The next day, Wang Yan and Su Meng went out of the house as usual and rode their bicycles to work. After passing Tiananmen Square, one of them headed north and the other headed south. A children's palace and a charity food court.

Of course, Han Chunming still didn't come to follow him and left early. Cheng Jianjun couldn't wait to be eight hundred meters away from Wang Yan, so naturally he wouldn't move up to have sex with Su Meng...

After parking the car, Wang Yan wandered to the office full of tools, greeted the other people who had arrived early, and made tea in a large enamel jar.

Just when Wang Yan was busy working for a while before sitting down to read a book out of boredom, the phone in the office rang.

"It's a rare day today, I came to work early in the morning." The eldest brother at the other table muttered, picked up the phone and answered it. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone and turned to look at Wang Yan, who was reading and drinking tea with him: "Xiao Yan, it's your job."

Wang Yan put the book back on the table: "Where is it?"

"Our factory director is looking for you and wants you to come over." The man smiled and said, "From that tone, it doesn't sound like he's doing anything bad. What has you done recently?"

"Hey, what else can I do? Didn't I tell you guys that I have been dating and developing relationships with other girls recently. I won't tell you anymore. I have to go and see what the factory director wants me to do."

While talking, Wang Yan walked out to another building where the factory director was. He was also confused and didn't know what the factory director wanted to do with him. Although he has been involved in this factory for several years and knows many leaders, big and small, it is obvious that he does not know the factory director and is out of reach.

Because of the hot weather, the door and window of the office were wide open. Wang Yan knocked on the door and spoke to a man in his fifties who looked up inside and wore thick black-rimmed glasses with some sparse hair: "Director, I am Wang Yan, are you looking for me?"

"It's here so soon, come on, come on." The factory director stood up from his chair enthusiastically, and called Wang Yan to sit on the chair opposite him: "I have heard about you a long time ago, saying that your kid is Our factory has the best maintenance technology. Many problems can be solved on the spot without having to call in the original factory personnel. This saves our factory a lot of time and improves the production efficiency of our factory. You are indispensable."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "This is what I, an equipment maintenance worker, should do."

"Do you know why I came to see you today?" Seeing him shaking his head, the factory director couldn't help but shake his head and laugh: "What were you doing on Chang'an Street a while ago? Have you forgotten it now?"

After thinking about it, Wang Yan frowned and asked: "It's just a few American foreign devils interviewing them. What's the point? I even scolded them... It's not that the foreign devils can't afford it and they want to cause trouble for me, right?"

"What are you thinking about? I'm just looking for trouble. Look at me smiling, what else can happen? Can the foreign devils make a big splash in our territory?" The factory director waved his hand: "It's a good thing. That's a good thing. You're a very well-hidden kid. You run on Chang'an Street every morning, and you can even speak the language of birds. That foreign devil took a photo of you and sent it to some American newspaper in New York. What's the point? After it was sent back to China, the leaders saw it, and they learned about the situation with the translator at the time. Two days ago, they sent someone to our factory to check it out.

It is said that you are a good person and an ambitious young man. You should be allowed to continue your studies and make greater contributions to national construction in the future. The number of places originally recommended to go to university has been determined, but this time the leader has spoken and specifically approved that you go directly to Beijing University to study, and you will report to school next month. Fortunately, the leader is aware of everything and has a thorough understanding. Otherwise, I would have to deal with it just because talents like you are buried in our factory. The same goes for you kid. Just because you can speak foreign language, the factory has already recommended you to go to college. There are so many things that you have to hide..."

What is currently implemented is the policy of workers, peasants and soldiers recommending students to go to college, and the admissions principle of "voluntary registration, recommendation by the masses, approval by leaders, and review by the school" is followed. Of course, food factories also have quotas for recommendation, but they have the right to be corrupt in everything they do. This kind of major event related to the fate of life naturally involves the indiscretion of flies and dogs, so the words of the current factory director can basically be regarded as farts.

However, Wang Yan really didn't expect that just a casual interview would have such a follow-up. Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't think of it, it was just because there were so many things that he could think of that he didn't think about it. Mainly it's such a small thing, and it's not something he did deliberately. It doesn't matter whether he thinks about it or not, it doesn't matter.

"Although I have taught myself the words of foreign devils, our factory really has no use for it, so I have kept silent." He smiled and asked: "Then director, next I will be..."

