As the saying goes, listen to others' advice and eat enough. But if you can really listen to others' advice, no matter what the world is like, if you just apply it to yourself, you will definitely save a lot of troubles. After all, in daily life, the people who can open their mouths to persuade others are either family members or friends, or at the very least, colleagues with whom they have a decent relationship. There are indeed people in this world who are arrogant and arrogant, but most of them say a few words out of good intentions without harming themselves. Generally speaking, the starting points are good.

Su's father is a conscientious people's teacher. He is happy when students learn well, and he is worried when students don't learn. Although there are no late self-studies and extra classes at the moment, he teaches seriously, passionately, and as a dedication to his career. This is a very tiring thing. His health was not very good, and he looked dry and thin. After working like this for many years, he naturally couldn't stand it.

"Grandpa, are you sick?"

In the backyard of the Su family, Wang Bin, who was seven years old and was about to enter first grade, stood beside the bed holding a wooden knife. He raised his head and blinked his big eyes, looking at Su's father who was leaning on the bedside with concern.

He stretched out his hand to rub his grandson's little head with great effort, but Su's father smiled kindly: "Grandpa is fine, he is just tired. He just needs to rest at home for a while. Binbin, go play with your children." "

"Oh, then you should have a good rest, grandpa." Wang Bin turned around and waved to Wang Yan and others like a young adult: "Let's all go, let grandpa have a good rest."

Su Meng grabbed her son's ears angrily and sent him out the door: "Go, play by yourself, don't be annoying here."

Mother Su sighed: "Tell me, how many times have I told you this over the years? I said, Mom said, Mengmeng and Wang Yan kept saying it, but you didn't listen to a word. You're fine now, and you're lying at home. Right? We spent a lot of money, suffered a lot of sins, and made the whole family worry. The good thing is that the operation was successful. What if there is an accident? "

"Okay. This is already the case. Why are you talking so much? You can't make me clean and pure?" Su's father used his illness to escape his wife's nagging. Of course he knew it was concern, but he couldn't stand it if he cared too much. He said: "Okay, you don't have to guard me anymore. Just do whatever you need to do. I can just stay by myself. Mengmeng, Wang Yan, you two should go to work quickly. You have been delayed for several days. Don't let the leader Having opinions affects the future.”

"Don't worry, it won't affect your future." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "You only ask for a full day's leave. It's useless to go back early. I'll buy some vegetables and some medicinal materials, and I'll make a warming soup for you later. , take good care of your body and recover as soon as possible."

Mrs. Su was a little worried: "The doctor said, there are a lot of taboos. Are you making old hen soup again? Is that okay?"

"Now that his body is weak, he can't take a lot of supplements. The old hen soup is very powerful, so of course it won't work. But I have something else. It's a medicated diet. I specially asked someone for a prescription. I guarantee it will be fine. It's just more than a normal meal. Some nutrients are better absorbed and recovery is faster.”

As he spoke, Wang Yan turned around and left the house, went home, picked up the keys, and left on his motorcycle.

He had tried his best to persuade Su's father and made some decoction to recuperate his body. However, Su's father refused to listen and was still as tired as before, so he ended up lying in bed.

Originally it was 1982, but now it's 1983. If he can delay it for one more year, it's Wang Yan's best effort. After all, he did not show off his superb medical skills this time. He only showed that he could make some medicinal foods that could cure colds, fevers and runny noses. In the past, I gave Su's father, Su's mother, and Mrs. Su medicine to treat themselves. If they could drink, they would give him a lot of trust.

In fact, even if he was a doctor, Su's father might have collapsed earlier. After all, the son-in-law is a miracle doctor. If he has confidence in his heart and feels that he cannot die, then it is not a big problem.

Even if there are medicines for conditioning, you must also pay attention to rest, otherwise you will be replenished here and tired there. It is good to keep only three points of the full medicine effect. Besides, Su's father didn't drink it all the time. He only wanted to drink two doses of medicine and be done. Being able to get sick a year later and the situation is better than before is already quite good.

