"Wang Yan, what did our family Jianjun do to offend you? We have lived in the same courtyard for so many years, and you have grown up together after all. You have already beaten him. If you still have any grudges that you can't deal with, you have to find someone to deal with them. Report and arrest our Jianjun? The first sentence is four years. Now Jianjun’s wife has divorced Jianjun. The child is only that old. What will we do in the future? Our family has been torn apart by you. You are so cruel. Ah. Is there anything I can do to you that Jianjun can't do? I, the mother, will apologize to you. Don't be as knowledgeable as Jianjun. Can you help him?"

After dinner, when Wang Yan went out to take out the garbage with the dirty bucket from Old Su's house, he ran into Cheng's mother, who was staring and angry, and said to him.

It is now early November, one and a half months after Cheng Jianjun was arrested. During this period, three major events happened.

The first is that Wang Bin successfully transformed from a toddler in preschool to a bean bag in first grade. Second, Madu's wedding was a complete success. The wedding was very lively and well-groomed for the friends he knew from the big courtyard, as well as his friends from the cultural circles in the past few years, as well as the people he met while traveling outside. What's more, Wang Yan also went there, and he was very considerate and followed Ma Du to toast others, which undoubtedly made Ma Du's reputation even better.

As for the third thing, it was a process that went through this period of time, as Cheng's mother said, four years.

Cheng Jianjun's wife had endured it for so many years and had a good life for just one year. Now that Cheng Jianjun has been away for four years, she can't see any future prospects, so she divorced her after a few days and took her children back. The mother's family. This daughter-in-law still has her own plans. After all, she is already thirty years old and has a child. It will be very difficult to get married in the future. In other words, she has no intention of getting married at all. In these days, there are still only a few people who really abandon their children.

After all, he is a grandson. Of course, the Cheng family has retained it, but they are not too tough. Otherwise, when it comes to the child, the husband's family will always have the right to speak, and it will not be taken away so easily. It's just because what happened to Cheng Jianjun is too embarrassing, and this kid has not been treated by other kids of his own age here since he was a child. Of course, the main reason was that he didn't like Wang Bin. Over time, the child became somewhat withdrawn.

This is really not what Wang Yan taught him, how could he do such a thing. In the final analysis, it is the fault of the Cheng family. They cannot educate good children in that family.

In the beginning, when I was only 2, 3 or 4 years old, the children in the courtyard actually played together occasionally. But because of Cheng Jianjun, Cheng Jianjun's daughter-in-law is not popular either. Naturally, she is not willing to let her child play with other children, so there are not many opportunities to be together.

By the time they are four or five years old, children begin to remember things and have their own little ideas, and they cannot play with children who are deeply influenced by their families. Wang Bin and Han Yi even teamed up to beat up the boy from the Cheng family several times...

Of course Wang Yan educated them, but he didn't let his children get along well with each other and stop playing unless they could play together.

Speaking of which, this was Wang Yan's fault. A woman who probably shouldn't have had such a fate, and a child who probably shouldn't have been born into such a family, were both victims. Wang Yan knows everything, but so what? He had changed the pairings of several people before, so there must be a woman who would marry Cheng Jianjun and have children, either this or that. So I just apologized secretly in my heart. It was impossible to make him feel guilty, no matter how much love he had.

On the other hand, the old Cheng family also has a son who will get married and have children in the future, so Father Cheng and Mother Cheng are not very serious about keeping their grandson at home. After all, the blood relationship is there, even if the child has passed away with the mother, it won't affect that much. And they are getting older and really don’t have much energy.

But now Cheng's mother stopped Wang Yan and questioned her. Most likely, she heard something Cheng Jianjun said when she went to see Cheng Jianjun, so she caused trouble with him.

Just like Han Chunming said, it was all too coincidental, and it was easy to suspect Wang Yan. Cheng Jianjun is not stupid. He spends all day in prison thinking about these things. If he doesn't think about it over and over, he is just Wang Yan. In fact, Cheng Jianjun wasn't sure. After all, he had indeed done those things and they were under real names. He should indeed be arrested. But he didn't understand why he was arrested because he wasn't the only one. He didn't believe that he was so unlucky. So whether it's Wang Yan or not, it has to be Wang Yan, so that he can feel better and have a target of hatred to make him strong.

But in fact, Wang Yan was not so malicious, he just reported it under his real name. And it's not like Cheng Jianjun was the only one caught, it's just that Cheng Jianjun didn't have access to outside information, and Cheng's father and Cheng's mother didn't have the time to pay attention to that much, so they didn't know.

Cheng's mother was not crazy, she was still sensible, otherwise she would not be talking to Wang Yan alone now, but would have blocked the door of his house and had to ask the neighbors to comment on his house.

Wang Yan shook his head and said: "Auntie, you really misunderstood me. I don't know what Cheng Jianjun told you, but I did not do this. I did inflict his injury before, and it was because of his mouth. Damn it, he said something he shouldn't have said, and I slapped him in the mouth and kicked him lightly. As for him being arrested, he deserved it, and you know this best.

