October 21st, for the broad masses of the people, is the first spring breeze that they feel the tide of the times. Because on this day, good news that is closely related to millions of educated young people from all walks of life and millions of families behind them is released. On the front pages of various media and newspapers, the announcement was about the resumption of the college entrance examination.

I wasn't sure before. Although most people also studied, they didn't have that sense of urgency. This time, news of the resumption of the college entrance examination spread across the country, but the December exam was also mentioned. Now that I knew the time, I immediately felt nervous in my heart, as if someone was chasing me with a whip, and I was very anxious. After all, many people have not read a book in years, and many people have not studied the courses after the school suspension at all. When you think that you don’t know so much knowledge, and there is only one month left, it’s strange not to be anxious. Now the college entrance examination is really a leap of faith.

Because Cheng Jianjun disliked the noisy children at home and was afraid of being exposed, just like in the original drama, he ran to his relatives' house to review, preparing to show his face in the courtyard, make a good show, and make people look at him differently. Cheng Jianjun is capable.

Han Chunming didn't care what happened to Cheng Jianjun. Under the reluctant farewell of his colleagues at Yili Food Factory, and amid the resentment of Taozi being abandoned, he ran for two days to complete the transfer of personnel relations and happily went to the hardware company. Go to work and do business.

This position is certainly excellent for Han Chunming. He can go on business trips, hang out and collect things, and even broaden his horizons. After two years, he can seize the opportunity earlier, which is not bad.

Su Meng probably suffered from pre-exam syndrome and put a lot of pressure on herself, studying day and night. The greatest relaxation is of course Wang Yan's couple activities with her at night. In fact, Wang Yan is only useful for this now, to help him relieve his backlog of irritability. Most of the rest of the time, actually gasping is a mistake.

Wang Yan didn't have much to say. He was doing well with his children. Also because he can carve wood, he can make guns, cannons, cars, animals, etc. He goes out to walk his children all day long when it's warm, and he becomes the king of kids in the neighborhood, and is very popular. The same is true. His son can't speak a few words yet. He is also young and cannot walk steadily. He will sit on the ground when touched, but he has become a relatively popular little baby. Most of the children who were a few years older than him were quite patient and followed along.

There's no way, why would this little kid have a father who can carve wood, and a sack of beautiful and fun toys... Of course, otherwise other children wouldn't bully him. If there were no toys, if Wang Yan didn't So kind, no one would even play with the little one.

Because most of the parents of those children were of Wang Yan's generation, they also knew Wang Yan's legend. They will definitely tell their children not to bully Wang Yan's son, or even get together, saying that they can't afford to offend him. Children don't understand that much, but their parents have talked a lot. When they face a little one who is only a little over one year old, they will naturally be a little timid.

This is a very sad thing, but it is a reality that cannot be helped. Not all parents are strong. There are many hardworking people in this world who work hard to live. If possible, which parent would instill those "cowards" in their children who don't understand anything yet...

In December, Su Meng took the college entrance examination. She felt relaxed on the first day because the questions were too easy. After two days of exams, I still talked about it while eating at home. It was really not that difficult. I was very confident when I applied for my application. The first one was Beijing University, the second one was Qingdao University, the third one was Normal College, the fourth one was the College of Posts and Telecommunications which was later the University of Posts and Telecommunications, the fifth one was the Industrial College which was later the University of Science and Technology... Anyway, they were all It was a good university in Beijing, and later it became a double first-class university.

After waiting for two months with great expectations, the New Year of 2007 has just passed. Not long after entering 2017, the admission notice of Peking University came from a person riding a 28 bicycle with a green People's Post bag on the seat. The courier delivered it to your doorstep.

"My lord, congratulations, your daughter-in-law Su Meng has been admitted to Beijing University! You two are both from Beijing University. I don't know how many people are envious of you."

Wang Yan, who was taking his children to play in the snow at the door, came over and nodded with a smile: "Sorry to trouble you."

