Are there two tiny holes on the pot handle? It is larger than the eye of the needle, and it is difficult to find it without looking carefully.

"Where did you get this pot? You, poisoned the prince?" The old slave raised his face and looked at Seser, Bai Jing's face was even paler, and there was a violent attack in his eyes.

普通 This ordinary jug turned out to be two-colored Dendrobium. The wine just tested by the guard was not poisonous, which did not mean that the second glass of wine was not poisonous. He protected the prince for more than 20 years, and never made a mistake, but did not want the horse to stumble. He actually planted on this little two-colored Dendrobium.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?" The old slave asked, leaning over the Prince.

"At first there was a little pain in the chest, but now ... it seems to be spreading to the whole body." Prince Ziye said with a pale expression, a pair of black eyes staring fiercely, and her angry eyes looked like two clusters of flames burning coldly.

I dare to break ground on Tai Sui. It seems that this person is impatient.

"Here comes the antidote! Otherwise, you can't live without asking for death." Guan Ning walked in front of Selse and said coldly.

"My father-in-law, why are you angry? I have no intention of requesting His Royal Highness's life. The reason for this is that there is only one thing required of His Royal Highness." Secretly, he found a crimson elixir from his sleeve, and said: It is the antidote, but it can only solve the prince's toxicity episode. "

Xi Guanning took the pill in his hand. Someone tried the medicine and confirmed that it was the antidote before taking it to the Prince. With no medicine at night, the pain that spread throughout the body slowly subsided.

He brushed his hair before his forehead, and the hair was soaked with cold sweat. He is a prince. How could he have been tortured in such a way that the pain at the time of the poison was just like the ants' heart and Ling Chi cutting meat.

He walked to the front of him with irritation, but felt that the fire was burning between his chest and his chest, and he couldn't hold it down. Stretching your legs and kicking at Sel's legs, he scolded, "Say, who sent you to poison Prince Ben!"

"My son!" Zi Mi shouted distressed.

He had been aware that the night was clean and martial arts, but he was kicked and still felt uncomfortable.

不是 She's not hiding, but she doesn't want to hide.

No matter what, the poison has let him eat it, she can be regarded as asking for him, not blindly hard.

"His Royal Highness, if I want to assassinate you, why should I give you an antidote? I just have something to ask His Highness for help." Said frowningly.

Yan Ye's face became dark without dust, thinking of the painful torture just before, sneer: "What's the matter!"

"There will be a banquet in the King's House tomorrow night, I hope His Royal Highness can take me there!" Said faintly. In any case, she must go in the king's palace.

Ye Wuchen raised her eyebrows and saw the coldness in her eyes when she talked about the King of Kings. She smiled meaningfully and said, "Yes, Your Highness is happy to take you there, but you won't go to assassinate King's right? "

He shook his head quietly, "I won't give you trouble, rest assured, just to see the grand occasion of the banquet."

Ye Ye no dusty black eyes froze, "When will you give the antidote."

"I will give it to you as soon as I leave the house." Said with a slight smile.

She originally wanted Ye Wuya to take her there, but she didn't want to affect Wuya anymore, so she thought of going with the prince. Fortunately, she stole a lot of things in Xuanyuan Mansion last time, including this two-colored Dendrobium, which she didn't want to come in handy today.

Ye Ye.

In the dark velvet sky, Lengyue was hanging high, and there was a cold light.

She was dressed as a night-duster guard and stood quietly on the street. As soon as night-dusk appeared, she followed him into the king's palace. She had heard Su Di inquiring clearly that Yi Lengxue and the child lived in Yun Cui Yuan where Yi Ying Xiang lived, and the medicine should also be in Yun Cui Yuan. Later, she entered the house, and when everyone was unprepared, she dived there to steal medicine. With her light work and familiarity with the King's Palace, this matter is not difficult.

Gorgeous carriages passed by from time to time on the street, and the wind swayed her hem. Looking down, the guard suit was quite fit. Touched his face, tonight he did not wear a human skin mask, because wearing a mask, his look is stiff, it is easy to be seen. Fortunately, "Lanfang" has a master of Yi Rong, and gave her a careful and easy way. The complexion was darkened, the pointed jaw looked wider than before, and his face was well-defined, and he really looked like an ordinary man. I don't know what Yirong's girl stuck to the corners of her eyes with something. The eyes, which were as clear as autumn water, looked smaller. In this way, Ye Wuyan should not recognize her.

Hagiwara thought that in this life, she would never see him again. I never expected to see him, and in such a way. But for Cheer, she is willing to do anything.

