Seeing that they don't seem to like being noisy, I finally persuaded myself to calm down, thinking about giving them as much money as they want, and I mustn't explain my life here.

"You?" Jiuwei shouted, turned his head suddenly, and threw the whip on Mr. Zhao's body, "Why don't you shout?! Aren't you afraid?!"

Afraid, of course he was afraid, it was because he was too afraid that he didn't dare to shout, for fear that the next thing they would cut off would be his own tongue, for fear that the next thing they would destroy would be his own lifeblood, for fear that the next The one who fed the medicine was himself, the guinea pig.

The whip threw on Mr. Zhao's body, Mr. Zhao shouted on the spot, and he was shaking all over in pain.

Is there something wrong with this woman?

Just because President Chen yelled, he was severely abused.

"No, no!" Mr. Zhao shook his head hurriedly. At this moment, all the cells in his body were screaming for unspeakable pain.

This woman is a pervert, this woman has something wrong, this woman really has something wrong.

Gao Yishen was still dying in pain over there.

President Chen and President Zhao are not having a good time here either.

After three hours have passed.

Shen Dongyang frowned, as if he had seen enough.

"Kiuwei, leave it to you, don't let them die easily, you know?"

Nine tails are addicted to whipping the prisoner at this moment.

Hearing the boss's words, he immediately looked back and gave him a bright smile, waved at her, and made an OK gesture.

"Boss." With a low voice, Chu Kuo had already slammed and picked her up from the stool.

Shen Dongyang was stunned for a while, and he was already in his arms.

"Chu Kuo!"

"Boss, if you are obsessed with cleanliness, don't embarrass yourself." Chu Kuo said, and has already taken a step.

"Wait!" Gao Yishen suddenly shouted, looking at Shen Dongyang, who was hugged tightly by Chu Kuo, with a frantic smile: "Shen Dongyang! Shen Dongyang! My Zhaohan is really blind! No Think you're gay!"

"Bah! Who is gay?! My boss isn't gay!" Jiuwei was triumphant, and in just a short while, Shen Dongyang and Chu Kuo also thoroughly understood the situation.

She is exceptional now, clear.

"Not gay?! Being held in his arms by a man?! What Huangquan! I think it's just a piece of trash! A little white face who eats soft rice!"

I am afraid that Shangguan Zhaohan will never know for a lifetime that the man she likes is actually gay.

"Hahaha! Then you really guessed it wrong! The boss of my family is a woman! So there is no question of gays!" Nine tails were very proud, and told him very kindly.

At this moment, Gao Yishen was laughing wildly. Hearing what he said after a long absence, his smile immediately stiffened.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiuwei with disbelief, and then at the young man who was being held in Chu Kuo's arms.

woman? !

What are you kidding?

Will Shen Dongyang be a woman?

It doesn't look like a woman in any way.


Gao Yishen's stiff face became more and more gloomy.



It doesn't look like Kyuubi is lying.

And as a man, being told that she is a woman will definitely be very angry.


Shen Dongyang was just plain from the beginning to the end, and seemed to have some faint smiles on his face. That aloof appearance really made him want to destroy him, kill him, chop him up into 8 pieces, chop it up and feed it to the dog.

Jiuwei raised his eyebrows and said, "My eldest is handsome, tall, and has a good figure. Even a strand of hair is excellent! You can't compare to my eldest!"

"Gao Yishen, right?!" Jiuwei's tone was affirmative, she already knew it.

"It's really miserable, miserable, you! But, hahaha, I like to see you in such a miserable state!"

Gao Yishen's eyes became darker and darker, his teeth rattled, and he became more and more angry.

Only there was still a frantic growl and asked, "Woman?!"

"Shen Dongyang! You are actually a woman?!"

"I can't even compare to a woman?!"

This seems to be said to others, but also like questioning myself.

Gao Yishen seems to have gone crazy.

Shen Dongyang has turned his head, he has seen enough of what he just watched, and he no longer wants to play with them.

She has other important things to do.

Rest at this moment is more important than anything else.

Shen Dongyang was also really tired.

Chu Kuo has already stretched his long legs.

Gao Yishen suddenly came back to his senses, and when he looked at the leaving back, he suddenly shouted, "You are a woman! Zhaohan must not know! You lied to her, and when she finds out one day, you will know her. How sad?!"

"Shen Dongyang! What kind of woman are you robbing me!"

"Shen Dongyang! If Zhaohan is sad! Even if I turn into a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"Shen Dongyang! Stop for me!"

"Shen Dongyang! You are a woman! Why would you rob me of my beloved!"

"Shen Dongyang!"

"Shen Dongyang! Stop for me!"

Xu was impatient, or Shen Dongyang just wanted to get mad at him.

Head slightly to one side.

Then he saw Gao Yishen's hideous face.

The tone was extremely light, "Xiao Han has long known that I am a woman."

"You!" Gao Yishen was very angry at this sentence, his heart was depressed, his blood was attacking his heart, and blood was spurting out in an instant.

Jiuwei didn't have time to dodge, and was sprayed all over, and immediately took off his coat in disgust.

"You! Shen Dongyang! You are lying to me, right! Zhaohan doesn't know if he is right!"

how can that be possible?

how can that be possible?

How could Shangguan Zhaohan like a woman?

He is a dignified seven-foot man, but he is not as good as a woman.


It's funny. It's funny.

Shen Dongyang no longer wanted to pay attention to him.

Chu Kuo took a step, and did not intend to stop.

But, he frowned tightly.

It seems that from today's situation, should the boss fall in love with a woman?

Boss likes women? !

Chu Kuo's expression was still calm. After all, from beginning to end, the boss was not his own.

And he only needs the boss to give her enough strength when she needs backing.

That's it.

That's it.

The figure quickly left.

Gao Yishen's voice was like tearing, shouting loudly.

"Okay! Stop calling! Everyone has left, what's your name?"

"I tell you!"

"My boss is better than you!"

"My eldest is stronger than all the men in the world!"

"Your life! No, in the next life, in the next life, don't even think that you can compare to the boss of my family!"

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