Su Meng seemed to be under surveillance. Wang Yan just sent the horses away and ran to the pool to continue rubbing his clothes. Then the girl ran out in a daze: "Who is that? What have you been talking about for so long?"

"My name is Ma Du, from the Air Force Compound. His father also fought in the Anti-Japanese War. He is more studious and likes history. He heard that I also like these things, so he came over to communicate with me."

Wang Yan didn't tell the truth. Although there was no need to hide it, there was no need to tell it. Su Meng didn't understand these things, so it was useless to tell him. Even if she told Su Meng how valuable those antiques were, she still wouldn't be able to appreciate them given her shallow cultural accomplishment. And at this time, even if he said it was very precious, it would be difficult to show how precious the junk on the street is, and it would also show that he is not doing his job properly.

If Su Meng knew that it was very precious, he would not be as casual as he is now. If he was always cautious, he would not be able to ensure the safety of his things. She might break them to pieces at any time, and the gain would not be worth the loss, so it would save him trouble. Less hassle.

This is also the reason why Han Chunming did not tell Su Meng or his family about these things in the original drama. Han Chunming gave Su Meng a note box inscribed by Emperor Qianlong, but Su Meng gave it to Mrs. Su to hold needles and thread, which she said was just right. Those who don’t know are not to blame, of course they are right. Su Meng didn’t know how much that thing was worth, nor what kind of feelings it represented for Han Chunming. Even if she knows, there is still a gap between "understanding" and Su Meng will most likely not care about it. After all, it is just a useless broken box.

Xia Chong really can't say anything. They only think that these things are useless within the scope of their knowledge. Spending money to collect these things is the behavior of a prodigal. Rather than giving a sincere explanation, making up a random excuse and getting scolded has become the better choice.

Su Meng looked at Wang Yan suspiciously: "Brother from the courtyard? Are you involved with those people again?"

"He is a machine tool miller in the factory, and he controls the machine..." Wang Yan gestured to the miller's work, explained what he did, and said in passing: "So do you think he is a reseller? Just like me. , they are all honest workers, they just came here to chat with me and ask for advice. They will come again next week, and they said they would bring wine and food to treat me to a drink. I thought that I would drink with Uncle Guan then, and that old man would live I have a long history, I have seen a lot, and I understand a lot. You just don’t trust me, and you still don’t trust Uncle Guan?

Okay, I know it in my heart, so don’t worry about it. Don’t think about it blindly, fearing that it will cause trouble for yourself. I am waiting to marry you now, and we can live a steady life. When the time comes to give birth to a litter of fat children, my parents will be able to rest in peace. "

Su Meng felt embarrassed when she said this. It was the anticipation revealed in the nervousness, and the anticipation was sandwiched with nervousness. He glared at Wang Yan and said, "It's not official."

"Why is it that marriage and childbirth are not formal? You have to develop in the direction of a good wife and mother. How about before, I was washing clothes outside and you were reading in the house? Now I am washing clothes here, and you stand by and watch? Are you talking? This is all work, you have to learn to do it. Come on, practice first."

While talking, before Su Meng could react, Wang Yan pulled her to his side and put the clothes in her hands.

Su Meng is actually quite rare. She is the only one in the family. She has received all the love from her parents and elders. It may be too much to say that her body is industrious and her grain is neglected, but it is true that she has never done much work. Her clothes are washed by either her mother or her grandmother. There was no need for her to clean up the housework. Mrs. Su had so much free time all day that she had no work to do, so the house was kept very clean and tidy. Not to mention cooking, he is just a contestant waiting for food. He is really a living ancestor at home. In an era like this, it's not easy for her to develop like this.

Even among those powerful and high-ranking families, there are very few who want to be like Su Meng. Because material life is indeed not rich, and every household has many children, it is inevitable that there will be things that cannot be taken care of. Su Meng is very lucky, and her ego has a lot to do with it.

While someone was rubbing clothes with this girl, Cheng Jianjun walked in with a cart from outside: "Your Majesty, Su Meng, are doing laundry."

Reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling man, Wang Yan nodded with a smile, while Su Meng glanced at him and ignored him.

Cheng Jianjun didn't dare to talk nonsense and walked away with the cart with a smile on his face. But when his back was turned to Wang Yan, the expression on his face that had been smiling just now lost its expression, and instead became a bit more violent. This was because the hatred had not been forgotten.

