"So, you have to be in Beijing for a long time this time?"

Xiao Suizi's cheeks were flushed, she lay on her broad chest and looked up at her man.

"It doesn't take long, probably more than a month. I need to communicate with the people in the equipment department to research new weapons. In addition, I have to arrange the barracks, set up the training venue, and then come up with a training plan to lead the soldiers to train. It will take a while before I can leave until I am on the right track."

"very nice!"

Xiao Suizi rubbed Wang Yan hard, "After so many years, this is the longest time we have stayed together."

"It will be fine in the future. When I finish my service in the war, I will stay in Beijing completely." Wang Yan played with the big baby every day and said, "I will visit your house tomorrow night."

"The chief has arranged a new job for you, why don't you work too hard? Anyway, it's still more than a month away, so don't worry."

"It's just that I was relaxed at the beginning of the preparations, but it will become more and more busy later on. It's better to go early. Besides, tomorrow's newspaper will publish my photo. Where did your parents see that I didn't know that I came to Beijing?"

"Then go ahead. You pick me up from school tomorrow and we go back together. My brother keeps talking about you. Every time he goes back, he always asks me when you will come over."

"Are you going to college soon?"

"The exam will be taken next year, but his academic performance is average. It's difficult for him to get into any good university."

"There's still one year left, so it's all uncertain. Besides, the country needs to reform and develop the economy. There's a lot of potential in the future, and there's a way out for everything."

The two of them muttered each other and fell asleep...

The administrative speed in the army is naturally faster. Especially Wang Yan's task arrangement this time was ordered by the leaders personally, so it was naturally faster.

When Wang Yan went to the military camp in Yanjiao the next day, he had already designated a barracks for the special forces team that had not yet been assigned a designation, and at the same time, the soldiers were gathered in place.

"Company commander, there are sixty-two people left in total, and forty-nine people have come. Except for those who have been promoted, we are all here. In fact, what they also want to come is because the commander said that our 'Tiger Hero Company' cannot be lost. Our company needs to be rebuilt, retaining the designation and honorary title. The instructor was transferred, the third platoon leader became company commander, and the second platoon leader was promoted to deputy company..."

Seeing Wang Yan coming, a group of soldiers who were running around in the courtyard boredly came over to greet him. The remaining platoon leader with the most seniority kept talking to Wang Yan about the situation.

The action was fast. The regiment leader talked to them yesterday afternoon. Some of them were retained to continue leading the team, or were transferred to other teams. It's not that the remaining people haven't been promoted, but they all strongly expressed that they still want to serve as soldiers under Captain Wang.

The meritorious service cannot be achieved in vain. They have actually done it. Those who were originally cadres were promoted to a higher level. As for Wang Yan himself, as he thought, he directly mentioned the deputy regiment.

In general, the soldiers gained a lot from the battle with Wang Yan. At the same time, they believed in Wang Yan from the bottom of their hearts and were willing to follow him.

"Company commander, the regiment commander told us to engage in special warfare. What is special warfare?" A soldier asked curiously.

"Special warfare, as the name suggests, is a special battle. So what is a special battle? To put it simply, it is to use the smallest force to cause the greatest damage. For example, we fought the Vietnamese monkeys before. Before the war started, we had to know the Vietnamese monkeys The situation over there is not just a temporary basis, and we should collect intelligence only after the fight begins.

We knew the location of the important personnel of the Vietnamese Monkeys in advance. After the fighting started, before their important personnel woke up, our gun was pressed against his head. Or during the battle, we master the information of the enemy commander, go directly into the battlefield alone, penetrate numerous obstacles, attack the enemy's headquarters, and kill the enemy commander.

If you put it on the ancient battlefield, it would be to take the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops, kill the general and seize the flag, and achieve unparalleled feats. In our modern hot-weapon warfare, we are the sharp swords that penetrate directly into the heart of the enemy.

This requires very high demands on us. We must have tenacious perseverance, strong physical strength, and long-lasting endurance. We must not be afraid of hardship, difficulty, and even death. I know that none of our comrades are afraid of death, and none of them is a coward. But this is the most basic requirement, and you can never stop learning at any time. In order to deal with various emergencies, we must arm our brains and master more knowledge.

