Wang Yan and others did not go to the south slope, but to the north slope. This is not a multiple-choice question. There are countless Vietnamese troops hiding in the mountains past the south slope, ready to come out and attack at any time to give our army a hard blow.

As the sun rose in the east, a group of more than a hundred people were pulled out one by one for more than a hundred meters and marched on the hillside. They were all running at a trot, their liberation shoes swishing against the rocks and weeds under their feet.

The second company's defense line also stretched its old strength and repelled the Vietnamese monkey attack. They were resting and recuperating, transporting the wounded, etc. Xiao Cao's battle is over, and the soldiers have begun to reinforce various places. At the same time, they are pushing the front forward to hold the key points and preserve the victory. At that time, the soldiers will have a longer rest period, eat and sleep.

"Wang Yan?"

The second company commander was very surprised when he saw Wang Yan, "Why did you come to the front line?"

The instructor was also an interesting person. He laughed and said: "Let me introduce, this is Company Commander Wang of our third company. Those few shots just now were all fired by our Company Commander Wang, and it was also Captain Wang who fired the shots."

Wang Yan, who was holding the camera, nodded with a smile and looked at the wide-eyed Second Company Commander.

The second company commander turned to ask: "Where is Lao Yang?"

"I was shot in the thigh and the bullet got stuck in the bone. It should be sent to the rear. Am I now the acting company commander?"

Wang Yan patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be reluctant to call for artillery. It will be over soon. Let's go. We have to support the first company."

The second company commander watched Wang Yan leave in confusion, and looked at each other with the other soldiers around him, unable to react for a moment.

They could see clearly here. During the battle, a row of people fell down right before their eyes. Then our army's artillery shells hit them. Then when the Vietnamese army retreated, there was another burst of gunfire and they fell down. Several, relieving their crisis.

But who would have thought that it was Wang Yan who did it. They didn't even think that Wang Yan would come. They didn't expect that not only would he come, but he would also be so damn fierce...

Like them are the leaders at all levels above. Because although the fighting here is not over now, and there are still fierce exchanges of fire in many places, the preliminary combat plan has been implemented, and overall, the tension has eased a lot. So for the battle ahead, the various information behind has begun to be summarized. Therefore, everyone from the battalion commander to the commander at the back, and even the Military Commission, already knew about Wang Yan's brave performance.

In the battle on the Western Front here, there are three targets in the early stage. The 11th Army will hit Fengtu, the 13th Army will hit Basa, and the 14th Army will hit Laojie. Xiao Cao's battle will determine whether the battle plan against Lao Cai can be carried out smoothly.

And Wang Yan, a well-known writer and songwriter who was treated as deputy battalion level in the Kunming Military Region's art troupe and was invincible, had already arrived at the Military Commission when he asked for war at the beginning of the war. Nothing else, it’s just that Wang Dapao’s name is too loud, and too many people know him.

At the beginning of the war, Wang Yan was a master of shooting and suppressed the three machine gun positions on the opposite side by himself. During the forced crossing, the first sharp knife troops to cross the river passed through their area. Wang Yan was among the second group to cross the river, and could be said to be one of the first teams to launch an attack on the north side of Xiao Cao.

It took Wang Yan more than an hour to break through the first line of defense of the Vietnamese army and open up the situation at the earliest. Then it took more than three hours to break through the second line of defense and penetrate Xiao Cao, causing the enemy in Xiao Cao's village to The battlefield is divided. Then, in just half an hour, three highlands were captured. He also assisted other troops and repelled the Vietnamese attack.

This is what Wang Yan achieved in about seven hours from the beginning of the war. He rushed all the way, winning every battle and conquering every attack. Although the number of enemies wiped out has not yet been calculated, at least two companies were killed. As for Wang Yan's unit, including Company Commander Yang, there were only seven reductions in personnel.

Of course, this affects the combat effectiveness. Those who can no longer participate in the battle are more injured. There are more than 20 people injured by stones and bullets. But these are considered minor injuries, and being able to run and jump does not affect the fight.

Such a heroic performance would have been known to the commanders at the rear, not to mention the well-known Wang Yan.

In fact, this was still Wang Yan's fight. Although he was abnormal, he was not extremely abnormal or particularly exaggerated...

The battles of a company are far apart. Eight hundred meters is the straight-line distance between the mountains, but it is not the distance that Wang Yan and the others have to walk. When Wang Yan and others climbed over the mountains and ridges, the distance had already been nearly doubled. They didn't go in a straight line, but in a big circle.

More than a hundred people and cats were hiding their whereabouts on the top of the mountain. They were more than 200 meters away from the first company, and more than 100 meters away from them was the firepower point established by the Vietnamese army.

