"The boss lady needs a few days' rest, and the three of us brothers will work."

Wang Yan wandered into the store and said to Huang Zimu, "If you can understand it, I'll leave this job to you. Make a good work plan, try to be polite when communicating with Party A, and be even more polite with those who work part-time. , I don’t need to teach you these things. Also, if Party A has a lot of problems and is looking for trouble, just call me and I will communicate later."

"Brother Yan, don't worry, the boss lady has taught me, I know it."

"There is no technical content in this job now, the main thing is patience. You do it for a while first, and after a month or two, our business has expanded, and then we will recruit people to take over, and you can go out and run with it. That's it. While exercising.”

Huang Zimu nodded, looking forward to it. Since you are in this line of work, of course you need to know something about it. During this period of time, he himself learned about it on the Internet, and Xiong Qingchun and Zheng Qiudong were telling him some more high-end things. Young people who are prone to enthusiasm are inevitably restless and eager to experience it.

Just like Zheng Qiudong, he just wants to make money, stand out, and be respected by others.

"How are you doing over there?" Wang Yan turned to Zheng Qiudong and asked.

Unlike Wang Yan, Zheng Qiudong has already started a headhunting business. In the past period of time, he has been visiting various companies diligently and tirelessly. It was brought by Wang Yan, a company directory in Nanning City, with rough information such as address, main business, company size, etc. This is a benefit of the information age.

Wang Yan is still doing part-time business work. This is the current basic plan to ensure income and maintain the normal and healthy operation of the company.

Zheng Qiudong said: "I was just about to tell you. I recently contacted an Internet company. They take out outsourcing work. They have a big project recently to develop a website, but they don't have enough manpower. They still need five people and require Java." , oracle and front-end, I have a general understanding. This is a small project team with front-end and back-end together.

Brother Yan, aren't you proficient in computers? I just thought that I would interview you later and we could simply do a labor dispatch and earn some money. They said that for a total of two months, they would also recruit people themselves. If we can recruit people, they would interview them and they would be able to hire them directly if they could work. Each person would be hired at 8,000 per month, so it would be quick. Web development, do you understand Brother Yan? Can I have an interview? "

He was also a little unsure. Anyway, the two of them lived together and watched Wang Yan tinkering with the computer every day. He looked very awesome, so he took this job.

The Internet industry is very hot now, there are many talents, and there are even more people doing business. It's actually easy to find people who can do the work. The price of 8,000 yuan is considered a high salary. After all, the most important thing in China is people. The popularity of the Internet industry in recent years has led to a lot of people jumping into it, and they are all doing it. .

But this is not a problem. The problem is that it is not easy to find this kind of part-time job. Programmers themselves are as busy as dogs. There is no day or night. Even if they are part-time, they only take some small orders on some platforms. And it is not easy to find such a program that requires full-time participation for two months. So if you want to do this job, your company can only sign people and dispatch labor.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yan discussed these considerations with Zheng Qiudong, and then said: "You decide this. You are not in a hurry for this business. If you can't get it, you won't get it. You have been the compensation director of the valley. What do you think? If you want to start a business, you still need to do some research. Is eight thousand fair? If we charge eight thousand, how much should we give to the employees who work? How to determine the remuneration? We can make less, but we can't lose money.

Moreover, the connection between projects is also a problem. If we support so many people, we will lose money for a month without work. This matter must be considered carefully. If you start this way, it will be difficult to stop in the future. "

"Yes, I did some research yesterday. Eight thousand is already very high. Compared with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it is definitely incomparable. This eight thousand should be needed urgently. Normally, it is about five to seven thousand. , this is application-oriented. There are not many real Internet talents, and we will not be able to contact them in the short term.

I think, since you are familiar with this area and understand the technology, let’s do it first. The high-tech industry in Nanning is also developing very well. It should be feasible for us to recruit a small number of programmers who work well. Let's work together. Nanning is such a big place, so it shouldn't be a big problem if we have work to do. Even if there is free time, didn't the boss lady say before that we can provide local services?

