On this day, people start a new day of production and life. Whether it is newspapers or radio stations, media channels across the country publish the same news.

The Vietnamese regime has repeatedly provoked border disputes, seriously disrupting the daily life and production activities of Chinese border residents. China has repeatedly issued warnings, but Vietnam has ignored them and persisted in its own way. The Chinese government, unable to endure the situation, was forced to launch a self-defense counterattack on the border. war and punish Vietnam.

The People's Daily's headline is, What is tolerable and what is intolerable?

At this time, our army fought from midnight to early morning. Facing the tenacious defense of the Vietnamese army, our army fought hard to attack the enemy, completely broke through the first and second lines of defense on the north side of Xiaocao, and collectively broke through to the south to annihilate the remaining enemies in the village.

At the same time, support our troops on the south side of Xiaocao, or attack the high ground to defend the Vietnamese army...

"Company Commander! I'm attracting fire from the front! You attack from the side!"

After listening to Wang Yan's words, a soldier with a gray face and an invisible face spoke decisively.

"Isn't that going to death?"

Wang Yan waved his hand, and then waved to the people nearby, "Everyone spread out, we have exposed our position. After a while, they will come over and feed us all. Don't be dizzy in battle. We have taught you this in training. Pay attention to all directions." , now the Vietnamese monkeys in the village are running around, don’t let their butts be stolen.”

Ignoring them anymore, Wang Yan smoked a cigarette, loaded bullets into his 56 and a half, and walked around to the other side to observe the terrain of this highland.

More than a hundred meters away, the sky was so polished that people on the mountain couldn't see clearly. They all rely on direction and general range to focus fire.

This is a ridge, with high ground on the gentle slope of the hillside. After this high ground, there is a higher high ground, suppressing downwards and citing each other. This kind of mountain bunker is very useful. It relies on the favorable terrain to build fortifications and obtain a favorable offensive and defensive position. In the battle with the Vietnamese army, there were a large number of bunkers, trenches, secret passages, etc., which were very difficult to deal with.

Looking up at the sky, Wang Yan thought it would be a good day today.

He threw away the cigarette butt, crushed the black liberation shoes with his feet, and greeted: "Instructor, deputy company commander."


The two came closer, and Wang Yan ordered: "Send people to shoot guns on both sides to attract them to fire. I'll try and see if I can kill a few."

"More than a hundred meters..."

"Hurry up, it's just a waste of bullets, it's better than risking your life to change positions."

After saying this, Wang Yan climbed directly onto the roof and made a sandbag to hold the gun.

The instructor and the deputy platoon leader didn't hesitate, and immediately arranged a group of three people, equipped with one five-six punch and two five-six and a half. In fact, from the beginning to now, the soldiers have been quite fond of five-six punches. Nothing else, it's just that it's fully automatic, and the firepower is very strong when holding the trigger. Unlike the five or six half, it cannot form a strong firepower network.

Soon, the two groups separated and used the bunker to shoot at the top of the mountain from a distance of more than 100 meters.

Not surprisingly, Shantou also responded. Although the bullets could not reach them, they fired in response. This shows that they have plenty of ammunition.

Wang Yan took a brief look, felt it, and pulled the trigger with his finger. Bang bang bang bang, emptied half of the ten bullets.

Then there was no movement. No matter how our soldiers fired, the other side did not respond.

"Correspondent." Wang Yan jumped out of the house and told the correspondent the three sets of coordinates of the hilltop in front of him, the hilltop higher up, and a hilltop on the east side. "In five minutes, bombard these three hills. No need, twenty rounds per mountain, attack at the same time."

"Yes! Company commander!" The correspondent responded simply, using the walkie-talkie to contact the artillerymen in the rear.

"Instructor, deputy company commander." Wang Yan looked at the two of them and ordered, "You move upward from the east and west sides. Do not attack forcefully. There may be mines and secret passages. Be careful. You can be slow, but not reckless. I will lead a platoon from the front. The attack is based on me. When I kill them, we will capture the east and west hills at the same time. Do you understand?"


"There are all in one row. Spread out. There is an open space of fifty meters in front. I will rush out first to attract fire. You guys should follow quickly. The machine gunners will suppress them with fire."

