The few educated youths who returned to the city as mentioned earlier did a good job. As Liu Feng said, the house was well kept. The house was renovated and maintained, the water lines and electrical circuits were changed, running water and sewers were connected, and a room was renovated and a toilet was installed. Floor heating was also laid throughout and a boiler room was built.

The house was well decorated, with a lot of furniture from the Ming and Qing dynasties, as well as a lot of porcelain, scrolls and other furnishings and decorations, most of which were from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Wang Yan looked at a few Song and Qing dynasties. Something from the Yuan period. There is also a blue and white scroll vat in the study room, which contains many scrolls.

Overall, the tasks assigned by Wang Yan were basically completed and done well.

As for the antiques, Wang Yan just said that they were just for decoration. It's not bad at all when it comes to finding things these days. He has no intention of collecting antiques to increase their value, nor does he have the idea of ​​collecting more. After all, he was once an expert. He has many treasures, profound historical knowledge, and superb identification skills. He still sees a lot. It's open.

"Stop messing with the fish in that tank, and you can do the same with those people. You said you don't live here, so why are you still messing with the Feng Shui tank? If you ruin the fish, it will rain heavily, or it will be winter, so why don't you still do it? Are they all going to die?”

Seeing Wang Yan feeding the fish, Hao Shuwen, who was choosing vegetables at the table, complained mercilessly.

"How are you two doing with your house?"

"It's good. They work very hard." Xiao Suizi asked curiously, "How do you know them?"

"Didn't they say that?"

"They said they met him on the street."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "I met them on the street. Seeing them wandering around with nothing to do, I chatted with them for a few words. I felt that they could understand and speak clearly, so I took them to have a meal. , gave them a deposit to reassure them, and asked them to help find a house. Later, when the house was found well, they were asked to take charge of cleaning up the house. Now it seems that they are doing well.

Keep all the antiques in your house. The so-called gold of troubled times and antiques of prosperous times, these will become more and more valuable in the future..."

He talked about the relationship between antiques and economic development, expressing how much wealth he had left for the future of the two of them.

Both women believed this.

The three of them talked a lot when they were together, and they hadn't seen each other for a year. Although they occasionally contacted each other by phone and often sent letters, there weren't many in fact. If you look carefully, it has only been more than four years since the autumn of 1974. However, in the past four years, Wang Yan and the two of them had only spent less than three months together, so it was inevitable that they would talk more when they finally met.

They talked and laughed together and worked together. Wang Yan swung his big spoon and cooked a table of sumptuous dishes, of course the fragrant braised pork was indispensable. As he said before, braised pork is indispensable. It is a beautiful memory of the youth of the three of them.

Feng Tongtong attempts to summarize the youth of a generation by using the success of a group of cadres' children and the hardships and hardships experienced by the masses. He is worthy of being a famous director...

After eating, Hao Shuwen leaned lazily on a rosewood chair from the Qing Dynasty, stroking her stomach in an attempt to promote intestinal digestion. She asked: "Don't you have to take a day off? What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"More than 500 people have come from the Kunming Military Region, and more than 400 of them have never been to Beijing. I have told them about the food, drink and entertainment here before, and they all want to see it. So I will arrange for them to eat hotpot mutton at my own expense tomorrow, and also There is roast duck, let’s go shopping in the afternoon.”

"You are so generous." Xiao Suizi smiled and gave a thumbs up. It is truly generous, and there is no irony in it.

"I know all the more than five hundred people, and they all know me. Many of them also provided support to us during the war. You can't just invite my soldiers to dinner. Aren't the other soldiers brothers? I don’t lack the money. I can treat them to several meals by writing a book, so I just invited them all. Many of them will never see Xu come to Beijing again in this life."

This statement is inexplicably a bit sad, as it is determined by people's different destinies, different families, and different strengths. Xiao Suizi already had some conscience. Hao Shuwen had been ridiculed by Wang Yan a lot earlier and paid more attention to it. Both of them understood the meaning.

However, Hao Shuwen couldn't bear this kind of sadness. She waved her hand with a look of dissatisfaction on her face: "You can come to Beijing, but you are always procrastinating. It's either this or that thing. Son, I still have to live and die with the art troupe..."

She didn't give Wang Yan a good look, just like she did more than four years ago, when she wanted to kill this damn man with her eyes.