Isn't this just a matter of feeling uncomfortable a few days ago? Wang Yan encouraged him to go to Xiehe for a check-up. In the end, he spent more than 30,000 yuan to solve the problem. Whether it was the original 1982 or the current 1983, more than 30,000 yuan is a desperate figure.

I won’t mention the cool scene of Su Meng in the original drama. After all, his own father will die if he doesn’t see a doctor. He still went to Cheng Jianjun and asked Han Chunming to borrow money out of so-called face. Now the trajectory has changed, and it’s meaningless to talk about that.

When Su Meng knew how much money it would cost, she took her bankbook and ran to the bank and paid 40,000 yuan. At that time, the expressions on the faces of Mrs. Su and others were quite wonderful. They know that Wang Yan is not short of money, and they also know that Wang Yan still has business in the south. They have never asked how much money they have made in the past few years, they only know that they have not lost any money. But he never expected that in the four years from 1979 to now, Wang Yan would be able to casually spend 40,000. Later, they asked Su Meng and found out that she still had 50,000 yuan left...

Wang Yan got this money back for Su Meng's peace of mind, and it was also used as living expenses. After all, after working for four years, how could he not make any money? The sketches he drew were enough to fill a book. And his four years were different from the other four years. At first, he sold clothes and shoes, and later he sold clothing equipment. At the same time, he also started to engage in some electronic products, such as watches, game consoles, etc. In this era, as long as you are not a fool, as long as you have some courage, you don't need any ideas, just do it, you can make money, not to mention that Wang Yan is still very skilled.

In addition, the government provides policy support and financial help to these private companies, factories, etc., and they develop very quickly and make a lot of money. Of course, in the eyes of Mr. Wang, these are just small amounts of money...

I bought some vegetables outside and got some Chinese medicine. It was almost noon when I came back. As soon as I entered the house with my things, I saw Su Meng chatting with a woman next to the desk in the back room.

The woman greeted with a smile: "Hey, the great scientist is back."

Wang Yan nodded and asked, "Aren't you at work? Why are you here?"

"I knew you were going to pick up Su Meng's father from the hospital today, and it happened to be not far away, so I rushed over to see how uncle was doing when I got off work at noon."

"Now that you're interested, you guys can chat. I'll go out and pack some food and come back. We'll have dinner at home later." Wang Yan put down his things, turned around and walked out again.

"Don't bother, I just have something to eat..." She yelled at the top of her lungs, but received no response. The woman looked at Su Meng and said, "I really envy you. He is such an old scientist, but he can still treat you like this. , What a good life you have for treating your family like this."

Su Meng bared her teeth and laughed: "Actually, sometimes when I think about it, I feel like I'm in a dream. Didn't I tell you before, we have lived in the same hospital for so many years and have nothing in common, and we rarely even speak. The result was that in less than two months, their relationship heated up rapidly, and they got together and got married that year. At that time, he was specially approved by the leadership to study at Beijing University, and had a column interview in the People's Daily. Later, he was When he was studying, he didn't take any serious classes for a few days. He always followed professors and experts in the laboratory. Within a few years, he became an academician, and he remains until now.

In this comparison, I feel extremely useless. Let me tell you, Yuan'er, you don't need to be envious. If there really was such a man, you should be worried. Think about it, if he is so capable, how many Yingying Yanyans must surround him every day? You trust him, he is also a man, who can guarantee that he will never make mistakes? Don’t you believe it? He has never changed towards me, my grandma and others over the years. He was the same as he was when we first got married, and he is the same now. I even feel guilty for doubting him. "

The woman chatting with Su Meng is Li Yuan, Su Meng's good friend in the original play. Although Su Meng changed universities, he still chose the Education Bureau after graduation. Naturally, he went to work in the Education Bureau of Dongcheng District. Here he met Li Yuan, who graduated from college like him and was assigned to work. The two of them worked in the same office and chatted well. Naturally, their relationship got better and they became good sisters.

Later, I naturally found out that Su Meng's man was Wang Yan, an academician of the Academy of Sciences and a great scientist. The leaders of their bureau did not say that they were supporting Su Meng, but their attitude must be different. If you have such colleagues who have become friends before, you must protect them carefully. Li Yuan's relationship with Su Meng is roughly equivalent to Tao Zi's relationship with Han Chunming. But maybe Li Yuan is not that pure, and is somewhat mixed with utilitarianism. This is of course normal.

