Lao Guanzheng was a lonely old man. Over the years, he sometimes did the cleaning work himself, sometimes Han's mother came over to do the busy work, and sometimes Han Chunming, his apprentice, did it. After getting married, Cai Xiaoli came to help. Eating is also simple. After all, this old boy is a drunkard, so he only needs wine. Peanuts are always available all year round, just cook some porridge, stir some vegetables in the pot, and it's over. It was because Han Chunming had a child that he went to Han's house for dinner, which saved some trouble.

But he was still lonely in his heart, and of course he was very happy to be able to drink and chat together.

So the courtyard in Laoguan became popular and lively again.

Han Chunming bought some hairtail, pork and other messy vegetables, and was busy in the kitchen. I was sitting on the deck chair in the courtyard at the old moment. The sun was rising in the morning. The courtyard was surrounded by walls, blocking the cold wind from the north. I felt the warmth before spring.

Wang Yan took the little horses, who had just congratulated Su Meng and played with them for a while, into the courtyard.

Ma Du lives in the Air Force compound near the Eight Kings Tomb, twenty miles away from here. He lived up to Wang Yan's expectations. He had just left college yesterday, and the road was still icy. He pedaled his bicycle slowly all the way, freezing like a grandson.

"Hey, Admiral, I'm basking in the sun. I'm so excited." After saying hello to Lao Guanguan, he walked into the kitchen with the things in his hands: "You said you were drinking Maotai today. I bought some soybean paste to go with the wine. Here you go, I’ll just wait and drink.”

Han Chunming, who was taking a big spoonful of cooking, replied: "Just leave it there, you go and warm it up, and you'll start drinking when it's ten to eight minutes."

At this moment, the old man who was lying down also got up. Wang Yan and the other three entered the room first. The dishes and chopsticks were already placed on the table. Wang Yan made another pot of tea and drank it first.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for a while. Did you pick up any good things?"

"Hey, Admiral, the prince has collected all the good things in the Forty-Nine City. What good things can I keep? The best thing right now is the blue and white jar from the Jiajing Dynasty. Good things are really rare."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Don't push it on me. After eight years of collecting it, I only have more than 10,000 items in my hands. There are a lot of good things, and there are many opportunities. It's not possible now, although the situation is somewhat relaxed now. , but there is no regulation on how these things are now. In two years' time, in the 1980s, there will be more good things. Now you are looking for things, then things will look for you.

If my estimate is correct, the decade from the 1980s to the 1990s was the best time to collect these old items. By the time people realize that these are good things that can be sold for a lot of money, and that picking them up can make people rich overnight, there will be no chance at all. So there is still time, so there is no need to be anxious, let alone frustrated. "

"I feel the same way. There are meetings held every day and policies are released one after another. People in our hospital say...if that's true, good times are not far away."

Lao Guantou nodded and asked, "You didn't go to college?"

"Hi, Admiral, you really think highly of me." Ma Du shook his head repeatedly: "I am only in the fourth grade of elementary school. Although I have read a lot of messy books over the years, I also have the book that the prince gave me before. I’ve read all the books, but the things in these books have nothing to do with the college entrance examination. I’m self-aware and don’t even think about it.”

"You don't want to, but someone's stomach is sour." Looking at Han Chunming, who was just coming in with the food, he snorted at the old juncture, feeling that his precious disciple was very useless.

Han Chunming chuckled: "I can't help it. Master, who can control your greed, anger, and ignorance when you talk about it? If I don't react at all, that would be abnormal."

"No, why didn't I understand? What's going on? This is pantothenic water, and it's greedy, angry, and stupid?"

"My lord, please explain to him. There are still vegetables on the stove." After saying that, Han Chunming hurriedly stepped out of the way. Although we are all our own people here, it’s okay to say embarrassing things, but it’s always embarrassing for him to say it himself...

Of course Ma Du knew that Han Chunming and Cheng Jianjun were calling each other "master" before. Wang Yan made a joke about Han Chunming, so he explained what happened without saying too much.

