine: "Wang Yan, are you back from get off work? Hey, the food is good, it's pork head meat and white flour steamed buns. Su Meng? How did you get back from his car?"

Wang Yan squinted his eyes, looked at Cheng Jianjun, who had a small pimple on his face, and picked his ears: "What did you call me?"

Cheng Jianjun was excited and quickly laughed along with him: "Your Majesty, I didn't pay attention just now. I didn't pay attention. What about that? I bought wine for my dad and we're going to eat now. I'll go back first."

Having said that, he quickly turned around and left without caring about embarrassing himself in front of Su Meng.

He and Han Chunming were classmates, and naturally he was also classmates with Wang Yan. They had been classmates since childhood. Of course he knew how majestic Wang Yan was. It's just that we haven't seen each other for several years, and just now in front of Su Meng, he spoke faster than his brain. He knew that Wang Yan could beat him, and since he had no family members, he had nothing to fear. Even if he beat him, it wouldn't be a big deal. In comparison, running away now is obviously a good choice, and it is much better than being slapped in front of Su Meng.

Su Meng got out of the car and walked back with Wang Yan: "This shows the power of your prince. Cheng Jianjun was scared away with just one look."

Wang Yan chuckled and ignored him. How could he scare Cheng Jianjun?

He greeted: "The Admiral is playing chess again, have you eaten?"

At the old juncture, he stood up with a groan, flicked the folding fan in his hand, and with his neatly combed white hair, he really looked like a gentleman. He said: "Grandpa Admiral will not take advantage of you, the young boy. He has prepared wine and food and is waiting for you to come back. Hey, do you want pork head meat mixed with cucumber? What a good little thief, you know I like this."

"Good fellow, your admiral invites me to drink, and I, a junior, have to bring the food myself?"

"Hey, respect the old and love the young, that's the truth."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "I'll go back and clean up. I'll come over now."

"It's easy, Grandpa Admiral is hungry for wine." After saying this, he turned around at the old moment, fanned himself, and strolled back to his small courtyard.

"What advantage did Uncle Guan take?"

"The fan he took was given to him last night." Wang Yan pushed the bicycle: "Let's go, I'm asking again. Didn't you just complain that you were hungry?"

"Okay, I won't tell you this anymore. Thank you for being such a big man like your prince and riding a bicycle to bring it back to me." After saying this, Su Meng turned around and jumped over the courtyard gate at a trot.

Passing through the front yard, bypassing the moon gate on the east side to the backyard, just as he entered, he saw Cheng Jianjun walking out of the corner carrying wine.

Su Meng glared at him angrily: "What are you doing? Are you trying to scare people like this?"

"I'm worried about you." Cheng Jianjun said anxiously: "You missed us by two terms, and you still don't know what kind of character Wang Yan is in the front yard. He spends all day being a gangster and teasing with these alley gangsters. Little girl, he's not a good person. Stay away from him, don't come back and hurt you. Let me tell you, it seems that their gang is involved in human lives. Besides, what kind of virtue does he have now? No Are they the workers who repair equipment in the food factory? Why don't you return to the prince?

Su Meng, listen to me and stay away from him. He has no parents or mother and no one to discipline him. If you really have a problem, he will have nothing to worry about and no one can find him. This kind of person is too dangerous. I am doing this for your own good. "

Su Meng looked at him suspiciously: "I really don't know so many things about him before. You are classmates, tell me?"

"No, why can't I explain it to you? Why are you talking to that kind of person? He is not a good person. He will be arrested and killed sooner or later. Okay, I will give you an instruction. I am waiting for dinner at home. Let's go. ah."

Seeing Cheng Jianjun turn around and trot into the house, Su Meng let out a sigh of relief and returned home. She was really hungry.

"Hey, you kid, didn't you say you went to find your classmates? Why did you come back? We are so worried. You are so old and you don't have to worry about it."

"Don't mention it, Dad, Mom, Grandma, I'm telling you, today is really unlucky..."

Thanks to my brother (who wants to have sex) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

Thank you (book friend 20180820052416679) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

Thanks to the six elder brothers (Lao Cao’s Dad) (Zheng Guo Book Friends) (Song Wenci) (Listen to the Rain Over the Qingming Festival) (fsy Ye Xing) (Thunder God Group) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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