Not to mention the fear of Wang Yan in his heart, there was also the hatred of seizing his wife. Although without Wang Yan, his relationship with Su Meng would not have ended, but of course he didn't think so. He just thought that Wang Yan was a gangster and a veteran of Huacong, and he deceived Su Meng away with his sweet words. In comparison, he doesn't have much feelings for Han Chunming now, he just can't stand Wang Yan...

Seeing him leave, Su Meng muttered: "His mother talks to grandma every day about finding girls for him. A few girls came, but there was no result. Let me tell you, his mother is also special. Annoying..."

This Su Meng is merciless. Cheng Jianjun's father handles her work. But life, it’s normal to live in bits and pieces. People who live in the same village and have single-family houses are full of contradictions and chaos, let alone those who have lived together in a large compound for decades. This family looks down on that family, and that family hates this family, which is normal.

Of course, the old Cheng family is indeed not good, otherwise they would not be able to raise someone as narrow-minded as Cheng Jianjun, just like Su Meng. Family factors play a big role. Or the influence of words and deeds, or all kinds of satisfying pampering...

In the real world, Wang Yancai is just a fledgling person with a small reputation and can barely be regarded as a technological upstart. Compared to someone like Bimadu, who is from a mixed cultural circle, has a strong background, personal connections, and has been famous for many years, it is still far behind. If you want to make friends, people may not even look at him.

But in the world we live in now, in this era, Wang is the master. Although he looks down and out now, Ma Dou knows that a person with such profound knowledge can make him feel like a spring breeze. He was once a member of a proud veteran group, a worker's son from an ordinary family, without the shadow of his father's generation. It can't be as simple as it seems. He is someone who, as a young man in his early twenties, needs to look up to.

And for Wang Yan, who is so awesome, to be able to give him such a person who has never entered the door, or even knew him before, and only met him once, and spend so much time and words to teach him, that is really helping him. What's more, talking about nonsense like antiques at this time also involves certain risks.

In the past week, Ma Du had not been having a good time. He was mainly worried about something, and his thoughts were not clear. Following Wang Yan's free lessons before, the splendid culture of the ancient dynasties was revealed to him, which strengthened his determination to deepen this path.

Finally on Sunday, he packed up, bought some cooked food, braised pork and peanuts, and two bottles of Erguotou, and took advantage of the time to arrive at Wang Yan's house before lunch.

This time he was much more familiar with it. He just pushed the bicycle in, parked the car, took his things, and went to the window to say hello: "Your Majesty?"

Wang Yan was reading a book in the room. He waved and said, "Here you come, come in."

Ma Du sighed, carrying the food and wine he bought into the house and putting them on the table: "Isn't sister-in-law here?"

"I know you came to me for a drink and went out to play with friends early in the morning." Wang Yan took a look at the things he bought: "Hey, you bought so many things, didn't you spend less? They are all your own, so What are you spending money on? You are just a whole plate of peanuts. As long as you don’t miss the wine, I won’t pick on you."

"Your Majesty, this is the first time I've invited you to drink, and I've also borrowed your place. I have to get something good, eat well, and drink well. Besides, I'm also greedy. Today It's a great time." He laughed twice with Wang Yan, and Ma Du said: "Then let's start drinking now? To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I just wanted to come over to see you today and listen to you talk about our history. , and the wisdom of our ancestors.”

He can buy things anytime, but he also needs the knowledge more. I don’t understand what I bought and played with it, and it always scratches my heart and liver, so it’s serious to eat something, drink something, and learn something after bleeding.

"If you don't want to drink here, let's go somewhere else." Wang Yan found a box and put the four colorful wine glasses in it: "Pick up your things and leave."

Ma Du didn't ask where he was going or who he was drinking with. The reason he came was because of the antiques, so whoever he was drinking with must be related to this. You'll know it naturally when you see someone.

After leaving the house and locking the door, Wang Yan took Ma Du and wandered to the small courtyard of Lao Guantuan's house next to the canteen.

In the small courtyard at this moment, Lao Jiancheng was lying in the shade beside the wall, swaying on a lounge chair and basking in the sun. In one hand, he was holding a plate of golden nan bracelets, and in the other hand, he got it from someone who knows where. A pair of walnuts and the program on the radio kept the old boy quite busy.