At this time, Han Chunming also brought in all the dishes, making a total of eight dishes. Wang Yan likes to drink, but he just drinks it dry with peanuts. If he doesn't want to drink it, he must have something delicious...

Everyone poured the wine, took a sip first, put the food and wine, and Ma Du opened his mouth to comfort me: "The prince told me just now, I think you should be more open-minded, this person's fate is destined, he will leave There's nothing you can do about that luck. Besides, it's not like you've missed anything. You still have a place to work in a hardware company. The prince said you did a good job, and you'll definitely be good in the future."

"Don't comfort me, my brother even called me "ye", what does that mean? In fact, just yesterday, I didn't expect that boy to be admitted to college. I just want to drink Wang Ye's Moutai."

Seeing Han Chunming pretending to be free and easy, Wang Yan smiled and nodded with his chopsticks: "You are just a tough talker. As long as you can calm down and do it, I believe that Cheng Jianjun will definitely not be as good as you. He is a person who only has a weak relationship. , He is good at saving face. But if you get in touch with him deeply, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that this person is not good. Don’t worry, such a person will not go far, and he will not be as successful as you. "

"Your Majesty, I will remember everything you said to me. If my brother has no future by then, then I will rely on you to grow old."

"What you are saying is so fresh. How can I still starve you by hanging out with the prince?" Ma Du shook his head and raised his glass: "Stop talking about that, come on, drink and drink. Admiral, you can watch and drink by yourself. .”

The old man chuckled: "You have spoken, how new is it? Your grandpa, the nine-door admiral, is drinking and is being managed by your kid?"

The four of them just started drinking, laughing and chatting about antiques and interesting things they experienced while collecting things. Not to mention Han Chunming, who has learned from Lao Guanguan since childhood, Ma Du has made very rapid progress. When he first met Wang Yan, he didn't even get in. Wang Yan took him in, and he communicated with Lao Guan Guan, who knew how to tell stories. In addition, he read and studied by himself and practiced with real things. In more than two years, he has been very successful. Somewhat level. Of course, this is inseparable from his own talent. Otherwise, he would not have become a great collector in his original life trajectory.

After chatting like this, it was inevitable that the topic would come to the end. Ma Du sighed and said: "I really envy you two. The prince has many brothers to help collect things. He is a scientist and is very free. Chunming is not bad either. Now I am working in a hardware company, walking outside every day when I have time, and making a lot of money. Unlike me, who works in a factory from morning to night, and the money I make is not enough to collect many things. Oh, it’s difficult..."

"If it's difficult, just find a way to change it." Han Chunming disagreed very much: "You are twenty-three this year, right? Just find a wife. Then your life will definitely be different from now."

"It's different, it's more difficult." Ma Dudu said angrily: "Do you think calling a woman is like your wife? You can just watch you be so prodigal and take all the money you earn from those old men. Object? I haven't thought about getting married yet. If I don't meet the right person, I won't get married and I can live a comfortable life."

"I just want to have more free time and earn more. I have an idea..."

Seeing Ma Du's eyes full of expectation, Wang Yan said with a smile: "Through our contact in the past two years, and you have read so many books over the years, I think you can try to write it yourself. If the time comes, With a certain influence, there is a high probability that you can be transferred to a cultural center or magazine. Even if you can't be transferred, it's okay. I know a few people in the literary world in school, and they are related to some magazines. I can recommend it to you. Let's go You can also go through the back door, the main thing is that you have to have a work that can be used.

If you really succeed, this job will be clean and respectable, and you will definitely have plenty of time, whether it is reading a book or going out to collect things. It will be more free, and the income will not be lower than you are now. When the time comes, the girls you come into contact with will be more free. They are all serious literary young women, and it is easy to find a wife. "

Originally, this was Madu's fate. He published the romance novel "The Moon Is Full Tonight" and became an editor of youth literature. It was also because of this position that he became acquainted with many other later writers. Little by little, what was later called the Beijing Circle emerged.