Let's be reasonable. Don't say it wasn't me. As for the things Cheng Jianjun did that harmed the public and enriched private interests, even if I was the one who reported them, what's the problem? Shouldn't he be in this prison? I just focus on work and research, so I don't have the ability to get Cheng Jianjun out. Even if we had the ability, we could only go in and squat together. I heard that your family has been collecting money to pay his fine recently. As you know, our family spends a lot of money, so we have never saved any money. If there is more, you can take this fifty yuan, which is a little bit of my gratitude. "

While talking, he took out five ten-dollar bills from his pocket and put them in the hands of Mother Cheng, who was already a little confused.

He looked sincere and did not quarrel because of the 'unwarranted accusation'. Instead, he spoke calmly, presented the facts and reasoned, and finally gave them fifty yuan to help them. What a good person he was.

Although Cheng's mother was quite ordinary, she also knew that Cheng Jianjun was accustomed to exaggerating the facts and talking nonsense. At this moment, she looked at the fifty yuan in her hand, and then at Wang Yan who was about to leave with the bucket, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Wang Yan, I was also anxious about building an army, so I Nonsense. He has not allowed us to worry about it even in his thirties. He has not done his job well and engaged in all kinds of crooked ways. He deserves it now. Don't hold it against me."

"I have pity for the parents in the world. I can understand. In fact, he also wants you to live a good life, but he has gone astray. It's a pity... Four years is not long. It will be over soon. Tell Jianjun and let him actively repent. , reform well." Wang Yan waved his hand, turned and left.

Cheng's mother clutched the fifty yuan in her hand and watched Wang Yan's figure disappear at the Moon Gate. She let out a long sigh of despair and gave up her previous preparations to make a fuss with Wang Yan. She turned around and walked back with heavy steps. A lifeless home...

In November, the days are short and the nights are long. It is already dark now, because the northwest wind has begun to rage and the cold has spread. No one is chatting in the alley anymore, and there is no one under the dim street lamps on the telephone poles. People are staying at home in this incomprehensible chess game. There is only the smoke from the coal stove floating in the air, and the dust and dead leaves blown up by the wind.

When Wang Yan came back with the bucket, Su Meng had already returned home, sitting at the table and reading in a warm room.

Although Wang Bin was already in the first grade, he didn't have much homework after school at this time. He didn't go home after school. Instead, he went crazy with his classmates for a while. He was really hungry and it was dark, so he ran back. That little homework, with three people's teachers in the old Su family, could be done in no time.

Having said this, I have to say that compared with the education of the past, it seems that children today do not seem to have failed very much. After all, forty years later, people from all walks of life will only talk about Wang Bin's age. Apart from anything else, scientific research and exploration are constantly progressing, and the education they receive is generally the same as Wang Bin.

Wang Yan didn't play tricks on his children. When he took care of his children, he only practiced martial arts to strengthen his body. He had a good body, read well and had a certain amount of mental strength. And long-term persistence in practicing martial arts and reading has cultivated his perseverance and critical thinking ability, so this child will probably not grow crooked. I basically don’t care about the rest, whether I’m good at studying, whether I’m bad at it, whether I’m motivated or not, whatever I love. With him as a father, he will never be in poverty, and that is enough. So Wang Bin went to the house every day and had a great time.

But in the future, children will read thicker and thicker books and study more and more tiredly. The relationship between teachers and students is far from the harmonious one it is now, and it becomes more and more tense...

Seeing Wang Yan playing with the tea set again and making tea late at night, Su Meng closed the book and asked, "When we finished eating just now, I saw that Cheng Jianjun stopped you? What were you doing?"

"Didn't I beat Cheng Jianjun before? It might have happened by coincidence. Cheng Jianjun was thinking about it day and night, thinking that I had someone report him, and then he told his mother that he wanted to settle the score with me. Tell me something?"

Of course Cheng Jianjun couldn't hide the redness and swelling on his face because he had to go out. Su Meng also saw it. She just had a big problem with herself, but she was not brainless. Of course, she also thought that Wang Yan was the one who made the mouthful. In fact, there is no one else in the courtyard except Wang Yan. Just look at her precious son and you will know that although he looks dry, he is very energetic. He has only had two or three colds since he was a child. He was still naughty and mischievous. He was trained too hard by Wang Yan, his biological father, and suffered from the cold. With such a son, one can only imagine how powerful Wang Yan must be.

Of course she didn't have to think about it, after all, it was the power that she loved and hated, and she experienced it firsthand...

However, Wang Yan did not tell the truth. The past is in the past, and there is no need to embarrass the past by bringing it up again. It's just that Cheng Jianjun came over to talk nonsense to him and wouldn't let him help Han Chunming. He just had to fool him.