Further on the southern slope, enemy reinforcements can be seen approaching. Of course, artillery is the best way to deal with this kind of enemy. The Vietnamese troops are all at the foot of the mountain, so every shot is accurate.

Wang Yan found the correspondent and reported the coordinates: "Ask the artillery if they can get there."

Soon, the correspondent replied: "They are advancing their position and it will take five minutes."

"Third Platoon stays here, sets up machine guns, and waits for these Vietnamese monkeys to come up before attacking. Second Platoon moves forward to the ridge over there. You must be careful, there may be bunkers and tunnels here, and there may be hidden roads. I will lead With the first company, go and knock down that hilltop. Then you can go over with reinforcements and we will join the first company and kill all the Vietnamese rearguards on the top of the hill."

Wang Yan made arrangements while pointing at various places.

The fighting here is fierce, because this is the outer area on the east side of Xiaocao Village. The Vietnamese troops who retreated from Xiaocao retreated in all directions. At the same time, the old street side had already received news that reinforcements were coming. It is conceivable that in the mountains heading west, the Vietnamese army is urgently building various fortifications to delay the speed of our army's attack and wait for reinforcements from the rear to protect the old street.

So this leads to fierce fighting here, and the battle for the commanding firepower point is very difficult.

And the real battlefield will not be a situation where hundreds of people gather around and shoot at each other. The strength of a company is enough to cover the entire mountain in all directions. Even if it is fully spread out, squads and squads call upon each other, and platoons and platoons coordinate, they can cover an area of ​​several hundred meters horizontally for combat, which can be said to be all over the mountains and plains.

Following Wang Yan's order, more than a hundred people in the company immediately dispersed. Wang Yan also held a gun, bowed and walked carefully. A row of soldiers were scattered around him, stretched out very far, and separated widely. .

Suddenly, Wang Yan raised his hand, and the soldiers who were paying attention to his movements immediately stopped and lay down in the grass to hide. Not far away, there were two Vietnamese soldiers smoking cigarettes. However, their position was to the north and their field of vision was limited, so Wang Yan and others were not found.

Of course there is more than one bunker here. Wang Yan silently scanned each area, and then pointed at his combat teams, arranging them one by one. They crept closer silently, trying to resolve the battle as quietly as possible.

The process went smoothly. Wang Yan watched the three men under him cooperate. The distance was almost the same. The three of them got up and sprinted. The two of them jumped up from the ground with a big flying kick, kicking away the soldiers in the bunker and following them inside. The other man shook his gun with a click, hung up his bayonet, and stabbed him cleanly.

There was definitely movement, but shells were flying all over the sky and gunfire kept ringing. The sound of the little fighting here couldn't be heard at all.

To say that the combat effectiveness of today's soldiers has declined, that is certain. It's definitely not as good as the soldiers of the 1950s and 1960s. After all, they were all shot with real guns and live ammunition. But to say that the training is not good, it is definitely not. The reason why combat effectiveness has declined is not because the soldiers have slacked off.

A set of tactics also depends on who is going to execute it. In addition to squad leaders, platoon leaders, and instructors, Wang Yan's soldiers are mostly recruits who have been in the army for one or two to three years. But even so, under the leadership of Wang Yan, it was quite vigorous. Wang Yan believed that without him as the vanguard, the soldiers would indeed suffer greater casualties at the beginning, but once they adapted to the battlefield and integrated their previous training, they would still be quite powerful. Just like the other companies, that's what they are.

The main reason is that new tactics have not been developed, and they have not adapted to infantry-tank coordination, infantry-artillery coordination, and corresponding communications and command, logistics supplies, etc. This is a complete set of military system construction. In other words, we are already building and adapting, but it is not good enough. In this battle, the leaders may not have no intention of testing the army.

But the situation will be different decades later. People say that the army has not fought in decades and has no combat effectiveness. But at that time, it was already beyond visual range combat. The range of ordinary rocket launchers was hundreds of kilometers, and various missiles could easily reach tens of thousands of kilometers. They could also be launched outside the earth and then land on the ground to strike. At this time, The role of army infantry is not as good as it is now. The main responsibility is to clean the battlefield and clean up the mess.

This is why, in the military reform since the new century, the Army is undergoing hybrid construction, which is to continuously improve the Army's movement and strike capabilities, with the emphasis on speed and fierceness. This does not even mention the construction and development of the Air Force, Navy, and Rocket Force...

Wang Yan found a total of eight fire points, and the soldiers removed them one by one without firing a single shot. Wang Yan only killed three of them. It was a relatively commanding firepower point, so Wang Yan took action himself, crawled over, turned over into the trench, and was killed with three punches and two kicks.