I don't know when he had the idea to write, but now Wang Yan has mentioned it. If he has already had this idea, then he should be firm. If not, then he has it now. At this moment of thought, his life changed. Ben has also changed. After all, there is another Wang who shouldn't be there.

Ma Du frowned in thought, drank a glass of wine and nodded: "Your Majesty, you said this is really good. I will think about it when I get back and start writing it. I will try to write a short story first. It won't be strenuous anyway."

Wang Yan raised his glass and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for your good news."

After ending this topic, we started talking about history and culture again, and we didn’t end until about four o’clock in the afternoon.

Han Chunming was not as open-minded as he said, but he was still drunk after all. Cheng Jianjun is very cautious and doesn't want to be inferior to others. Although he is very thoughtful, he also doesn't want to be worse than Cheng Jianjun. Now that he has really been admitted to college, and he is looking forward to a bright future, he continued to rant in the courtyard this morning, talking about Han Chunming's incompetence, not to mention the matter of calling him "Master" before. How to let go easily.

Madu didn't drink much, but he could drink a lot. Because in the second half of the process, he had already begun to exchange literature with Wang Yan, thinking about what story to write. Wang Yan, who was once a big figure in the literary world, wasted no time in talking about his writing experience with Ma Du. The main discussion was about the spirit conveyed in the book and what spirit should be conveyed in the current era, rather than the superficial article structure and There's no point in teaching words or anything like that. When the discussion was happy, we drank one cup after another, and finally walked slowly in the pushcart against the cold wind.

Although they drank one meal and the next at the old juncture, they still drank to a certain extent, still six or seven taels. After Wang Yan and Han Chunming, who was in a daze, washed the dishes and set up the stove, they felt comfortable. I lay on the bed and listened to the program on the radio, feeling contented.

Wang Yan went home and had dinner with him...

The wheel of time turned forward again, and Su Meng happily went to Beijing University to study. After listening to Wang Yan's words, she lived in a dormitory in the school and only went home once or twice a week to see her children, show consideration to Wang Yan, comfort herself, release the endless learning habits, and see endless things. The heavy pressure of books.

Su Meng is quite outgoing and gets along well with her roommates and other classmates. She even brought her roommates to the house to see the children and have dinner. Of course, I also met Wang Yan. After all, it was Sunday and he was taking care of the children at home. The same is true. Wang Yan is also from Beijing University and studies computers. At the same time, the news about Su Meng's family's good conditions spread through the mouths of these classmates.

It was because Su Meng was good-looking and was pursued by several young men. Su Meng was annoyed, so she took her classmates home to prove it. Of course, the effect is there. After all, they are all from Beijing University. If you ask around, you will know what level Wang Yan is. Besides, the child is over one year old, so these guys are no longer interested. Of course there are people who mess around now, but compared to forty years later, this era is really pure. For now, they really cherish poetry and distance...

As for the other college student in the courtyard, Cheng Jianjun, he is basically invisible in the courtyard. Because he also lives on campus, sometimes he doesn’t even come back once a month. Even if he comes back, he has only one purpose, to ask his father for money.

Han Chunming, who did not go to college, picked up his mood and started again. He still worked hard and was still prosperous with the hardware company with the charisma of the protagonist Tianming. In an environment that has been somewhat relaxed, his performance has always been the best, and his relationship with his leaders and colleagues is not bad.

Cai Xiaoli worked in the food factory for a while, and also found some connections with the seventh uncle of the third aunt's family, and was transferred to the trading company to work. Only Taozi was still in the food factory.

However, Han Chunming has not forgotten such a good brother. He runs around all day long, and the social environment is becoming more and more relaxed. Plus, he has the brains to occasionally find some money-making jobs, which is no longer the case. Physical labor like that before. Taozi made a lot of money, and he also had more money in his hands. Part of it will be given to Cai Xiaoli to keep, and the other part will be left to him to walk around the streets, or collect things around the capital with Bao Baohou.

