The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1049: Help you go home

The power of Jiang Yun’s palms fell on the hills and the whole sky was a little tremble!

In this trembling, from the huge mountain body of Tianlu Mountain, there was a huge stone that was broken by one person and appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

With the sound of the rupture of "咔咔", two eyes and one mouth appeared on the boulder!

Among those eyes, there is a kind of extreme vicissitudes, watching Jiang Yun deeply!

Although this boulder appeared too strange, but Jiang Yun did not panic, watching the face on the boulder, after a while, slowly began: "If you do not expect, you should be the decent of the deity Let's go!"


The boulder exploded and turned into countless pieces of gravel. In the air, it was extremely fast and condensed with an old man. It was a great day!

The sky twisted and twisted his neck and shook his limbs. It seemed that he was not used to such a body.

After a long time, he only bluntly said: "You have been the first person to discover my secret for so many years."

"Although I am unable to sense the situation of my avatar in the nine places, but now he is on your body, it is not difficult to guess that you will certainly gain a lot of goodness in it."

The answer to the sky naturally confirms Jiang Yun’s words, and he really is the real sky.

And that always sits cross-legged in the sky, and is known as the most powerful person in the whole world, but it is his avatar!

If it is not Jiang Yun who is already the master of the land of the world, he has an extremely keen sense of everything here, I am afraid he still can't find him hidden in the mountain.

If you change this before, knowing this truth, Jiang Yun will be extremely shocked, but now, Jiang Yun is calm and faint: "I am afraid, even your avatar does not know, is he just a avatar?"

"You can see it!"

The face of the sky showed a strange color, but still nodded: "Yes, he always thought that he was the real sky, but I was very curious, how did you see it?"

"It's very simple. Your breath is strong and your life is strong. It doesn't look like someone who is about to fall, but your avatar always thinks his life is near!"

The reason why the detachment of the sky is obsessed with the search for the descendants of the nine ethnic groups, the reason why they must enter the stagnation of the nine places, and even in the illusion, they must also trade with Jiang Yun, in order to control the sacred objects of the nine ethnic groups, thereby increasing themselves. Shou Yuan.

But in front of this day, where the vitality is like a dead person.

"It turns out!" Tian Tian nodded and said: "However, if I don't let him feel that Shouyuan is near, he will not be so hard to find a way to enter the Nine Places."

"Okay, don't say anything about me. Since you have returned safely from the dead and the nine places, you have acquired the creation, and you have discovered my secret, then I can only kill you!"

Jiang Yun suddenly smiled and said: "Your avatar, when you are dead in the nine places, want to make a deal with me, but it can not be achieved, it is better, now I am going to make a deal with you?"

Tianluo asked with interest: "What trade?"

Jiang Yun was in silence. After a moment, the light flashed in his eyes. This slowly began: "I may be able to help you go home!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, a very powerful atmosphere suddenly burst out on the body in front of the sky.

So that the entire vast world of heaven and earth is under the influence of this breath, it is shocking, just like the end of the day.

The sky was suddenly turned into a very cold, staring at Jiang Yundao: "What are you talking about!"

Seeing the meaning of the sky, it seems that as long as Jiang Yun’s answer makes him feel unsatisfied, then he will immediately shoot and kill Jiang Yun.

Under the threat of the sky, Jiang Yun is still the face that does not change color: "I said, I can help you to leave this land, or to leave this world, return to the other piece you came. world!"

After Jiang Yun’s words are finished, the whole world seems to have fallen into a static state.

Even the sky in front of him is like a statue, standing there motionless, only the powerful atmosphere that still radiates from the body is constantly fluctuating.

After a long time, this breath suddenly disappeared, everything was restored to normal, and the sky was also sitting on the opposite side of Jiang Yun, looking at Jiang Yundao: "You, know?"


Don't look at Jiang Yun's face calm, but in fact, at this moment, the vast waves of his inner heart are not weaker than the sky.

In fact, the words he just said were only his guess and his gamble.

Before leaving the ruined nine places, during the dialogue with the ruins of Lun Lun, Jiang Yun proposed the mountains and seas as the boundary according to the scene he saw on the peak of the five peaks of the Great Wilderness. The other side of the world has another world. guess.

In the face of the deity of the day, he even vaguely felt a very strange force.

What kind of power is this, Jiang Yun does not know, but it is certain that this power and the special power of the Nine Tribes have some similarities.

In addition, he also remembered the origins of the sky, it is said that there was no mountain in this world, but suddenly one day, a mountain fell from the sky and fell in this world, so the mountain was named Tianshan!

Combining these, let Jiang Yun boldly speculate that the sky is likely to come from the passage outside the boundaries of the mountains and seas that he saw, from the other world.

What's more, this day, the deity is very powerful, but it is hidden in the mountain. Instead, he cultivates a avatar and deliberately makes the singer feel that Shouyuan is close, so he is looking for ways to enter the ruin.

When others enter the stagnation of the nine places, they are looking for opportunities and fortune, and he wants to enter the ruin of the nine places. The real purpose should be to go back to the world, his home!

Now, the reaction of the sky is enough to prove that Jiang Yun’s guess is correct!

Naturally, this also brought a great shock to Jiang Yun. It turned out that there was another piece of heaven and earth outside the world where he was.

Moreover, the people who came from that world are extremely powerful!

"Do you have any confidence that I can go home again?"

At this time, the sky was once again open, and Jiang Yun returned from the shock. He said calmly: "When I become the master of the nine places, I will naturally let you go home after controlling the sacred objects of the Nine. !"

Tian Luo looked at Jiang Yun up and down, and his face showed no scornful color: "Can you become the master of the nine places?"

In the face of the suspicion of the sky, Jiang Yun is not nonsense, directly throwing out the sky and throwing it out: "Look at the memory of your separation in the nine places, you know I can!"

After the fall of the sky, it is still unconscious, and after the Tianzun deity hesitates, he opens his mouth and **** his body directly into the body.

In an instant, the face of the sky was shocked, and I watched Jiang Yundao deeply: "What do you need me to do?"

Obviously, after knowing the experience of Jiang Yun in the illusion, let Tiansheng believe that Jiang Yun is indeed the master of the nine places!


Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and there was another Jiang Yun stepping out of his body. He said to the sky: "I need you to continue to guard the land of the world, and at the same time protect my avatar!"

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