"Hey, this is what we do. I don't dare say it's troublesome. We all serve the people." The postman waved his hand, took out two envelopes from his bag, and sighed: "Here is another one for your hospital." Cheng Jianjun’s has been admitted to our Beijing Normal University. Please give me a gift, my lord. My dear, there are two college students from these alleys, and they are still in your courtyard. It’s really amazing."

After receiving the two envelopes, Wang Yan asked, "Didn't you also take the college entrance examination? How was it? Where did you go for the exam?"

"The notice hasn't arrived yet. I'm sure I can't compare to your wife. I'll be satisfied if I can go to college." The postman closed the pocket of the bag: "I'm leaving first, Your Majesty. There are still many things to deliver to." Woolen cloth."

"Okay, thank you. The road is slippery in the snow, so be careful."

Watching the postman ride away, Wang Yan greeted the little boy who was clattering the snow with a small shovel: "Let's go, son, it's very cold. Go back and warm up first, and then come out and play again later."

"We'll come out to play later." The little boy repeated the lesson, then he smiled at his father and continued to play in the snow...

It's still too small, Si Liu doesn't understand. The little thing is wearing three layers inside and three outside. Her tender little face is red from the cold, and her nose is running out. She hasn't had enough fun yet.

Wang Yan didn't force the child to go back, he just confiscated the tools and then turned around and walked into the gate. The little one was stunned for a moment, wondering what new game his father was playing with him. He stumbled while running with his hands outstretched, and fell down halfway. He got up and started walking again, and just returned home.

The fire was burning well, and the small room was equipped with a heater. Although the house leaked air from all directions, it was the air leaking that made the room warm as spring, but not stuffy, and the temperature was just right.

Su Meng sat at the desk in front of the window with double-layer thermal insulation glass and read a book, occasionally looking at the snowy scene in the yard outside the window. With dead trees covered with snow, bluestone pools, and snow-covered ground, you can feel the warmth inside the house, think about the cold outside, and take a sip of hot tea. Without the hustle and bustle of the courtyard in the past, you can only feel that life is beautiful, and it has a unique taste. .

Hearing the sound of the door opening and feeling the air-conditioning, Su Meng rolled her eyes. The two of them had a bad atmosphere. She first looked at her precious son who walked in, then knelt down and patted the snow off his body, and couldn't help but said: "You said it's so nice to stay at home with such a heavy snowfall. I have to go out to play and see. My nose is full of snot, what should I do if I catch a cold later?"

"Don't worry, your body is in good shape. What's the big deal if you catch a cold? It's okay. Children have to play and move." Wang Yan put her admission notice on the table: "Hey, I'm happy. , the notice is here.”

"Which school are you from?" Su Meng was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the envelope and looked at the words "Jingcheng University" on the cover. Then she picked up her son on the ground and kissed him: "Son, mom has passed the exam. , I have been admitted to Beijing University, and my mother will be a college student in the future. Are you happy? Are you happy?"

The little one looked at his abnormal biological mother without knowing why, then he chuckled and started to speak: "Gao is not happy..."

Putting down the child, he rubbed his little head: "What is that in your hand?"


"Who..." Halfway through, Su Meng realized what she was talking about, opened her eyes wide and asked, "Isn't it Cheng Jianjun's?"

"It's his, sent from Beijing Normal University."

"I didn't expect him to be quite good, and he passed the exam without saying a word." Su Meng curled her lips, and then said: "Let's go to the backyard, tell my grandma and the others the good news quickly, and let's be happy together. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and took down the clothes rack. Wang Yan wore a military coat and put it on his body. He took the little one and walked out with the envelope.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, then closed the door behind him and strolled towards the backyard.

On the way to Cheng Jianjun's house, he knocked on the door and said hello. After a while, Cheng Jianjun walked out holding a cotton-padded jacket and asked carefully: "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

"Your notice."

Looking at the envelope in front of him, Cheng Jianjun quickly took it and grinned after taking a look at it: "Hey, I just took the exam casually, and I didn't expect that I passed the exam directly. Thank you, Your Majesty, for delivering the letter. That’s right, how can I let you deliver it? Why don’t you come in and have some tea?”

