The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1123: I can't wait.

This idea, Jiang Yun naturally has already existed.

Although he has never mentioned it to anyone, Xiao Letian is an old guy who has lived for countless years. He can't guess the thoughts in Jiang Yun's heart.

Originally, Xiao Letian thought that Jiang Yun would definitely come to discuss with himself, but did not expect Jiang Yun to never say.

I am looking for myself today just for the sake of the Xue people, and I am worried that this kid will not say goodbye and secretly go to the Third Palace, so I will simply point out.

When Xiao Letian broke his mind, Jiang Yun was not surprised. He smiled slightly: "There is indeed this idea. However, I don't want to let my brother and the Taoist world get involved."

"Brother, it seems that you still regard your brother as an outsider!" Xiao Letian pretend to be dissatisfied: "So big things are not going to tell me!"

For Xiao Letian’s teasing, Jiang Yun certainly wouldn’t care. He still shook his head: “The reason why the ancient times can exist safely until now is because you and the far-reaching Jiu’s identity are not exposed, and you don’t have Go and really provoke the majesty of the Third Palace."

"But once you directly shot the third house, then even if the road is not your opponent, but the Tao will certainly not ignore the ancient world."

"You said these are all good." Xiao Letian mysteriously smiled: "But I did not say that we have to directly go to the third house!"

"The real shot is still you!"

Jiang Yun can't help but reveal the incomprehensible color: "What does Xiao Lao mean?"

If you can get help from them without the tiring of the music and the ancient times, so that you can get back the soul of the master as soon as possible, then Jiang Yun is naturally very happy.

Xiao Letian converges with a smile, and the color is correct: "The last time you and the medicine started to work, it brought in the great five peaks, and even attracted the power of the sun in the nine places."

"I didn't think about it at the time, but now I want to come. Are you still connected with the Nine Lands?"

"Not bad!"

Jiang Yun did not conceal, and said that his wild lines were connected to the relics of the abandonment within the nine places.

Even, even his own cultivation is a realm to tell Xiao Lotte.

After listening to it, Xiao Letian did not speak immediately, but fell into meditation.

In a moment, he said: "I used to follow my method. Although it is possible for you to get back the soul of your master, it is only 50%."

"But now, since you can absorb the power of the sun in the nine places, then if you can reach the heavens, you can at least get 80%!"

Not to mention the 80% grasp, the five achievements have made Jiang Yun very heart-felt.

In fact, it has always been a major event for Jiang Yunji to improve his own strength.

It’s just plain, but it’s hard to do.

More importantly, he did not have enough time to practice, so he did not want to say: "I want to listen to the 50% grasp."

Xiao Letian nodded and said: "There is also a premise for this method, that is, you must be able to exert the power of the air."

"The ancient world is in an independent space. Naturally, I can also make a space outside the Sannomiya and wrap it up."

"Being in space is equivalent to being in a world. By then, as long as you can exert the power of looting, then you can control that space, which is equivalent to becoming a landlord, and I will secretly assist you! ”

"Although you are still not the opponent of Dao San, if you just want to take back the soul of your master, you still have 50% confidence!"

After listening to Xiao Letian's method, let Jiang Yun realize the power of the Xiao people's looting, and the control of space is simply superb.

Jiang Yun then asked: "If you reach the heavenly environment, why can you have a good grasp of 80%?"

"Because, according to what you said, once you reach the heavenly environment, you will become the master of the nine places."

"When I add the power of the landlord I send you, I have the power of both worlds, and the natural ability can be improved to 80%."

"If I secretly shoot it, then the grasp can reach 90%!"

Seeing that Jiang Yun is still silent, Xiao Letian once again said: "Brother, I have to remind you that there are nine ethnic groups on your body."

"There are nine sacred objects in the nine places to help you suppress. In this ancient world, I have a way to help you suppress, but once you leave the ancient world, whether it is returning to the thousands of roads or the prison, the Jiuzu Road seal It will still work."

"At that time, if you want to enter the heavens again, then it will be impossible!"

"So, I suggest you, you don't have to do anything now, don't think about anything, take time to practice in the heavens."

"At that time, you are likely to break the nine-nation seal!"

"And, I can help you, open up the channel between you and the nine places, let you absorb more of the power of the sun, shorten your time to reach the heavens!"

I have to say that Xiao Letian’s words have a great temptation for Jiang Yun.

Although he is now the pinnacle of the earth's protection, even with all the cards, the true strength that can be exerted can only be counterbalanced.

Especially when I faced the ink dust in the near future, I was more aware of my own strength.

If you are strong enough, then how can the ink duster threaten yourself, so you really need to improve your strength as soon as possible.

What's more, when the illusion ended, the Taoist confession was clear and he would wait for himself!

In the illusion, the wild map has the final say, but in reality, it is absolutely the Taoist who has the final say.

In other words, as long as you leave this ancient world, you must face the chasing of the entire temple, in addition to not being able to improve your cultivation!

If you stay in the ancient times, you will naturally be safer when you wait to improve after you have upgraded to God bless, or a higher level.

It’s just that, no one knows how long it will take for him to enter the heavens.

Even if you can get into the heavens, you still have no idea.

I can wait for myself, but Master and Xue Qing can't wait;

There are also grandfathers and medicine gods who are in the middle of the world, and they can't wait!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun apologized: "Brother, your kindness is my heart!"

"However, I can't wait, so I still choose a 50% solution."

"And, my brother only needs to wrap the Tao San Palace in space, and you don't need to secretly shoot again!"

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Jiang Yun’s answer made Xiao Letian a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that his persuasion should be able to change Jiang Yun’s thoughts, but he did not expect that he would persist.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who is calm but his eyes are extremely determined, Xiao Letian’s eyes can not help but emerge a wild figure.

In those days, when I was persuaded to go far, I didn’t want to go to the dead world to take risks, but I was so far away.

Shaking his head, Xiao Letian said with a smile: "To tell the truth, I really doubt that the wilderness is your disciple, because you two are really too similar!"

Then, Xiao Letian’s smile converges: “Well, I respect your choice, but I also want to remind you that if I don’t shoot, then you may not even have the 50% grasp!”

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I know!"

"I need to do some preparation here too..."

Xiao Letian said with a deep heart: "Let's do it. I will help you to open up the passage between you and the nine places. You can absorb the power of the sun when you feel the power of the emptiness. Try to break through. ""

"In case you are lucky, you will realize the power of the looting and break through to the heavens, then it is not the best of both worlds!"

"In short, when did you realize the power of looting, when will you go to the Third Palace!"

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