Wang Yan's expression didn't change. He continued to rub his clothes and turned to look at Cheng Jianjun, whose eyes were rolling, with a smile: "Are you done?"

Cheng Jianjun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wang Yan to react like this. He smiled awkwardly and defended: "Your Majesty, I just suddenly remembered this. When Han Chunming and I returned to the city in 1975, he followed Su Meng was very close, but you went to work every day and didn't see her. Now I'm telling you, I just don't want you to be kept in the dark all the time. Han Chunming is a villain, and he has been with you all these years. How cheap is it? Let me tell you, I can’t stand it anymore. I just thought of this, so you can see the true face of Han Chunming, a villain. "

These words were spoken out of righteous indignation, and he believed them himself.

"Is it because my thunder is so loud and my raindrops are so light that you feel so fooled?" As he spoke, Wang Yan slapped him in the face, then kicked him so hard that he rolled to the ground. circle, and faintly uttered one word: "Get out!"

When people are attacked, the first thing they feel is often not pain, but numbness and burning. Cheng Jianjun touched his face, rubbed his belly, his head, and his shoulders. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

He was confused and at a loss at the moment. He didn't expect that Wang Yan, who was so old and had such a high status, would act like a gangster. This was really degrading. According to his opinion, a big person like Wang Yan, a big scientist, a representative, a big celebrity, should not care about a small person like him. Although it is true that he has no good intentions, he is probably just like the annoying "still a child" mean. The disparity in status between the two is indeed like an adult bullying a child, or the most direct way to hit someone.

Until his face was burning, pain began to spread to his mind, and the overwhelming cramping pain in his stomach came to his head. The pain was so painful that he pressed it on his chest and couldn't even scream out the pain. He lay there rolling around to relieve the pain. pain. Of course, even if he could shout, he would hold it in. If the neighbors knew about it, he would be better off dead for such a conceited and narrow-minded person.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Su Meng asked from inside the house.

The slap and the sound of Cheng Jianjun falling to the ground were loud. At this moment, Cheng Jianjun was rolling in pain again. Su Meng inside certainly heard it.

Wang Yan looked at Cheng Jianjun with a smile and responded to Su Meng's words: "It's okay. The courtyard door was not closed, and a dog ran in. I was scared away."

Cheng Jianjun bared his teeth and bowed with great effort, and stood up holding his belly. Without looking into Wang Yan's eyes, he gasped and said: "Your Majesty, I am too talkative. Your Excellency does not remember the faults of villains. The prime minister can hold it in his belly." Ship, please don’t be as knowledgeable as me.”

Wang Yan smiled, waved his hand like a fly, ignored him, and continued washing his clothes.

Being so ignored, Cheng Jianjun did not dare to talk nonsense anymore and slowly walked back to the backyard...

Wang Yan knew exactly what Cheng Jianjun had in mind.

Sooner or later, Han Chunming came to look for him when his goods were detained, just to disgust him. The previous incident between Han Chunming and Su Meng was brought up. As long as he listens to it, he will have a problem with Han Chunming and also have a gap with Su Meng. Therefore, when Han Chunming asked for help in getting the goods out, Cheng Jianjun could take the credit by refusing to help, and was able to manipulate Han Chunming and destroy Wang Yan's family harmony. It's a good thing to achieve many things with one stroke.

But what Cheng Jianjun didn't expect was that he would just slap his mouth and kick him without saying a word, without caring about his own identity.

This is because Cheng Jianjun didn't think carefully. He thought that Wang Yan's identity would not do anything to him, but he ignored that even if Wang Yan's identity really did anything to him, it would not do anything to him. This is the most important thing... …

He had just washed the clothes and was hanging them on the clothesline tied to nails on both walls with wires. The old Han family also dispersed.

Han Chunming's two brothers and sister, together with their daughter-in-law and husband, all came out with calm expressions, greeted Wang Yan with forced smiles, and then pushed their bicycles away.

