"Company commander, I can be the regiment commander in the future."

The correspondent chuckled, ran to Company Commander Wang who was eating there, and sat down.

"Let us cross the river?" Although he understood, Wang Yan still asked in a flattering tone.

"Yes, let's cross the river after dark to open up the situation. However, the monkeys in the mountains have not been eliminated yet, and we need to search a large area, so we only have the second company behind us."

As he said this, the second company commander had already walked over with a gun on his shoulder. He laughed and said, "Wang Yan, have you received the mission? I am following your command. How do you want to fight?"

Wang Yan threw a can of cans to him: "I went to the river at noon to see. They blew the bridge into three parts and built fortifications by the river. Their firepower was no worse than when we fought against Xiao Cao. If we cross the river, The movement was too big, they would definitely be able to detect it, and they wouldn't make the mistake of going around too far.

In this way, after it gets dark again, I will swim over and kill all the monkeys on the opposite side. You prepare your assault boats and so on. I will exchange fire with them, and you will cross the river. "

The second company commander had a lot to say, but after thinking about Wang Yan's war-like performance that he heard about, he finally accepted all the questions, but still asked uncertainly: "Is it possible?"

"As long as I say yes, you can't seek death, right? I won't do it if you're not sure. Get ready and let the people behind you pull the boat over."

"Okay, then I'll do as you say." The second company commander didn't talk much, didn't eat canned food, and left here again in a hurry. There was plenty of time for the rear to quickly pull the boat over.

"Company commander, the water is cold."

"It's not a big deal." Wang Yan smiled and waved his hand, "Eat quickly, check the weapons, and replenish ammunition. I don't know if the monkey officer on the opposite side has left. Let's make a contribution by killing the general and capturing the flag."

"Company Commander, I think that's enough. If we don't talk, we'll kill two Vietnamese monkeys."

"If you don't have ambition, let alone the company commander, I can't even think of him as a division commander."

"You fucking understand what you're saying. Damn it, company commander. If you don't know how to speak, just close your asshole. Don't fucking fart."

A group of people started making noises and swearing, it was so lively...

It was dark, but not completely dark. There was still moonlight shining through, and things were dimly visible, but not clearly. The wind is still blowing and the river is still surging.

"Don't let your head out."

Ruan Wenxiu sat down the person next to him, "Have you forgotten the sharpshooter of the Chinese Monkey at noon? Do you still dare to light a cigarette and get up?"

"I know." The man waved his hands carelessly and just sat in the trench smoking.


Ruan Wenxiu sighed. Thinking of the brief confrontation at noon, he was still frightened. His ears wrapped with white cloth and bleeding still hurt. He couldn't help but light a cigarette to relieve his nervousness.

He is now the squad leader, but he has just been promoted from a soldier to a junior soldier. No one in the team is convinced by him. This was thanks to the Chinese monkey sharpshooters, who killed eighteen of them in a short while at noon. He was lucky to survive, because he had some merit in the past, so he was immediately promoted to squad leader, and militiamen were added to him. He led more than ten people to prevent Chinese monkeys from crossing the river.

He knew that the Chinese also called them monkeys, and he also knew that the French and Americans also called them monkeys, but in comparison, the French and Americans called them more universal, because they called them "Huang". Skin monkeys', Asians are. He knew this because his father was a veteran who fought for many years and died in the Unification War.

When he was young, he heard his father preach a lot about battlefield principles, and even heard about many talented people on the battlefield, but he had never heard of anyone as fierce as the Chinese monkey at noon.

In fact, he should have died, but he was pushed and the bullet broke his ear, allowing him to survive. From beginning to end, he was panicked. However, he remembered that only twenty-two shots were fired from the opposite side. He was lucky to be one of the four shots.

However, for some reason, his heart palpitated for no reason, making him feel that it was difficult to breathe.

He smoked a cigarette, carefully stuck his head out of the trench, and carefully observed the situation on the other side of the river. The wind is still blowing, the water is still flowing, and next to my ears is the buzzing of the soldiers who are disobeying orders.

Finally, he seemed to notice that the voice of his big-headed soldier had become softer. No, it wasn't that his voice was softer, it was almost silent.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look over, and saw a figure in the dim darkness, pointing a gun towards him. He could clearly see that the man was wet and covered in mud.

He tried his best to clear his eyes, and then he saw the disobedient soldier who had just helped him sit down, lying there holding his neck and twitching.

"I surrender."

Hearing such crisp words, Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "It's a wise choice."

"Yeah yeah……"

Seeing him smiling, Ruan Wenxiu also braced herself and smiled to accompany him. How could he not understand that all the disobedient soldiers under his command had been killed quietly?

How old is this? It's a bit too fast...

"You don't..." His eyes suddenly widened, but he was speechless. He could only cover his neck and sob.

"You want to say that I am not trustworthy, right? But I don't accept your surrender either." Wang Yan still smiled so understandingly, and used a bayonet to pull the little monkey aside to convulse and wait for death.

He strolled around the courtyard with a cigarette in his mouth, rummaging through the Vietnamese army's position. He originally wanted to light a fire, but he found a flashlight and shined it back and forth on the opposite side, flashing continuously.