Wang Yan quickly pressed the bullet, shouted, and after confirming that everyone else was ready, without another word, he fired the gun with a bang, then ducked out of the wall and headed towards the foot of the mountain.

As expected, bullets rained down. It can be seen from this that the ten shots fired by Wang Yan just now must have killed someone, so they pretended to be dead. Now that Wang Yan was about to break in, they poured bullets desperately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the machine gunners at the back started firing towards the hillside. At the same time, a row of soldiers followed Wang Yan and ran towards the foot of the hill desperately.

The men's 50-meter world record was set by a foreigner in 1996 with a time of 5.56 seconds. The soldiers have been trained for a long time, and when it comes to risking their lives, even if they carry a bit more weight, they are not very slow, basically about seven seconds.

At this time, the sound of whizzing through the air sounded again. The artillery lived up to expectations. According to Wang Yan's instructions, the artillery shells fell in a swarm. Also taking advantage of this time, Wang Yan showed off his speed, hunching his waist, dodging back and forth, and quickly rushed halfway up the mountain.

The soldiers behind didn't give in for nothing. While running with their backs bent, they also took the time to fire their guns to suppress the opponent and provide the company commander with an opportunity.

Wang Yan never disappoints people. After being suppressed by artillery fire for a while, he was already lying prone outside the bunker on the hillside. After waiting for the rubble to collapse, he threw a grenade into it.

After the explosion, he rolled over and immediately pulled out the May 4th pistol from his waist. He opened fire at a few Vietnamese soldiers who were lucky enough to block the damage from the explosion. There are more than ten corpses here, a squad configuration, all killed now. That's not accurate. There were still five people moaning and waiting for death. Wang Yan didn't give them any relief. He even took the time to take a photo, and then took a photo of the other soldiers behind him.

Simply speaking from the perspective of a frontline war reporter, Captain Wang did an excellent job. He couldn't believe that anyone's photos were more exciting than his...

Then he kept moving, piled up sandbags, tilted the heavy machine gun, and fired towards the hillside behind. There is no doubt that the higher the position, the more necessary to attack first. The soldiers who followed them all the way up did not stop. They consciously separated. One group was suppressing fire with Wang Yan, one group was attacking higher up, and the other group was moving to another hilltop, flanking them.

The machine gun team at the rear also ran up with the machine gun, mounted the machine gun on the other side, and began to shoot towards the east side of the hill. Cooperating with the soldiers of the other two platoons, they launched an attack on two highlands at the same time.

Wang Yan also handed the machine gun to other soldiers, and he took pictures with his camera again, taking pictures of the bravery of the soldiers.

Of course, he still felt that he should write a report after the war to discuss the gains and losses of the battle in detail.

If a few decades later, a single artillery shell could directly penetrate the bunker and accurately strike and kill, it would only cost hundreds of thousands. Comparatively speaking, it is very cost-effective to exchange this money for more than ten enemy lives and no casualties for our own soldiers. After all, once the war starts, money ceases to be money. Or, even cheaper, use a suicide drone to rush into the trench with precision, and boom, it’s done.

He wanted to take this opportunity to participate in the war to talk about it in more detail. Of course, he was speaking from the perspective of a frontline soldier and how the war should unfold.

There is no need to even write about his own longer-term thinking. As long as he shows what the military will look like in forty years, without some of the complex explorations, then as long as the time is extended, the changes to the overall military process will be considerable. Big...

The instructor led more than 30 soldiers in the second platoon, spread out several tens of meters, and attacked the high ground from all directions. The high ground he mainly attacked was a higher high ground. The enemy's machine guns kept firing, and they even threw Molotov cocktails and set fire to them to prevent them from hiding on the grass.

"Instructor, I'll go up and you guys can follow."

The person who spoke was the second platoon leader. When he spoke, he had to lead two soldiers across the line of fire and use his body to block the bullet holes to provide opportunities for others.

"Come back, what did the company commander say? You can take your time, don't be in a hurry. Just lie down and retreat back to see if the brothers over there can attract firepower."

At this time, they were actually not far from the high ground, only less than fifty meters away. But these fifty meters are like a chasm, and there is no way to go up.

