The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1048: Go back to the sky

As the wild map said, Jiang Yun really felt a very weak volatility when he was about to leave the Nine Lands.

This kind of feeling is like the situation when he first asked the Zongzang Peak and broke through the ninth and twelfth meridians.

It feels like someone is peeing at yourself behind me!

But when he turned around, he could only see the map and Lu Lun, and he can be sure that this is not his own illusion.

Just like the feeling that I had born on the top of the Tibetan peak, I finally proved that the fluctuation of the breath is from the Tibetan sword.

However, he did not think about this issue.

After all, there are so many secrets hidden in the nine places that even the body has become an instrumental spirit. The wild pictures in which it has lived for countless years are not fully known, let alone themselves.


The passage of time in the land of the border is the same as that of the nine places.

That is to say, since the beginning of the stagnation of the nine places, it has been ten years since now!

For ten years, for ordinary creatures, there may be some changes in their bodies, but for the monks, for the vast land of the world, ten years is like a white gap, and it’s fleeting. There is no slight change.

As a result, many of them are still relishing the grand occasion when the nine places were opened. They discussed the tens of thousands of powerful monks who entered this time, and whether anyone can return safely.

The world is in the world, the world that had the strongest place in the world, and nowadays, although there is no such thing as a natural world, there is not much change in it. It is still the same as before.

Even in the foothills of the Tianlu Mountain in the middle of the world, at the moment, there is still a figure sitting on the position where the sky is always sitting in the middle of the year!

However, this person is not a god, but Luo Wenyan!

His grandson, Luo Xin, died in the hands of Jiang Yun in order to seek the remedy that Lu Lun left for Nan Yunruo.

In order to avenge his grandson, he took the initiative to find Jiang Yun's troubles, and the result was stopped by the sky, and he was sent to Tianluodong to be punished.

Although this made him lose the opportunity to enter the ruined nine places, but after the sky left, he escaped from the sky and the hole, and declared that the position of the lord was passed to himself before he left, so he changed and became The incumbent of the Tianzongzong!

Although he only has the strength of Tianyou, but because of the master of the Zong, almost all entered the nine places, and did not enter is also concentrated cultivation, so no one dared to question his identity.

In ten years, he has also completely controlled the entire Tianzong from top to bottom and became a veritable lord.

This kind of high above, no need to listen to anyone's feelings, let Luo Wenyan very satisfied.

As for the sky, he did not worry at all, because he believed that it would never be possible to return from the dead.

It was only the one that made him regret that Jiang Yun and Nan Yunruo had entered the ruin of the nine places, so that he could not avenge his grandchildren by himself.


At this moment, Luo Wenyan’s mouth suddenly gave a sigh, opened his eyes and said to himself: “Xin Er, how good if you are still alive!”

"Unfortunately, Nan Yunruo and Jiang Yun also fled to the nine places. Otherwise, I will definitely smash these two people and avenge you!"

At the same time that Luo Wenyan said this, a calm voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "If this is the case, I will give you this opportunity to avenge!"

Luo Wenyan stunned and jumped directly from the ground, yelling out loud: "Who!"

Here is the foothills of the sky, the forbidden land of all disciples, and now there is another sound, and there is no slightest awareness of it, which makes him not surprised.

In front of him, there was a whirlpool of Xu Zhanggao out of thin air, and from the vortex, he stepped out of a figure.

It is Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun left the land of silence and returned to the land of the boundary.

Coincidentally, his position is very close to the sky, and he also brought the sky out, so he naturally chose to come to the sky.

In addition, Jiang Yun, who returned again, has a special feeling that the land of the whole world, together with the creatures within it, are all under their control.

As long as you are willing, you can appear anywhere in the land of the world, or you can kill any creatures with your thoughts!

It is as if you are already the owner of the land of the world, here is your own territory.

For this situation, Jiang Yun guessed that it should be because he has already obtained half of the recognition of the nine places.

The land of the world is based on the stagnation of the nine places, so the identity of the land in the world is the same as the owner.

Today, Jiang Yun just came to the sky, and he heard Luo Wenyan’s self-talk, so this was deliberately opened.

"It's you!"

Recognizing that the person in front of him was Jiang Yun, Luo Wenyan’s face showed a shocking color. Apparently he did not think that Jiang Yun could still come out of the nine places.

"It's me! The one who killed your grandson!" Jiang Yun said with no expression.

Don't say that Jiang Yun is now the master of the land of the world. Even if he faced Luo Wenyan at the beginning, if it wasn't for the fingers in the body to suppress the cultivation, Luo Wenyan was not his opponent.

What's more, now he is more protective of the strength of Jiu Jiu Jing Feng, to kill Luo Wenyan, it is easy.

"you wanna die!"

Luo Wenyan’s eyes flashed in the cold, and he raised his hand to attack Jiang Yun!

However, after Jiang Yun looked at him coldly, Luo Wenyan’s body suddenly trembled, and suddenly felt a crush like a sky, shrouded in his own body!

Under the pressure of this pressure, Luo Wenyan has a very clear feeling that his life and death are completely in the hands of his own control, but in the hands of Jiang Yun!

As long as Jiang Yun has a thought, he can let himself die in an instant!

Jiang Yun looked at Luo Wenyan: "When he killed Luo Xin, he was wrong."

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"Although you have shot me, but sin is not dead, I can spare you a life."

"However, I seem to remember that when the sky was falling, you were punished for entering the cave. However, looking at you now is not like being punished. Instead, it seems to have become the lord of heaven and earth?"

"I don't bother to take care of this account. I will wait for you to find out for yourself, and let go!"

Jiang Yun waved his hand at random, and Luo Wenyan’s body flew out uncontrollably and went straight down the sky.

However, at this moment, he is like a sculpture, and he does not care about his own fall.

There is already a blank in his mind, and only Jiang Yun’s last sentence is constantly reverberating.

The sky is falling, and it is back!

The appearance of Luo Wenyan was not worth mentioning for Jiang Yun, so he did not pay attention to it. Instead, he sat directly on the top of the mountain in the sky, and his wrists were raised. There was already a bald-headed old man in front of him.

There is only one eye on the old man's face, and it is tightly closed. It is in the illusion that the demon of the incarnation of Sen Luo is returned!

Jiang returned, he knew the secret of the Jiang people, so Jiang Yuncai brought him to appear. Now, he should ask him about the secret of the Jiang people.

However, just as Jiang Yun was just about to wake up Jiang Gui, his heart suddenly moved, and his eyes burst out with a dazzling light. He suddenly reached out and took a palm to the sky under the mountain!

"Give me out!"

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