"Admiral, we're here." Wang Yan greeted him, looked at the old juncture who opened his eyes and said, "This is the boy I always told you about who is very close to me, his name is Madu. Madu, This is Uncle Guan, a descendant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. His ancestor was a tax collector of Chongwenmen. He has a lot of things in his hands. Last time we met in Shichahai, the boy next to me was the apprentice of this admiral.

The reason why he is called Admiral is because this old man calls himself the Admiral of the Nine Sects. He can only take a few sips when he has nothing to do. The Admiral is sixty-seven this year. He was born in the late Qing Dynasty and grew up in the Republic of China. He is well-informed. If you want to know more about our ancestors, this old man can tell you. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The junior Ma Du has met all the nine admirals." Ma Du was also a wonderful person. He held his hand in front of Wang Yan and even slapped his arm twice at the old juncture. He also knew that this old man was just having fun. He was already in his seventies and didn't talk much.

It’s been so many years, and there’s no such thing as Manchus. After the Republic of China, and more than 20 years from the founding of the People’s Republic of China, several groups have died, and several groups have been born. The old grievances have long been buried. Except for a few crazy people who insist on talking about the Babel pattern to find superiority, the other thing is that we all have a family named...

Lao Guanzhan stared at Madu for a while, and when he saw that he didn't dodge his gaze, he smiled and said, "Sit down and talk, this kid has to cook, let's chat first."

Ma Du looked at Wang Yan in confusion: "Why are you still cooking? Your Majesty, I can just drink. Please don't bother me. I can't bear it."

"Hey, I just want to add a few dishes and some steamed buns. It's no trouble. I'll be done in a moment. If you have any questions, just ask the admiral. If you don't tell me, the admiral has a good reputation in the Ming and Qing dynasties."

After saying that, Wang Yan ignored them and went to the kitchen with the dark room.

He is not just waiting for the old man to come, nor is he giving more face to Ma. He just has no fun living with the old Su family, and he is free. Of course, the old Su family didn't treat him harshly. He could still have a meal of meat every three or four days, but not much. If he buys it, Mrs. Su and the others should nag. Don't buy it, he still has the conditions, and there is no need to look for trouble like a rabbit. It's just that the two days he ate potatoes were too short, otherwise he would have left the restaurant in two days and then returned to be a poor man.

Today happens to be the time when all the horses are coming over, and it’s time to eat at Laoguan’s house, so I take advantage of today’s opportunity to have some meat and vegetables here.

The dishes have already been cooked, and there is braised pork on the pot. He will get some green vegetables, fry some fish, scramble an egg, and a tiger dish to go with wine. He has packed these before, so he can just cook them. In addition, cut up the things Madu brought, and then you're done.

Within half an hour, the dishes were ready. Wang Yan called Ma Du over to bring the dishes to the table. The boy came over to take a look and exclaimed: "Your Majesty, you are still talking about me, but it turns out that you are braised pork again, and It’s from fish, so it doesn’t cost much.”

"Not only are you greedy, I also want to eat meat. If you come over just in time, let's eat and drink together. But don't be pretentious, otherwise it won't be fun."

"Then don't worry, it's impossible."

The two of them went back and forth several times, placing all the food on the coffee table in the room, and took out his Doucai wine glass. When Ma Du was about to open Erguotou, Wang Yan stopped him: "Leave your wine here for the admiral." Please keep it and drink it, let’s drink this today.”

While talking, Wang Yan took out two bottles of Mao Zi. It costs eight yuan a bottle to buy with a ticket, and it's not sold in ordinary supply and marketing cooperatives. Nowadays, they are all made of real materials, the wine quality is very good, and it tastes good.

Ma Du yelled, he was shocked, and gave a thumbs up: "Your Majesty, you are so generous!" He is a brother from the big courtyard, and he can't afford this wine. I became more and more certain in my heart that Wang Yan was not as simple as he appeared. If it were really simple, it would cost 26 yuan a month and these two bottles of wine would cost 16 yuan. I haven’t mentioned that it’s hard to find tickets or buy wine.

"Boy, don't say it's useless, hurry up and pour the wine. This is a wine glass with a doucai, drinking eight yuan of wine, that's what this prodigal son can do."

Ma Du took the wine consciously, unscrewed the lid, and poured it first to Lao Guanguan, then to Wang Yan, and finally to himself.

"Admiral, you don't curse others while drinking." Wang Yan raised his glass with a smile: "Come on, let the three of us have a drink."

The three of them drank wine and ate with chopsticks. They praised Wang Yan's cooking skills and thanked him as the cook. The beginning of the meal was over.