But things were not going to be smooth sailing. While Wang Yan was acting silently, gunshots were fired from the second row behind him, a battle broke out, and there were faint shouts of grief and indignation.

"Company commander, there is an ambush in the second platoon, and a brother is injured." The soldiers near the south reported to Wang Yan.

At the same time, the three platoons with machine guns on the hillside behind were suppressed immediately, but in doing so, their position was exposed to reinforcements. Wang Yan ran up the slope and saw the swaggering Vietnamese army over there immediately hunched over and began to spread out in a fighting formation, coming towards this side while also suppressing their vitality.

"Xiao Liang, ask if the cannon is ready? If it is, go to... shoot the hell out of me." Wang Yan turned around to greet him, and reported the new coordinates to the correspondent.

The correspondent's surname was Liang. He had been in the army for two years and was only nineteen years old, so he was called Xiao Liang. He also participated in the fight and stabbed someone to death just now.

Wang Yan did not stop and asked his men to pay attention to the rear, while he headed towards the second row with the bullet in his head. The firepower here must be removed, otherwise the second row will be doomed if attacked from both sides. Still dozens of meters away, Wang Yan pulled out the grenade from his lower back and threw it towards the bunker in the distance, exploding inside with great accuracy.

The attacking soldiers did not hesitate at all, jumping into the bunker to clear out the remaining enemies, turning the muzzle of a light machine gun to suppress the enemies below.

There are not many bunkers here, only three. One of the second row's soldiers had already been shot down. Wang Yan fired a grenade to kill one of them, and the last one was still firing his gun at the soldiers of the second row.

Wang Yan picked up the five-six-and-a-half pieces without aiming. He was less than a hundred meters away, so he took two shots and killed the Vietnamese army inside. The instructor took the lead and rushed in. He also turned his gun and suppressed the Vietnamese army below.

All this happened within a few dozen seconds. After clearing the bunker, Wang Yan glanced at the battlefield situation, and then quickly moved down the hillside. There were two soldiers lying on the ground, and a soldier was dragging them. But this was a hillside, and it was difficult for them to borrow strength, so it was very difficult for them to walk. Wang Yan went over, picked them up one by one, and ran towards the third row position. It was safer there, and on the way there, there was an awkward place to avoid the enemy's sight.

Of course there were people shouting at the beginning, but now no one is shouting, they are just cursing and shooting.

Wang Yan carried his injured brother on his back all the way to the north side, then put them down and began to check the injuries. One soldier was shot in the stomach and thigh, and another soldier was in better condition. He was only shot in the shoulder and arm, which was not fatal.

"Company Commander, can I still live?" The soldier who was shot in the stomach struggled to speak.

"You can live if you stop talking so much. Life is earned by yourself, not given by the Lord of Hell. Now the bullet has upset your intestines. You won't die for a while. You have to persevere. Come on, let me put some saliva in your mouth. , moisturize. Breathe as steadily as possible, relax as much as possible, and don’t be afraid. The more afraid you are, the faster you will die."

Wang Yan quickly untied the soldier's leggings, tied up the wounds on his stomach and thighs, took his water bottle, fed him a sip of water, let him lie down there, and went to deal with another Xi Ya. He held back his grin so as not to disturb Wang Yan's warrior.

At this time, the familiar cannonballs broke through the air again. Because the enemies hitting the south slope had a low trajectory, they passed right above Wang Yan's head.

The correspondent also ran over, waiting for Wang Yan's instructions.

"Ask the battalion commander to send someone over to pick up the wounded, and then contact the first company and tell them that I will seize the high ground and ask them to cooperate in the attack and attract firepower."

After saying that, Wang Yan ran out again and took a look at the third row's position. The Vietnamese army below had been bombed to pieces, but the attrition was limited. After all, there is no way that a boss with more than a hundred people could be killed in one shelling.

But the artillery is not given for free. The coordinates are the directions, but the artillery fires based on the area of ​​the directions, covering a large area. The attrition is limited, there are still more than ten or twenty people.

This wave of shelling solved a big problem, and our army occupied favorable terrain. The Vietnamese army attacked up the slope, and the situation was very good.

Wang Yan told the third platoon to pay attention to the shelling, and then went back to move the two wounded soldiers farther away. Then he took a squad of soldiers and launched an attack on the high ground.

It would be advantageous for them to attack the high ground, but because of what happened to the second platoon just now, their intentions had been exposed. The Vietnamese army had already set up firepower in this direction. It was no longer possible to go up quietly. They still had to attack by force.