They were counting on a row of soldiers on the other side for help, but they were wrong. The Vietnamese monkeys also had a bunker on the side of the mountain. The soldiers did not notice it and suffered a heavy loss.

Wang Yan saw all this clearly, watching the two soldiers being hit. But fortunately, one was swept to the arm, and the other was swept to the thigh, and neither of them died. The others suppressed the fire immediately and retreated a little.

"Fuck that grass mud!"

The squad leader who stayed behind threw away the cigarette in his mouth, held on to the five-six-shot trigger, and fired wildly at the other side. If Wang Yan hadn't dragged him back, he would have rushed out.

"Don't be impulsive. Those two brothers are not dead yet. Correspondent..."

Wang Yan reported two coordinates, one for the top of the mountain and one for the bunker on the side of the mountain just now. "Let the artillery bomb immediately. It doesn't need to be more this time. Just ten rounds at one place."

"Yes! Company commander!" The correspondent hid in the trench and used a walkie-talkie to call the artillery.

After a while, the correspondent finished his report. He said to Wang Yan: "Company Commander, they said we were the only ones to call them more guns, but I didn't dare to scold him."

Wang Yan laughed. The artillerymen were also very busy. There were people calling for artillery everywhere. They had already become ruthless machines for transporting, loading and running artillery. They were mechanical, based on the artillery skills they had practiced to the core in the past. When they heard the coordinates, they could adjust the artillery very quickly, use their sore arms to load and transport the artillery shells more quickly, and fire the artillery neatly according to the order.

From the beginning to now, it has not been easy for them. The soldiers are risking their lives on the front line, and they are also risking their lives behind the scenes. The thick calluses developed in the past have even been worn out. No one is relaxed.

Even the more senior strategizing leaders are the same. They are more cautious, because their small orders require the lives of frontline soldiers to carry out. As for the lower front finger, let alone it.

Some complaints are normal. Complaining is just for entertainment. No one stipulates that you have to have a sad face when fighting.

"It's okay if you don't scold him. If we curse him more, he will occupy the communication line and affect the other brothers. When the battle is over, we will go back and beat him for his stupidity."

"Then we can't find him." The signal soldier shook his head and laughed.

After joking for a while, Wang Yan ordered: "You suppress the fire on the west side, and I will kill them. Leave two people behind, and when I go up, I will drag the two brothers back."


After the explanation, Wang Yan jumped out of the trench and moved towards higher ground. The distance is not far, just seventy or eighty meters. It's downhill first, then uphill.

With just a few words, the cannonballs came crashing down again. Because he was standing high, he could see the trajectory of the cannonballs more clearly. For a stronghold, ten artillery shells are enough to illuminate every inch of the stronghold.

Wang Yan had to admit that when the cold bayonet penetrated the ignorant little monkey's neck, he once again demonstrated an act of personal heroism. But this cannot deny the dedication of the soldiers. They are just flesh and blood, not as inhuman as Wang Yan.

If we reverse it, we don’t know whether Wang Yan had the courage to attack with a gun when he was weak. Of course he can say that he has courage, but what cannot be denied is that when he said he had courage, in a modern and beautiful city, In peace. If these warriors had Wang Yan's physical fitness and fighting abilities, they would definitely be as good as Wang Yan, or maybe even stronger.

They are the protagonists of their own lives, but Wang Yan, a tough guy, is the protagonist who is destined to be blessed by his living father.

No one knew that at such a critical moment, Wang Yan was still grateful to his living father. He had always been a good eldest son to his living father.

Wang Yan came up quickly, but before him, the soldiers who had already charged when the shells exploded were also slow. They were only a few steps behind Wang Yan. He stabbed an enemy to death and kicked another enemy down. The soldiers who followed him were at the edge of the trench. Without saying anything, they just shot a shuttle into the trench. All the Vietnamese soldiers here were suddenly killed.

Without stopping, Wang Yan continued his upward attack. Since he is strong, he should do more, and the soldiers who follow him will die less. He was a sharp knife, and the soldiers behind him were no cowards either. They all rushed upward with bullets in their hands.

Of course, Wang Yan joined forces with the instructor on the high ground and secured the highest stronghold within a few hundred meters at the cost of four people being injured. At the same time, the deputy company commander and third platoon leader on the other side lived up to his expectations and successfully captured the high ground on the west side. One person was seriously injured and another was slightly injured.

