Su Ye's smokeless eyes dim for a moment, he smiled bitterly, and walked slowly towards the house.

I hope that is lost again, the man in black may just be a little bit like her.

He sought her for four years. As soon as the fighting stopped, he sent someone to look for it, but the crowd was so vast that there was no news of her. Donghai, he has been there more than once, not only can't find her, but can't find any news about her. Even her two maids, Ome and Zi Mi, disappeared. It is said that after a naval battle, the two maids were injured and died. He had planned to catch the two maids and asked them carefully, but the clue was broken.

He also thought about it, did she hide with the two maids? Therefore, he installed two spies on the island, but unfortunately, for four years, no news was found. If she were alive, she would not be able to find any news, unless she concealed all the pirates on the island, or if she really wasn't here.

Did she really die?

There was a dull throbbing pain in his chest, and a sudden despair turned up in his heart, bloody. Does this heart really have a painful crack and bleeding?

He stood quietly on the shore of Crescent Lake in the backyard.

I do n’t know when it will be cloudy the next day, and Yu Lili went down, this is the first rain since the beginning of this year. Rainy, getting bigger and bigger. The lake surface was splashed with ripples by raindrops, and even the newly blooming water lilies fell off the petals. The red petals fluttered with the water, as if they couldn't find their destination. Like his empty heart.

Stinging in the rain, he cried recklessly, calling her name over and over again.

Every moment when I was with her, I writhed in my mind, thinking of her, like the sword of Gou Jian, pierced deeply into my heart, exuding bitter bile.

He lost her forever, at this moment, he finally knew what is the exchange of objects and the vicissitudes of the sea. In this life, without her, he is the walking dead.

等 "Wait for me, whisper." He said lowly, "When the heavy task of shoulders is offloaded, I will go with you, almost, you will wait for me!"

Mr. Xi Jin, with his guard, stood in the rain, watching the smokeless night, but no one dared to come forward. Watching him stand still in the rain all night, until the sky was twilight, and Yu Lili became smaller, then the Lord turned and walked wetly.

Jintang handed a parchment to Ye Wuyan. He took it and wiped off the wetness of Jade's face. Jun's face had returned to the usual coldness. Only the black eyes still had a trace of pain, which was a pain that could not be wiped away. And miss, this life, I'm afraid it can never be removed from his eyes.


The water is bright and the moonlight is hazy.

As soon as it was night, by the Luan River, there were only a few cruise ships wandering in the water. Although there are countless Qinlou Chu Museums in Feicheng, the prostitutes also have a lot of styles, but the boat maiden of Luohe has another style.

It is said that the Peugeot Shui Ling they gave birth to were not only gentle and considerate, but also the painting, calligraphy, and painting. Therefore, there are also many grandsons of the sun and grandsons who went to Xunfang in Luohe. The most important thing is that the artistic conception is good, and they carry beautiful women in a small boat rippling on the blue water of the river.

"Lanfang" also has a boat on the Luohe River. Tonight, Seorui and Zi Mi are sitting on a small boat.

She deliberately asked Su Li to send people to dress the boat in white. Among the red willow green, this moon is white, which is very eye-catching.

He was still a blue shirt, he was rowing slowly in the bow. Looking up at the shore, I saw a gorgeous carriage stand out from the endless fleet of cars on the shore, and crashed into the sight.

Cars carved by BMW, silver silver ornaments of Zhulun, and curtain curtains, a pair of scarlet wheels are particularly beautiful in the night.

The horse-drawn carriage hugged in front of more than a dozen servants and stopped at the river. The two slaves hurriedly bent forward and opened the curtain. A boy in a jersey stepped out of the car.

Minjiang's gaze was frozen, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

The person who waited for her finally came.

The princess in the brocade was just Prince Edward Night without dust. He was well-groomed, with a jade satin ring on his waist, a straight figure, a clear face, and a sharp eyebrow, but there was a sense of anger in the eyebrows. The old slave next to him, at first glance, made some people unable to distinguish between male and female. After careful observation, he couldn't help but smile, it was undoubtedly the old **** in the palace.

He bent and got into the cabin, jade hands on the piano, and began to play.

The Qinqin song sounded on the river, so light, lingering, and beautiful, just like the fairy music on earth.

Everyone focused their eyes on the white awning boat that heard the sound of the harp. This is a boat that has never been seen before. Listening to the tune, I wonder how the woman who caress the harp is amazing.

Prince Wu smiled cleanly and walked towards the white-awned boat.

The old lady who stood next to him, the old lady who protected him from urinating, supervised Ning Dao: "My Highness, I don't know which **** the boat, it is said that she is new. Your highness might as well change to another boat."

His grandmother frowned, and the negative hand chuckled coldly: "Guan Ning, you have too much control. If you are not assured, go with me."

