The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 690 Leaders are the ones who solve problems

In the government office building of the Wang Puppet Government, Mingcheng raised his wrist to check the time, stood up, straightened his clothes, opened the door to the office next to him and walked in.

"Brother, it's almost time, let's go."

Minglou behind the desk shook his head: "Wang Yan just called me and said that he had something to do at the last minute and would make an appointment another day."

"Perhaps he is the most leisurely person on the beach. Why is something suddenly happening?" Mingcheng frowned, took a few steps forward to get closer to Minglou, and whispered, "Brother, he went to Iwai Mansion for tea in the morning. , could it be that you know something and are afraid of getting into trouble, so you don’t want to meet us?”

Minglou didn't speak, got up and left the office, got into the car with Mingcheng, and then said in a deep voice: "What you just said is similar to what I thought. We have known each other for more than two years and nearly three years, no matter who it is, as long as it is qualified When I asked him to have dinner, he almost never refused. In this way, after you send me to the hotel in a while, you can quickly go out and find out who Wang Yan drank tea with in the morning, and where Wang Yan was at lunch. Who are you eating with?"

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Wang Yan's whereabouts are probably the best thing to know about in Shanghai. Anyone who went to Iwai Mansion in the morning would have no difficulty. And Mingcheng is not a fool. Although Minglou is asking about who drank tea with Wang Yan at the Iwai Mansion, there are only so many people who need to pay attention. The one who can affect them is either the Extra High School Course or No. 76...

After having lunch at Minglou, Mingcheng came back in a hurry and drove Minglou back to his office. He talked while driving: "Brother, in the morning, Kitagawa Kosuke went to Iwai Mansion to ask Eiichi Iwai about some work matters. It happened to be Wang Yan made an appointment with Eiichi Iwai for tea in the morning. The three of them probably drank tea together. After that, Wang Yan left the Iwai Mansion and invited Gu Yongcheng and Shi Changxing to have lunch at Guangde Building in the French Concession. He was not Something happened at the moment, but he didn’t want to see us. Brother, there must be something wrong that made Kosuke Kitagawa focus on us."

"I think so." Minglou nodded and frowned, "But what we don't know is what went wrong. You should also think about it carefully and see what mistakes we have made in our actions in recent times."

For a moment, the car was quiet, and both of them were thinking hard about what went wrong.

After a long time, Mingcheng let out a long breath: "Brother, I thought about it and found that there was no problem with passing on information and rescuing people secretly. We are both online and offline and it is very safe. Our whereabouts have not been exposed in the past two years. The problem should not be out of the question." Could it be that we were exposed in Mingtai in Beijing?"

"Where's the eldest sister? Has she done anything recently?"

"You know this best. Brother and sister are in business. They send some supplies to the Soviet area and other base areas to help the organization circulate funds. Other than that, there is nothing else. Now the eldest sister also knows that we two If there is any problem or accident, she will definitely tell us as soon as possible."

Minglou was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "Let's ask when we go back in the evening. In addition, we should also ask Wang Yan. He will definitely not see us on the surface, nor will he talk to us too much on the phone. But there are still Yu Manli next to him, you go contact her and ask her to go back and ask Wang Yan. No. 76 is useless in the extra-high class this time. He must have been on guard. He must have sent someone to keep an eye on us secretly. You have to be careful. , don’t show any flaws, you can’t be exposed, and neither can Yu Manli.”

"Yes, brother, I will make arrangements soon."

"Don't forget to eat. We are not being touched now, and no one is telling us. That means we haven't got any actual evidence about us yet. As long as nothing happens to us, eldest sister will be safe. So we have to take our time and take every step Go steady, go well.”

"Yes, brother, take your time." Mingcheng smiled and said, "I thought about it carefully. Do you think this is Wang Yan's intention to remind us?"

"Maybe there is a reason for this. After all, we are his God of Wealth, but the key is that he doesn't want to cause trouble. If he really knows something, he won't even want to deal with it. He is afraid that something will happen. I can’t tell what happened. Speaking of which, he is quite particular. Otherwise, when the Japanese put their guns on our heads, we wouldn’t know what went wrong.”

"Brother, do you think Yu Manli can get any news out of Wang Yan?"

"It's still possible to reveal something. We are both military commanders and members of the Shanghai underground party. How could he not give us this face..."

Minglou was right. Even if Wang Yan was not a member of the Red Party, or even if Wang Yan was a player who relied on the Japanese to live his life, he would still have to reveal some information to save face. In this regard, he and Zhou Fuhai are in the same situation.

So when Yu Manli asked about this matter during dinner, Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "I found you so soon?"

Yu Manli blinked and leaned towards the table: "You found me around two o'clock in the afternoon. Can you tell me? If you can't tell me, how will I reply?"