To sum up, in this attack, six people were injured, one of whom may have died, and a total of fifty-two enemies were wiped out without any prisoners.

By this time, it was completely bright. On the top of the mountain, Wang Yan opened a can with Chinese characters on it, and the other soldiers did the same. There was still a lot of supplies here, enough for a three-day shift.

In fact, it's not just cans. There are white Chinese characters on the green-painted ammunition boxes at the back. This is still a corner of the battlefield. You don’t even have to go to the old street. There must be a warehouse in Xiaocao Village below. There are many supplies piled inside. There are Chinese characters on them, and they are all good things.

How about saying that the Vietnamese monkey is a white-eyed wolf, eating my food, drinking my food, using my food, and then hitting me again. The bullets that hit me are still the bullets I sent out. It won't work without beating me hard.

Others followed suit, listening to the artillery fire, smelling the lingering smoke, eating, drinking, and resting happily. No one was sleepy. Although they were at ease now, they were still in deep danger. Moreover, they were all very excited after going all the way. Even if they had not slept all night, they were still very energetic.

Wang Yan raised his head to the correspondent: "Report our results to the battalion commander and ask about the next operational tasks."

He could see clearly that the battalion commander was below, lying on the roof looking back and forth, probably using a telescope to see the situation.

In fact, he could not only see the battalion commander, but he was standing high up. It was already dawn, and although there was some mist, it didn't have much impact. The entire battle situation in Xiao Cao's village could be seen clearly.

For now, the fighting in Xiaocao Village is almost over. The soldiers have all rushed to the south. Only the southeast corner is still fighting.

However, the end of the battle in Xiaocao Village does not mean the end of the battle in Xiaocao battlefield as a whole. The gunfire was still fierce and the cannon fire still did not stop. That is the mountainous area on the south side of Xiaocao, and the enemy's counterattack to the west in the direction of Laojie.

I have to say something at this time, a fighting hero who is also in this battle. The Seventh Company of the Third Battalion of the 118th Regiment defended the high ground and repelled four consecutive counterattacks by the Vietnamese army. The Vietnamese army roughly figured out the direction of our artillery fire, avoided the blast point, organized their troops to launch a group charge towards the high ground, and came to a distance of less than 200 meters from our army. The place.

The walkie-talkie soldier of the Third Battalion, the sea water was dry, and he found traces of the enemy, but he was not sure of his movements. He went to check the enemy's situation. At this time, the Vietnamese army was only a few dozen meters away from him. He immediately used the newly repaired walkie-talkie to monitor the rear. Shout, 'Shoot at me! ’, the Vietnamese army was shocked and wounded him with mortars.

Then, the rear artillery responded quickly and provided artillery support, causing great damage to the Vietnamese army and repelling this attack. Moreover, the artillery deliberately corrected its trajectory and extended it tens of meters toward the Vietnamese army, so that the sea water was not affected and they were able to rescue the rear. After the war, Hai Haiqian received first-class merit and was awarded the title of heroic infantryman.

He is called the living Wang Cheng, and Wang Cheng himself is a character in the movie "Heroes and Sons". There are many prototype characters, and they are all heroes who resisted U.S. aggression and aided Korea. Among them, Yu Shuchang and Zhao Xianyou were both fighting heroes who used walkie-talkies to communicate with the rear and shouted "fire at me" when the war went against us and the position was in danger. , they all died on the battlefield...

The correspondent ended the communication and said: "Company commander, the battalion commander asked us to support the second company. Someone from our side took over. The second company was fighting over there, and the enemy counterattacked fiercely."

He stood up and pointed to a place more than 200 meters away, where a fierce confrontation could be vaguely seen.

Wang Yan also got up and took a look. There were some trees on the way, but he couldn't see them clearly. He said to the correspondent: "Contact the second company and ask them whether they are on the slope or down the slope. Let the brothers in the third row who are sending the wounded eat something. Drink some water before bringing it back. Don't eat too much. Just have something in your stomach. Call all the brothers on the mountain over there. Others, eat quickly and check the weapons. The warehouse is full of ammunition."