Wang Yan chuckled, turned around and left.

"Hey, Your Majesty, where did Su Meng take the exam? Mine has arrived, so her notice should have arrived too, right?"

"Kyoto University!"

Wang Yan didn't look back and walked straight towards the already bustling old Su's house.

Cheng Jianjun looked at Wang Yan's back with a gloomy look, then laughed, turned around and went back to the house to share the news with his parents. Although he didn't do as well as Su Meng in the exam, and he wasn't as lucky as Wang Yan, who had been recommended for admission early, but alas, he was admitted to university...

Wang Yan did not stop Cheng Jianjun from taking the college entrance examination because it was not necessary and Cheng Jianjun had not provoked him to that extent yet. Only the previous classmate meeting counted once, and it was Cheng Jianjun who made a fool of himself. So let it play well first. As the saying goes, if you want it to die, let it go crazy first, play slowly, don't be in a hurry, there are still decades.

Entering the door of Lao Su's house, Su Meng was taking off her precious son's thick coat. The house here was also the same as the one in the front yard, with new double-glazed windows and several heaters, just for winter. Warmer, this was changed in 1975. At that time, it was to keep the pregnant Su Meng warm, so I brought these things back and gave two extra heaters to Han Chunming and Lao Guanjian.

Mrs. Su, Father Su, and Mother Su were circulating the admission notice they had just opened. It was not that fancy at the moment. It was just a piece of paper that said congratulations on being admitted to the Chinese Department and the start time of the semester. It is such a light piece of paper, but it has the weight to change a person's destiny.

"That's great. Now our family is full of college students." The old lady put down the paper with a smile, stood up and said, "I'm going to melt some meat. Let's eat well tonight."

Wang Yan sat aside and answered, "Okay, I'll go out and buy some roast duck or something later to celebrate."

The old lady didn’t scold Wang Yan for being a prodigal this time. She didn’t say that she could buy anything and everything. Uncle Su Meng himself had nothing to do and sent some money back to supplement the family expenses. This was also the case in the original drama. Su Meng was so glorious in such an era. Bright and fashionable for a reason. Wang Yan's own salary is also quite high, reaching more than fifty yuan, which is preferential treatment for talents like him.

And although he did not completely lead the research and development of the project, after more than two years of breakthroughs in many computer-related technologies, there were also national awards, totaling thousands. The money is enough, after all, it is very valuable now.

Because we always eat together, Wang Yan usually buys piles of rice, flour, grains, oils, meats and vegetables at home, as well as some other messy things. It is basically useless for the old Su family to spend money. It's a disguised form of saving money, it's the money of the old Su family.

In the same way, the Su family stopped nagging about how Wang Yan spent money, and their ears were finally clean...

The family talked happily, but Mrs. Su and the three of them never shut their mouths.

In the original drama, Su Meng was admitted to the Normal College, and Mrs. Su did not show much excitement, but it is different now. Su Meng was admitted to Beijing University, and Beijing University is different after all.

Although Su's father and Su's mother were usually indifferent to fame and fortune and did not get involved in anything, they only focused on teaching and educating people to make a living, but their daughter was admitted to Beijing University, and she was better than her predecessors, so how could she not be happy. And no matter how much they don't like playing, they still can't resist the feeling of showing off their children. After returning to work, other teachers asked how their Su Meng did in the exam. They replied reservedly, "It's okay, pretty good. I got admitted to Beijing University..." It felt like, hey...

After being happy, Wang Yan went out on his bicycle in the wind and snow, and came back after buying some fish, meat, fruits and so on.

When I arrived outside the yard, I saw Uncle Guo sweeping the snow with a broom at the door. The old boy shouted: "Buying so many things again? College students are different. It's your wife who has been admitted to Beijing University. In the evening Want to celebrate?"

