The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1125: Closing the ancient world

Although Jiang Yun’s heart has too much concern, he can’t wait too long, but he also knows that he must realize the power of the robbery, and then he can recover the soul of the master, so he can leave Daogu with confidence. Circle, go find the key to the world!

Therefore, at the beginning of his sitting, he had already left all the distractions, his heart was like water, and all his attention was concentrated on the knowledge of the gods that covered thousands of miles away.

Feel the power of the law from the law of space, constantly let the gods know the impact of this shackle, want to break it.

Naturally, in addition to trying to understand the laws of space, Jiang Yun also absorbs the power of the sun from the nine places through the passage that has been enlarged by Xiao Letian.

Time has quietly passed away in the retreat of Jiang Yun. In the twinkling of an eye, it is two years.

At this moment, Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes, revealing the color of doubt!

Because in the past two years, he has exhausted all methods, but he can not break the flaws of the space law, his consciousness is still firmly bound in the scope of thousands.

Although the two years were not long, but failed to achieve a little bit of results, this made Jiang Yun have to seriously think about whether he is doing something wrong.

After all, he doesn't have much time to waste.

However, after a lot of hard work and meditation, Jiang Yun still can't find his mistake.

Every step of his own understanding of the law of space is completely in accordance with the instructions of the original Yan Junyan and Xiao Letian.

"I don't have any wrong things to do. Is it a way for them to understand the laws of space? It is not suitable for me!"

Today's Jiang Yun's eye has long been incomparably open, and naturally understands the avenues of the road and the same path.

The road that others have traveled does not mean that this road is equally suitable for them to go.

"What is the right approach for me?"

With such doubts, Jiang Yun habitually prepared to close his eyes and think.

However, just as his eyes were about to close, his eyes suddenly opened again.

Because he suddenly remembered his own knowledge of the sea, the world he saw in his own eyes was completely different.

Especially the colorful and varied rules that emerged from the void.

Jiang Yun's vision is far more acute than others, and he has even realized the eye of Taoism, so his eyes can also see things that many people can't see.

"Since it is impossible to break through the rules of space by virtue of God's knowledge, if I can see the law of space and then crush it with my own strength, should I also be able to understand the law of space and realize the power of looting? ”

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly stood up and pushed open the door and went out.

In the past two years, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has always covered a thousand miles, so he has long been familiar with the surrounding environment.

After a few moments, he came to the foothills of the highest mountain nearby, standing there, and looking far away!

Looking at it, the clouds are rolling, and the sky is clear, and the entire ancient world seems to have a panoramic view.

The ancient times of the Tao are not only vast, but the scenery inside is also magnificent.

Especially in the eyes of Jiang Yun, who can see various laws, the ancient world he sees is far more exciting than others.

For Jiang Yun suddenly left the room, appeared on the top of the mountain, Xiao Letian naturally knows clearly.

And this also made him a bit wrong, I don't know what Jiang Yun is doing.

However, he naturally would not bother with Jiang Yun, and quietly told the people to completely empty the square of the mountain where Jiang Yun is located.

Even, he used the power of looting to lay a space ban to prevent others from breaking into here and disturbing Jiang Yun.

In this way, Jiang Yun is above this mountain, one stop, and it is two years long!

In the two years, spring and autumn, summer rain and winter snow, no matter how the weather changes, Jiang Yun not only has not been physically moving, but his eyes have not closed, so he stares at the front.

So that Xiao Letian couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Yun had already turned into a statue.

In two years, Xiao Letian almost wanted to ask Jiang Yun what he was watching, but in the end he chose to wait and see.

On this day, Xiao Letian sat in the study room, playing with the shackles in his hands, and the face that was far away from the face showed the color of remembrance.

Although he needs to fake the wilderness to sit in the ancient world of the town, but in fact he is Xiao Xiaotian of the Xiao people!

In his heart, he is not thinking about his homeland all the time, and all he can do is to pin his thoughts on the arrogance of his own hands.

But at this moment, a burst of sound came from his ear.

Although the sound was extremely slight, but in his ears, it was not afraid of thunder, so his face suddenly changed, suddenly turned to look at the mountain where Jiang Yun is!

The sound of bursting is from there, or from the space banned by Xiao Letian for Jiang Yunbu!

In the case of blocking a space, the role of space ban is like a lock.

But now, this lock has been broken!

His first thought was that there was an enemy invasion, but when his gods instantly covered the area, he did not see any figures.

"Weird!" Xiao Letian said to himself: "No one has broken in. How can the space ban be broken for no reason, and it can't be..."

However, half of his words were stunned, and his eyes suddenly reached the limit.

Even the looting of the emptiness in his hands fell unconsciously from his hands and fell into the ground.

After a while, he was like a nightmare: "No one, even Jiang Yun is gone!"


When the voice fell, Xiao Letian took it one step at a time and appeared on the mountain that Jiang Yun stood for two years.

However, now that the mountain is empty, it has stood for two years, like Jiang Yun, who has turned into a statue, and disappeared out of nowhere.

Only a pair of footprints, branded in the foothills, proves that Jiang Yun has indeed stood here.

"How could it disappear? Where have you been?"

In Xiao Letian’s eyes, the cold light gradually appeared. It was inevitably that the space ban that had just been laid by him was broken, and the man appeared in the mountains at the same time, and took away Jiang Yun!

However, those who can do this and who have passed through themselves are not self-sufficient, and they will not be more than five people.

And these five people are also supreme, and it is impossible to go to the ancient times.

"Even if you take Jiang Yun away, you can't escape!"

In Xiao Letian's self-talk, his impression of the robbery emerged above his eyebrows.

Along with a radiant glow, a vast breath exuded from the body of Xiao Letian, causing the area he was in, suddenly distorted.

Under the temperament of this breath, between the moments, the winds and clouds, the invisible force of a strand of condensed from the space, more and more.

"Fang, the ancient world!"

Xiao Letian exhaled again and opened his hand to the front!

This majestic power is like a wave, sweeping away in all directions.

This is the power of the air!

Although it is invisible, there is bound to be a slogan in the space where it passes, and under this circumstance, the Taoist world is like being locked by layers.

Any creature can't enter, can't go out!

Moreover, the power of looting can also force anything hidden in the space to make everything invisible!

If at this moment, someone can see this scene, then they will understand that Xiao Letian is the true master of the ancient times!

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