The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1124: Flower radish

"Where is this?"

A beautiful woman in a red dress with a red dress appeared in the room of Jiang Yun, with a curious color, constantly looking around.

Looking at her, Jiang Yun’s face showed a smile: “This is called the ancient world. I am here by your master and bring you here. Later, you are expected to stay here for a while.”

This woman is naturally Nan Yunruo, the daughter of Lu Lun!

Among the boundaries and illusions, Lu Lun did his best to help Jiang Yun, in order to allow his daughter to leave the borders and go to a truly free world.

Although the ancient times are still in prison, but for Jiang Yun and the descendants of the Nine, it should be the most free and safest place.

Therefore, before Jiang Shuo retired, Nan Yun, who was always in a coma, was brought out from the top of the black cloud.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Nan Yun’s first glimpse, but then worried: “Where is my master, where is he? Is he dangerous? Is it falling?”

Because Nanyun was always in a coma, he did not know that Jiang Yun had seen Lu Lun. He did not know that Jiang Yun had entered the illusion for ten years, and he did not know that the land of the border had changed dramatically.

Her memory still stays on the sky, the moment when the relics of the abandonment appear.

After considering it, Jiang Yun decided not to let her know all the facts for the time being. After all, she might not accept her.

"Your Master has something to do, and he can't leave the land of the world for the time being, but you can rest assured that he will at least have no life, and you will definitely have a goodbye in the future."

Just when Jiang Yun’s voice fell, the voice of another woman suddenly sounded outside the door: “The lord, it is down!”

"come in!"

Another red-hot figure came in. This is a middle-aged beautiful woman, the flower red lady of Jiuyi Zong!

The two women met and each other was a glimpse.

After Jiang Yun simply introduced the two people, he said to the flower red mother's words: "Because I have to close for a while, and the South girl is not familiar with this place, so I will take care of you!"

The red-eyed girl’s eyes turned and looked at Jiang Yun’s gaze suddenly and there was a hint of disdain.

Although Jiang Yun saw it, it was foggy.

"If you are a sinister, you will not dare to violate it!"

The flower red lady was not salty and not faint, and she went to the front of Nan Yunruo. She smiled and said: "Nan girl, you will call me to spend my sister, and follow me later. In this ancient world, no one is guaranteed. Be able to bully you!"

"Fang Wei..." If Nan Yun was obviously a bit overwhelmed, he looked at Jiang Yun and shouted the pseudonym of Jiang Yun.

Waiting for Jiang Yun to answer, Hua Hong Niang has already rushed one step after the first slogan: "The name of the ridiculous Lord is called Jiang Yun, Fang Hao should be a pseudonym, walk around, there is something we go out to say, the wilderness is mainly closed! ”

Under the strong pull of the flower matchmaker, Nan Yun was pulled out without any resistance.

Before leaving, Hua Hong Niang did not forget to glance at Jiang Yun again, and the sorrowful color in his eyes was thicker!

When Jiang Yun was wondering, there was a voice from the outside of the house where the flower red lady was depressed: "Before I thought that the ridiculous master was an infatuated person, I didn't expect it to be a flower radish."

"The Snowman’s head is still alive and dead, and there is a little girl here, and telling people that they are all pseudonyms! Hey, man, there is really nothing good!"

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After listening to these words, Jiang Yun finally understood the reason why Hua Hong Niang scorned herself, and this made him laugh and cry, and could not explain it. He could only helplessly shake his head.

There are so many things between myself and Nan Yunruo!

However, in any case, the placement of Nan Yunruo, it is considered to be another thing of Jiang Yun, at least for Lu Luen has an account.

Then, Jiang Yun closed the door and arranged several isolation methods. He sat down on the knees and began to retreat.

The ruin of the nine ethnic groups, each ethnic group has its own strong points, the Xiao people naturally the same!

The power of looting should actually be the power of the air.

Because the space laid out by this force is equivalent to one world.

Moreover, you can force the space you have laid out to impose on anything, even outside the world!

This is the horror of the power of looting.

Even if the world originally had a landlord, but when you cover the space you have opened up outside the world, then you can take away the identity of the landlord!

In order to have the power of looting, the first thing to do is to use the gods to sense the law of space.

The reason why the Xiao people can master the power of looting is that because of the help of the seal of the robbery, their knowledge is much stronger than others, and the law of natural sensing is easier than others.

As for Jiang Yun, his gods are not weak. Now that there is a seal of looming, it has become a sea of ​​knowledge. Therefore, the law of sensing space and the power of control of the catastrophe should not be difficult when he wants to come. !

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s mind emerged from the original illusion, when he battled Sen Luo.

In fact, for the law of space, Jiang Yun has had contact in the illusion, that is, Yan Junyan told him about the magical power of shrinking the ground.

The so-called shrinkage of the ground is the ultimate range that can be achieved by the gods, condensed between the ground.

Combining the gods and the emptiness, you will feel a kind of embarrassment at the beginning, but when the gods break the shackles, they can be integrated with nothingness.

With Jiang Yun's own strength, he couldn't break this kind of ambiguity in the illusion, but after he took advantage of the power of the Nine, he succeeded in displaying the shrinkage.

Nowadays, although he has left the illusion and lost the help of the power of the Nine, but has experienced, and then to understand the law of space, the difficulty naturally shrinks again.

Jiang Yun exudes his own knowledge and spreads around him. In the twinkling of an eye, his knowledge covers a thousand miles.

And he has already felt a powerful force, like a huge palm, firmly grasping his own knowledge, so that he can no longer move forward.

This is the power of space law!

A thousand miles away, it doesn't seem to be far from it, but here is the ancient world!

In different worlds, the distance that God can reach is also very different.

Simply put, because the world has a distinction between the Tao and the wild, the degree of toughness of the world is naturally different.

The wasteland is fragile, and the roads are much stronger.

Within the more fragile world, the farther the gods can reach.

Just like when Yue Qing went to the mountains and seas, he did not dare to release all the power, because once released, the mountains and seas could not bear it at all, and the same would be directly destroyed.

This ancient world is Xiao Leian, the descendant of the Xiao nationality, who has spent countless years building it out.

In his words, every space inside the ancient times of the Tao is equal to adding a layer of defense to the ancient world.

It is conceivable that the toughness of the ancient world has reached an extreme.

In the ancient times of the Tao, even if they are like a savage, their knowledge can only cover a thousand miles.

If Jiang Yun wants to realize the law of space, he must let his own gods know how to break through the limits of this miles.

At the same time as Jiang Yun’s knowledge was released, Xiao Letian, who was in the manor, smiled slightly and looked up at Jiang Yun’s direction, remembering the process of comprehending the power of the robber.

“It took me four years to realize the law of space, and then it took another four years to touch the power of the air.”

"My speed is also among the top of my Xiao family. I don't know how old the brother is, how long it will take!"

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