"Let's work for two more days. When your procedures are completed, won't you be paid soon? This month's salary will also be paid to you. I will give you fifty-two together. Think of it as our factory helping you." It is a reward for improving production efficiency and showing your face in front of the leaders. After that, you can go home and have a good rest. When school starts, you must study hard, not let down the expectations of the leaders, strive to achieve a career, and contribute to the construction of our country. Contribute. Don’t forget about our factory in the future. You left from here and this is your home. Come back and have a look when you have time."

"Thank you, director. I will study hard and resolutely implement the great spirit of studying for the rise of China. I will not let down the leaders or the workers in our factory." Wang Yan stood straight and said loudly.

The factory director nodded repeatedly and waved his hands with a smile on his face: "Okay, let's go back and say goodbye to the workers. It will be difficult to see each other again in the future."

Wang Yan politely greeted the factory director and left back to the office. In the face of curious inquiries, he did not hide anything and told the story that he had been specially approved to go to college. Even if he didn't tell the news, these people would know it in two days.

The news spread quickly, first in the logistics department, and then spread to the entire factory as people chatted during work breaks. Before lunch, in just three hours, more than a thousand people in the factory knew that Wang Yan had been specially approved to go to college. It is also inevitable that there will be some rumors, such as Wang Yan has someone, spends money and so on, which is understandable. After all, when everyone says something, they have to add their own polish and personal subjective analysis, and the matter will become more and more confusing. This is how rumors come from.

Wang Yan sat on the steps and blew out the smoke gently. Looking at Han Chunming, Cai Xiaoli and Tao Zi who were all inquisitive in front of him, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't listen to the wind, it will be rain. I want to be a legend like them." How can I still work here for so many years if I am so capable? As I said, when I was jogging on Chang'an Street in the morning, I met a foreign reporter for an interview. They took a picture of me and published it in their famous magazine. On the newspaper.

This was spread back to the country, and our leaders saw it. Maybe it was because the photos were taken well, and they felt they were quite powerful, and could show the enterprising spirit of our country. The leaders were happy to see it. When the police asked about it, they heard that I could also speak English, and my academic performance was very good. They thought I was a talent that could be cultivated, so they just waved their hands and let me go to college. He also asked me to study hard and contribute more to the construction of our country. "

Han Chunming chuckled and gave a thumbs up: "Your Majesty, you are like this. Who would have thought that you could go to a foreign country while running on Chang'an Street every morning? I admire you, I admire you."

Tao Zi also nodded along and said stutteringly: "Yes, Your Majesty, then you will be a college student. After graduation, you will become a cadre of our country. That is not the popular and spicy drink."

"Now, I'm afraid your Su Meng will be extremely happy. You have suddenly changed from a worker to a college student. How handsome you are."

Wang Yan waved his hand to Cai Xiaoli: "That's wrong. You are describing workers and college students as two different classes. We are members of the united front of workers, peasants and soldiers, and we are college students. Your ideological consciousness is too low. Go back and criticize yourself and improve yourself. Ah. And you, Tao Zi, do you want to be an official just to be popular and drink spicy food? That's to serve the people. If you don't make decisions for the people as an official, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes. Your ideological consciousness is not good, go back and study hard. "

Wang Yan could walk around if he had nothing to do, but Han Chunming and the others couldn't, so they chatted a few words happily. Han Chunming and others expressed their congratulations, and after finishing their cigarettes, they dispersed...

After get off work in the evening, Wang Yan retreated on time. Of course, he went back by himself. Han Chunming and Tao Zi were not done with their work in the Temple of Heaven. He had something good to do today, so he had to buy some meat to go back and drink, so he bought some beef and braised fish outside, spending more than ten yuan, and then rode his bicycle home.

Su Meng had the key to the door lock, so she ran here after get off work and lay down on the table to read.

"I came back more than ten minutes later than usual today."

"Well, I went to buy some food and came back. Come on, you come out and take the things back and cut them up. I'll go over right away to clean up."

Su Meng ran outside and looked at the things tied to the handlebars, and looked at Wang Yan angrily: "Your Majesty, are you having a hard time? You bought so many things, my grandma and the others will be talking about it soon."