Li Yuan asked curiously: "Then what do you think?"

"I don't want to!" Su Meng rolled her eyes: "That's not asking for trouble for yourself."

Obviously, she has made great progress...

Wang Yan rode his motorcycle to the Chapiaoxiang Restaurant in Dashilan, near Qianmen Street.

Compared with the first "Cha Bar" opened by Han Chunming, Tao Zi and Cai Xiaoli in the original drama, this time "Cha Piao Xiang" is much bigger than before. It is a three-story building with a large area that can accommodate dozens of tables and private rooms of various sizes.

The big sign hanging on the top floor is written in bold and powerful block letters. The characters are grand and have their own rules. Those who understand can see the bones and muscles, and those who don't understand can also recognize the plaque. It was written by Wang Yan, a calligraphy master. Han Chunming didn't know calligraphy, but he was knowledgeable and asked Wang Yan for help. The rest of the signs for drinking, gathering friends, and going back upstairs have also been written together, just waiting to open the shop again.

It was right at the entrance to the restaurant, and there were many bicycles and motorcycles parked outside the store, and even a line of cars lined up on the roadside, which showed how popular it was.

The reason for the large area is that Han Chunming now does not just do small money-making activities like before, but has opened up a certain amount of goods from north to south, making more money than before. The current three-story building was not rented, but was bought by a partnership between Han Chunming and Tao Zi after many twists and turns. Tao Zi accounted for 60% and Han Chunming 40%.

As for the popularity of stores, first of all, although there are many restaurants now, there are relatively few large ones. In addition, the chefs introduced by Wang Yan are not free of charge. Their skills are really good. Most of them have passed the fourth level threshold, and the taste is certainly not bad. The location of this store is also very good. With this combination, it will naturally be full of diners and it will be very popular.

On the other hand, Wang Yan, Ma Du and Han Chunming also brought people over for dinner at the beginning. Even now, when I occasionally have a meal, I mostly eat here. If you eat well the first time and are very respectable, you can get a discount. Then many of those people who associate with Wang Yan, Ma Du, and Han Chunming will continue to come. After going back and forth like this, it naturally started business and made a name for itself...

Consistent with the original plot, Meng Xiaoxing still didn't want to be a villager, so she still went to the city in 1982 and lived with the old Han family. At that time, the Cha Piao Xiang restaurant was already open, and neither Han Chunming nor Cai Xiaoli was involved. They were both engaged in big business in the south, and they had no time to pay attention to a restaurant. Meng Xiaoxing couldn't ignore it when she came, but she couldn't bring such a yellow-haired girl to do business with them, so she arranged to go to this restaurant.

The wife Taozi married this time is also good. She is not a fussy person. Apart from being strict with money and not letting Taozi spend it arbitrarily, everything else is good. She also treats people and things well. Besides, although Tao Zi opened a restaurant, he still worked with Han Chunming. No one complained about the money. Therefore, she took good care of Meng Xiaoxing. In addition, although Meng Xiaoxing had a weak mouth and weak hands, she was really good at work, and because of Han Chunming's face, she still let her become the manager.

In the noisy environment, Meng Xiaoxing leaned against the cashier, lowered her head to adjust her small suit, and also fiddled with the fashionable curly hairstyle she had only done for a few days. Looking at the situation of the diners in the venue, he fiddled with the nails on his hands in boredom.

She feels very good now. Taozi's wife above basically doesn't take care of things. She only talks to her when she sees problems. Most of the time she takes care of purchases, accounts, etc. So she is very comfortable here. She is basically in charge of everything big and small, including the front desk and the kitchen. A feeling called success has already arisen in her heart.

While she was playing with that man, she saw Wang Yan walking in from the door opposite the cashier. His face, which was stern one moment, turned into a big smile the next moment: "Hey, the prince is here, it's you. Yourself? Hurry up and sit in the private room upstairs, and eat in peace."

Wang Yan waved his hand: "No, Xiao Xing, cook me eight dishes and take them away."