He took out two apples from his pocket and handed them to Uncle Guo after some negotiation. Wang Yan smiled and said, "You are very well-informed. Now you know?"

"Where is it? The whole hospital knows it. Just now, Cheng Jianjun went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy meat and asked me to run into him. Good guy, that loud voice made me wonder. He said he was admitted to the Normal College. This kid It’s really amazing. I usually keep quiet, and I’ve never heard of how good I am at studying. Now I’m going to go to college directly, tell me.”

"It's quite unexpected. Okay, Uncle Guo, stop sweeping. The snow is so heavy that it won't stop for a while. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Idle time is also idle, do some activities. Leave it alone and go back."

"Then please be more careful." Wang Yan casually expressed concern and pushed the cart into the hospital.

Not surprisingly, there is also a snow sweeper in the yard. An envious soul drives Skin to sweep the snow in the yard.

Seeing Wang Yan pushing the cart in, Han Chunming nodded and said, "Your Majesty, you are still going out to buy things in this snowy day."

"Su Meng has been admitted to Beijing University. The family is celebrating tonight." After parking the car, Wang Yan took something down from the handlebar: "Aren't you happy to take advantage now? Are you feeling unhappy?"

Han Chunming took a deep breath and came over to Wang Yan with a broom to sweep: "I just can't understand, can someone like Cheng Jianjun really be admitted to college? We are all in the same class. I didn't graduate from junior high school, and he didn't either. After graduation, I didn’t study on my own, and he definitely wouldn’t know how to study on his own, so he just reviewed for a month and he passed the exam?”

"Didn't I tell you before? The questions in the first exam must be easy. After all, there are many people like you, so we can't make the exam too difficult. I estimate that next year's questions may be more difficult than this year, but there is a limit to how difficult it is. , you can take the exam in time if you want, but you won’t have the chance in the future.”

"Forget it, I've done quite well in the past two months, and my salary is not low. I'm very comfortable and can do anything conveniently. Didn't you tell me that if I can succeed, I'm just waiting for the opportunity."

Wang Yan smiled and patted his shoulder: "It's almost done. I estimate that it will only take two years. What you have to do now is to accumulate contacts. As the saying goes, things are easy to do if you have people. Wait for the opportunity. Once it arrives, it will be like a big roc rising with the same wind in one day, soaring to 90,000 miles. By then, you will become Big Boss Han. Come, future big boss, I will get you two apples to eat first, and don’t forget to take care of me in the future. elder brother."

"Just laugh at me." Han Chunming casually took the apples and put them in his pocket, then took them home for his wife and mother to eat. He said, "But if I want my buddy to take care of you in the future, these two apples are not enough. "

"How to say?"

Han Chunming's face changed in a second, and he smiled mischievously: "Forget it today, you always have to celebrate with your wife, let's go to my master's place for a drink tomorrow? I feel really bad. Only Du Kang can help me."

"Okay, you go buy groceries, and I'll get a few more bottles of Maotai."

"That's it, Your Majesty. Tomorrow happens to be Sunday off. I'll call Xiaoma later to see if he's coming. Let's give him a good meal. You go slowly."

Of course, Han Chunming was generous. In the past two years, they had been drinking together. Although they didn't pay much, they still paid. After all, they didn't have much in the first place. And even if the output is small, it is still the output of Ding Dong Lun Da Lao. Talented people are different. Their level is improving day by day, and their skills are almost catching up with Wang Yan.

As for the other drinking buddy, Ma Du, he is not a person who does errands. He never comes back empty-handed, and it’s a good time to have fun together. During the New Year and the holidays, I have to call to say hello. This year's New Year has not come yet. I guess Han Chunming will call me. Don't worry about the extra time. I will be here tomorrow. It's a bad situation.

With a smile, Wang Yan didn't go into the house, but went directly to the backyard with his things. He was going to cook the mutton tonight, which is perfect for snowy weather...

The family sat around the table. In the center of the table was a copper pot. There were only two things on the table, several plates of meat and a pile of vegetables.