The soldiers waiting to cross the river finally understood, lifted the boat into the water, and rowed over quickly.

The location of crossing the river is naturally a bit particular. Wang Yan killed the Vietnamese troops who were positioned next to the bridge, and the soldiers crossed the river along the bridge. Although the bridge was blown apart, it was still a bunker. If discovered, it can also block some enemy bullets, and can also alleviate the rapid water flow.

Not just in case, but bound to be discovered. Wang Yan came alone without being discovered because his target was small and his water quality was good. He made no sound when swimming. Even if the river was relatively fast, it would not have much impact on him.

But a large-scale shipwreck crossing the river is different. Without saying a word, just the figures of the people on the boat were exposed.

Wang Yan was walking swaggeringly, and he heard someone making noise in another position a hundred meters away. Apparently, our soldiers crossing the river had been discovered.

Seeing a person suddenly raise his hand, Wang Yan shot over and knocked the person down in the trench. But the man's fingers were mechanically running the commands in his mind before he died, and he still pulled the trigger.

The flare was activated, but before it reached the sky, it bloomed with light and heat in the trench. Several people around him had been shot to death by Wang Yan several times before they could fire back. The light of the flares was covered, but they were burned by the high temperature. There was a chilling fragrance that even the smoke of gunpowder could not cover. It just filled the air. stand up.

Finally, the high temperature burned the grenades on these people, and boom...

The explosion at close range shattered the body, leaving broken limbs and arms everywhere. A piece of flesh and blood was stuck on the face of a Vietnamese soldier. He took it off and took a look. Before he could feel sick, a bullet penetrated his eye. The powerful impact instantly turned his brain into a ball. Huh, he passed away peacefully and without pain.

Once the gunfire rang out, it couldn't stop easily, and it had to be fought to the death.

After all, the flares were shot into the sky by the Vietnamese army. They rose high and slowly fell with tracers. But the picture flashed by the flare shocked the Vietnamese army. Looking around, we saw a sea of ​​our soldiers, they were scattered, dodging, and advancing at the same time.

This light also helps us. The soldiers raised their guns and poured bullets forward crazily.

The soldiers did not attack one end in a swarm, but separated the two sides and attacked from east to west. Expand the safe landing point and create conditions for the brothers behind to land.

After two trips, less than two hundred people crossed the river. Yes, less than two hundred people. Whether it was Wang Yan's third company or second company, they did not replenish their troops. Because as far as the overall battlefield is concerned, our army's military strength is dominant. As far as local battlefields are concerned, there are not many casualties and not many attrition.

In particular, Wang Yan's unit has become a sharp knife company and has become accustomed to following Wang Yan's fierce battle rhythm. It is not a good thing to rush to replenish troops. The probability of casualties among new recruits will be greatly increased.

Wang Yan's men were very fierce. The first batch of soldiers who came over were divided into half from the second company and the third company. The commander of the second company scratched his teeth when he saw Wang Yan's soldiers rushing forward. He and his soldiers were fierce, but not fierce enough.

He watched with his own eyes. A three-person combat team couldn't stop. One person threw a grenade, and then used firepower to suppress it with another person. Another person crawled closer and killed four of them in the blink of an eye. What stood out was their speed and ruthlessness. .

The soldiers under him also used the same tactics, but they were not as sharp and fierce. The difference was visible to the naked eye. And he knew very well that before the war, these soldiers were not much different from his soldiers.

Damn it, after two days of fighting with Wang Yan, it was so fierce?

The second company commander sighed. Wang Yan didn't know that he was much more powerful than the soldiers. After all, he was the one who took the lead, killing the enemies along the river.

Suddenly, there was another burst of sound in the sky, followed by a rumbling explosion. This time the artillery fire was relatively fierce, hitting the coastal areas.

But obviously, the damage is limited. Wang Yan looked around and saw no one killed. After all, the teams were widely dispersed, and the fighting groups were far apart. Some were no longer on the shore, but pursued the Vietnamese troops to the buildings on the river bank and started fighting in the streets. The main reason is that the Vietnamese army collapsed at the first touch and they advanced very quickly.

Facing the bombardment, the disgraced Wang Yan could only say three words: "Correspondent!"

He shouted loudly, and it was heard far away in the brief silence after the artillery fire.


The response was also far away, hoarse, but one could hear the relief in the voice.

Correspondent Comrade Xiaoliang was of course relaxed. After crossing the river, he was looking for the company commander. Now he found him. He hurriedly ran along the roadside buildings and ran dozens of meters to reach the company commander Wang.

"...It's a bit far, let's ask if we can get there." Wang Yan still reported a series of coordinates and asked the correspondent to contact the rear artillery.

Wang Yan's coordinates were accurate, and the artillery strike was effective. At the same time, Wang Yan was a sharp knife that struck hard, penetrated deep, and achieved great results. There was an artillery battalion following him. If firepower is needed, respond accordingly. If there is no firepower, provide support to other troops. After all, the fighting in the mountains is quite fierce. In the afternoon, artillery positions were already stationed in Lao Cai.