He had just sat down for a while, and he had gone to treat the wounds of the injured soldier. The seriously injured one had half his leg shot off by a machine gun and lost a lot of blood. After handling it, he asked the third platoon to send all the injured soldiers down, so that he could return to the highest point.

"Company commander, the second company said that the position belongs to them, and those attacking down the south slope are Vietnamese monkeys."

"You guys eat first and be careful on the south slope. We have beaten these Vietnamese monkeys into the mountains. We are only about 200 meters away from the Second Company. There must be someone nearby. Ask the battalion commander to send someone to take over the position quickly. Let's go before we get here. If the position is taken back, all our brothers will be injured in vain. I'll fire a few shots first to see. Pay attention to the shelling. If I shoot accurately, the shells will come soon."

When Wang Yan was giving long instructions, he had finished eating a box of cans. He threw the cans away, took another sip of water, then stood up with the gun in his hand and walked back and forth for two steps, avoiding the trees and looking for a good view.

He held the gun steadily with both hands, crouched down to shoot, took aim and then decisively pulled the trigger, basically one shot per second. He couldn't see the results of the battle, but when he ran back to the trench to fill his bullets, a dense barrage of bullets came over him. Obviously, the effect is very good.

"Hurry, hurry up, hide inside, the shells are coming soon." Wang Yan greeted with a smile, and also squeezed in, reporting a set of coordinates to the correspondent, "Hurry up, call the guns, tell them it's a back slope, ask if you can beat."

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of artillery shells exploded in. The Vietnamese army's fortifications were good. Wang Yan called for artillery to fire two rounds, but it was no big deal. None of the Vietnamese army's artillery shells could penetrate.

For a moment, dust flew up, leaving everyone covered in dirt and their mouths filled with ashes.

"Sign them up with another group... This should be the artillery position of the Vietnamese Monkeys. Let them bomb it to see the situation." Wang Yan had just looked at the trajectory of the artillery shells. After being bombarded, he had already calculated the trajectory by inferring the trajectory. Military launch site.

This is considered an advanced skill, and ordinary warriors really can't do it.

The correspondent did his duty and communicated with the rear.

After a while, there was the sound of shells piercing the sky again. Wang Yan, who had already taken out his camera, took a few pictures and turned back to take pictures of the soldiers in the trench. They were disgraced, but they all smiled with bared teeth.

Wang Yan asked: "Ask the second company if they still need support. If not, ask the battalion commander about the combat mission."

After explaining this, Wang Yan went over and raised his gun to aim at the retreating Vietnamese army in the distance. After the shells fell, the second company had already raised its head and tilted the bullets wildly at the Vietnamese army below. Wang Yan also took the opportunity to shoot and kill the remaining enemies.

It was at this time that larger-scale artillery shells rang out in the sky, heading straight into the mountains in the distance. That was exactly the location of the enemy's artillery position provided by Wang Yan.

"Company commander, the battalion commander asked us to move towards the first company, eight hundred meters away from us. The first company is attacking on the north side. The Vietnamese Monkeys over there have the firepower of two companies, there are tunnels and bunkers, and they can't attack. The battalion commander will give us two more. With a flamethrower, let us pass through the second company position and circle behind it, remove the Vietnamese monkeys' firepower points, and capture the high ground."

Wang Yan nodded, and took out his camera to take pictures of Xiao Cao below. After a while, Xiao Cao's battle was completely over, and he simply took a rest. He just drank a few mouthfuls of water, sent the wounded, checked the weapons and ammunition, and began to attack the perimeter. Carry out attack.

It's rare to see people like Wang Yan and others who still have time to eat canned food.

At the same time, some more people came up the hillside, and Wang Yan and others replenished their ammunition on the spot, preparing to set out for reinforcements...

Thanks to brother (蚚Ling) for the 3,000-coin reward.

Thanks to the five brothers (Lin Di) (Bogota) (Guang Guang) (Tianshan Eagle) (Book Friends 20201216111728425) for their support of 500 coins.

Thanks to the three big brothers (Moglu Jingrouren) (Moglu Jingrouren) (Past Days Are Much Harder) (Book Friends 151031223857706) for rewarding me with 100 pieces of support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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