A guard had beckoned to Seul's boat long ago, and Seir grew a little longer, and the boat leaned ashore.

Prince Ning stepped on board with Guan Ning.

The cabin is extremely elegant and elegant, with white cloth attached to the wall, and a picture of a lady with butterfly flutter hanging on the wall. There was a small red wooden table with four pastries and a jug of wine.

A woman in red was sitting at the side of the table, quietly picking a string, and a man in a blue shirt was rowing at the bow.

"Son, please sit down." Zi Mi stood up and greeted Ye Wuchen with a smile. Zi Fan is dressed up and looks beautiful.

"You just played a good song?" Ye Wuchen asked proudly.

Xun Zi smiled a little, and it was only natural that she did not play the tune, but played it with care. However, she still nodded and smiled, "It was played by the slaves."

Zi Zisu held the jug in his hand and filled the jugs in front of him, and filled the jugs in front of him with a smile.

Zhan Zhan is a tall-footed glazed garland. Crimson agar is poured into the garnet, and the transparent glazed garnet is also red.

"Thank you Zier for your support, this cup respects your son." Zi Mi said softly, and his voice seemed to be soft and soft.

Yan Ye Wuchen smiled and held the wine glass. He was about to drink, but he listened to his old slave and said, "Man!"

The old slave's voice, though sharp and soft, was under pressure.

Under the watchful eye of the slave, Ye Ye looked helplessly and tilted the wine bottle in his hand, poured it into another empty glass a little, and constrainedly, "Come!"

The boat hasn't left the shore yet. The guard standing on the shore jumped to the boat, walked in carefully, took hold of the glass, and drank the liquor he poured out.

Zizi Mi pouted and said, "My son, what are you doing, are you afraid that your slaves will be poisoned?" After that, he held the glass and drank all the liquor in the glass.

Ye Ye raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "I can't help but follow the rules set by my father."

Zi Mijiao said, "Do you want these cakes to have been tasted before the son would use chopsticks?"

Ye Ye no dusty smiled.

Zi Mi covered her lips and chuckled, "So, my son, do you eat the rest of these people at every meal?"

Ye Ye was quite helpless and spread his hands, looking extremely innocent.

Qi Zi wondered: "My son, look, my guard and I have already drank, this time it is sure not to be poisoned." He raised his hand and poured him a glass, raised it cleanly at night, and drunk it. This time, his old slave never stopped.

"Girl, play another piece of music, my son loves to listen." Ye Wuchen laughed.

Xun Zimi saw that he drank the liquor, and the jade face with a smile on his face seemed to be condensed: "Daughter, in fact, the song that was just played by the slave's son was not the slave's son.

"Oh?" Ye Wuchen gently lowered the wine bottle, leaning on the seat, and Jian Jian frowned slightly. "Do you have a son? Where is he?"

The old slave Guan Ning, who was next to the night without dust, had already been walking to the side of the night without dust.

"On the bow!"

"Boats? Then ask your son to meet." Ye Duchen smiled with interest.

The curtain of the cabin was lifted by a white jade hand, and a Tsing Yi boy walked in slowly, with elegant steps and elegant temperament, but the appearance was extremely ordinary. It was Jiang Seshou who wore men's clothing with human skin masks.

As soon as she came in, Ye Duchen raised her head in surprise, her black eyes flickered, and she seemed stunned.

"His Excellency ..."

With a smile on the hem of his gown, he sat gracefully on the stool opposite him, smiling softly: "I'm just a nameless junior, and I don't dare to say the name in front of the hall."

When the words were not settled, they saw a flash of cold light in front of them, and a sword struck at them with a fierce wind. It was the old slave who shot.

He shivered and avoided, and sneered, "Sir and shot slowly. I wonder if you ever heard of the old man's two-colored dendrobium?"

Ye Ye stayed in the dust for a long time, not because of the two-colored dendrobium that Cather said, but because of the cold smile on Cather's lips.

The old slave guarding the prince heard that the two-colored Dendrobium was suddenly changed.

He looked eagerly, knowing that the old slave had heard of Dendrobium.

"It is said that a hundred years ago, the old man from Xuanyuan in Xuanyuan's house was good at organ mechanics and made many exquisite instruments. One is called two-colored Dendrobium. It is said that the inside of the pot is divided into two halves, which can store different wines. The liquids are isolated from each other and should not be confused. Although they are poured from the same spout, but you hold different holes on the handle, the pouring liquid is different. The first glass can be fine wine, and The cup can be a deadly poison. "

He said lightly, but the old slave and Ye Chen's eyes had already gathered above the table case before Zi Fan poured the wine on the jug.

White porcelain base with light patterns painted on it.

I was very plain and ordinary.

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