Han Chunming, who smiled wryly, went out with Cai Xiaoli to see someone off, and came back after a while. It was obvious that the couple had a heart-to-heart relationship. Wang Yan had already sent the child to the backyard, took a look at his father-in-law's condition and returned to the house, but he didn't see any expressions on the two of them. However, from the joyful sound of the heels hitting the ground first, and the somewhat sluggish shuffling that followed, it was clear that Cai Xiaoli was the winner.

In fact, having a wife like Cai Xiaoli around was very good to Han Chunming. Just like in the original drama, these brothers and sisters set up a restaurant, and Han Chunming didn't even fart. Now with Cai Xiaoli, this kind of taking advantage will never happen. As for arranging work, don't even think about it.

But as the saying goes, it is reasonable for brothers to settle accounts and help if they can, but it is wrong to take this kind of help for granted and become greedy.

But family ethics relationships are always a bad thing, and there is no way to really make it clear. As the youngest in the family, Han Chunming always borrowed money from his brothers and sisters because he never had enough money to collect things before he married his wife, including the period when he got her. He was taken care of when he was a child, and he was always there for food and drink. This is true.

It is estimated that when Han Chunming's business becomes bigger in the future, he will probably continue to provide some money to these brothers and sisters every month as before. This is of course wrong in the eyes of his brothers and sisters. After all, he is so rich and only gives them a little, so why don't he just send it to beggars, but they will still take it. And while holding the money, he was still talking to people, Han Chunming is not a thing, and if he has money, he will not recognize the care and love of his brothers and sisters for many years...

When Wang Yan went to the backyard before, he heard that Cheng Jianjun's house didn't stop. Cheng Jianjun's face was swollen after being beaten, and his body was covered in dirt and dirty. When asked by his family, he just said that he was walking without looking at the road, and fell in a novel posture. But how can such rhetoric deceive his wife and parents. Even though he had dusted himself off, the big footprints on his clothes were stained with mud and could not be dusted off, so he could still see them clearly. Besides, they were not blind or stupid. How could they not see clearly with such a big slap mark on their face?

Of course, it was impossible for Cheng Jianjun to say that he was beaten by Wang Yan, so he insisted that he was thrown. Then he lay on the bed to relieve the pain, gritted his teeth, and secretly studied how to return today's shame to Wang Yan...

His idea was good, but things didn't turn out as expected.

No matter what a person's nature is, whether he is good or evil, after many experiences, he will inevitably have some greed. In the ancient uncivilized era, if someone got a sharp stone axe, there would inevitably be envious people. And with the development of technology, people have moved from caves to the plains and into houses. Then some people will inevitably have big and regular houses, some will be able to wear animal skins, and some will only be able to wear leaves...

Although the overall living standard is improving, on the same piece of land, there are always people who have done well and people who have done poorly. There are always people with more land, people with less land, and people with few people. The clothes are angry and the horses are angry, and there are people who can't even eat.

So people who have little land and can't even afford food will envy people who have a lot of land and have bright clothes and angry horses. This is right. No one doesn't want to live a better life. But there is a lot of envy. Some people still work hard, while others become greedy and start taking shortcuts.

If the person who wants to take shortcuts happens to have some power, it can be easier. Because any power involves the management of personnel and the allocation of resources. Even though he is just a village party secretary in a remote rural area, he is still in control of the land distribution in the village, inheritance notarization, and various state subsidies and subsidies. He can benefit from any matter or link as long as he extends his hand.

As a clerk in the Industrial and Commercial Inspection Section, Cheng Jianjun is a good talker and good at maneuvering. So on the basis that he has a certain amount of public power, he can make a fortune by uniting his colleagues and serving the leader well.

As shown in the original play, Cheng Jianjun's daughter-in-law, who has been enduring the divorce, has indeed waited until spring, and her job as a college student is not in vain.

After Cheng Jianjun graduated and started working, he directly felt the call of wealth. There are so many goods coming and going every day, and there are so many companies and individuals. Whoever he catches will suffer losses, and whoever he lets go will make money. So of course he will make money.