"Don't worry, today is definitely a good thing. We need to have something good to celebrate. Don't ask, I'll talk about it at the dinner table later. I have to say it again if I can. Hurry up, get your things and go back to pack them up. I'll be there soon Just go over there.”

"Oh, please tell me first. You know, I can't stand half-sentence."

Wang Yan put something into her hand: "It's just a matter of 10 or 10, go, go, go."

Su Meng clung to his shoulder and acted coquettishly: "Why don't you tell me a little bit first so that I can go back and tell grandma and the others? Otherwise, do you think this is going to be a lot of torture?"

"I'm going to college."

"I want to go to college." Su Meng muttered nonchalantly, then loudly raised her voice: "What? Going to college? Did your factory recommend you?"

"Look, there's no end to this question." Wang Yan grabbed her shoulders and turned her around: "Go, go back and pack your things, and prepare the wine for me."

Su Meng wanted to ask again, but when she saw Wang Yan turned around and entered the house, she looked at the things in her hands, took a long breath to suppress her doubts, and trotted back to the backyard...

When Wang Yan changed his clothes, washed his face and hands, and tidied up, he arrived at Old Su's house. What he saw was that everyone in the Su family was sitting at the dining table in the room, with four pairs of eyes looking straight at him.

Su Meng spoke first: "You can tell me now, the meat has been cut, and the wine has been kept secret from you. Hurry up, I've been waiting for a long time."

Mother Su then said, "Yes, Wang Yan, just now Mengmeng came back and said that you are going to college. What's going on? It's almost August now. The recommendation for college students has already been decided, right?"

"It's decided, but I wasn't recommended by the factory. It was specially approved by the leaders of our country." Wang Yan nodded and sat down with a smile. From the time he was interviewed when he was running like a monkey on Chang'an Street to the time the factory director came to him this morning, "The boss sees that I have extraordinary talent and cannot hide it in a food factory. So they have specially approved a quota so that I can skip the procedures and report directly to Beijing University in September."

"This is a good thing." Mrs. Su said first: "However, criticism must be criticized. Look at you kid, you just don't know how to spend money. You can't spend more than ten yuan to buy these things? With such money, we It can take a week, but you can't eat all night? Hard work makes you rich, and thrift can take care of the family."

"Grandma, we're talking about going to college. Could you please stop being such a nuisance?" Su Meng groaned impatiently and turned to look at Wang Yan: "Before, I said you got up so early every day to go out for a run and practice martial arts. I am idle and wasting food. Now it seems that I am short-sighted. Who would have thought that you are so lucky. Now you are interviewed by foreign reporters, published in foreign newspapers, exposed in front of the people of the world, and you still have to go to college. An opportunity. This is really..."

"Cai Xiaoli said during the day that you were so happy that you knew this. Now when I see you, why don't you want to be so happy?"

"Of course I'm happy that you're going to college, but I also want to go."

"Look at you, girl, you are still in the mood. Then Wang Yan has that destiny. He gets up every morning to run and practice martial arts. He has not stopped for so many years. He also taught himself English. This is well prepared. Otherwise, it is the foreign reporter who interviews You, can you have the energy shown by Wang Yan?" After scolding his daughter, Su's father said: "Wang Yan, since you have this opportunity, you must study hard in the future, but you must not live up to the expectations of the leader. ah."

"Don't worry, uncle. You also know that I have never stopped studying for so many years. Now that I have the opportunity to enter a university campus to continue my studies, I will definitely cherish it. Come, uncle, let's have a drink to celebrate. "

Just now, I was pleasantly surprised because I was going to college, and it was something my boss had specially approved, so I just sat there without moving my chopsticks. Now Wang Yan had a drink with his father-in-law before dinner was served.

Wang Yan took a big mouthful of meat and put some rice into his mouth. He looked at Su Meng who was not very interested and said while eating: "You don't have to be so depressed. According to my observation and analysis, there will be major changes in national policies in recent years." , the college entrance examination will definitely be resumed by then. If you want to do things and develop, talent is the first priority. To cultivate talents, you need to recruit a large number of college students and select talents from so many people, so it is imperative to resume the college entrance examination. Su Meng, you can't stop studying and making progress, you will be able to use it sooner or later. Besides, even if the college entrance examination is not resumed, it is always right to study and improve yourself."