However, Wang Yan's strong attack was different from others. From a distance of tens of meters, three grenades were fired and the enemy's firepower was eliminated. His throws were far and accurate. Then the soldiers provided fire cover from behind. He quickly approached and directly dealt with the remaining enemies who were not killed but stunned by the bombing, and then went to the fire point on the north side.

First, two grenades were fired to clear the way, and two soldiers armed with five- and six-gun guns who had been prepared for a long time attacked directly, and in an instant, a shuttle of bullets was fired first. Wang Yan and another soldier behind him continued to suppress them with five or six halves.

The remaining seven people in this large firepower spot were all killed. Then the soldiers quickly turned the muzzles of the machine guns and suppressed fire on the high ground about 200 meters away.

Over there, our soldiers are already launching another round of attack. You can see that there is another reinforcement coming from further at the foot of the mountain, about a platoon of people. Wang Yan and the others are not the only reinforcements.

Leaving a few soldiers here to provide firepower, Wang Yan found soldiers carrying flamethrowers. In the position below, there were some tunnels. The Vietnamese army hid in them and suddenly attacked. Because of these hidden tunnels, they suffered continuous losses. heavy. The corpses of some of our soldiers on the hillside illustrate this point.

Wang Yan led his men to walk on the hillside, and it didn't take long before they discovered a hole where a gun was fired.

After receiving the signal from Wang Yan's eyes, the soldier carrying the flamethrower quietly approached and sprayed at the entrance of the cave. In an instant, flames surged into the hole.


A loud shouting was heard, and the Vietnamese monkey that had already fallen asleep in the cave crawled out, and then rolled down. He was still shouting, and the rapid rolling made his screams out of shape, which was very scary to hear.

But the flames on his body did not go out, because the burning object was not his clothes, but the gasoline sprayed all over him. Just for a moment, Wang Yan could smell a burnt aroma.

The soldier using the flamethrower obviously didn't expect such a big reaction, and was frightened. This is normal, after all, no one will actually come to spray them when they are training.

"Company Commander, this thing works so well." He shouted, a little excited.

Wang Yan waved his hand: "Okay, this bullet flew in a whoosh, and you did the same thing when it pierced the oil barrel. You should keep your back further, just to test the effect, it won't be used for a while. You two should go up too, and suppress it. enemy."

After all, he had discovered the potholes, but the little monkeys hiding inside did not notice the movement on his side. They didn't even know it was above their heads, so it was easy to solve.

This kind of secret passage in the mountains is not long inside, which means that only one or two people can fit in it. They will not invest a lot of energy to hollow out the mountain and form a network extending in all directions. However, in this war, there are also such places, but it is obviously not here.

The greatest value of these potholes is actually the first time they are unexpected. Just like the casualties caused to the First Company, they were caused by these Vietnamese monkeys who did not attack until the First Company attacked, and then suddenly focused their fire on the attack.

Without secrecy, most of the advantages of these potholes are lost.

Wang Yan didn't need anyone to follow him, he just removed the firepower points in the potholes here. If you touch it, it will be a headshot at close range with a pistol.

But there was only so much he could do. He couldn't get past the firepower point in the distance and the muzzle of the opposite gun. Even so, some of the firepower points he solved here also relieved a large part of the pressure on the company.

Moreover, the reinforcements of the platoon climbed up. This was because they saw the situation clearly and felt that instead of being defeated by the first company, it would be better to join Wang Yan's third company and directly crush another hilltop.

But the result was unexpected. When they climbed up, they saw that the Third Company was not easy at all and was still blocking the enemy.

"Wang Yan, what should we do?" The platoon leader who came for reinforcements asked Wang Yan his opinion.

The soldiers fighting here already knew that Wang Yan was coming. As a reinforcement, he also knew that the third company had changed its commander. However, Wang Yan was used to being called by Wang Yan's name by everyone in the Kunming Military Region. Now he became a company commander, but he couldn't change it.

"The Third Company is blocking the attack here. You and I will go around from the south and pull out the hilltop. Be careful. There may be a bunker here. My second platoon was attacked before and injured two brothers."

After saying this, Wang Yan put away his camera and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

After that, he ran away.

The reinforcement soldiers behind did not hesitate and followed Wang Yan, spreading out in a battle formation. They had to dodge bullets from the high ground on the opposite side and from the Vietnamese army's crazy support below.

The soldiers of Wang Yan's third company also became fierce, and they madly suppressed the Vietnamese troops on the opposite high ground and on the south slope, covering Wang Yan and others as they ran to the opposite hilltop.