Therefore, in terms of life, the Cheng family's living standard is also good. At least like the Han family, they eat meat every day. Moreover, Cheng Jianjun's father-in-law also received some help, and his reputation is very good. As long as others mention him, they will praise him, saying that those who go to college have a bright future, and that Cheng Jianjun is promising, etc.

There are many people who do this. Cheng Jianjun was cautious at first, but as he did more of this kind of thing, he became accustomed to it and no longer took it seriously. It gradually became a matter of course, and he felt superior in his heart.

But his superiority is now gone.

He took two days off, and after the swelling on his face subsided, he went to work. While he was drinking tea, someone from the disciplinary inspection team came to him to find out what was going on. Yanshuo received the report and asked him to cooperate with the investigation.

In the face of inspection, no one will admit what they have done unless the evidence is too hard to justify. This is the biggest difficulty the people's police encounter in their work. Whether it is a civil dispute or a criminal case, the parties involved always insist on their own opinions.

In fact, no one really doesn't understand anything. Even if you don't understand the law, you should always know what you can't do if you live in this society. The reason why people who behave like this is not because they don’t understand, or because they don’t know what’s wrong. It’s because it is beneficial to them. Therefore, it is unreasonable and people who have committed crimes actually understand everything clearly, but they just have to defend themselves. Always taking chances, always wanting that 'what if'...

Cheng Jianjun was no exception. He refused to admit what he had done. But it was obvious that the disciplinary inspectors were well prepared. They produced the whistleblower's testimony and evidence, and at the same time asked his wife to come over and cooperate with the investigation.

His daughter-in-law was just an ordinary educated young woman. After so many years, her knowledge was forgotten, and the young woman became a housewife. This was a shameful thing. In front of the stern-faced civil servants, I couldn't refuse to admit it like Cheng Jianjun. In just a few words, I told everything I knew.

Of course, Cheng Jianjun was arrested, locked up awaiting prosecution and verdict, and no visits were allowed...

"Your Majesty, aren't you the one who always got him in?" Han Chunming looked at Wang Yan who was drinking lightly beside him with confusion: "I watched him for the past two days, and his face was swollen."

In a private room upstairs with the fragrance of tea, Wang Yan, Lao Guan Guan, Po Po Hou, Ma Du, Han Chunming, and Tao Zi were gathering and chatting again. Since the opening of this restaurant, everyone has stopped eating at home. They have to work hard to cook and clean up the food leftovers. It is better to have peace of mind here. In addition, Han Chunming didn't stop. He made enough money again and planned to open another store in Wangfujing. He was currently looking for a store and buying a building directly.

Because Wangfujing is closer to where they live, they plan to call them friends, and use the nickname "Laojunjiangjianghu". He said that when that store opens, he would drink there. It can also be seen from this nickname that he was a serious player in his youth. After all, I didn’t have the hobby of carrying caged birds at that time, and I couldn’t get together with those friends...

Before Wang Yan could say anything, Baoshahou snorted coldly: "I've seen that kid twice. He has a sinister look on his face. He's not a good guy at first sight. Now he's been arrested for seeking personal gain with power. That's what he deserves. You don't care if it's Wang Yan or not. Those who got in, every one of them should be arrested."

Lao Guantou nodded: "That's right. Why do you care about him? Just eat carrots and don't worry about it. If Wang Yan really got it in, why do you still want him to rescue the grandson again?"

Ma Du answered: "I saw it when you got married. He was chatting with your classmates there, saying that he was no worse than you. You must have asked him to buckle you."

Taozi also stuttered and said, "This grandson is so bad, he does things that harm others and do not benefit himself."

"I know, it just feels like a pity. In any case, we all grew up together. I just can't understand why he is like this? But it's good. Did he just come in? After a while, Yang Huajian told me that all the goods were out."

