The green-skinned train clanked on the rails, heading north.

The soldiers in the car were very excited. Many of them had never been to the capital, not to mention that this time they went to receive commendations, which was even more beautiful.

But this journey was not very comfortable. Because it is not a special train, sleeper berths are limited. Therefore, those who were seriously injured and unable to move were placed in sleeper berths, while the rest were given hard seats. But the soldiers didn't have any complaints. Not to mention having a seat, even if they were allowed to stand for dozens of hours, it didn't matter.

The atmosphere was of course great, everyone was chatting and laughing, it was very lively. The topics were definitely relatively monotonous, either thinking about Beijing or reminiscing about the previous battles. Even though these things had been talked about in the past two months or so, they had no impact at all. The soldiers were in high spirits.

The senior chiefs and leaders had already taken a special plane to the capital. The officers who went to the capital with the soldiers, the highest being the deputy regiment, obviously had no need to spoil the fun at this time, and they were also smiling happily.

The carriage Wang Yan was in was all people from the third battalion at that time, or in other words, all the people from his company. In the past two months, those who were slightly injured were healed, those who were seriously injured were treated less seriously, those who died in battle were resettled, and those who died were sent away.

This time, 78 people went to Beijing and four were still in the hospital. Among the seventy-eight people, sixteen will change careers after going to the capital this time. The four people in the hospital must also change jobs.

Judging from the post-war situation, this fully-equipped company of 123 people lost a total of forty-one people including those who died during the thirty-day battle against Vietnam in self-defense counterattack. Counting the soldiers who had changed jobs, there were a total of 61 casualties in the battle, reducing the number by half.

Of course, the main reason is that they are following Wang Yan. They always use sharp knives as the vanguard and attack the most difficult places to break through. They always attack more with less, so it is inevitable that they will suffer more casualties.

This also shows that the 62 people who stayed, excluding the original company commander who was sent back to the rear at the beginning of the war, the remaining 61 people are all real elites...

Company Commander Yang was very self-aware of this. He said with emotion: "I have benefited from everyone this time."

"Hey, as I said, the soldiers were all trained by you. If you hadn't been serious and responsible, how could the soldiers fight so fiercely? Look at Lao Liu, he is the one who gets the glory from behind."

Battalion Commander Liu was sitting opposite, smiling: "Zhanguang is Zhanguang. Although I didn't fight in the front, I didn't hold back the brothers behind."

Of course he understood what Wang Yan meant, which was to use him as the battalion commander to give his company commander some mercy.

"Wang Yan is just talking nonsense. The battalion commander's mission is different from ours."

Captain Yang still has superiors in his eyes, unlike his soldiers, who have been fighting Wang Yan for a month and seem to be unable to command. Who understands the pain in his heart...

"Company Commander, my brothers still feel that I don't deserve enough combat merit for you." The two correspondents with ugly ears came over and said, "I watched with my own eyes. We fought all the way and you killed more than 800 people. In the end, I’ve set a number of three hundred and sixty-five for you. Damn it, how about checking the numbers during the New Year?”

"Go away, bullets are flying on the battlefield, who knows which bullet is mine? The leaders are also in a dilemma. Killing 365 people in thirty days is an exaggeration, but if we say we killed more than 800 You're a Vietnamese monkey. If you don't know, you don't think we are faking it? Keep a low profile, that's right.

Besides, aren’t our overall military exploits pretty good? Over 2,000 enemies were annihilated, and a few more heads were counted for everyone, and the brothers who died in the battle and had their jobs changed were also given an extra share of credit. In addition, do the artillery brothers also have to take credit? Without their artillery support, we would have died eight hundred times.

What do you think I need that name for? What is the difference between three hundred and sixty-five people and a thousand people? Why don't we actually fight for some benefits for our brothers? It is enough that the leaders know my merits and will not miss my benefits in the future. As for you, you will get more credit for your work and your treatment will be better in the future. This is enough.

You don’t know yet, right? This number was decided upon by me and the chief. When it comes to your mouth, it becomes a Chinese New Year count? I’m telling you, there’s no need for you to fight against me, that’s all. Don’t act recklessly outside in the future. If this reaches the ears of the chief, as if I have a complaint, it will affect my future. "

Of course Wang Yan didn't tell lies, but was extremely honest. He doesn't like to beat around the bush, so he is naturally more honest with these warriors who don't have much culture.