At that time, you can take them to develop it. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. We can afford the expenses of a dozen people. If there is work, we can do it. If there is no work, we can develop our own products and improve our technology. If this group of people is brought out, they can be sent to other cities in the future. After all, it is an attempt to walk on multiple legs. Besides, when registering a company, labor dispatch and information technology are all registered.

As for salary and benefits, I think we can't cheat people or eat steamed buns with human blood. We can have a frank discussion. We can make less money and agree on what kind of treatment we will get if we have a job and what kind of treatment we will get if we don’t have a job. Of course, we try our best to contact jobs. It’s always good to make more money. No one complains about having too much money. "

Listening to these words, you can tell that Zheng Qiudong has already thought about it very maturely and has a suspicion.

Wang Yan nodded: "Okay, then you can be responsible for this. There is a limit of ten people. If there are too many, it will be too much. I will be responsible for the interviews then, and I will also train them in the future. Even after work, I can do it if there are problems that cannot be solved. Remote support is trivial."

"Then it's settled, Brother Yan, you take the time to sort out a technical requirement and I'll send it online for recruitment."

Just do it. Wang Yan didn't hesitate at all and wrote down the requirements directly. Zheng Qiudong was even more agile. He directly edited the recruitment information and sent it to several online recruitment platforms. He also lamented the rapid development of the Internet, saying that as soon as it was sent out, there were already people submitting resumes. He immediately started surfing the Internet to learn more about the relevant knowledge. He didn't understand anything and couldn't communicate.

You can never stop learning at any time. When they are engaged in human resources, dispatching, and headhunting business, they must have an understanding of the corresponding industries. I won’t say how in-depth it is, but it certainly shouldn’t be too superficial, otherwise you won’t even know you’ve been deceived.

Now there are four people in the company, and their responsibilities are relatively clear. Wang Yan continues to explore the part-time market, Zheng Qiudong develops serious corporate positions, Xiong Qingchun is currently doing the connection, and Huang Zimu is assisting in learning. They are all performing their duties and running smoothly.

Wang Yan and Zheng Qiudong work very efficiently together, mainly because they are both straightforward. In more than two days, Wang Yan interviewed more than 20 people, and finally retained four people. Because Zheng Qiudong contacted the Internet company again and found that one person had been hired, and there were still four vacancies left.

As Zheng Qiudong said before, there are two sets of standards for whether you have work or not. Those who have work are based on the quotations of the corresponding companies. If you don't work, you will have no money, but social security payments are guaranteed. At the same time, Wang Yan was responsible for training, and by the way, he developed the software for local services for them, and also gave them some money accordingly, but it was relatively small.

New recruits all went through two rounds of interviews. The first round was with Zheng Qiudong. He first got to know the person clearly and talked about the treatment, and then came to Wang Yan for a technical interview. After all, the treatment is not acceptable, and there is no need to understand the technical level.

In fact, relatively speaking, their salary is not high. Senior skilled workers are not very interested in it. Their jobs are not that difficult to find. Therefore, those recruited by Wang Yan have been working for a little more than a year and have participated in some Relatively speaking, it is enough for junior personnel in project development. Able to work, but not very efficient. There is room for improvement and value in cultivating.

To this end, Wang Yan specially provided them with technical interview training. It was said to be training, but he just scraped the key points of technical interviews from the Internet and compiled them himself.

Not surprisingly, I successfully entered that company and participated in the development work.

Wang Yan specially organized a group chat for his company's expatriates to ask whether the work was bad or not. You can't delay others' progress after taking the job. If you have any problems, just leave the group and he will provide guidance on how to solve them.

Of course, this is only for a short period of time. They are all players with clear minds. With more experience, they will naturally become experts. But by then, they may not be satisfied with their current treatment, and it is normal to change jobs.

The main thing is to see how their company is developing and whether they can retain people.

In this way, on the morning of the fourth day, Xiong Qingchun, who had been away for three days, came to the store early and diligently cleaned up.