"I hope it's like what you said. But it's actually pretty good now. You've gone to college. From now on, when I go out and say that my partner is a college student, I'll be proud of him." Su Meng sighed and asked, "By the way, Do you have that photo? Let us also see, what kind of photo can make such a big leader open the back door for you? "

"If I had it, wouldn't I have taken it out?" Wang Yan shook his head and continued to drink and eat meat.

Su's mother then asked: "Wang Yan, you are going to college now and the situation has changed. What about the marriage of the two of you..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the old Su family looked at Wang Yan, including Su Meng of course. In fact, she was not very interested before, but she had some thoughts about this aspect. She had been in contact with Wang Yan for two months, and of course she felt the difference in this man and his charm that she couldn't let go of. Now that she is in college again, or at Beijing University, her future is very different. She is very afraid that Wang Yan has other ideas.

How could Wang Yan not know what everyone in the old Su family was thinking? He shook his head and said: "Of course I got married according to the original plan. It will be no different when I go to college. Even when I went to college, I had no salary. Although there was a subsidy, A large part of it is food money. It is not easy for Su Meng to continue to be with me. You guys just think too much, I am not that powerful person."

"You have a conscience. I'm telling you, if you dare to start chaos and give up, I won't scratch you to death." Su Meng winked and continued eating happily.

Mother Su asked again: "You went to university later, do you have to live there?"

"No, it's thirty-five miles from our place to Beijing University. It takes about an hour by bicycle. The school doesn't have classes all the time, so it's very convenient to go back and forth. It's almost like going to work. It's just that you leave earlier and come back. A little later, no delay.”

After he said this, the people of the old Su family were completely relieved and started eating happily without complaining about spending too much money to buy meat. These people in the old Su family are very satisfied. No one wants to hear any trouble after hearing a good thing. In comparison, eating and drinking is no big deal.

After eating and drinking, Wang Yan and Su Meng went to his hut as usual and listened to Su Meng talking about how to be honest when they go to college and not to run away with beautiful female classmates when they see them. . This little girl has a sense of crisis...

The old Su family were not talkative people, so they didn't tell anyone outside about Wang Yan's special admission to Capital University. The news spread the next day when Han Chunming's mother told him while chatting with someone in the alley, and she praised him again.

"What? Was Wang Yan specially approved by the leader to go to university? Or was it Beijing University? Just him?"

During dinner, when he heard the news from his own mother, Cheng Jianjun opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Cheng's mother explained the reason again and looked at her son angrily: "I have been good at studying since I was a child, and I am the first in every subject. This is because there is no college entrance examination now. If before, I could take the exam by myself." Why don't you believe me when you go to Tsinghua University and Peking University? Look at this person, he taught himself English, and look at you, Jianjun, I haven't seen you flipping through a book since classes were suspended."

"No, parents, you don't know that Wang Yan is a gangster and should be arrested and shot. You said that he has been good at studying since he was a child, but he has been fighting with others since he was a child. That's not just fighting by himself, dozens of people are fighting. Listening to his words, he often gets into group fights, bullies little girls, and steals other people's money. How can he go to college with someone like him? And special approval?"

Cheng's father knew that this must be a lie, but he was not angry. He took a sip of wine, shook his head and said, "Don't slander others like this. Don't even think about it. If he was really like you said, the police would have arrested him long ago." It’s time to take up the job. Besides, the leader personally greeted him. In such a sensitive time, how can his details be kept from being investigated clearly? Don’t be jealous of others because they are doing well. You should talk to him more. Keep in touch. In this way, people will become the climate, and you can blame them for anything."

"Begging him?" Cheng Jianjun looked disdainful: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will never beg him in this life. It's not like you don't know that Su Meng and I get along well, and I asked you to help find a job. I coaxed him every day again, but in the end, Wang Yan deceived Su Meng away. For this reason, I will never forget him in this life. If the day comes when I am capable, just watch, huh, he will definitely regret it. "

"Okay, son, you are ambitious. Then you should work hard and make progress. Your parents are waiting to see what happens to you. Second child, learn more from your brother. We just need to have this energy."

Father Cheng even poured a glass of wine for Cheng Jianjun to encourage him.

Cheng Jianjun had a drink with his father, then turned to his brother and said, "Second brother, you have a good command of your mouth. Don't go out and talk nonsense, do you hear me?"