Before going to Beijing, the Kunming Military Region had already held a commendation meeting, and the military achievements had been tallied.

As he said, in this battle, he and his soldiers made outstanding achievements. The number of enemies annihilated was at least 2,000. This was the highlight moment when half a company blocked a regiment of the Vietnamese army when they were covering the last retreat. Not included in statistics.

The soldiers under Wang Yan really admired Wang Yan so much. Everyone who asked them said they had watched and counted. The conservative warriors said more than 500 people, and the bold ones said more than 1,500 people, which made the statistical workers speechless and choked.

Later, the chief found Wang Yan and discussed the final statistics of his military achievements. They recruited 365 men and wiped out more than 2,000 enemies. In fact, after reaching a certain level, the number of numbers does not have very important meaning.

Just like now, not to mention three hundred and sixty-five, annihilating two thousand enemies is a reduction in half, which is quite exaggerated for a company-level combat unit.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, the leaders clearly know that the statistics are not all of Wang Yan and his soldiers, and this is enough. There are also benefits for warriors who have been through life and death.

As for Wang Yan himself, it wasn't that important. If the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam was originally a defeat but was won due to his participation, that would be very important. Now it's just the icing on the cake. It falls on the heads of the soldiers on his side, but many people are killed and injured. As for personal future issues, Wang Yan certainly didn't care.

Even before the war, he was already quite popular in the military. Now that he has fought, he has gained the respect of more people, which of course also increases the weight of his words. This time he wrote about his "my opinion" about the Vietnam War, and the attention he received must be different. After all, he proved that he really knew how to fight and could fight.

Company commanders and instructors are the highest-ranking officers who rush to the front during battles. It's not that there are no battalion commanders, but relatively speaking, there are too few opportunities for battalion commanders to play. As the top officer in front-line combat, it is natural to be involved in all aspects. There is a way to coordinate the various departments under his command, arrange personnel, and even the simplest things such as eating and resting.

At the same time, you must be brave. From ancient times to the present, officers have taken the lead in fighting. The fine tradition of our army has also been maintained. If there are officers, then officers will be in charge. If there are no officers, then party members will be in charge. If there are no party members, then whoever has prestige will be in charge.

Wang Yanneng has always led the team to fight at the forefront, leading a company to achieve exaggerated results. His abilities in all aspects are absolutely top-notch. It has the ability to control subordinates, has the ability to fight, has the ability to change organically, and has the ability to capture the dynamics of the local battlefield. After this battle, no one would doubt Wang Yan's fighting ability.

But if there is no war and he simply speaks, the leaders will not ignore him. What makes sense is what makes sense, and what is right is right. There are some differences only in priorities.

In the big wave of the times, these small differences do not have a great impact on the overall situation. After all, the leaders are not just for free.

Different from Wang Yan, Captain Yang was sitting on the side. When he heard someone calling him company commander, he turned his head subconsciously, but when he saw his soldiers chatting happily with Wang Yan, he couldn't forget the feeling in his heart.

What's this? This is a power grab! He was certain that in ancient times, players like Wang Yan would have been big rebels in yellow robes.

Wang Yan didn't know what Captain Yang thought. If he knew, he would probably just laugh it off. He is really a traitor, and his nearly twenty kilograms of head is full of traitors...

After listening to Wang Yan's words, the soldiers chattered for a while, and then they became honest after being scolded by Wang Yan for a few words. How could they not know that Wang Yan was doing their best, and he was just gossiping out of habit. Wang Yan was laughing and joking with them again. He was used to having playful smiles, and he was very close to them. Otherwise, Captain Yang wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

In fact, Wang Yan knew very well about Captain Yang. This was what the chief told him. He said that these soldiers went out to fight with him, and they were all very proud. If it weren't for the fact that Captain Yang was in charge and could barely speak well, others would be really bad. But even Captain Yang is reporting, and he needs to be led by another team...

To be honest, Wang Yan was quite embarrassed. In fact, he had no way to say anything to these soldiers. It would make the soldiers misunderstand and think that Captain Yang was incompetent and made snitches everywhere, which would further affect unity.

