Chu Yaoxin put her voice very softly, and called out tentatively, "Brother Ling Ao?"

The voice from the door never came. Chu Yao frowned and knocked on the door again, with a little doubt on her face, "Brother Ling Ao, are you awake?"

She raised her ears and pressed it against the door, but there was still no sound on the other side of the door. Chu Yao couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Could it be that Brother Ling Ao couldn't think of it for a while, then.


Chu Yao's eyes suddenly widened.

Brother Ling Ao must have done something stupid.

For a split second in Chu Yao's mind, all kinds of bad brain supplements appeared all at once, her face changed greatly, and she hurriedly ran downstairs.


"Uncle! Uncle! You open brother Ling Ao's door! Hurry up and open brother Ling Ao's door. I'm worried that something will happen to him. There is no movement in the house!" Chu Yaoxin ran downstairs in a panic and shouted loudly. called.

Immediately, the two people sitting at the dining table stood up in unison. Seeing how flustered Chu Yao was, the two of them looked at each other and hurriedly left the dining table, walking towards the upstairs. remove.

outside the door.

Jun Youchuan turned over the key, inserted it into the keyhole, and said with a clear "click" sound.

Chu Yaoxin raised the spirit of 120,000 points and quietly widened her eyes, wanting to see Jun Lingao for the first time.


There was a sound at the door.

Jun Youchuan had already pushed open the door, but there was no sign of his son in that empty room. Jun Lingao, who was supposed to be lying on the bed, had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Jun Youchuan's pupils shrank.

Qin Ke and Chu Yao were extremely surprised.

Chu Yaoxin quickly moved her steps away and ran into the room, "Brother Ling Ao!"

Chu Yaoxin shouted a few times, but no one responded.

He thought it was Jun Lingao hiding in the room and didn't come out, but after thinking about it, he had no reason to play hide and seek.

What's more, the furnishings in this room are very simple.

A wardrobe and a bed.

There is also a computer desk, all communication equipment has been confiscated by Jun Youchuan.

It's so simple inside, there's simply no place for people to hide.

Looking around urgently, Chu Yao was flustered.

"Where's your son?" Qin Keren's eyes widened, in disbelief that his son disappeared out of thin air in the house.

The one present is also Jun Aikawa to be calm.

After taking a look around, he took a step and walked towards the outside of the window.

The door curtain was a little blown by the wind, and it could be seen that the window was not closed.

Jun Youchuan took a step and walked towards the window, his serious appearance was a little gloomy, "Don't look for it, that **** has already run out."

"Running out?" Qin Keren was a little surprised, and followed to the window to look at the wide open window, as if he realized something: "Ling Ao jumped from the window?"

"This is the second floor!"

Chu Yaoxin's eyes widened, as if remembering something, she quickly grabbed Qin Keren and Jun Youchuan's arms, "I know where Brother Ling Ao is! He must have gone to see Shen Dongyang, the vixen!"

The voice just fell.

Chu Yaoxin couldn't wait to move away and hurriedly walked outside.

What did she just see?

There are some signs of broken branches.

It was obvious that Jun Ling Ao jumped on the branch and broke it. Brother Ling Ao was already injured.


Why is Brother Ling Ao so dead-headed?

Chu Yao felt a sigh of depression stuck in her chest, and she felt uncomfortable and angry.

At the risk of falling to his death, he must meet the vixen.

Brother Ling Ao really fell into the poison given by Shen Dongyang's fox spirit.

Qin Ke and Jun Youchuan didn't stop either. As soon as Chu Yaoxin stepped forward, they followed closely behind.

The servants serving in the hall had to go out when they saw the master, but they hadn't eaten much, so they couldn't help but ask, "Master, Mrs. and Miss? This meal..."

The servant's words were not finished.

Jun Youchuan replied sternly, "Don't eat it! Clean it up."

Is he in the mood to eat now?

On the one hand, he was angry with his own son.

On the one hand, he was afraid of what danger would happen to his son.

As a father, his heart was broken, and he felt like his head was getting bigger.

He has never been so helpless in business, he has always been strategizing, but this son, he does not know what to do.

Seeing that the masters were going out, the servants on the side hurried to open the door. However, at that moment, the handsome young man in a suit passed through a man's armpit and raised him up.

That young man with a gloomy head and a sullen but helpless face, is Jun Lingao,

And the young man in the suit who helped him walk and had been holding him since he got off the taxi was naturally Shen Dongyang.

The moment you open the door.


Chu Yao's heart suddenly became angry, and just when she was about to scold, she caught a glimpse of Jun Lingao, who had been mourning and mournful.

His face was pale, and he looked like he was ill.

His hands were still bandaged.

His feet were also bandaged.

Chu Yao's heart immediately became nervous, and she asked her with wide eyes, "What did you do to brother Ling Ao?!"

The calm eyes swept over lightly, Shen Dongyang didn't want to talk to Chu Yaoxin, he just lowered his head and shouted Jun Lingao, "I'm home."

Being ignored by Shen Dongyang, Chu Yao was naturally angry to death.

But now my uncle and aunt are present.

Chu Yao's heart didn't dare to attack.

The young lady from a wealthy family like them pays the most attention to self-cultivation.

With only a pair of flaming eyes, I can't wait to burn the vixen and scumbag in front of me!

Jun Ling nodded arrogantly.

he came.

He finally returned to the place where he was confined.

His stubbornness was no match for Shen Dongyang, and he was afraid that if he was too stubborn, Shen Dongyang would discover something, which would only make him sad.


After repeated pleas to no avail, Jun Lingao really let go.

He really promised to come back.


What Jun Lingao didn't know was.

Shen Dongyang was extremely tired of him staying in his own home, making a mess of his life, and was always self-righteous.

Even if he doesn't agree.

Even if Shen Dongyang knocked him unconscious, he would bring him back.

Qin Keren was stunned.

A trace of surprise flashed in Jun Youchuan's eyes, but he quickly recovered.

"Father." Jun Ling raised his head arrogantly and weakly, guessing that the next punishment should be more severe.

"Someone! Take the young master back to the bedroom and have a good rest!" Jun Youchuan spoke.

At this moment, Jun Lingao didn't dare to say anything more. His father said to take him back to the bedroom and have a good rest. How could Jun Lingao not know?

Clearly he was imprisoned in disguise.

But Jun Lingao is also very helpless at this moment.

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