Su Meng frowned, filled with indignation, and was very unhappy: "There are no good people in their family. They are so unreasonable. If you ask me, the sentence is too light, as if no one would care about him. So what did you say? Cheng Jianjun, he Mom is not easy to get along with, why didn't she mess around with you?"

"What else can I say? Of course I am stating the facts and being reasonable... isn't her family borrowing money from everywhere to pay fines? I gave them another fifty yuan and treated it as money to buy peace. How can she be so embarrassed? Are you going to mess with me?"

One of Wang Yan's weapons in traveling around the world is 'sincerity'. He is sincere to everyone. He is sincere when he tells the truth, and he is equally sincere when he tells lies. Or to put it another way, he is a talented actor. If he were to make movies, TV series, etc., with his superb acting skills and understanding of various identities, he could easily become a screen superstar. Life is like a play, play is like life, nothing more than that.

"That's right. It's better to do less than to do more. Just give me some. You said that although Cheng Jianjun was corrupt and perverted the law, he really dared to think and do it..."

Su Meng lamented the power of the spring breeze blowing all over the earth...

Winter chases more and more, and spring returns with the bucket handle. The spring breeze of reform continues to blow across the land of China, and the pace of opening up continues to stride forward. The time has come to 1984.

This year, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was established, the patent law was passed, the Battle of Laoshan began, Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal in the Olympics, the women's volleyball team won three consecutive championships... and the establishment of the first private enterprise was also approved, or it would be better to call it a private enterprise.

Wang Yan has already started taking action, but unlike in the past, he has remained unknown. This time, he is the youngest academician of the Academy of Sciences. He single-handedly promoted the rapid development of Chinese computers, evened the gap between Chinese and foreign devils, and overtook them. It has led to the advancement of various other researches. Of course, he has a certain degree of right to speak, and his ideas and opinions are respected.

Therefore, he did not need to develop secretly as before, but directly proposed his idea of ​​​​creating a balanced ternary system. Of course he was approved because of his status and his expertise. But they only agreed to set up a group for small-scale research and did not invest many resources.

This was enough. He just wanted approval to bring over the people he had identified to carry out initial research work.

Now their computers for civilian use have caught up with them. Chinese display, fonts, etc. have been prepared for a long time. However, the Chinese people cannot afford them. In addition to equipping them in batches to various research institutes and enterprises with national prefixes, they mainly provide them as gifts. Go out and sell money.

I am not afraid that others will not be able to afford this. After all, their cost is high, but compared to the Chinese people and compared to the products of the foreign devils, they are still very cheap. It is quite reliable that Mr. Wang personally leads the company and is responsible for connecting with related businesses. The performance is not bad, the price is cheap, and after-sales guarantee is provided in major foreign cities. It is currently losing money because it is building a brand and gaining popularity.

With the full promotion of large state-owned enterprises, although this is a difficult task, it is actually not that difficult. In the final analysis, the products speak for themselves. As long as their computers are of high quality, have good after-sales service, and have lower prices than other brands, it is foreseeable that they will get better and better in the future, and they will always sell well. There are no technical constraints this time. The computer industry chain that Wang Yan spent eight years building is so stable that no one can use it...

The beauty of April in the world is gone, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are beginning to bloom. This is a famous poem written by Bai Juyi, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty and known as the Demon of Poetry.

Although Wang Yan did not go to the temple to see the peach blossoms, on a Sunday, after the rain stopped all night, he took off the rainproof tarpaulin covering the couch and took Su Meng on the road. On the road, I saw newly sprouted willow trees and green grass breaking through the soil. I felt the refreshing and pleasant spring breeze brought by the motorcycle, and I also felt the fresh air after the rain.

"It's mysterious, where are we going?"

Su Meng, who is already thirty years old, has a ponytail, a denim suit, and white shoes. She looks clean and capable, and there is no trace of her youthfulness at the age of a wolf and a tiger.

"It's not far. You'll know when you get there."

After rolling her eyes at Wang Yan, Su Meng sat lazily in the bucket, enjoying the warm wind.

Wang Yan said it's not far, so of course it's not far. I rode my motorcycle out of the alley, turned onto Chang'an Street, and headed west toward the Forbidden City. After a while, we arrived at Nanchizi Street, turned directly in, and continued to Beichizi Street before stopping in front of a house with a locked vermilion door.

"What do you mean? What are you doing here?" Su Meng didn't quite understand, but when she saw Wang Yan taking out a key from his pocket with a smile and stepping forward to open the lock, she suddenly realized.

Her eyes widened: "My lord, have you bought this house?"

When asking questions, she turned around and looked at the cornices peeking out from the western sky in the distance. That was the Forbidden City...

Thanks to the seven brothers of (Boring Kamiao) (Lazy King) (Chengfeng a) (Never Know Death) (Cultivation Genius) (Xiuxiu Always Loves Shandan) (Xing ~ Yu) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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