While we were chatting, a soldier shouted: "Company Commander, I remember when you told us about Beijing before, you said that Beijing's roast duck and boiled mutton are delicious?"

"Hey, click me." Wang Yan said, "Well, we have to rest for a day after we arrive in Beijing. After we get off the car, I will go to the hotel to contact them and let them prepare in advance. We will invite the Kunming Military Region to come when the time comes. Brothers eat roast duck and mutton-boiled meat together."

"Hey, how much does that cost? Do you have it? Let's get together and have a taste." Battalion Commander Liu waved his hands repeatedly.

"Yes, company commander, we have more than 500 people here this time. I didn't ask you to pay alone. Even if you want to pay, you don't have that much. The battalion commander is right, we big guys can chip in Just get it together and have a taste. Then when I tell people about it, I have also been to Beijing and have tasted the specialties here."

The soldier who was shouting earlier spoke very clearly and directly, and he almost had it written on his forehead just to brag.

Wang Yan stood up, looked at the soldiers and laughed: "Have you forgotten that I am still a writer?"

"Writers don't have that much money, right? I heard that it's all paid per word, right?"

"After the manuscript fee system was restored, my manuscript fee was fixed at seven yuan for one thousand words. The meaning is very simple, that is, if I write a thousand words, it will be worth seven yuan, and if it is less than a thousand words, it will be calculated as one thousand words. You also know that I I have written a lot of books in 2010, and now they have more than 7 million words. Have you calculated how much it costs? Fifty thousand! I am a serious rich man. Do you think our brother No. 500 of the Kunming Military Region can give Am I hungry?"

Wang Yan didn't care about the exposure of his wealth. After all, it was all pure money, so there was nothing bad to say. People are actually curious about his income, but they are too embarrassed to ask.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the temperature in the carriage suddenly dropped by two degrees, and you could hear a needle drop... It was not that exaggerated. After all, the train did not have air conditioning at this time. It was summer, and the windows were all open. Yes, the clanging sound is still there.

"That's it, we'll have all we can eat when the time comes." Wang Yan said again.

At this time, the car suddenly became noisy again.

"Company Commander, how much does the interest on your savings cost per year?"

"Company Commander, are all of you writers so rich?"

"Company commander, do you think I look like a writer?"

The group arrived in the capital in a bustle. Wang Yan kept his promise and did not leave with the large group. Instead, he went to Donglaishun to make an appointment for lunch at noon tomorrow. He then went to Quanjude and other roast duck restaurants and ordered more than 500 roast ducks. I plan to bring it to Donglaishun to eat together at noon tomorrow. The soldiers can all eat. Each of them has a duck and can eat two pounds of mutton.

After that, he bought a lot of things and went to his Sanjin mansion in Shichahai.

"Why, we haven't seen each other for a year and you don't recognize me anymore?"

Wang Yan carried a pile of things, turned around the screen wall, and stepped through the arch. He smiled and looked at the two girls who were flipping through books beside the stone table and stared blankly at him when they heard the movement.

"Well, you bastard, I caught you." Hao Shuwen came over with a few steps and slapped Wang Yan on the back, making a clanging sound.

"Hiss..." Wang Yan seemed to be in pain and stayed away from her, "How can you kill me? Suizi must be good and know how to carry things for me."

But Xiao Suizi, who came with him, looked at Wang Yan with gleaming eyes and stretched out his hand to help Wang Yan carry something.

Hearing this, Xiao Suizi also stopped what he was doing and slapped Wang Yan angrily: "You are too reckless. You don't even know how dangerous it is on the battlefield. When I think of you on the battlefield, Beaten to death, I will... ugh~"

As she talked, she couldn't talk any more and cried.

Wang Yan quickly put the things in his hands on the stone table, reached out to hold Xiao Suizi's face, and wiped away the raging tears: "What did I say? Don't worry about things that haven't happened, and don't scare yourself. Look. Look, I'm doing well, standing here alive, without any impact at all."

Xiao Suizi didn't say anything, took two steps closer, lay on Wang Yan's chest and cried.

If you cry here, it will certainly not be good on the other side.

