The pain in her heart the moment she gave up!

"Don't!" He shouted, his toes were loose, and the body that caught the vine started to fall, trying to catch her fluttering figure.

On the night of the festival, when the roaring arrow flew towards her, in such an urgent and critical moment, he couldn't think much, too much time. He was just a man, protecting his beloved woman, and would rather die than let her be harmed a little.

That's it.

Yes, beloved woman!

At that moment, when the cold and sharp arrow shot into his chest, the moment in his heart was unprecedentedly transparent, and he saw his heart plainly. When Yi Lengxue printed the kiss on his lips, he even confirmed: Jiang Cersel is the favorite woman of his life. But he didn't know he loved her so much. Until she fell from the Jedi to the cliff, he knew that this love had penetrated deep into the bone and blood, penetrated into the bone marrow, and wanted to pull out, even if a slight touch, it was a stretched bone and pain.

When did He fall in love with her? he does not know!

Maybe it was the piano flute and melody in Linjiang Tower, the dance in the woods, the lingering night of Jie Mei Yao, or the same boat together at sea. In short, her smile made him deeply infatuated, and before he knew it, he had caught his heart and caught his soul. Like a poppy, it slowly penetrated into his heart, and when he noticed it, he had fallen deeply and had no cure.

In this world, without her, his survival will be tormented every day without any meaning.

If she goes, how can he live alone!

"Master, don't! You can't, you still have ambitions, you still have your responsibilities, you can't die!" A pair of arms hugged his feet and his heartbreaking cry sounded behind him, Yi Leng Xue hugged his feet.

This woman knows him too well, his ambitions, his responsibilities. However, she didn't know that those ambitions and responsibilities were now in his mind like the smoke of the next generation. In front of his eyes, what appeared was the faint smile that she was going to, and a kind of pain in his heart rose up.

He was angry, and his blue veins rose sharply, and his dark eyes were red at the moment. He stretched his feet, and then struggled backward, not wanting, but being hugged by two more powerful arms, his body was thrown up by a strong force. With his toes a little above the cliff, he clung to his body.

In front of his eyes stood two figures, Tie Feiyang and Yun Qingmang. How timely they came, he sneered.

"Let's go!" He faced the two people standing in front of the cliff coldly.

"Mrs. may not die, let's go down to the cliff to see it!" Yun Qing said anxiously.

He stunned his black eyes, yes, his surly, he would never give up so easily, he must find her! He turned and walked down the path, sprinting down the cliff.

"King King, is Jiang Seser here?" On the path in front, more than a dozen people rushed forward, headed by the second emperor Helian proud of the North Lu Kingdom. Seeing no smoke running at night, he asked hurriedly.

Yan Ye gave a cold glance at the warm wind without any smoke, his eyes were as cold as a knife, he had no time to care for him, and stood up like a dragon, passing by them.

"No smoke at night, where do you tell me Jiang Jichou?" Feng Nuan looked around for a week without seeing his shadow. This morning, he received a secret report, saying that it was Seiring who appeared on the cliffs of Montenegro, and he almost wept for the news. God knows how many times he has looked for her these days, and he is going to search the whole world. However, she seemed to have evaporated in the world, and there was no news.

This morning, when he came to the secret report, although he was a little bit unbelievable, he hurried over, but he was greeted by a smokeless night, and there was no surviving figure at all.

"Where is she?" Feng Nuan asked again, standing in front of Yewuyan, asking coldly. If Joseph had been here before, the king should know his whereabouts.

Yan Ye's smokeless heart was full of anger. If he hadn't rushed over, he wouldn't have misunderstood that there was a connection between him and him. But now is not the time to argue with him.

Glancing at his phoenix, he said coldly, "She is not here." Yan Ba, leaned over, and hurried under the cliff.

The snow began to drift again, and it was so anxious that every piece seemed to float to the smoke-free heart at night, bringing a chill to the bottom, and to the bottom of the cliff, a world of ice and snow.

The puppet soldiers divided in several ways, searching and searching on the ice.

Every time I saw a raised snowdrift, I knelt there without smoke at night, but kept digging, but found nothing.

他 When he saw the ice cave, his heart suddenly trembled, and he couldn't stop the excitement. He coldly ordered: "The diving swimmer who can swim, the others broke the ice!"

The guards were dumbfounded and broke the ice? Will you break all the ice on this river?