After walking in with Zheng Qiudong chatting and laughing, Wang Yan joked: "Hey, the boss lady is back, why does she look so uninterested?"

Xiong Qingchun rolled his eyes at the boss: "If you have something to do, talk about it, and if you have nothing to do, work."

Zheng Qiudong kept winking at Wang Yan, walked aside with a smile, and made some tea from a thermos cup.

Wang Yan approached and asked, "Can I move there?"

"Ganggun, I'm feeling uncomfortable. What are you thinking about here?" Xiong Qingchun looked annoyed, but his face was still visibly blushing.

"Look, maybe I have the foresight. If you follow a player like that, it will be in vain. But you have to get your money back. No one's money is blown by the wind. You still got it by taking risks and extorting money." "

Wang Yan smiled and supported her shoulders with his forearms, "Have you ever heard of such a saying? The best way to forget a relationship is to start a new relationship. Only love is the magic medicine for emotional healing. You have to let go Be open-minded and accept new people. When you are immersed in new sweetness, you will find that the previous relationship is not worth mentioning."

"I tickled you."

Wang Yan pushed her hair behind her ears with his hands. When Xiong Qingchun was at a loss, he smiled and sat on the sofa at the door: "Let me tell you, in the past two days, the dispatch business has been opened in autumn and winter. It is the Internet The company has already hired four people to work..."

He talked about the plan he had discussed with Zheng Qiudong before, as well as the salary system that seemed to be relatively good, so that Xiong Qingchun, the shareholder, had a clear understanding.

As for winning, he was not in a hurry. Although we are a fast-paced society now, if we exclude the real bitch fishing, it will always take some time to ferment if we want to have a relationship. On the other hand, if you roll into bed easily, it seems that both parties are not very comfortable talking about relationships. Regardless of men and women, they always have to pretend...

After listening carefully to the development of the past few days, Xiong Qingchun smiled and said: "Okay, it seems that you two are developing well without me."

"Everyone has value. Serving tea and serving water is also valuable. Don't say such useless and frustrating words in the future. You are the boss's wife. It is up to you to take charge of the helm and management. Our combination, Mr. No one can do it.”

"Brother Yan is right. It's not Brother Yan that I came here to join the gang, but you, a daring swindler. With your courage, you can achieve great things."

"Okay, I know how much I weigh, so you don't need to put a high hat on me. I'm already taking advantage."

Zheng Qiudong smiled and said: "The emperor in ancient times conquered the world and was surrounded by top-notch people? It's impossible. Besides, you're not bad at all, so you don't need to think too much. Isn't that right, Brother Yan?"

"That's right, if you are really nothing but beautiful, why am I, a powerful person like me, so shameless and annoying here?"

After giving Wang Yan an angry look, Xiong Qingchun waved his hand and said, "Seriously, didn't you say you want to develop our products? What are you planning to develop? Or is it the human resources system you built?"

"That one is for our internal use. Besides, I have almost developed it. It will be ready for use in half a month."

Wang Yan shook his head and said, "I have also discussed this issue with Qiudong. We want to provide local services. Currently, major companies are involved, including group buying, takeout, and online ride-hailing. There are also 58.com and Ganji.com. These people This is all crazy. If we provide local services, our business must be highly overlapping.

We are small in size and don’t have that much capital. We will be beaten to death before we go out into the world. Therefore, we can only survive in the cracks, do business that they are not involved in, and take advantage of it. At the same time, we must provide good service and win with quality and service. "

It's now one or three years, and it's a busy time for the Internet industry. This is a real hunting ground for capital. The competition is very fierce. Everyone is desperate to do it. It is a high-end business war that uses every possible means. Likewise, this is when users truly become gods. Free takeaways, movies, taxi rides, etc., that’s a real benefit. Of course, the wool comes from the sheep, and it’s all cut back later...

Xiong Qingchun said impatiently: "What are you going to do after you've been talking for so long?"

"Do it all."