At the very least, have you seen that six-story building? Climb up and down with bare hands, but also quickly. This is trivial, I will have to climb the cliff in the future. We also need to be able to parachute and use planes to transport us to designated battlefields. We need to be able to use various weapons, from a small knife to a large one such as driving a tank or flying an airplane. When we sneak into the enemy's hinterland, we must master the enemy's language, so we must be able to speak multiple languages, and the most basic English must be learned.

We want to fight on all terrains, to be tigers on land and dragons in the sea. Of course, what I said is not comprehensive, and we are still groping, but it must be more difficult and more painful than what I said. The leader has given us this task, so we must carry forward our spirit of not being afraid of death, hardship, or difficulty. As long as you can't practice to death, you will practice to death. Now there is no way to regret it. "

"Whoever regrets it will have a grandson."

The soldiers were making noisy noises, and no one flinched. Of course, the atmosphere was here, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to. Deserting was shameful, and no one wanted to do so.

Wang Yan nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, just keep training every day these two days and have a good rest. When I compile a training plan, the hard days will come."

After briefly talking to the soldiers, Wang Yan and his logistics comrades planned the construction of the training ground and the weapons and equipment to be allocated to them.

The general training plan has been laid out and is just waiting to be sorted out. As Wang Yantong said to the soldiers, as long as you can't practice to death, practice to death. The double torture of body and spirit will hone a powerful team.

Did the leaders really ask Wang Yan to train special forces? Yes and no. Because when there are no special forces, training from scratch will inevitably lead to corresponding teams. How could an army only have forty-nine people like this? What can these forty-nine people accomplish?

It is important to develop a strong special operations force, but it is even more important to develop a complete special operations system.

During Wang Yan's training process, this team must have gradually expanded. From training to teaching, to the logistics system, etc., these are Wang Yan's tasks.

Otherwise, if he is successful, he will be reused. He is the initiator and founder of special operations, so the expansion of this team is naturally an improvement in his level as a leader. You know, a special forces team, from combat personnel to logistics personnel and corresponding civilian personnel, can total up to thousands of people.

Later, the special brigade of the Beijing Military Region, the Eastern Excalibur, had a total of more than 3,000 people.

Wang Yan is young after all. If nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely develop to that level step by step in the future and become the captain of the special operations team. Special operations brigades in various military regions across the country were slowly established with some people assigned from him. At this point, his contribution is still considerable...

Hao Shuwen, who had not been seen for several days, finally showed up at noon four days later. This was an appointment made the day before. Today Wang Yan was going to Hao Shuwen's house to sit down.

"You stupid bastard, I'm taking advantage of you." As soon as she saw Wang Yan, Hao Shuwen glared angrily.

Wang Yan giggled innocently and changed the subject without answering: "Order food, order food. I practiced with the soldiers for a long time this morning and I'm so hungry."

When you get an advantage, it's better not to act like a good boy. Just curse a few times and you won't lose a piece of meat. It would be a bad thing if Hao Shuwen became angry and cried to him.

But Wang Yan was indeed tired. He didn't lie. He trained the soldiers to death. If he was incompetent, forget it. If he was capable, he must set an example. He has to be stronger than the soldiers and give them a goal to chase.

So in the morning, he did a thousand push-ups with the soldiers, went up and down the hook ladder 300 times, carried another 30 kilograms for ten kilometers, and finally tied a brick to hold a gun for half an hour, giving all the soldiers I fell down and trembled when I walked. I had to cook for myself at noon to practice my skills and my patience. In the afternoon, I took cultural classes and learned foreign languages.

This is also the beginning. Once your physical fitness and strength improve, you will have to train all day long, and cultural classes will have to be moved to the evening. Tired to death, sleepy, but still need to learn all kinds of knowledge...

This is a state-owned restaurant near Peking University where Xiao Suizi is located. Wang Yan has been here once before and the taste was pretty good. Wang Yan ordered a table, ordered drinks, and generously took out a wad of money and tickets.

"Liu Feng tried to find you but couldn't find you. He called me yesterday and said that you didn't see him when you left. It's mid-June again, and Xiaoping will start school in two months. I asked you if the job transfer matter has been settled. If it is successful, give him a confirmation. He said that he is always thinking about it and can't sleep. "

Hao Shuwen took a sip of her drink, perhaps thinking of Liu Feng's past appearance, she said with a smile.

