For a while, above the ice surface, the sword was shining and the sword was burning.

Two silhouettes, such as the eagle striking Longyue. One move was faster than the other, and one move was stronger than the other. Obviously, both of them were extremely angry.

This is the duel of the world's top masters.

Heavy snow flew like catkins, floating leisurely, landing quietly.

Two fighting figures, the falling snow danced with them.

Zhe Yi Lengxue stood on the river of hating water, with two guards standing next to her. They were the guards of the Yunqian madness and wanted to return her to the house. At this time, the two people who fought were one to protect her and one to kill her, but neither seemed to see her and had no time to deal with her.

Xue Xue fell on her body, she just felt cold, not cold on her body, but cold in her heart. There was a pain in the lower abdomen, I wonder if it was freezing, or when I was thrown up the cliff, I fell.

Feng Fengnuan and smokeless at night fought until they were free, with their injuries, lying on the ice, motionless.

Both of them knew that North Lu and South Vietnam had maintained peace for more than a decade, and at this moment they completely disintegrated.

This snow is especially heavy. After half a month, it closed the mountain and closed the road.

Yan Ye Wuyan never gave up searching for a moment, risking an avalanche, searching in the mountains, sending troops to block several nearby cities, and even a flying bird could not fly.

However, I hope that the sky will be sunset, and the despair will deepen day by day. Finally, after a month of frantic searching, the night is smoke-free.

This is the biggest illness since Ye Wuyan has memories.

躺在 He was lying on the bed, sometimes feeling cold and sometimes hot. Hot and cold alternated, tormenting him day by day. However, he knew that he was not confused. Even when the burning was the worst, a corner of his heart was always clear, and always a shadow was wandering around.

It was sir, it was her voice and smile, lingering in my heart.

He knows that although the guards are still searching day by day, they all think she is no longer alive. However, he had a strong feeling in her heart. She was alive, she must be alive.

When night falls, he feels extra lonely, staring at the bright moon in front of the window, he understands what is the unforgettable thoughts, and what is the pain that invades the bone marrow.

Every time he fell asleep, he would see her wearing a green dress, standing on the palm of his hand, dancing lightly like a butterfly. Or sit in front of the piano case and caress the piano. Or maybe he was in his arms, soft words.

I miss him, making him dreamy, making him unable to distinguish between day and night, and whether he is a dream or awake.

He didn't drink alcohol in the past, but these days, despite being ill, he still drinks it day by day. Wine is a good thing. Before, he never allowed himself to get drunk, because he did not allow anything to control his mind. He hopes that he can stay awake forever, every decision he makes, every word he says is up to him.

Suddenly, these days, he hopes that he can get drunk day by day, so that he can think of everything as a dream. After she wakes up, she is still by his side, smiling at him, or facing him.

On this day, there was white snow outside the window, and he was lying on the desk case and drunk again. Fuyun Pavilion was silent, only the sound of wind whizzing past the window.

Suddenly, a figure walked towards him softly and erratically, at a light pace. The skirt of the long skirt swayed gently in the breeze, looking light and elegant.

"Is it surly?" It was about drunkenness. His eyes were hazy, and he couldn't see the woman's appearance. However, immediately a smile arose on his lips, but he was confused, who can come to Fuyunge?

Sting him, is he finally back?

The woman seemed to be unable to suppress the turbulent emotions, and her whole body was shaking slightly, whether she was nervous or afraid. She did not immediately answer, but stood silently.

He was agitated for a while, it was she who really refused to ignore him and was still angry with him. He stood up with a sting, and rushed at her, holding her in his arms, tightly, as if to hold her into his own blood.

"Sir, you finally came back, I knew you wouldn't leave me." He held her tightly, and in the deep black eyes, two lines of tears shed down, slipping down his handsome cheeks and falling to him On the graceful thin lips, salty, it seems that he has never tasted tears since his mother died.

Hold her in his arms without moving. When she became so good, he smiled with tears. Leaning down, her thin lips impatiently covered her cherry lips, and told her his thoughts and pain. However, he suddenly took a sigh of cold air, pinched the woman's chin severely, raised her face, and looked carefully under the dim candlelight.

The faint yellow candlelight illuminated the face in front of her eyes, Dai Mei's eyebrows crooked like a late moon, Xingyan's eyes glittered, and her lips were red and bright. She smiled at him softly and softly, and I felt pity.