Of course Han Chunming knew that Cheng Jianjun was not popular with others. He shook his head and then asked: "Your Majesty, was it you who did it? After thinking about it, Cheng Jianjun didn't know how to do it that night. Huxu, I got a beating on the spot, and then you said hello to someone again, and then you dealt with this kid. Otherwise, he has been working for a year, and he shouldn't have had an accident like this by coincidence. "

Of course this was Wang Yan's doing. If Cheng Jianjun wanted to be safe, he could only use the most direct method. But Cheng Jianjun was not like this, so he had to take advantage of it. Although some sacrifices have been made because of the need for development and the lack of talents, that does not mean that we will not work or do things. Cheng Jianjun does not have a high position or background, and he did not go through the internal reporting procedures of industry and commerce. He went directly to the disciplinary inspection office. He will definitely be dealt with, and he must be a model and a negative example for building a clean government.

As for the detained goods, it really wasn't his help. However, according to normal logic, there must be some relationship. After all, Cheng Jianjun had recently detained this batch of goods, and then people went in. In addition, Yang Huajian also tried his best. It was better to do less than to do more, so it was reasonable to release the goods.

But now if I ask if he got Cheng Jianjun in, that's definitely not...

"This kid was yelling at me. I slapped him in the mouth and kicked him again. I really didn't do it to him. I guess he was greedy and pushed others to their limits. That's what he deserved. Before he came here, his father was still He's asking me to do something, let me think of a way to get him out. He really looks down on me, abusing his power and using it for personal gain. His father is still a section chief himself. No matter how anxious he is, he can't help but understand the seriousness of this matter. Sex, is that something I can do? Okay, okay, let’s not talk about him anymore, it has nothing to do with us.”

Wang Yan waved his hand and looked at Ma Du aside: "Xiao Ma, how are your wedding preparations going? If you need help, just talk, don't hide it."

"Hey, you guys are all experienced. You don't have so much to talk about when you get married. You have decided on a place to put the wine, and you can just drink when the time comes. Although the tickets are not invalid, you can also buy things, and you will not be short of anything. You Don’t worry, I’ll definitely come to you if anything happens.”

Lao Guanzhan sighed and looked at Wang Yan: "Boy, have you told him about the matter of Grandpa Jiumen Admiral?"

Ma Du was confused and asked: "What's going on?"

"On your wedding day, I'll ask you to get a big-ass jeep to pick him up." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "You said you don't want to be my three-wheeled kicker, because you're afraid of getting bumped halfway. I don't know what's going on today. How did you get here?"

"Hey..." Lao Guanjian, who was sitting in the bucket and was carried over by Wang Yan, said unhappily: "You kid is playing cymbals with Grandpa Jiumen Admiral, right?"

Ma Du laughed: "Admiral, don't worry, I will ensure that the big-ass jeep will pick you up, as well as the Marquis."

"Hey, I have a share too. I was also thinking about going there with Rouge Hutong." Broken Hou raised his glass with a smile: "Then I have to drink this one. I can ride in a big-ass jeep one day if I keep my broken bag." It's really an honor to ride with the Admiral. Come on, Xiaoma, take a sip and do it."

"Then let's go together." Lao Guanzhan raised his glass and said to Bao Baohou: "You are the same, now is a good time. I went to Panjiayuan and Liulichang for a walk a while ago, but I couldn't see anything. There are a lot of people practicing stalls over there, and if you look carefully you can see a lot of good things. You kid, carrying a torn sack all day long, won't be able to collect much."

"What the Admiral said is true, I saw it too. I plan to finish this year and stop working completely next year. You have seen a lot of good things. You must have bought them, right? What treasures did you find? Let us have fun. So happy."

"Drink!" Lao Guantuan raised his head with a smile and took a drink. He talked about the things he bought, and the topic turned to the history and culture that he had been talking about for eight years.

It has such a long history and there is so much to say. At the beginning, we talked about the big figures and representative periods, and then gradually we talked about the smaller ones. The antiques of that time were on the one hand, and we also talked about the politics, economy, military, etc. of that time. Just start and talk. It’s not over once you get up, it’s quite interesting…

Thank you to the four brothers (It’s nice to have a sense of agency) (Long Kongwang) (Brother Peng is here) (Murderer in Paradise) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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