Although the artillerymen complained a lot, Wang Yan had not been disappointed so far in the war. In fact, they have already observed it, but they have not calculated it yet, and they are not sure about it. After receiving Wang Yan's coordinates, without saying a word, he adjusted the muzzle and fired, and it wasn't just one round, but three consecutive rounds, saturating the area near the coordinates. They believe the king's words more than they believe themselves...

They were not very far apart, only a few hundred meters apart. The tail flames of the cannonballs could be seen clearly. The sky was full of fire. Even though they were hundreds of meters away, there was a rumbling sound in their ears.

Click~Wang Yan fulfilled his duty as a war reporter and photographed such a scene in the dark night...

There is no doubt that Wang Yan once again performed meritorious service, destroying another artillery position of the Vietnamese army, adding another stroke to his merit book. Since the beginning of the war, the Vietnamese army's artillery fire has not been easy to use on the battlefield where Wang Yan is located, and he was stopped after one round of bombardment.

"Company commander!"

At this time, there were bursts of anxious shouts in the construction area. Even for a moment, I forgot about the taboo of street fighting.

"Here he is." The correspondent kept shouting in response.

After a while, several soldiers kicked a disgraced Vietnamese soldier out of the alley.

"Company Commander..." The leading soldier chuckled. Seeing Wang Yan staring with a look of confusion on his face, he suddenly understood, "Company Commander, don't worry, we have penetrated more than a hundred meters and retreated several tens of meters later." That’s why I shouted.”

Wang Yan nodded: "What's going on?"

"Our three brothers cornered this grandson in a room. We were about to throw grenades, but the grandson threw out his gun and surrendered. I didn't want to accept it at first, but I even hung up my bayonet and wanted to give him a good blow, but he said he was Company commander, he knows where their commander is."

The soldier was very carefree and said very happily, "Company Commander, didn't you say you were going to kill the general and capture the flag before? Now it's really going to happen. When you go back, you can write about Chinese heroes, and write it down for us too. .”

Looking at the trembling Vietnamese company commander who was kneeling on the ground, Wang Yan shook his head in a funny way: "Come on, let's pose, and I'll take a picture of the captured prisoners first. If this happens, not only will I have to write an article, but I will also Post the photo.”

Wang Yan was not in a hurry and happily took photos of the soldiers. Then each of them shared a cigarette, lit one for the captive company commander, and began a simple interrogation.

He actually told his soldiers that there was no need to think about prisoners, as it would waste time and be dangerous. And his role model was also there, so from the beginning of the war to the present, their company had not survived any Vietnamese soldiers they encountered, they were all killed.

Of course, his soldiers were also happy to kill people, and they were all angry. During the mobilization before the war, the Vietnamese monkeys knew everything about them and why they were fighting. During the break, Wang Yan also told them many things about Vietnam. Therefore, they are not willing to stay alive and work to death to save trouble.

If the captured company commander didn't reveal that he knew the news about the regiment commander, as the soldier said, he would be stabbed to death...

"Say what you know."

"Then can you promise not to kill me?" The monkey company commander was frightened, speaking stumblingly in Chinese, and had a strong will to survive.

The sound of a bullet being loaded sounded. Wang Yan quickly pulled out the May 4 pistol from his leg and put it on his forehead: "I'll say it one last time, tell me you know."

"Before you came over, the regiment headquarters was stationed five miles away. The battalion commander said that after you come over, the regiment headquarters will immediately retreat to the direction of ensuring victory, and will join the reinforcements of the 345th Division before fighting back to Laojie."

With a gun to his head, the captured company commander spoke Chinese much more fluently and didn't even stumble.

"How did you, a company commander, know about the transfer of regiment headquarters?"

"The battalion commander and I are cousins. He told me..."

"Shut up." Wang Yan's gun muzzle directly hit the captive company commander's teeth, but he saw the captive company commander trembled, and there was a pool of water on the ground, and he actually peed.

"What the hell, you're the fucking company commander." The correspondent was standing with Wang Yan. When he saw this, he stepped forward and kicked him aside.

"If you abuse prisoners, you will be punished later."

"Company Commander, why don't we kill him?"

Wang Yan shook his head in a funny way, looked down at the captive company commander who was lying there and dared not move, and asked, "Where is your battalion commander?"

"Run away, he left us here to die." The captive company commander sounded quite unhappy, maybe because his cousin was not close, which hurt his heart...

Wang Yan looked at the correspondent: "Contact the battalion commander and tell the enemy regiment to withdraw in the direction of ensuring victory. Do you want to pursue it? If so, who will die or live?"

The correspondent was a little confused. Is this even a choice? There was no nonsense and he dutifully contacted the rear.

Not long after, the correspondent said: "Company commander, battalion commander asked us if we are sure we can go deep alone?"

"You can beat it, but you may not be able to find it."

"The battalion commander said that we should pursue for ten kilometers and go deep alone. The first priority is to ensure our own safety. We don't have to fight to the death to meet the enemy."

"Okay, go find the second company commander."

Thanks to the (naked little zombie) brother for the reward of 5,000 coins for continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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