"How many days will you stay in Beijing this time?" Xiao Suizi asked.

"Four or five days." Wang Yan counted on his fingers, "Tomorrow I will go out to eat and drink with the soldiers, and the day after tomorrow I will attend the commendation meeting. The day after tomorrow I will have to make a job transfer for Liu Feng. Maybe the leader will also have to talk to me and participate in some Meetings and stuff like that. I also have to pay a visit to you two, so if you think about it, it will take four, five, five or six days."

"You still dare to mention going to our house?"

Hao Shuwen said, "Wang Yan, let me tell you, the three of us are all the same age. Suizi and I are both twenty-five and we are about to turn thirty."

"You are only twenty-four when you say one year old. Don't call yourself that old. Aren't you both just sophomores now? You must study hard and make progress every day."

"Son of a bitch."

Hao Shuwen snorted coldly and stood up, "I'm leaving. I don't want to see you."

"Then I'm leaving too." Xiao Suizi stood up and said, "It's getting dark now. You've been in the car for so long, so take a good rest."

"This place is big and has everything. Can you just sleep here?"

Hao Shuwen stared: "You are beautiful."

Wang Yan smiled back and stood up: "Then I'll drive you there."

"No, you bought a big house well. Jingshan Park is to the east. The buses come one after another, so it's convenient. You should have a good rest and let's go." Xiao Suizi waved her hands and left with Hao Shuwen.

They refused to give it away, so Wang Yan stopped insisting and packed up the kitchen garbage. They walked out for a while to give it away, and then came back after throwing away the garbage.

Wang Yan didn't need to worry about things like beds. Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi had already cleaned the house and made him a quilt in advance. Of course, it is impossible to expect how diligent they are. I just cleaned the places that needed to be used, such as the main bedroom, living room, kitchen, toilet, and most importantly, the study room.

Ever since the living father took care of him, no matter where Wang Yan lived, he would definitely have a big study room. Although he has read many books, he has never deliberately memorized them. Even if his memory is excellent, he will gradually forget them if the time is extended.

So he basically spends his free time reading, pursuing the kind of books that are always read and always new. Of course, this only refers to books on literature, history and philosophy. In fact, Wang Yan has been reading various engineering books. Even though he does not have much talent in this field, he has been learning.

Of course, his lack of talent is also relative to his gap in liberal arts. Compared to others, he is already a genius. After all, he has also been an academician of the two academies and a leading figure in leading the country's rapid development. Later student teaching materials were all written and compiled by him, and subsequent student teaching materials were all written by his disciples.

Do you want to be high-tech? Every field is dominated by intelligent geniuses, who are highly irreplaceable. It doesn't matter if you say it's a scholar or if you say it's the same blood, it's inevitable, it just depends on who has no conscience.

This time, he is considered a writer so far, and of course he needs a big study room. This time, the entire east wing was opened up, with a large bookshelf made of mahogany, and a desk and chair for the boss made of old huanghuali materials. There is a pen stand on the desk with a writing brush hanging on it, as well as a paperweight and ink sticks. The inkstone is a Duan inkstone from the Song Dynasty. There are a lot of old papers in the cabinet on the desk.

At the same time, we also got a sofa and a tea table. All the tea sets on the tea table were available, and many Ming and Qing tea sets were piled on the table.

The high bookshelves reaching the roof and occupying three walls are already filled with books, including ancient books, modern books, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign liberal arts and sciences, and of course the more than seven million words he has published so far. Together, they occupy a certain position.

He didn't take a closer look before, but now that he was writing in the study with his pocket in hand, he felt good. Wang Yan decided not to pursue whether those people who were doing the work took the opportunity to swallow part of his money or give him some money. I saved some good stuff for myself while hunting for antiques.

This is not a malicious speculation, but a necessity. Even if they don't keep anything expensive, but just keep a small item worth a few dollars for themselves, there's no telling how much it will cost in the future.

If we look at future prices, Wang Yan may have lost tens or even millions if he didn't pursue the case. But in fact, it was just trivial to him, and it was really unnecessary to waste a lot of spit. After all, these people work hard.

After pouring water to make tea, Wang Yan took out a pile of manuscripts from his pocket and prepared to write. The manuscripts here include some of the conversations he has recorded with the soldiers, as well as the manuscripts of "Youth Plateau" that he has written a lot, and his thoughts on the new book "I See" that he wants to write. . There is no order, he does it all at the same time.