A carriage stopped beside her. It was very ordinary. It was the hire carriage on the street. Secretly wondering, wouldn't there be such a carriage in the night? In addition, there were no guards behind the car. Being puzzled, the car curtain was opened by a small hand, Jiang Che drilled out of the car, and said with a smile: "Xianxian, who are you waiting for?" The lips are slightly upturned, harmless with a pair of people A smile, with a look of laziness indifferent between his eyebrows.

Sutherton felt a headache. She obviously left Jiang Che in "Lanfang", and asked Tuo Su to send someone to look at him. Why did she come here? A carriage followed her, she didn't even notice it. This made her unbelievable. When did her vigilance drop so low?

"Did you follow me over?" Whispered coldly.

"I didn't come with you. Who can keep up with you with your weird body. I overheard the dialogue between Su Ye and Yu Mo and knew you were coming to the King's Palace. It ’s here at the King ’s Palace. I ’m going to the banquet too! ”Jiang Che's white porcelain face smiled, his expression dignified.

Whenever such an expression appeared on Che'er's face, it was often that his mind had been decided, and nine cows couldn't pull it back.

Shyly shook his head, squatted down, and patted Che'er's head, seduced with a smile: "No evil son, please go back? Mother, there is really something to do, can't take you. Next time, mother will take you to participate How about a big party? "

"Do n’t you laugh?" Cheer covered her eyes, looked at Seser from her fingers, and said crisply, "Your face is already very ugly. Smile again, Cheer thinks ghosts will be caught. You ’re scared to death. You do n’t need to coax me. I know what your so-called normal business is doing and asking for medicine for me, so ... Cheer should even go, I ca n’t let you take the risk alone! I guess, No one will pay attention to my child, I must be more free to move! "Che Eryou said, a manly protective tone for women.

She Cheer has more mature and intelligent children than ordinary children. If he followed, he might really help her! However, the other party was smoke-free at night, and he secretly did not want Che-er to be seen without smoke at night.

"I know you can do it, but I'm sure I can do it well, you really don't have to go. Go back obediently!" Secretly ignored Jiang Che's soft grinding and foaming.

"I heard that the King of Kings is a hero of South Vietnam. It should not kill innocent people. Let me go." Jiang Che begged softly, looking pitiful.

However, this time his pretense didn't work. Pleasantly heard that Cheer mentioned the King, and his face suddenly became cold, and he took hold of him, saying coldly, "Go back obediently!" The voice was very low, but it was cold. Like ice, the severity in the words couldn't be more obvious.

Minjiang Che has never seen her mother look so cold, her eyelashes blinked, and there was a hole in her eyes.

A gorgeous carriage came galloping, and behind the car, there were several guards riding high horses. The carriage stopped on the side of Selby, and the curtains of the carriage were opened, revealing the night of the Jinyihuafu.

He looked at the guard clothes on Sesser, and then looked at Sesser's appearance, and said with a smile: "So you look like this?" Turning his eyes, he glanced at Cheer, raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise. "Who is this little baby?"

Cheer hates others most when he is a baby. When he sees the cunning like a fox, especially the magnificent temperament, he doesn't like it. He glanced at him coldly and replied, "I'm nothing Baby, I am an innocent boy! "

Su Ye Ye was clearly surprised by the chill in Che Er's eyes, and a little bit of surprise was drawn in his eyes, and then he smiled: "Evil son, are you going to the King's Mansion? Come, Your Highness will take you there!"

"My name is Wuxie." Che Erning eyebrows.

Yan Ye Wuchen said meaningfully: "Little baby, you'd better get rid of that" no "."

He was secretly aware that the prince's name was clean, and the word "no" was in conflict with his name, and he had taboo.

"Cheer, tonight, you're called Xie Gongzi." Seerul said to Cheer.

Although Che Cheer was a little puzzled, he nodded. He took a step back, grabbed Seorui's corner of his clothes, and asked softly, "Who is he?"

"His Royal Highness is to be a prince." Secretly whispered, pinching Che's little hand to signal him to converge.

Stared at the dustless night in the car through the dim light in the street. This prince was designed by himself, but he didn't care. For a moment, she felt that the prince was deep in thought. Has he already seen his identity?

She fell down the cliff that year, and the one who saved her has not appeared for four years. Seor naturally knew that the reason for not appearing was very simple, because the man was both her life-saving benefactor and the designer of the plot.

After the incident, Suther knew that Yewuyan sent a lot of elite soldiers, but none of them were found. It can be seen that the one who took her away and escaped the nightly smoke-free search was by no means a person but a party.

It is also possible to have no dust overnight. However, for now, she had no other choice but to go to the smoke-free mansion in this way. Once the incident was over, I went back to Sanssouci Island and stopped staying in Feicheng.

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