After Jiuwei's words came out, he was so angry that he tilted his head and passed out on the spot.

"Here comes, I'm throwing this girl to wake him up!" Jiuwei gave orders, and the younger brothers immediately began to move.

at that time.

Shangguan's house.

A table of good dishes, Shangguan Lei never wronged himself from beginning to end.

A person who worked hard and worked hard has always been Shangguan Zhaohan.

I took the newspaper handed over by the servant. This is what Shangguan Lei has to do every day. Every time he eats, he has to read a copy of today's newspaper.

Of course.

When a mouthful of porridge was put into his mouth, he choked immediately.

Shangguan Lei stared at the newspaper with his eyes wide open, thinking if his eyes were dazzled, but he looked to make sure that he had no dizziness, and it was written on it...!

Indeed it is.

President Zhao and President Chen went bankrupt.

He was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion.


It seems that the local tyrants that Shangguan Zhaohan accompanied... all went bankrupt for various reasons.

Today's paper is all about the bankruptcy of the most powerful people.

Eyes widened.

Shangguan Lei snorted coldly.

No wonder Shangguan Zhaohan hasn't gotten up since he returned home last night.

Surely those things have something to do with her.

Although Shangguan Lei doesn't know what the relationship is, he always finds his cash cow immediately when something goes wrong.

He slammed down the newspaper.

Shangguan Lei rushed upstairs in a panic.

at that time.

Coco was begging at the door by Shangguan Zhaohan, "Miss, please forgive me, give me a chance, I will never..."

Coco's words haven't fallen yet.

Shangguan Lei's extremely angry voice echoed through the sky.

It was the lady's name that she shouted coldly.

"Shangguan Zhaohan!"

Shangguan Zhaohan's brows tightened, what should come will still come, and he never thought of escaping from the beginning to the end.

But anyway.

What is owed to the Shangguan family is about to be repaid.

Coco was stunned for a moment, I don't know why the master is so angry, but... according to the filial piety of his own lady, he must be obedient.

Don't let the master bully the lady.

Before Shangguan Zhaohan opened the door, Shangguan Lei kicked the door violently.


Shangguan Zhaohan's heart was pulled, and he looked at the source of the voice.

It was the father who looked very angry.

Shangguan Zhaohan didn't show too much emotion, but he probably knew what happened to him yesterday.

she thought.

Although my father is not as open-handed as he used to be.

But it's not difficult to know a little bit of news. There was a lot of noise yesterday, and my father should know.

Shangguan Zhaohan stood up from the bed, lowered his head and shouted respectfully, "Father."

Just like Shangguan Zhaohan's silent heart.

Shangguan Zhaohan's father, from the beginning to the end, was calm, without any emotion.

Others may not know her lady.

Cocoa really knew it.

There is a lot of despair in the two plain words of the young lady.

Cocoa knew she knew clearly.

Afraid that Shangguan Lei would be bad for his own lady, he had been begging the lady at the door to keep him, but Coco also followed.

"Bastard! Shangguan Zhaohan! You lose money!" Shangguan Lei said nothing, the moment he saw Shangguan Zhaohan, he was full of anger, and he raised his hand fiercely and threw it on her face.

The smell of alcohol from last night has not dissipated.

Shangguan Zhaohan was still hazy in his head.

The slap that was thrown heavily by Shangguan Lei broke the corner of his mouth.

White face, bright red blood.

Ying Shangguan Zhaohan's beautiful face was full of embarrassment.

"Ah! Miss!" Shangguan Zhaohan endured the slap and did not respond, but Keke was immediately frightened, and immediately ran to Shangguan Zhaohan, stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of Shangguan Zhaohan's mouth tremblingly.

Cocoa's eyes were wet for a moment.

She never thought that the master would be so unreasonable.

The master is unreasonable and has reached this point.

Without saying anything, he just kicked the door and hit the lady hard.

Miss what's wrong?

The lady has been working hard for this family.



Shangguan Zhaohan pushed her hand away with a sullen face, raised the back of his hand, and wiped the corner of his mouth. Shangguan Zhaohan felt that he had tinnitus.

It seems that the sound is not clear.

The whole person was terribly dizzy.

"Coco! Go out." Coco was very sad with a calm sentence.

"Miss!" Coco didn't want to respect the order.

Shangguan Zhaohan gasped for breath, her face hurting so much that her heart was suffocating.

Forcibly hold back your tears, do not fall.

She didn't want this little girl to see this, Coco was still young.

"I'll tell you." Shangguan Zhaohan blinked, his legs were a little weak, and he always felt like he was sick, as if he had no strength in his body.

Shangguan Zhaohan's face was a little pale, and after being slapped, her complexion became even more pale.

Do not.

Not pale.

is pale!

Shangguan Zhaohan's lips were already a little chapped.

Coco couldn't resist Shangguan Zhaohan, so he bit his lip and forced himself to leave.

Shangguan Lei!

When passing by Shangguan Lei, Ke Ke stabbed him with a knife in his eyes.

Shangguan Lei was immediately furious, "You're just a lowly maid! You dare to look at me?!"

Shangguan Lei yelled so loudly that he was about to hit her.

Since Shangguan Lei went bankrupt, his temper has gotten worse and worse.

Many servants voluntarily resigned because they couldn't stand his temper.

"Father!" Shangguan Zhaohan was indeed a little anxious and immediately transferred Shangguan Lei's angry thoughts to her.

"Father?! Shangguan Zhaohan! I'm not your father! I don't have a daughter like you! I don't think I should have saved you in the first place! You caused me to go bankrupt!"

Shangguan Zhaohan lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly, "I... I've worked very hard to repay the debt. Please give me some time from my father, and I will definitely repay the 30 million yuan."

"Repaying the debt?! Shangguan Zhaohan! What did you do yesterday?! 500,000! 500,000 for drinking with President Chen!" Shangguan Lei twisted his face, stretched out his finger and stabbed Shangguan Zhaohan fiercely shoulders.

Shangguan Lei is very hard, very hard.

Shangguan Zhao Hansheng's expression was distorted with pain, but he was still stubborn, clenching his teeth to prevent his pain from showing.

You can't show yourself so wronged.


All faults are self-inflicted.

She has to pay her debts!

She wants to pay off what she owes to the Shangguan family.

She wants... she wants to... pay... pay... pay off... pay off the debt.

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