The little ancestor couldn't eat this stuff yet, so he had already made millet porridge, steamed tender chicken cakes, and cut fruits separately. At this time, the little one ignored the toys all over the floor and held onto Old Mrs. Su's legs, raising her head and looking pitifully. A child doesn't understand much, but he knows who can satisfy him. In this family, who is the least tolerant of his faults is definitely his biological father. If he is to say who is the most tolerant of him, it is only his grandma. She seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. Little things have feelings.

The old lady had no choice but to boil the mutton and feed it in small pieces. It was cooked in a mushroom soup pot, and it still had some flavor, but was not so smelly. The little one followed her father, had a good appetite, and was a meat eater. She ate several slices, and then she patted her belly and ran away to play with her toys.

Watching the child playing, Su Meng smiled and said, "Okay now, in March, we can go and come back together."

Wang Yan shook his head: "I suggest you live in the dormitory. The schoolwork is heavy at the beginning of the semester, and you have to find a study rhythm. Not to mention the hanging beam, the spirit of digging through the wall to borrow light, get up early to study, and study by yourself at night, that is a must. I can't ride a bicycle. You won't be able to pedal for an hour. Also, I haven't had any serious classes for a few days. I have been doing research, which is relatively free. You see, I only set out at seven or eight in the morning and came back at four or five in the evening. ,You can not."

Before Su Meng could glare, Su's father nodded in approval: "Wang Yan is right, Mengmeng. Although you have been admitted to Beijing University, you can't relax in your studies. You are different from Wang Yan. He is naturally smart. , you rely on hard work and cannot be generalized. Then just live in the dormitory and come back every now and then to see your children. Now that you have been admitted to a university and it is such a good university, you must study hard and not waste such a good thing. Opportunities, let alone waste the country’s resources. How many people want to take the exam but can’t, do you hear that?”

Su Meng curled her lips: "Yes, you girl and I are stupid, but he is smart..."

Mother Su looked at her daughter amusedly: "Well, what Wang Yan said is right. We knew that Wang Yan was researching computers and doing high technology. Your father and I paid special attention to it. He has been in the news a lot in the past two years. , that’s a serious scientist, he’s enough to be your teacher, and he’s still not convinced.”

Wang Yan laughed and touched Su Meng's head: "Actually, this is good. You can live in the dormitory there and develop relationships with those classmates. From a utilitarian perspective, these people are some of the smartest people in our country. It is such a good school. When assigning work, it must be a good unit. It will definitely be the same in the future. It can also be used to help each other. To put it bluntly, everyone is a classmate, so everything will be fine in the future. There are also people to play with. If you look at it before, you would go to work every day and then go home to take care of your children. How boring is that, isn't it?"

"Well, that makes sense. I forgive you..." Su Meng patted Wang Yan's hand away and took the meat from the pot to eat.

Mrs. Su looked at Father Su and Mother Su, thought for a while and said, "Wang Yan, what are your plans for the child?"

Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a clear smile: "You always say you have another child?"

Seeing Mrs. Su nodding, he continued: "I told Su Meng before that this is enough, but don't talk about continuing the family line and spreading the branches. Our family can afford to raise another child, but we can't wait for it. This little ancestor is too tired, that’s good, it’s better not to cause trouble for yourself.”

"Yes, I think so." Su Meng nodded repeatedly: "Just like me, I am the only girl in our family, so I have all your love and care. If I have an older brother, sister, younger brother, sister, etc. , then I will definitely not be so comfortable, as you can tell by looking at Han Chunming's family. And Cheng Jianjun, who is so old, still kicks his younger brother for nothing. We are just a child, and give him all our love. How wonderful it would be to make him healthy and happy..."

Mrs. Su didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "My old lady is too talkative. You guys, do whatever you like..."

Thanks to (brokensword) (xdu) (Tianshan Eagle) (Past Gone with the Wind) (East of the Wilderness) (He is from Jianghu 18) (It’s nice to have a sense of substitution) and the seven elder brothers for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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