"I'll call him in the afternoon. His affairs have been settled long ago. I went to the General Political Department Song and Dance Ensemble the day after the commendation meeting, but it can't be so soon. Next month, the procedure should be completed. It’s time to leave. He’s packing up and will come over in August.”

"I don't understand, why are you and Liu Feng so good?"

Wang Yan said with a smile: "He is honest, warm-hearted, and takes good care of me. For so many years, he is the only friend, and helping him is just a casual matter, and it doesn't take much effort. Besides, Xiaoping is admitted to college. It was me who instigated it. The birth of the child was indeed an accident, but now that we have a child, it’s not easy for them to live thousands of miles apart. I must take care of it to the end and make arrangements for him, don’t you understand.”

"Yes, you are more enthusiastic than Liu Feng. The regiment should also judge you as a model."

"You think the political commissar didn't want to comment on me?"

The three of them talked and laughed, their relationship became closer, and they got along more naturally. Of course, that is for Wang Yan. There is still some grudge between Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi. It takes time to accept the complete determination of the future and the sudden change in the relationship, but it has never been shown. Just exercise restraint. It doesn't mean that you have to compromise with each other. When you are with a man, the two of you have to be as close as sisters.

After having lunch like this, Wang Yan drove Xiao Suizi back to school, and then took Hao Shuwen to the post office to make a long-distance call to Liu Feng, telling him about the job transfer to reassure Liu Feng.

Liu Feng's reaction is normal. Anyone has to worry when doing things. It's just a matter of how long he can hold it in without asking. It's not easy for Liu Feng to hold back something as important as Liu Feng's that concerns his family and future for so many days. He called because he was afraid that Wang Yan would forget about him. Not being able to do it is more sad than not being able to do it.

After making a phone call, the two got in the car again.

Hao Shuwen asked: "Where to go next?"

"Why are you asking questions knowingly? I must be going to the Friendship Store to buy something. You and your family don't want to see me. Isn't it ridiculous if you come here empty-handed?"

"Isn't that because you are a bastard? You eat from the bowl, look at the pot, and don't give a clear answer. It's weird to see you. But that's all old history. You will definitely suffer this time. welcome."

"You mean you told your family?"

"Well, now that it's settled and everything has been made clear, you and Suiko will sleep together. Let's not delay. Let's get it done as soon as possible. My dad also means the same thing. He also said that it's better to get married as soon as possible, right? You will also have an impact in the future.”

"That's what I mean, but in fact it won't have much impact. You still have to go to school after all. From now on..." Looking at Hao Shuwen's murderous eyes, Wang Yan wisely stopped talking nonsense and nodded, "This year Just get married, and we will have children when you graduate from college."

"Well..." Hao Shuwen suddenly became shy again and responded sheepishly. But the emotion went away quickly. She said, "I'm telling you, you and Suiko should be careful not to get pregnant."

"Don't worry, can I still harm her?"

Wang Yan waved his hand, started the car, went to the Friendship Store, and made some random purchases before arriving at Hao Shuwen's house.

There are quite a lot of people today, and everyone who is in the capital is at home. Just as Hao Shuwen said, Wang Yan received a warm welcome this time. His father-in-law's old face was smiling. The more he looked at his son-in-law, the more satisfied he became.

The old Hao family was originally satisfied with Wang Yan. He wrote books and songs, and also went to the battlefield and made so many contributions that many leaders valued him. The most important thing is that what you have achieved today is all due to your own ability. Even though I haven't known Hao Shuwen for several years, I still haven't taken advantage of their family's influence at all. Even if Wang Yan comes to Beijing, the car he borrows has nothing to do with their family.

When a son-in-law like this becomes a son-in-law, he does not bring trouble to his family, nor does he use his power carelessly. Instead, he adds a lot of face. How can his family be dissatisfied? Now that the marriage has finally been decided, I am naturally even more satisfied.

So Wang Yan had a friendly exchange with his father-in-law, and finally decided to get married in October, which was arranged by the Hao family. Everyone was happy...

Thanks to brother (Lin Di) for the reward of 1,500 coins for continued support.

Thank you (No. 1 Infinite Heavenly Lord) for the reward of 500 coins for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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