He took another breath, disappointed, and pressed like a row of mountains. The reddishness of his face due to the power of wine quickly faded, and a pair of narrow phoenix eyes suddenly became deep and unpredictable.

推 He pushed her away and said coldly, "Why are you here!" Xiao Suo's intent was revealed between his eyebrows.

"Lian Xin, because you are worried about the landlord, come and see!" Yi Lengxue said softly, touching his sharp eyes, slowly lowering his head to reveal a jade-like powder neck. The moment of bowing down was infinite style, but unfortunately, in the smokeless eyes of the night, it seemed like nothing.

"I know you have recovered your memory, so you don't need to call yourself a lotus heart in front of me." Ye Wuyan Dingding said that at the top of the cliff in Heishan that day, he called her coldly and he agreed.

His sound quality is generally gentle and clean, and the breeze is generally gentle. Even though he spoke coldly, there was anger in his tone, which still made her feel extremely comfortable.

She looked at his handsome face, the pair of Xuan Mei who flew into the slant, the extraordinary style and the tall and tall figure, and his tenderness, his infatuation, now, when she dreams at midnight. Attachment.

At this time, he was just wearing a plain white shirt, no hair, and no gold crown, but the steady and flexible power of his body was like a cold light sword, hiding the dormant power Inside the scabbard.

He is a born king.

Before, she didn't notice how brilliant the man was.

In the past, when she was a priest, although she saved him twice, she also had a good impression on him. But it is not deep love.

Until the ritual of the festival, his tacit and domineering tunes, as well as the unspoken sternness, made her deeply convinced. Until inside the tent, she was annoyed that he had destroyed the seat of her priest, and that she would forever sever the unnamed love for more than four years. She inadvertently gave her farewell kiss, which actually made her heart jump wildly. Want to jump out of the chest. At that moment, she knew that she had become deeply attached to this man.

What a pity, she seemed to understand a little bit late.

"It's late, you go back and rest." He said softly, his tone was still polite and soft, but he had an inexplicable alienation.

"Smokeless, can I accompany you?" Half a moment, she raised her head and said with a mere remnant of pride.

"I'm fine, you don't need to accompany me!" He said with a condensed eyebrow.

"I really can't bear to see that you borrow wine every day to pour out your sorrows. It's all been a month. If she is still in this world, she has already found it. How could there be no message? Can a living person evaporate from the world. Wake up, don't immerse yourself in your dream. "Yi Lengxue raised her eyebrows, her voice soft, her eyes worried.

Yan Ye's eyes were smokeless, and there was a gloom between the deep eyes. The face was quiet and quiet. I don't know if it was because of the illness these days, or something else. A hint of iron appeared: "Go out now!"

Sunda's unconcealed reprimand completely broke her pride.

This may be the first time he has spoken to her so severely. Although the voice is not high, the chill and coldness at the bottom of her eyes make her shiver. She saw his anger for the first time, and although it was not growling, she scared her heart.

She turned, stopped her back straight, and ran out with the remaining pride.

Yan Ye turned around without smoke, fell on the bed, the candlelight reflected on him, and printed a lonely shadow on the wall.

Is she dead? Why does everyone say that? However, he was convinced that she was still there. She must have fallen into the water and climbed out of the ice, otherwise the pill would not be left there, and someone must have rescued her. As long as she is alive, he will not die, he will surely find her.

He bowed his head and looked at his right hand under the yellow candlelight.

His hands are slender and strong, because a long period of martial arts, grinding a layer of cocoon in the palm.

双手 These hands were once his proud hands, and his peerless swordsmanship was practiced by these hands.

He is these hands, holding her in his arms every night, but it is these hands that hit her into the bottomless abyss.

如何 How exactly was that palm shot? How could he shoot that palm just for that woman?

He looked at his hand, he never hated one thing so much, and such a thing was his hand.

He closed his eyes, he felt like he was going crazy when he saw this hand. Without hearing her death, he could live, but he could no longer see his hand.

睁 He opened his eyes again, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, stretched out his left hand, choked his right wrist, and exerted his strength, the sound of cracked bones sounded.

At night, there is endless silence. Only the cold wind sandwiches layers of shattered snow raging outside the window. The cold has been completely blocked out. The burning coals of the fire are spewing out a few ignition stars from time to time. Tiny golden fine flowers.

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