The second son of the Cheng family is not as thief as Cheng Jianjun, he is an honest boy. It may also be because he has been bullied by Cheng Jianjun. After all, Cheng Jianjun is petty and holds grudges. Isn't this a ready-made package for him to vent his anger on? So Cheng Laoer just nodded, didn't say anything, and just ate honestly.

After eating, Cheng Jianjun stayed for a while, then went out to pour out the dirty water at home, and went to the toilet on the way. When he passed by the east wing of the front yard, he glanced subconsciously. There was no light on in the room, and he didn't see the bad guy or girl who made him angry. After passing the second gate, turning around the screen wall and exiting the gate, I saw Wang Yan next to the chess stall, holding a cigarette in his mouth, sitting there at the old juncture watching people playing chess.

Cheng Jianjun put on a smile and said hello: "Your Majesty, when we were eating just now, I heard from my mother that you were specially approved by the leader to go to Peking University. Congratulations. As expected of the prince, you are awesome."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, ignored him, turned back and continued to watch chess.

Looking at the people watching the excitement on the other side, Cheng Jianjun hesitated, turned around and left quickly...

"You are indeed quite capable, and you are about to become a college student."

Wang Yan was just sitting here. He shook his head and smiled: "I'm so capable. You haven't seen many of them."

Lao Guanguan chuckled and asked, "Why haven't you been tired of that girl from the Su family today?"

"Look, I'm going to college. I'm reading and studying at home."

"Okay, there is no end to learning, that's right." After saying that, he stood up at the old juncture and said, "Isn't it time for you, Grandpa, the Admiral of the Nine Sects? Watch my killing general go back and kill you under the horse..."

There were several people playing chess, and the old man couldn't always monopolize them, so he had to wait in line for a while. It's not that there aren't many chess games, and it doesn't mean that you have to play just this one, but the difference between playing one set of chess with four people and playing two sets of chess is still not small. Of course, playing chess involves a direct competition between two people, but if there is no one watching the excitement and playing hard, it would be a lot less interesting...

After receiving his last salary, packing up the things he brought to the office, and being greeted by some people, Wang Yan left the factory and would never go back again.

There was still some time before school started, and he had nothing to do. He was specially approved by the leadership to enter the school, so of course he couldn't be arrogant, and he must show this attitude. So apart from occasionally going to my subordinates to check on the situation, I basically didn't wander around much. Most of the time I stayed at home, reading, drinking tea, and writing in big letters. While cooking, go to the backyard to help Mrs. Su with her work.

Su Meng's enthusiasm for learning due to stimulation was only temporary. After the two of them went to Badaling for a day of shopping, their true colors were revealed after they came back. But it's not that he doesn't read. After all, there are no entertainment activities, and there can't be small games between men and women. So in the evening, when Wang Yan is reading and drinking tea, she will also find some books to read. We chatted without saying a word, and we were quite happy day by day.

Han Chunming was very busy. After working as a laborer in the Temple of Heaven with Tao Zi, he still continued to do as in the original drama. After paying back a round of money, he started to move the bicycle again. In the end, he successfully transferred eight yuan to five hands. Got a new bike.

The relationship with Cai Xiaoli is still stable as usual. After all, Cai Xiaoli really cares about Han Chunming. For Han Chunming, they helped each other steal bread in the food factory. This shows how deep the relationship is. The two of them are so good at each other and they are so passionate.

Just like that, time passed by without any surprises. In September, Wang Yan officially rode his bicycle to Beijing University to report and became a glorious worker, peasant, and soldier college student...

Originally, he was thinking of waiting for the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, but now he has no intention of doing anything, so it would be better to do it two years earlier.

This time, his major was physics. Of course, this was not what was arranged for him at the beginning. After he proved his self-study skills, he successfully entered the physics department.

The reason why I chose the Department of Physics is also very simple. Although there was computer-related research at this time, there was no computer major yet. Instead, it will not be established and enroll students until next year, that is, in 2020.

He still wants to engage in computers, after all, his research is all in this area. Aside from being a money-grabbing powerhouse, computers are the foundation. It just so happens that now he has a resume from a major, and when the spring breeze blows all over the place, he will come out to establish his own business...

Thanks to the reading user (mg-101) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

Thank you (what a fart) (high-profile back) (Thunder God Group) (little bookworm snow) (Liang Shangjunzi I?p) five big brothers for their continued support.

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