With that said, Jun Lingao was about to get up quickly to clean up.

Shen Dongyang was deeply tired, and drank with a sullen face: "Jun Lingao!"

Holding the handle, he pulled Jun Lingao, who was about to stumble up, onto the bed again.

Shen Dongyang looked tired, Jun Lingao was nervous, "I, I, I..."

"You have a good rest, don't worry about this."

"You are a patient, don't crawl and kneel to cover me with a quilt."

Shen Dongyang thought about it too, Jun Lingao was inconvenient to walk at all, and there were some blood stains on his face, probably from the ground.

Jun Lingao must have had a hard time.

His self-righteous gentleness made her feel at a loss.

Shen Dongyang didn't like this feeling from beginning to end.

Hearing his somewhat angry tone, Jun Ling bowed his head arrogantly and admitted it generously, "I was afraid that you would be cold, only to find out later that there was only one quilt, you gave me that quilt, you What if you get sick."

"..." Shen Dongyang looked complicated.

a long time.

Get up.

"That's not something you should worry about, I'll take you home today." After leaving a sentence, Shen Dongyang started to clean up the room.

"No! I'm not going home!" Jun Lingao was so excited that he seemed to be sitting up from the bed again.

Shen Dongyang put the knife away, and Jun Lingao sat back obediently.

"Jun Lingao! You are an adult now! Don't play with the temper of a child." Seeing her bruised body, Shen Dongyang tried his best to use a calm and negotiating tone.

Jun Lingao shook his head violently, and was very resistant to what Shen Dongyang said, "I don't want to go home! I really don't want to go home! Don't send me home, okay?!"

Shen Dongyang frowned, looking at his excited look, he was suspicious: "Why? Give me a reason."

Jun Lingao never mentioned it.

How did he say?

What can he say?

Tell the truth?

Because he liked Shen Dongyang, he was locked in the small dark room by his father, and was locked up by his father.

If he said it.

How sad it would be for Ayan to know that his parents didn't like him from start to finish.

Jun Ling was speechless.

Shen Dongyang didn't intend to pay attention to it anymore, and turned to continue cleaning up the housework. His eyes lit up, and he almost forgot Jun Lingao's injured foot.

"Help you deal with the wound first, don't move, do you hear?" The delicate young master, moved the wound and bleed so much, if she hadn't discovered it in time, she would have died at some point.

Jun Lingao calmed down slightly, listened to what she said, nodded, lowered his eyes, and looked at Shen Dongyang's gentle movements.

Jun Lingao's eyes were also much gentler.


I will definitely make my parents accept you!

You have to wait for me!

You have to believe me!

It was just these words, but Jun Lingao didn't dare to tell her, so he could only keep it in his heart and bear the pressure of his parents alone.

at that time.

the other end.

Jun family.

Chu Yao was restless for a night, but more excited.

God knows how happy she was to hear elder brother Ling Ao's somber and angry voice.

When he saw those photos, he was angry that Shen Dongyang was a fox.

When he saw that photo, he began to hate Shen Dongyang Yang's vixen.

It was Brother Ling Ao, who finally saw Shen Dongyang's scumbag attributes, the scumbag attributes of two boats.

The first thing Chu Yaoxin woke up was to dress herself up carefully, wanting to give Jun Lingao a brighter effect.

Been busy for an hour.

Chu Yaoxin just walked out of the door, and outside the door, a servant has already asked her to eat.

Throws a smiley face downstairs.

"Aunt and uncle, you eat first, I'll call you brother Ling Ao first."

It can be seen that Chu Yaoxin is really in high spirits today, unlike in the past where she has always been depressed and lifeless.

Qin Keren couldn't help but feel joy, but when she heard that she wanted to ask her son to eat, a strange expression flashed on her face, and she looked at Jun Youchuan, who had a serious face.

He went upstairs and said, "Don't call him, Yaoyao come down to eat first."

His poor son.

I think about a man all day and night.

Arikawa also turned a lot of white hair all at once.

I have never been so decadent in the business field, but because of this son, he always frowns and looks gloomy.

Qin Keren shook his head helplessly and sighed, Ling Ao was also a stubborn temper and would not let go in death.

Their father and son have no idea how long it took.

to this end.

Jun Youchuan also specially ordered the craftsman to cut a small hole in the wall, a small hole that can accommodate the lunch box.

Jun Ling proudly held on, not letting go.

Jun Youchuan was also very determined not to let him out.

What's the use of Yaoyao calling him out?

Jun Youchuan did not let go and did not agree to let him out, so Ling Ao had to reflect inside.

Ling Ao never came out to eat.

Chu Yao knew this in her heart.

Why did I remember to ask Ling Ao to come out for dinner today?

Unless, Ling Ao let go and changed his mind.


Thinking of this, Qin Keren is a little strange.

I always feel that her niece has changed a bit today, yes, it's her mood.

Yaoyao looks very happy today.

Qin Keren couldn't help but put his eyes on Chu Yaoxin again. Just when he opened his mouth to say something, Chu Yaoxin smiled and waved, "It's okay auntie, brother Ling Ao will come out to eat in a while."

Having said that, he has already taken a step and walked towards Jun Lingao's room.

Jun Youchuan kept his face calm and kept silent.

Qin Keren glanced at him, moved his seat, put his hand on Jun Youchuan's hand, and whispered, "Youchuan."

Jun Arikawa put down the bread in his hand.

He didn't plan to escape either, so he looked at Qin Keren very calmly, with a pair of eyes looking at her firmly.


"We only have one son. Ling Ao is your heart and soul. I know you love him, but he is also my son, and I love him too."

"I won't let Yaoyao go after a few words."

"When will Jun Lingao wake up, I can let him see the sun outside."

"Ke Ren, do you understand me?"

Jun Youchuan spoke very calmly, but there was too much power in these words that shocked her.

Qin Keren smiled helplessly and nodded.


They have all worked hard for so long, and they cannot give up halfway.

Jun Lingao is an ant living on a frying pan.

Why aren't they?

"Okay, I understand you, I won't say it anymore, let's eat." Qin Keren whispered, tears glistening in his eyes.


When can it be?

Only Ling Ao could forget the boy surnamed Shen.


When Chu Yaoxin approached the door, her excited heart became cautiously cautious.

Take a deep breath.

Knocked lightly on the door.

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