After the special zone was opened in 1979, Han Chunming was sent by the factory to Pengcheng to see if there was any possibility of cooperation with the factory there. It was this official business trip that allowed Han Chunming to see countless opportunities. When he came back, he had a chat with Wang Yan about what he had learned during the trip, and began to think about how to make money by taking advantage of the opportunity.

Not surprisingly, he and Taozi started to do bad business. This is something that requires the least capital, and as long as you dodge cleverly, you can make money without getting caught. Han Chunming is not very courageous, but he is not small either. After all, it is impossible to say that the players who are smuggling cars together with Yang Huajian are timid. Mainly because he got to know a lot of people who did this job, which gave him the confidence to do it too. He was responsible for bringing the goods there, and Taozi was responsible for selling the goods. Even though Tao Zi has a bad reputation, there is no problem at all if he trades his job to set up a stall in another place, and he can still make a lot of money.

It's hard for anyone doing this right now not to make money. After all, as long as you don't get caught and get the goods back from the south to the north, that's success. Han Chunming was so jealous that he didn't even bother to collect the things. As the saying goes, when the sky is crazy, it will rain, and when people are crazy, there will be misfortune. He was accidentally caught once, and of course it was Wang Yan who saved him.

Traps like Han Chunming, who trade goods between the north and the south, are scammers, and people like Wang Yan, who trade money for money, are also scammers. As a scammer who has been flipping tickets for nine years, when the wind blows, he should ride on it, instead of being like Han Chunming, who has no future and is traveling north and south.

So he held classes for his younger brother, and then sent his confidant, Fatty Liu Dahai, to take a few people with bad background and who had never had a job to go south with part of the money he had accumulated over the years, and directly opened a factory and clothing factory. , making clothes and shoes.

There is no positioning, just making this first big money. For example, just a simple piece of red half-sleeve with the words "China" printed in his own handwriting, written by Long Feifengwu, is sold everywhere in the country. Of course, there are many people who plagiarize ideas, and they draw inferences from one example to other things, such as 'socialism is good', 'China must be strong' and so on. Moreover, the autumn long-sleeved sportswear is also like the later ones, with words printed on both sides of the chest of the cardigan.

With just such a small idea, Wang Yan made a lot of money, and it also made a lot of money for the newly built and inland garment factories. It doesn't matter if others plagiarize, he is definitely the one who makes the most money anyway...

The one in Madu is also good. In 1979, after more than a year of planning and several draft revisions, the short love story "Meeting in September" was finally published. The story is not very complicated, it is just a man and a woman who have sex in September. . But it spoke out the voices of young people, and it did have a certain impact after it was published, and the feedback it received was very good.

So not long after it was published, he was transferred to young people's literature as an editor, just like his original destiny. The difference was that this time was two years ahead of schedule.

The salary is better, the time is more, people are free, and the social status is improved. All of this, Wang Yan said casually, plucked the fate of Madu.

In the blink of an eye, it was the summer of 1981, and it was still the same alley, and at the corner of the same canteen, there was a loud beeping sound from the horn, and not long after, I saw a military green sidecar motorcycle turning around, riding the motorcycle. The person is a man with long hair parted in the middle, a kind face, and deep eyes. He is wearing casual pants, white white shoes, and a 'Chinese' short-sleeved upper body. Sitting in the bucket was a beautiful-looking woman wearing a floral dress with her hair tied up.

Who else could it be besides Wang Yan and Su Meng?

Wang Yanxian is so awesome that he grew his hair and got the now fashionable middle parted hairstyle. Needless to say, he still looks very elegant...

As for the mount under the crotch, there is no doubt that it is nothing but the classic Yangtze River 750. This was because he saw more and more motorcycles on the street, and some people were riding such motorcycles. Even Han Chunming was riding a two-wheeled motorcycle, so he got one.

The reason why we do this is that we can be high-profile, but we must maintain a certain degree of low-key. It's like he could drive a Mercedes now, but he didn't. He just waited until there were more motorcycles on the street before he bought one. People will be surprised that he is rich, but they will not think that he is too rich. This degree must be controlled. Not only to the neighbors in the courtyard, but to everyone, he rarely takes the lead, and it is not good to be too arrogant.