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements right now. Please sit down and drink some tea first. Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, Brother Taozi is upstairs, and Brother Ma is also having dinner here. Why don't you go? have a look?"

"I won't go. Hurry up and let the master cook. The family is hungry."

Wang Yan waved his hand and watched Meng Xiaoxing turn to go to the kitchen. Not liking the buzzing noise, he turned around and went outside to where the bicycles were parked. He sat on the back seat of someone's bicycle and lit a cigarette. , look at the passing vehicles and pedestrians, and look at their mental outlook. Compared with 1975, it is already very different.

People's living standards have improved significantly, the construction of public facilities has been significantly strengthened and improved, and people's mental outlook is also different. It seems that they are motivated, which is the desire for money. As a result, in the new century, the contradiction has become the contradiction between advanced material life and backward spiritual civilization. It means that society has progressed, but people are failing, and moral education has not kept up, but overall it is still good. After all, there is no need to talk about spiritual civilization when you don’t have enough to eat.

What is brought about by the different material living conditions is the pursuit of more and better material conditions when the conditions are average or unsatisfactory.

This is correct, but it will inevitably cause some bad things.

In this process, we choose to take shortcuts because legitimate gains are too tiring and difficult. Also because of the advanced information, I saw things I shouldn’t have seen and experienced things I shouldn’t have experienced. As a result, I lost my mind and sank. Wandering in the materialistic flow, letting yourself go wildly. The most typical one is the extreme confusion in the relationship between men and women.

Although that thing has always been messy, it has never been as easy as it is now. After all, there is still the decadent clan system, which can be immersed in a pig cage. Now, if it weren't for one party to be evil and end up together, then it can be said that regardless of men or women, there is almost no punishment for this kind of thing, and there is almost no need to pay, which is quite sad...

Although Wang Yan, who had been stabbed a thousand times, should sink into the pond, this did not delay his sorrow. It's like some people are against something, but actually he is doing those things. What he reflects on is only social phenomena, not himself. Well, who is not a dog with double standards?

Although faults cannot be compensated by merit, except for shortcomings in the affairs of men and women, he can really become a saint instantly. He practiced medicine and cured diseases and saved countless people. He provided for children who could not afford to go to school or had enough to eat. He provided financial assistance to poor and remote places. He also educated the people and fed countless ordinary people who had no enough to eat. He fed hundreds of people. As the years pass, you should be blessed with immeasurable merit. Even if he killed a lot of people, even God, Hell, God, and Satan would forgive him...

"Xiao Xing said just now that you were here. I didn't see anyone when I went downstairs, so I asked the waiter that you were outside. I said, Your Majesty, why are you here basking in the sun at noon? Aren't you too hot?"

Taozi, who was already the father of two children, jumped down from the steps and stopped in front of Wang Yan due to inertia.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "There are too many people in the room, and the darkness is unbearable. It's hot and it won't stay hot for long. Exposure to the sun is good for your health."

"You have been bullying me for being uneducated all day long. You are fooling me. I just don't understand. I also know that even if there are benefits to sunbathing, there is no fool who can bask in the sun at noon." After making a joke, Taozi continued: "Ma We were all having dinner with friends up there, and he told me that he was getting married next month, and he also said that he would meet you in the evening, and he wanted to tell you in person."

"Hey, there is still this matter. Then I really have to go and take a look, and it will save him another trip." As he spoke, Wang Yan threw away the cigarette in his hand, and set off to walk into the restaurant with Tao Zi again: " Xiao Ma is already twenty-eight this year, and it’s not easy to finally get married. Is it still the same as before? "

"Yes, I also asked about it. It was the one who was introduced by his colleagues at the beginning of the year and works in the Ministry of Culture."

Wang Yan really hasn't researched what kind of wife Ma Du married in the real world. It seems that they are not the same person. After all, this time under his influence, Ma Ducheng Mingzao became far richer than at the same time. Even now, Ma Du is still an editor. Even in the future, editors will still control the lifeblood of literary creators.