He didn't want the guard to use a sword. He was afraid that the sharp blade would hurt her. She might just lie under the ice because she couldn't come out because of the ice. Therefore, he jumped into the water, starting from the broken surface of the ice, and smashed the ice with his bare hands. In fact, the soldiers who could understand the water all dived into the cold water, and began to search for the surly figure.

Time passed little by little. His hands, as he kept digging, his fingertips were stained with blood, and his ten fingers were connected to his heart. However, he felt nothing at all, because his heart was no longer on himself. . He only remembered surging, hoping that she would appear miraculously after the next excavation.

As the scope of the search became wider and wider, along the river of hatred, one mile, two mile, three mile ... Ten miles, when every hope fell into disappointment, the smokeless heart gradually became despair.

Did she just go like that?

"Wang Ye, although the surface of the river of hate is ice, but the water is so rapid, if Mrs. Ruo falls into the water, the corpse may be washed away at this time." Tie Feiyang said in a deep voice, always cold and cold. , I can't bear to see Ye Wuyan so sad. Is this still the dying king of Taishan who has the highest spirit?

"What did you say?" Ye Wuyan screamed, his dark black eyes were stained with blood at this moment. He stretched his palm and struck Tie Feiyang's chest. The ice surface slipped away until it hit the mountain wall behind it and stopped.

He even said that the corpse, how can he be a corpse.

"Master, here you find a pill." A guard ran to a dark brown pill and ran to Yewuyan.

Yan Ye's smokeless eyes narrowed for a moment, a flash of light flashed, and his fingers trembled slightly, pinching the pill from the guard.

"Yun Qiang, this is the pill you gave your wife." He asked with a quiver, how could he not restrain the tremor in his heart.

Jin Yun frantically stared at the light and said, "Yes, it's the pill I gave my wife."

No smoke at night as the soldier came to the place where he picked up the pills, his fingers trembled, and he pulled out the pile of falling snow, but she could not see her figure, only the smooth ice surface, and there was a faint blood in the diffuse .

The light on his eyes suddenly turned red at this moment.

"She should have risen from the bottom of the water, but why can't she find her?" Yun Qing asked with a frown.

"Zhang Ziheng, you take the men and horses along the river and search east to see if any suspicious people appear in the mountains. You continue to search at the bottom of the river, and the others, search in the nearby mountains. In addition, pass my order , Block the city of Mo. "Ye Wuyan every word, Shen Sheng ordered.

She must not die, definitely! He was holding the pill and was overjoyed.

"Yes!" Everyone had to go, Ye Wuyan turned to ask Yun Qingmang, "You tell me, what kind of pills is this?"

Yun Qing looked madly at the Antai pill in Yewuyan's hands, and said, "This is a pill to prevent wind cold." If the lady can't find it, the wife has the secret of pregnancy. I'm afraid he won't say it again in this life .

Yan Ye was smokeless and had no doubt at all. He put the pill in his pouch. Did she just leave him one pill?

The snow in the sky was getting tighter, and it was endless. It seemed like it would never stop in a lifetime.

Yan Ye led the soldiers without smoke in the snow, constantly searching. One hour, two hours, and three hours passed. There was still no news at all, and the hopelessness of smokeless night deepened little by little.

Wu Fengnuan came to the cliff with no smoke at night, and when he learned that Chur fell from the cliff, his team also joined the search. However, when nothing was found, Feng Nuan felt the icy coldness, rose from the depths of his body, and gradually spread over his body.

纵 He stood up, his body rose like a dragon, and a long knife came out of his sheath, shining a series of dazzling green awns, attacking the smokeless night.

"No smoke at night! This sinner!" He exclaimed in a deep voice, with the rage of shattered gold in his voice.

Yan Ye knelt on the ice without smoke, watching the sword light strike, he felt sad.

He Helian is right, he is a sinner and he killed his wife.

He still knelt on the ice, not flashing or moving.

"Master, my wife may not have died at all!" Yun Qing was furious and exclaimed at the smokeless night.

Yan Ye was so shocked that if he could not find her, he would never die.

He leaned over, leaned back and then escaped the thunder blow from the wind. He reached out and drew his sword in his hand. The long sword picked up the cricket's sword awn, and drew with the wind.

At this moment, the relationship between the two emperors of the North Lu Kingdom and the king of South Vietnam was finally broken.

They started a duel on the ice.

This is a deadly duel.

Hengfeng heating hated Ye Suyan, hurting it. The knife was almost like a knife, the knife was merciless, and I wanted to chop Ye Wuyan under the knife. No smoke at night is not good for wind and warmth, and I still remember to look for a whisper in my heart, so I didn't take it easy.

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