Everyone understands the key now. As long as they capture these two hills and gain the commanding heights, they will win this battle for position. As for the people in other fire points, as many as they died, they couldn't run away, they were surrounded. As for the potholes that are difficult to find, use a flamethrower to burn them from top to bottom. Burn the monkeys and burn them all out.

The reinforcing platoon leader and other soldiers quickly saw how Wang Yan became the company commander. Are there machine gun fire on the slope? Bang, a shot! Still scanning? One more shot! Someone threw a grenade? Turning sideways, he performed a cool whip kick in the air, accurately kicked the grenade back, and exploded in the air! What, holding a grenade to count? Bang, a shot! boom!

It's so exaggerated that he really looks like a god of war.

He also ran fast, doing various tactical moves while running, rushing upwards to face the bullets.

Finally, Wang Yan took the lead and rushed to the high ground, kicked away the Vietnamese army who was about to shoot, and stabbed him to death with a bayonet. The support platoon leader behind him followed up with a drooped arm. With strong arm and wrist strength, he controlled the enemy. Five or six times, they rushed steadily towards the trench.

The soldiers at the back jumped into the trench with bayonets drawn, and without saying a word, they were stabbed with a puff. Then he quickly raised his machine gun and deployed it on the south slope to suppress the Vietnamese army below. There were other soldiers who jumped down consciously and pulled out the fire points from top to bottom.

"Damn, dozens of us came over, and I was the only one who got shot." The platoon leader grinned and took out a cigarette from his pocket, took one in his mouth, gestured at Wang Yan, and muttered, "Should I say no?" Say, you are so damn fierce."

Now the battle is basically over.

Wang Yan took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth with a smile, lit it for the platoon leader, and then lit it for himself: "You just know? I have defeated the invincible opponents of our Kunming Military Region before, and you think it's a joke? Do you think I am? Is he a paper tiger who will be blinded as soon as he enters the battlefield?"

While talking, Wang Yan untied the platoon leader's leggings and looked at the wounds on his arms. The bullet had swept away a piece of flesh, leaving a large gap. This is a machine gun. Even a light machine gun can break an arm if you are unlucky.

Watching Wang Yan bandage the wound, the platoon leader frowned, took a puff of cigarette and coughed, "How dare I think you can go to the battlefield? You are the only one in your family, and you charge so hard. Don't talk about me anymore, the Lord of Hell turned his teeth when he saw it."

"Defending the country, what does it have to do with the few members of the family? I have written so many songs and told you so many heroes. If I didn't join the war, I would look down on myself. Okay, you can just stay there and the war is over. Go back and recuperate. No need to hold on, this is not thirty years ago. Here, I will take a picture of you, maybe it will be published in the newspaper in the future. Fighting here, oh yes, there must be Vietnamese monkeys in the background.

You have to relax, a little injury is nothing to worry about? You still have to be arrogant, little Vietnamese monkey, how dare you challenge our huge country? Have to despise them. Oh, yes, that's the feeling. When the photos are developed, I will send them to you, and you will brag about them for the rest of your life. "

Wang Yanka took a picture of the support platoon leader, and then took a picture of the soldiers of the Vietnamese army who were blocking the crazy attack at the foot of the mountain. Then he walked a little further and lay down to prevent the shelling, and then pointed his gun at the foot of the mountain. The Vietnamese army began to roll call.

His killing efficiency was very high. The soldiers fired their guns in a general direction, but he aimed deliberately, basically one shot at a time. There was also the suppressive firepower of other soldiers, and he was very comfortable firing one shot at a time. At first, one or two people died, but it didn't matter, but gradually more people died, and the firepower on the top of the mountain was so strong that the Vietnamese army couldn't attack, so they retreated.

It would not be a wise choice to fight for positions at this time. What they should do more is seize the time to deploy a defense line to block the People's Liberation Army for a longer period of time.

Soon, the Vietnamese army was pushed back, and the various firepower points on the northern slope were quickly removed by the soldiers. The entire combat process was described as smooth.

But it wasn't without casualties. After all, the bullet was not someone's relative, but someone he recognized. It is impossible for hundreds of people to fight for positions without casualties. Just because of Wang Yan's presence, the enemy's death toll was even greater.

From beginning to end, except for mortars, there was no artillery bombardment here. It can be seen that the coordinates Wang Yan provided to the rear were very accurate. The opponent's artillery position was destroyed and new reinforcements had not arrived yet.

It is now ten o'clock in the morning. Compared with the morning and last night, the sound of gunfire has become much sparser. This marks that Xiao Cao's battle is basically over. Next, the real battle of Lao Cai will begin...

Thank you (No. 1 Infinite Heavenly Lord) for the reward of 500 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to Brother (Unruly Mavericks) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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