Look, this is how love grows over time. What Yu Manli said was entirely from the perspective of Wang Yan, not the military commander. Of course, she is now a member of the Red Party. Although she does not know whether she has joined the party or whether she is a real party member or an activist, she does not care much about the military commander. She has no affiliation with the military commander, and Wang Tianfeng is the person she fears the most. Still dead, she has no interest in military rule.

"Of course I can say that the military commander's face must be given." Wang Yan said with a smile, "But I can't say much. After all, I can't be sure how many people Kitagawa Kosuke told them. According to my opinion of them, I understand that temptation is everywhere, and it is possible that it was only told to me. So once the matter leaks out, I probably won’t be able to run away. What I can tell Minglou is that the matter lies with Mingjing and let them do it themselves. Go check it out, whether they are dead or alive depends on their fate."

"Then if you said it, doesn't it mean you didn't say it?" Yu Manli rolled her eyes, "You just said it was related to Der Spiegel. What can you find out? At least say a few more words."

"No more, otherwise I will die. Don't look at me like that. If it is exposed, none of us will be able to escape."

Wang Yan really couldn't say any more, because there was no way to determine how much intelligence the Japanese had. If he told everything he heard from Kosuke Kitagawa in the morning, and Minglou went back to arrange the screening of people on Mingjing's line, if there was any mistake, he would be able to alert the snake. . Because no matter how much control the Japanese have, they are in control of the situation. Therefore, there is only one result. If Minglou acts on the front foot, his king will be surrounded on the back foot.

This kind of risk is definitely something he can't bear. The loss is too great. But things had to be done, on the one hand to avoid losses to Shanghai's underground party organization, and more importantly, on the other hand, although he did not have much interaction with Ming Jing, he was his ancestor and had to be supported. As a last resort, he was saved even if he was exposed.

The key to this matter is that there must be no problem with Minglou. Because now it seems that the Japanese have determined the issue of Spiegel and can no longer quibble. Only if there is no problem with Minglou, can we keep Mingjing and save Mr. Wang from spending too much energy.

If Ming Lou wanted to prove that he was fine, he had to understand the problems Ming Jing was facing, and he had to determine whether it would eventually involve him and endanger his safety. He wants to find out the truth, break the current situation where the enemy is in darkness and we are clear, and break the Japanese's rhythm of action.

Minglou wants to save himself, but Wang Yan can't help him. Unless future developments require killers to be dispatched again, this will be Minglou's struggle, and the heavy responsibility will fall on Minglou.

That night, after a fierce collision, Yu Manli was arranged to tap her acupuncture points to make her sleep deeper. Wang Yan dressed neatly, sneaked out of the prince's mansion and rushed towards the safe house.

After four years, almost all the safe houses he built before are gone. Only a few of the houses he paid for are still there, but they are not so safe anymore. After all, many people these days don't have anywhere to live. The vacant house, with clothes covered with cloth, needs to be more conspicuous in the eyes of those who inspect the house.

But this is obviously no problem, otherwise he would have gone to a safe house. Before that, he sent another sum of money to Lu Boda and asked the Shanghai underground party organization to help rent houses in various places in Shanghai. He regularly went to get the house catalogues, and still maintained his many cunning holes.

The safe house I went to this time was located in the French Concession. After all, the French Concession has now become an isolated island. In the surrounding Japanese-occupied areas, twenty-four hours a day, No. 76 and the Special High School Telecommunications Office drove their cars to monitor the radio waves, wandering around and destroying the underground infrastructure of all parties. Activity. This has led to the fact that most of the radio stations of various forces are now located in the French Concession. The control here is not so strict and safety can be guaranteed.

Similarly, it was still on the top floor. Wang Yan skillfully unlocked the door and entered the house, gently closed the door, and then without stopping, he immediately started setting up the radio station, arranging the antenna, and debugging it.

Not long after, he began to contact Chongqing. Following his clicking operations, the intelligence broke through the chaotic radio waves over the French Concession and reached Chongqing.

"I learned today that the Japanese army will carry out large-scale raids in North China with high frequency and large numbers of troops, aiming to destroy our base areas. Be prepared in advance. In addition, the Japanese army captured Luzon yesterday..."

Wang Yan sent all the information on the second page he had read about the Japanese war in Southeast Asia and the deployment of troops. The previous Japanese telegrams had been refined, and he sent them word for word.

"Once again, the Special High School Division discovered that Minglou's sister is a co-worker... Please secretly find out what happened in the southern Jiangsu base area and confirm whether any of my comrades have defected to the enemy. I can't confirm how many people know about this. Shanghai must be extremely cautious in its actions. I'll cut off the copy. , don’t come back.”

Wang Yan dropped the name 'Pei Min', and a message from the elder was finally sent. As expected, the comrades copying and receiving telegrams over there had their hands cramped. Also because it was too long, translating the message was not an easy task and would take a while, so he packed up the radio and retreated without waiting for a reply.