Even because of this battle, some of the soldiers in the "Youth Plateau" he wanted to write about had died in the battle, and some were seriously injured. He had already written a considerable part of "Youth Plateau" and needed to make a lot of revisions. .

While he was busy writing with his pen, there was a knock on the door outside...

Wang Yan got up and went to the front yard to open the door, and saw Xiao Suiziwen standing outside the door.

"Why did you open the door?"

"Isn't it far away? If it weren't for my good ears, I wouldn't be able to hear you." Wang Yan smiled and stepped aside, allowing Xiao Suiziwen to come in, and then bolted the door.

The sound of wood rubbing together made Xiao Suizi excited. Before Wang Yan could catch up, he quickened his pace and trotted into the lighted study.

"Youth Plateau..." She looked through the manuscripts on the table and asked curiously, "Didn't you say you were going to write it last year? You haven't finished it yet? This one is quite long, too?"

"It is similar to the form of a memoir. It is about the experience of performing in our Kunming Military Region in the past few years. Many people have written about it, and it must be more than one million words. You asked me about it before when we had dinner."

Wang Yan hugged his shoulders, leaned against the bookshelf, and looked at Xiao Suizi who was hiding his panic with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Suizi blushed, and then became angry and came over to beat Wang Yan: "See if I don't..."

She didn't finish her words, because Wang Yan had already grabbed her wrist, pulled her into his arms, held her face with his other hand, and kissed her.

Her body suddenly went limp, she was confused and lost in it.

After a long moment, their lips parted. Wang Yan looked down at her with blushing cheeks: "I can't regret it now."

Xiao Suizi's eyes were as charming as silk, and she punched Wang Yan in the chest with a moderate punch: "I'm taking advantage of you..."

She suddenly exclaimed, but she was already hugged by Wang Yan. Her hands subconsciously wrapped around Wang Yan's neck, and Wang Yan carried her into the main bedroom...

Xiao Suizi is a person who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside. Unlike Hao Shuwen, who is arrogant and weak on the inside, she is weak on the outside but strong on the inside, which are two extremes.

But even so, when faced with her feelings and the future, she decided to come back and give herself wholeheartedly to Wang Yan, a bastard man. She didn't know how many twists and turns she had gone through, and how it was with her heart. of confrontation.

Of course Wang Yan is very considerate, and I have to say that he is really experienced.

Xiao Suizi shyly covered her delicate figure with the quilt and watched Wang Yan change the sheets before lying down on the bed again.

"Aren't you hot?"

"not hot."

"You're sweating profusely, and you still say it's not hot? I'll boil some more water, and we'll take a quick wash later."

"Then why worry? Just lie here and talk."

Wang Yan followed his example, leaned on the bed and lit a cigarette.

Xiao Suizi came over and stroked Wang Yan's arm: "Is this an injury from the battle? You would lie to others by saying that nothing happened."

"It's just to let the bullets take away a little bit of flesh. Soldiers lost their lives, and amputations are everywhere. My injuries are not worth mentioning. My correspondent has two ears disabled. His talent It was thrilling. He was shot in the head just a little bit. He experienced it twice. Okay, stop covering it. It's really uncomfortable if you catch a cold by covering it again in the summer."

As he spoke, Wang Yan lifted up the quilt.

This made Xiao Suizi exclaim a little, but in the end she did not wrap herself tightly in the quilt, but moved closer to Wang Yan, leaned on his chest, and punched him moderately: "I'm taking advantage of you."

"It's an advantage for me!" Wang Yan nodded with a smile and played with her hair.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Wang Yan knew what she was asking and told the truth: "I want to be the landlord."

"If Hao Shuwen were here, she would definitely beat you to death, and she said she knew you had bad intentions." Xiao Suizi struck hard this time, imitating Hao Shuwen's example.

"Hiss... you are really deadly."

"You should be beaten." Xiao Suizi scolded, "Every day you open your mouth to wake up and shut up your thoughts, but in the end you have created the remnants of feudalism?"

Wang Yan took a deep drag on the cigarette, exhaled it slowly, and sighed: "There's nothing I can do about it. It's hard for a hero to be a beauty. I've told you both before, no matter what, you can't let it go."