There are no online novels at this time, and all are serious publishing channels, so the criticality of Ma Du's position is obvious. Except for writers who have long been famous, the most important thing for the remaining unknown writers who want to be published in their literary journals is editing.

If Ma Du entered the industry early, his status would be much higher than at the same time.

Such a series of influences naturally led to big changes in the people and things that happened to them. I don’t know about anything else, but Ma has been dating a lot over the years, and now he is considered stable.

With Tao Zi leading the way, Wang Yan followed to the top floor and opened the door of one of the private rooms.

Inside, Ma Du was toasting with five people. When he saw Wang Yan open the door and come in, he quickly put down his wine glass, stood up and walked around, saying, "My lord, are you here for dinner?"

"No, my husband is ill and had a major operation. He's almost recovered and was discharged from the hospital today. I've been busy all morning and there's nothing to eat at home, so I came over to pack a few vegetables and go back." Wang Yan patted the horse with a smile. Du's arm: "I didn't want to come over and disturb you, but Taozi said that you are getting married next month, and you have to go over in person to notify me in the evening. Why don't I just come up to see you, and save the trouble of making a trip. Chunming, what about you? Don’t worry, I’ll just tell him when I get back, and then Taozi and the three of us will help you with the work. The place is all ready, just go with the tea fragrance. If there are too many people and you can’t accommodate it, you can only go to the Jingcheng Hotel. ”

"You are talking about me. You don't know how many people I know. I can't even fill up the fragrance of this tea. How can I go to the Beijing Hotel? I don't have to do it. I have been with you all these years. , Apart from anything else, I have learned a lot about being low-key." Haha laughed twice, and Ma Du looked at Taozi: "I have been too busy these days. I just talked about getting married to you, and forgot that I still have to get married. We have a place. We also made a reservation yesterday and haven't arranged anything yet. I definitely don't want to meet you, but don't meet like me."

"Don't tell me, I'm really wondering if you have any objections to me and Chunming." Taozi laughed and punched Ma Du: "It's just a joke, you can do things here, don't worry. , just follow the highest standards, and you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll tell you what I want to say, you definitely have to pay, don’t push me, don’t give in, let’s talk first, it’s all cost price, don’t pay more, I Don’t ask for less.”

"It's painful, it's fine, that's it." Ma Du replied, imitating the bad words, and laughed and received another punch.

"Okay, that's it for now. I won't disturb you anymore. Just call me if you have anything. Let's go and have a drink." Wang Yan and Tao Zi turned and left after patting Ma Du's shoulders again. …

Seeing the door closed, someone asked out of curiosity: "Brother Ma, who is this person?"

Others were also asking curiously, wanting to know who it was.

Introducing friends also depends on the situation. Generally, when you meet an acquaintance, you will introduce them and then have a drink or something. Madu is a world-famous person with a wide range of contacts, so of course he doesn't know this. There is no introduction to them now, and Ma Du's respectful attitude means that it is useless to introduce them, and it will also waste people's time.

Ma Du returned to his seat and said with a smile: "As I have always said, Wang Yan takes good care of me!"

He is just an editor of a literary magazine, and among them, he is actually very well-known. After all, I am in a mixed cultural circle, which is a high-end circle, and I know many literary and artistic celebrities and have interactions with them.

But Wang Yan, an academician of the Academy of Sciences, the commander at the helm of computer development, a city representative, a national representative, among the people of the same age he knew, and even many of his fathers, were not as awesome as Wang Yan. It's enough to know him, not to mention him calling him brother and sister, which is really a great honor.

Although he is almost a three-person person, he only saves face by wandering around the world. It's this kind of casual, pretending to be sophisticated that makes people feel secretly happy.

Ma Du picked up the wine glass with a smile, enjoying the joy of using other people's names to show off...

Thank you (Lao Cao’s dad) (Love, love, love endlessly) (brokensword) (Yuganghe) (Zheng Xinqi) (shj) (It’s so hard to pick a name) (2424 Niu Niu) (Hai Yuji) (Still づ) (Big Tiger) (Past Gone with the Wind) (Heavenly Destruction of the Army) (Half a cigarette and a bottle of wine) The fourteen eldest brothers continue to support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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