Wang Yan asked: "Where were you two talking about just now? Let's continue chatting."

"Tell me what is the difference between Qing Dynasty enamel and other porcelain."

"Oh, let's talk about this..."

The chatterbox opened up, and while drinking wine, he talked nonsense about antiques. Of course, it was mainly Wang Yan who talked to Lao Guanjian. Ma Du and Na listened, interjecting a few questions from time to time. Those who really didn’t understand were the few things Lao Guanjian put out because the situation had slowed down in the past two years. Let Ma Du take a look at the things in action.

The time for chatting is always fast, and it will be even faster if we drink some wine to make ourselves confused. The meal lasted from noon to dusk. The three of them drank three bottles of wine and ate all the food.

At the old juncture, I was running seventy and exerting myself. I didn’t drink even a pound, but I still had to have seven ounces. Although I drink it for a long time and my body metabolizes it, I still feel confused when I should. Wang Yan held his wrist and helped him into the house. After confirming that he was not dead, he came out and cleaned up the mess with Ma Du.

"I have gained a lot today. I have a complete understanding of what these objects are all about, as well as good food and drink. To be honest with you, the prince, I haven't seen oil or water in half a month, and I still have something to drink. Maotai is eight yuan a bottle. Thank you for your support and your hospitality. If you find me useful in the future, just talk to me. I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

Ma Du has a good drinking capacity. He basically drinks it one cup at a time with Wang Yan. He is a little more than a kilogram of wine. He must be in a daze, but he must not have drunk too much. He is conscious and is wiping the stove and table with a rag. , full of energy. After two contacts, and having drank for a long time today, I have become familiar with Wang Yan, and have become good friends. Therefore, although the words I say are polite, my attitude is also much more casual.

"We are all brothers, so there is no need to be so polite. We will be together for a long time in the future. As for what to eat and drink, to tell you the truth, I really don't need the money. They are in our courtyard and my wife's It’s hard to show your face, otherwise you’ll easily get into trouble. Even if I’m not drinking with you today, I’m thinking of finding a fat guy to have a drink with the Admiral in the next two days.”

Wang Yan was holding a cigarette in his mouth, smiling and washing dishes with him. He said: "As for these old things, it's actually not difficult. Good things are all over the streets now, it's not surprising. If you have money, go and collect them. , holding real objects, facing relevant books, reading more, learning more, and pondering more, you will be able to have some skills in five or six years.

But if you see something that is too good, you have to be careful. Although there are a lot of things nowadays, there are still some experts who specialize in deceiving knowledgeable people. Some of them may be things that have just been unearthed a few days ago, so be careful. That’s it. The current situation is also interesting. People go to great lengths to make fakes just to defraud them of dozens of dollars... But such masters are rare, so just keep an eye out. "

"Hey, I remembered it."

"When I go back in a while, I will give you the books I compiled before. You can take it home and study it yourself. If I have a chance in the future, I will take a look at what good things you have made."

Ma Ying nodded in response, tidying up with warmth in his heart, secretly sighing that the prince is a good person...

After returning home with his Doucai wine glass, Wang Yan found a pile of books on history and art and crafts that he had prepared before, tied them to the back seat of Ma Du, and sent them to the street to watch him pedal away on his bicycle. , and then returned home.

As expected, Su Meng was already sitting in the room: "Your Majesty, you have finished drinking. I'm not blaming you, and don't blame me for being too lenient. Uncle Guan is already in his sixties and seventies. Now, you live alone again, you and that Ma are both young people in their twenties, if this comes to Uncle Guan, you have nothing to do with it."

Wang Yan poured hot water to make tea, nodded in agreement with her statement, and explained: "Don't worry, how could I not know this? Uncle Guan drank seven taels of wine in half a day. Considering his drinking capacity, it is not a big problem. . And you think Uncle Guan is stupid? He knows whether he can drink it or not, so you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll go over and take another look before going to bed later. How are you playing with your friends? "

Su Meng rolled her eyes, but still answered Wang Yan: "There's nothing to do. We just went to Beihai Park for a walk. I'm tired of visiting all the places in the capital, and there's nothing interesting."

"I'll be paid in a few days. How about we go to Badaling to climb the Great Wall next week? We'll leave early in the morning and return in the evening. Can we go?"

"Okay." Su Meng nodded without thinking. She had nothing to think about. There was no way she wouldn't want to go out to play.