A red two-wheeled motorcycle was parked at the entrance of the courtyard. This was Han Chunming's motorcycle. Wang Yan got out of the car and said hello to Lao Guanguan and others who were fanning, crossing bracelets, and playing chess.

Then I heard the sound of stomping footsteps coming from the courtyard, and then I saw a little boy running out with a wooden knife in his hand. Of course, he was not here to kill anyone, but to welcome his father. Oh shit.

Wang Bin is five years old this year. He is active, enthusiastic and cheerful. In addition, he started to get up early to do physical fitness exercises with his father, which makes him in good health. He has already dominated the group of children under six years old in several nearby alleys. After all, if you are in good health, you like to move. If you move too much, you will easily cause friction with other children. This guy is in good health and can be knocked down in just a few strokes. The one who was beaten the most was Cheng Jianjun’s son. He had the same temperament as Cheng Jianjun, and he cared more about food than beatings.

Of course, this little guy's dominance of the alley is not without cost. After all, there was friction with other children. He didn't count it at the beginning, and he didn't do it lightly or harshly. Wang Yan personally took him to his door to apologize. Then when he got home, his biological father, Wang Yan, hung him up and whipped him, and demonstrated how hard he could hit him, how much it hurt, and how much damage he could do. At five years old, he can remember things and can be taught clearly.

It’s not that this child is bullying, it’s mainly a child. It’s fine one moment, but bad the next, and the next day they are playing together again, and it’s normal for them to fight and fight. Besides, Wang Yan taught martial arts, not martial arts, but just to lay the foundation and strengthen the body. This kid fought with others by wrestling, butting, and using his hands to choke, choke, and bite with his teeth and other methods that caused serious harm. Wang Yan beat him back...

When the little thing came out, without saying a word, he hugged his father's thigh and said, "Dad!"

"The roast duck is here with me."

Upon hearing this, the little thing quickly let go of his father, ran to the side to hug his mother's thigh, and gave a sweet smile: "Mom!"

If you have milk, you are a mother, and you know the current affairs...

Wang Yan shook his head, smiled, kicked him on the butt, turned around and entered the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

Just as he turned around the screen wall and entered the second door, he saw Han Chunming running toward him with a bowl of noodles in his hands. Wang Yan handed the key to Su Meng and went to the side with Han Chunming: "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the Bad Lord?"

"Can you not remember it? You haven't mentioned it less over the years. What's wrong? Something happened?"

"No, you still remember what I said before that he goes everywhere, but rarely hangs out in our alley, right?"

Wang Yan frowned and said, "It's been more than three years, right? You still haven't figured it out yet? Isn't it just that I have a grudge against the Admiral?"

"I knew it. After I told you at that time, you thought of it, right?" Han Chunming had a genuine expression on his face, asking and answering himself: "In this alley of ours, my master is educated and can compete with the shabby marquis. It took me a while to figure out the intersection."

"Don't say it's useless. I'm waiting for dinner. If you have anything to say, please tell me immediately."

Han Chunming said: "Tomorrow afternoon, Poshahou will come over to fight with my master and settle the grudge. It's Sunday again, everyone is resting, and I thought about calling Xiao Ma and Tao Zi over to witness together."

"Is it related to the four small enamel bowls you mentioned? The last one... Gathering Friends, is in the hands of the Admiral?"

"Hey, you're so cool."

Wang Yan waved his hand to keep a low profile and said with a smile: "Okay, you buy the groceries and I pay for the wine. It doesn't matter whether we have grudges or not. Xiao Ma and I just eat and drink. I have to say that your kid's skills are getting better and better, and he is talented. .”

Han Chunming shook his head repeatedly: "Brother, I've made a lot of money in the past few years, so you don't have to spend money on drinks all the time. I'll cover all the food and drinks."

"Then it's up to you to arrange it and come back..."

Thanks to (brokensword) (zhengjinzong) (Boundary of Rain Li) (penguin20212) (2424 Niu Niu) (Dragon) six brothers for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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