Hao Shuwen must have had the same fear, but seeing the two hugging each other face to face, she may not have felt unspeakable sadness and grievance. In short, all kinds of feelings were in her heart. Her big eyes also burst into tears, and she stood there crying.

Perhaps the problem of too many women is also here. Wang Yan actually likes the process of explaining things in a simple and profound way. Of course, the fusion of souls is also essential. But if he coaxes women too much, he will inevitably feel a little tired.

However, there was nothing wrong with his appearance. Wang Yan took Xiao Suizi and took a step forward, and then smoothly took Hao Shuwen into his arms. The two girls were lying on his chest, whimpering, it was still very noisy.

"Okay, okay, I'm back fine, haven't I?"

Wang Yan groped their faces one by one with his hands, but what he said was righteousness, "When I asked for a battle, the leaders also advised me, but I insisted. At that time, I said that there would be casualties on the battlefield, and so did I. A soldier is the son of a father and a mother, with a head on his shoulders. I am no different from other soldiers. They have no choice. They have to go regardless of whether they can go or not. Why should I stay behind?

What's more, I have a huge reputation and am known as the invincible fighter in the Kunming Military Region. Soldiers are fighting life and death on the battlefield, and I stay behind with such a big name. Isn’t that outrageous? Besides, I have written so many heroic stories, all of which are about men, so how come I don’t have the ambition to serve the country? It's just this time, and I probably won't be able to go to the battlefield in the future.

Oh, right, you two don’t know that yet. After all the war achievements were tallied, it was finally determined that I had killed 365 Vietnamese monkeys by myself. I led a company of soldiers to annihilate more than 2,000 enemies and captured the enemy's regiment headquarters, including the regimental commander, political commissar, staff officer, and machine gunners. There were eighty-nine dignitaries in total, and they were the highest-ranking enemy officers captured in this battle.

The leaders told me that at this commendation conference, I would be given the honorary title of a special combat hero and a special merit evaluation. What a great thing?

There is a better thing to tell you. Do you still remember what I said when I persuaded you to go to college? The troops will be reorganized and eliminated. After this battle is over, this matter is now destined, and the art troupe will not be able to stay for another two years. So I'm going to be transferred to work in Beijing. "

As soon as these words came out, the two sobbing girls raised their heads, blinked at her, and asked in unison: "Really?"

"Of course, when have I lied to you? But..." Wang Yan changed his mind.

"I really want to write a book about this battle, and also write down the lessons learned for the leaders to read. I have told you this in my previous letter, and it will be carried out in all regiment-level units of the participating troops. Perform and understand the situation, but it won’t be too long, just over a year. By then, the art troupe will definitely have been settled, and I will be at the end, and I will be transferred to Beijing at that time.”

"It's still such a long time, what are you talking about?" Hao Shuwen's eyes were red and her pretty face was red. As she spoke, she gave Wang Yan angrily and at the same time left the embrace.

"That's right, why do you have to go to the show? They will definitely compile the details. Can't you file a report and apply for access to the information?"

"There are always discrepancies. What they compiled is always different from what the soldiers and leaders dictated. I am not writing information. Although I am also writing battlefield records, it is inevitable that there will be some differences as long as it does not violate the facts. Just some artistic processing. Listening to what the soldiers said is more rewarding than reading the information."

"You just want to drag it on until the end, and we will all become old girls..." Xiao Suizi's words were full of resentment.

This is normal. Who can deal with a man like Wang Yan without any resentment?

Before Wang Yan could say anything, Hao Shuwen, who was standing next to her, shouted, "I said, it's almost done. How long will you two continue to hold each other?"

Xiao Suizi didn't panic. She hit Wang Yan on the chest gently but not hard, and then left the embrace, wiping her tears.

"Okay, wipe your tears too. Didn't you already say that you miss the braised pork I made? Today, let's have a good meal. Don't be idle, hurry up and put away the vegetables. I'll make another trip to buy some. There are a lot of things.”

Wang Yan greeted, then turned around and went out to pick up something from the car parked on the roadside.

The two women looked at each other speechlessly, but their eyes communicated, and they seemed to be hiding many words...

Thank you (netizen surnamed Wang) for the reward of 666 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to my brother (Moglu Jingrouren) for the reward of 195 coins for your continued support.

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