After settling on this matter, Su Meng's inner concern about Wang Yan drinking with others all afternoon was over. Of course she's not happy about it. She's dating someone, and it's not exciting enough. Of course she wants to get tired of being together all the time.

There was another period of fumbling around, and around eight o'clock, Su Meng left with a flushed face. Then she washed her face with cold water in the courtyard to calm down, and then skipped back to the backyard. She became more and more anxious. The more I look forward to getting married...

Wang Yan went out to Lao Guantou's place, went into the back room and looked at Lao Guantou who was snoring, then closed the door, left the window open, locked the door from the inside, climbed over the wall and jumped out.

"My lord, have you gone to my master's place to look for the treasure?"

Looking at Wang Yan who suddenly jumped in front of him, Han Chunming was startled, then looked at the courtyard door at Laoguanjiang behind him, and looked at Wang Yan with suspicious eyes.

"Am I that kind of person?" Wang Yan shook his head: "Do you still remember the horse we met last time? He came to my place last week to see something, and he made an appointment to drink today. I thought this was not the Admiral. Nothing happened, so I came to his place to drink. I drank from noon to night. The admiral was old and drank seven taels of wine. Isn’t this because he was afraid that something would happen to him, so he came over to take a look. Don’t go in, just look inside The door is inserted, how about you think that I am willing to jump over the wall?

But your life is not good, so today I got two fishes, and a big pot of braised pork, roast duck, smoked chicken, and pork head from Madu. I also got three bottles of Maotai. It was delicious. You didn’t catch up…”

Han Chunming swallowed, shook his head and said: "I can't help it. I still owe you eleven yuan and haven't paid it back. As soon as the wedding is about to happen, I also have to get a bicycle. I found a Temple of Heaven a while ago. I was doing the job of transporting sand and soil over there. I couldn't keep up with the construction deadline. The leader asked me to do part-time work, so I took Taozi and ran to do it. I worked for more than half a month, and it was basically done. I came back early, otherwise I have to work until past ten o'clock again. This was okay before, but now that I want to marry Xiaoli as soon as possible, I feel a lot of pressure and it is really difficult..."

"Hi, it's nothing. Xiaoli's family doesn't have any requirements for you. Just hold on and it will be over. Recently, hasn't your mother been looking for partners for your second brother? He has been working in the factory for several years and is getting married now. I can definitely give him a room. If your second brother really can't do it, I'll think of a way and talk to the leader in charge of room allocation in our factory.

I have been working for so many years and am qualified to be allocated a house, but I have my own house, so I have never fought for it. When I study it with the leaders, wouldn't it be over if I give this position to you? Others can't say anything. I only thought of this in the past two days. Now that I have a place to live, everything will be easier, so I don’t have to worry too much. "

Han Chunming exclaimed and clasped his hands together: "Thank you first. You don't know. My mother has been so worried recently that she doesn't even have the heart to eat. When I go back and tell her what you said, she will also It’s bottomed out.”

"I think it's better not to talk about it. Auntie is a little stressed. Then maybe there will be some changes on your second brother's side. If you live in our factory's house, then you can move out. Although they are all separated. It's not far, but there is always some distance. If there is distance, there will always be things that cannot be taken care of. As a filial son like you, I have already heard my aunt talk about living with you in the future, so, it is better for your second brother to move out, and you It’s nice to live here.”

"Hey, that's the case..." Han Chunming sighed melancholy: "No matter what, I have to thank the prince first."

"Okay, you're not an outsider, just help if you can." Wang Yan patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, it's getting late, go back and wash up and sleep, it's time to go to work again tomorrow..."

Han Chunming nodded vigorously, sighing secretly in his heart. Although the prince robbed Su Meng, people didn't know that he had something to do with Su Meng, and they couldn't blame him. Moreover, Su Meng had a problem with this woman, and she was having an affair with him at the same time. He also hooked up with the prince. But even so, even though he knew it, he was not happy in his heart, but he never showed it in front of Wang Yan.

But now, as Wang Yan said that he would help him, who had only been working in the food factory for a month, to buy a house, he was really moved. Although I still couldn't let go of what happened to Su Meng before, my intuition suddenly calmed down a lot. The prince is a good man, capable, so generous, and very caring about him. He is much better than Han Chunming, which is good.

In any case, Wang Yan and Su Meng are already together, and he is also discussing marriage with Cai Xiaoli. There is no use in worrying about it anymore...

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