"Yeah, I can't let it go~" Xiao Suizi also said the same thing.

She lay on Wang Yan's chest, no matter the summer heat, she remained so sticky, rising and falling with Wang Yan's breathing.

After a while, she said: "You should marry Hao Shuwen."


"You are marrying Hao Shuwen! I have talked with her. You have to get married, otherwise it will affect your appointment in the organization, which will not be good for you in the future. Her father is the chief, and you are in the army. She Dad can help you more. In this regard, my dad can’t help you at all. So it is the best choice for you to marry Hao Shuwen. "

"how about you?"

"Me? I'm just so unclear. I'm following you without shame."

She said it with a smile and did not look at Wang Yan, but the crying tone in her voice and the warmth she felt on Wang Yan's chest all showed that she was crying.

No one who suffers such great injustice can't help but cry. She certainly wouldn't make this choice if possible. But I really can't let go and don't want to let go, so I can only do this, and I have to consider the dog man.

This is not an open era yet. Neither Hao Shuwen nor Xiao Suizi are such open people. Their family conditions and personal thoughts will not allow them to do so. Even the most open-minded Lin Dingding is far from open to this extent.

But there was no way, the word "love" was the most difficult to understand, and they met Wang Yan.

This is an old bastard who has been around for thousands of years. He is like a mellow and fragrant wine. Even people who don't like to drink, as long as they smell the aroma, they can't help but want to have a taste. It doesn’t need to be much, just taste it briefly, and after a drop or two, you won’t be able to stop anymore and can’t help but drink more and taste more. Savoring it like this, I drank more and more without realizing it, and became so drunk that I was willing to be drunk and didn't want to wake up.

Of course Wang Yan understood the sacrifices Xiao Suizi had made for this. He gently wiped her tears: "Actually, I originally wanted not to get married."

"Well, we all feel it. You have been ill-intentioned and have evil intentions for a long time."

"I had long planned to work for a few more years and then change careers, and I didn't even think about it..."

"Okay, let's not talk anymore." Xiao Suizi shook his head, "We have already made a decision, why are you talking so much? I know you are a great writer, good at writing, and can make money for a lifetime of food and drink. But you The merits gained by sacrificing one’s life on the battlefield cannot be wasted, and the future cannot be lost.”

"It's just hard on you."

"It's okay. I'm willing to do it. I took the initiative to propose it to her. She also knows that this is the best choice. Otherwise, both sides will lose and no one will be happy in this life."

Wang Yan didn't speak anymore, but hugged her tighter...

He really wanted not to get married, which was certainly irresponsible, but it was fair to both Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi. Although both of them are dealing with hurt, and pressure from their families, they are both the same.

At the same time, Wang Yan was also under greater pressure. After all, this was only 1979. Maybe some people were doing the same thing, but the situation was definitely different. Who the hell dares to step into two different boats? One girl's father is the chief, and another girl's father is the director? Even if you eat two kilograms of bear's heart and a leopard's courage, you won't dare to do this.

But now that the two of them have discussed it, Wang Yan won't cause too many troubles. This is actually the best result. Xiao Suizi gave in and gave the three of them a future.

No one is really good in this. Hao Shuwen got Wang Yan as her husband, but Wang Yan had Xiao Suizi outside. Xiao Suizi gave in and was owed by Wang Yan, but at the same time she had to bear the infamy of her mistress and the pressure from her parents. As for Wang Yan himself, in addition to winning the hearts and minds of the two girls, he also had to bear the disdain of his father-in-law and the anger of Xiao Suizi's parents.

In other words, it just looks better to everyone, and at least there is an explanation.

But that's all. Wang Yan certainly couldn't get rid of all the negative influences. This was something he would never get over in his life, but he didn't care in his heart.

As for the grievances of Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, just let them be.

When it comes to matters between men and women, Wang Yan is truly a scumbag. Except for his parents in the real world, that is the family relationship that he has not been able to break so far. There is really no one who can shake his heart.

After all, he is a selfish person who only wants to please himself.

He was not born like this, everything came from the rich energy brought by the long life brought by the care of the living father. Even if he wanted to shake it, it was really difficult for him to let go of so many melancholy.

But he never showed it and was always responsible to the end.

He just loves more broadly, what can he do wrong...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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