In fact, there is no need to wait for a reply. As I said before, he can't participate in this matter. It is probably a reply that he knows and then warns him about his safety. His leadership will arrange things clearly.

As far as the party is concerned, he is just a front-line soldier with the power to make decisions on the fly, but in the end he obeys orders and obeys orders. He uses his brain to find out the problem, and his leadership is the one who solves the problem. He does not need to use his brain.

Of course, there was nothing he could do. If he could solve it, he would do it directly and just report back later. But the current situation does not have that condition. If you want to break the situation, it is difficult to solve the situation where Minglou's eyes are darkened at the moment. The only way is to start from the outside.

If there is a problem with Sunan, then investigate Sunan. If there is a problem with Der Spiegel’s upstream and downstream lines, then investigate the upstream and downstream lines. Investigate secretly, find out the truth, and then naturally respond.

But the final result is predictable, that is, the action that the Japanese thought they were sure of was inadvertently broken through some operations by the Red Party, causing the Japanese to respond hastily. And in this process, people will definitely die, more or less. This is to protect Wang Yan and his "innocence" on the Japanese side.

Otherwise, where we have to go through so much trouble and suffer such losses, we can just plan a plan and take advantage of the situation, be prepared or not, and give the Japanese a counterattack.

Those comrades who died "more or less" died for him...

Standing on the wall, Wang Yan looked at the lights that were still on in the Ming family's study room, sighed silently, nimbly entered the prince's mansion, and fell asleep...

Ming Lou was in a lot of trouble. When he got home from get off work, he and Ming Jing reviewed all the recent events, but when he came back, everything was normal and there were no accidents.

But this is obviously wrong. There is no problem with him and there is no problem with Mingjing. So why doesn't Wang Yan see him? He made an excuse to have something to do at the last moment, but ended up eating and drinking with his subordinates. How could this be okay?

That night, Ming Jing, Ming Lou, and Ming Cheng didn't have a good rest. They were all trying to figure out what went wrong and couldn't sleep at all. But they all looked like they were in good spirits, going out and doing things.

After a busy morning, Minglou returned to the government office building before lunch, and then picked up Minglou and went to have lunch together.

Minglou smiled and nodded at the people passing by outside the window. It wasn't until Mingcheng drove the car on the road and increased the speed that he asked, "How was it? What did Yu Manli say?"

"Wang Yan refused to say more. He just said that the problem lies with the eldest sister." Mingcheng sighed helplessly, "But we already asked the eldest sister yesterday. Everything has been business as usual recently, and there is no problem at all."

"No! It's not that there's no problem, it's that there has already been a problem, and we don't know..."

"Brother, you mean that someone close to my eldest sister is a spy?"

"Apart from this, is there any other reasonable explanation? What were Wang Yan's original words?"

"What I can tell Ming Lou is that the matter lies with Ming Jing. Let them investigate on their own. Whether they live or die depends on whether they are brave or not."

Minglou nodded and said thoughtfully: "Wang Yan said that the eldest sister had a problem as early as the first time we had dinner. Later, I helped her hide it. Then we exposed Wang Yan's identity. Yan clearly knows that our entire Ming family is a Red Party member. So what he means is that the eldest sister has been exposed, and the Japanese have already grasped that the eldest sister is a Red Party member. At the worst, they also have evidence of the Communist Party."

"What? Got the evidence? In this case, isn't the elder sister in danger?" Mingcheng slammed on the brakes and turned around to speak anxiously.

Minglou was unprepared and moved forward with inertia. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. He stretched out his waist and abdomen to support the passenger seat to stabilize his body.

He glared at Mingcheng angrily: "Why are you panicking? Drive your car and watch your road. Nothing has happened yet. Today is different from the past, and eldest sister is not Mingtai. As long as we are fine, eldest sister will It’ll be okay.”

After Mingcheng drove on the road again, he continued to speak: "I think it must be that the people around the eldest sister were caught by the Japanese and instigated rebellion, and then released. In this way, step by step, some of the eldest sister's situation was figured out, so that's why to overcome the current crisis.”

"Uncle Li has contacts with the eldest sister. Will he be targeted? And who is this spy? Should we report it to the organization immediately and launch a screening operation?"

"Uncle Li, you go take a look in the afternoon and be careful. As for reporting to the organization to carry out screening operations, there is no need for it for the time being. Otherwise, wouldn't it harm Wang Yan and damage the organization? But we need to know the people around the eldest sister. Let’s investigate the situation secretly first. We should also pay attention to the situation on the Japanese side. You go to Liang Zhongchun and see if he knows anything about it.”

"Yes, brother, I will invite him to drink tonight."

Minglou let out a long breath, put his hands on the back of his head, and leaned on the seat tiredly...

Thank you to the five big brothers (Feifeifeifeifeilailai) (Xiaoyao Xiaoxiao) (Yue Linglong) (Slit Eyed Nerd) (Big Tiger) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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