"I said, I know you are very capable, but can you please be more sober? It's not that we don't have that much capital, we have no capital. Even if we put all the savings of the three of us into it, it won't be enough to hire someone to distribute leaflets. Let alone For other resources, we are truly empty-handed.”

"Then just do it in a small way and take your time.

We don’t have money, so we won’t do some business for now. First set up a part-time platform, or review something like that, just like Dianping, whether the restaurant is delicious, whether the service is good, what is the company's reputation, etc. Post it on the Internet, and let's hand out two flyers when we go out. As long as we ensure the authenticity of the ratings, we can have a group of loyal users with little effort.

When there are not many users, our income can be met, and there is no operational pressure at all. You don’t even need to recruit people specifically. I can just take a look at it. It’s nothing more than some server and electricity bills.

When there are more users, will we still have to pay for it? Even if we don't accept capital, we can still do it with a little bit of subsidies from our human resources business. If that's the case, we can say it's just for fun and to realize the value of life.

Of course, not accepting capital does not mean that we will not make money. As long as there are more users, we can make money. As long as we cover the four major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it is enough. Although we cannot have an exaggerated market value and cannot sell shares for so much money, the dividends will be enough for us at that time.

A small investment can lead to a big future, why not do it, right? Of course, our main business is human resources. This is the basic plan, and we still need to grasp it. This small amount of expenditure will definitely not affect our normal expansion and development. Is it just a trend of the Internet? Mr. Lei has said that pigs can fly when standing on the trend. Let's give it a try and see if we can gain some weight. . "

"It makes sense what you say, but I still feel like it's all wasted money. Those big companies invest tens of billions, but what about us? What's the use of 30,000 to 20,000?"

"Take your time, there's no rush anyway. If I didn't do it, this software would have to be developed for a year or two. By then, our human resources business would have already left Nanning."

Wang Yan really didn't think about it. He was mainly engaged in human resources this time. The reason why they incorporated first-hand Internet is because they opened a dispatch business and found something for these people to do when they were free. When they stop being dispatched in the future, as these people become more capable, they may not be able to stay and continue working here.

If you want to say how big you want to be and stir up troubles in the Internet industry, there is absolutely no chance. Otherwise, why would he be working so hard to run out of business? It would save a lot of trouble to create a PPT and directly meet with the capital to attract investment.

Furthermore, among other things, the software that used to harass phone calls in the early stages of the real world is now so good in the real estate market that he has developed it to provide services in major first- and second-tier cities across the country, and he can earn hundreds of thousands a month just by lying down.

Zheng Qiudong stood leaning on the table, sipping tea: "Brother Yan is right, it doesn't cost much anyway, so you can give it a try, but you don't have to worry too much. Zimu is here."

"Brother Yan, Brother Dong, Sister Qingchun, you are back."

"I heard you've done a good job these past two days."

Huang Zimu smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Life isn't that difficult in the first place."

Zheng Qiudong raised his wrist and checked the time: "Okay, it's time to go to work. I'm going out to run my business."

"I'm leaving too. The part-time job market can still be opened up. Wherever you go, I'll take you there."

"No, the place I'm going to is far away today, I can just take the bus."

"Then you drive and I take the bus. I'm just wandering around aimlessly anyway."

Zheng Qiudong was not polite, took the key and left.

Wang Yan said to Xiong Qingchun: "The boss lady is sitting in the back and looking after the house."

"Why don't I go out and take a look? Anyway, Zimu is doing quite well."

"Let's talk about it later. There's been a lot more work in the past two days. You have to contact me and find some regular part-timers. Let's go."

Wang Yan raised an eyebrow at Xiong Qingchun in a teasing manner, and when the latter waved in disgust, he laughed and walked out of the store.

Instead of looking for a part-time job, he first found a place that sold bicycles. He spent a fortune and bought a flat-bar road bike for city riding. He wandered around the city quite comfortably while he was getting to know the city.

He got excited and even wanted to get a camera so he could take pictures or something. However, thinking that in the early days of starting a business, it would be bad for him to show too much chicness, so he gave up the idea and just rode his bicycle to enjoy himself...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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