The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1126: Deification

Xiao Letian knows that the person who can break the space banned by himself and quietly capture Jiang Yun is also a monk who has realized the law of space.

The other side is now hidden in the space of the ancient times. It can't be seen or touched. Even if the gods are not strong enough, they can't detect it.

Only the power of his own looting can capture the existence of the other party.

Fruit, just after the interest rate, Xiao Letian’s eyes suddenly burst into cold light, and he sang a low voice: “Found you!”

When the voice fell, Xiao Letian's body shape had disappeared from the original place and appeared in a void.

In front of him, there is a vaguely transparent human figure, and the inability to move by the power of the looting also makes his heart grow a sigh of relief.

My own guess is correct, and fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, and finally caught the other party in time.

Xiao Letian looked at this transparent human figure, raised his hand and just wanted to let the other party show up, but the human form suddenly said: "Xiao brother, it is me!"

Upon hearing this voice, the expression on Xiao Letian's face suddenly solidified, and even the chin almost fell to the ground.

Because of the person who talks, it is Jiang Yun.

As the sound of Jiang Yun sounded, the transparent human figure gradually became clear, and it was Jiang Yun!

"Brother, you..."

Xiao Letian looked at Jiang Yun with his eyes closed. After a long time, he ended up stuttering: "Do you feel the law of space?"

Jiang Yun smiled and nodded: "I was lucky enough to realize it, but after all, it was still not as good as Xiao Ge, and I was caught by my brother."

Xiao Letian at the moment is really dumbfounding!

As a Xiao ethnic group, he was born with a seal of looming. Now he has lived countless years, and the control of the power of looting has reached the point of being superb.

However, Jiang Yun just realized the law of space, of course, can not compare with himself!

However, Xiao Letian is still a little unbelievable: "I am under the ban of space, is it broken?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded. "I don't know that the ban was laid by my brother. Just suddenly, I felt like I was integrating into this world, I wanted to stay away from it, but there was something bound." I, so I broke it."

I just felt that my space ban was broken. Xiao Letian’s first reaction was that someone broke into the area where Jiang Yun was.

However, I did not expect that Jiang Yun broke the space ban and left the area, so what he saw in his eyes was naturally that Jiang Yun suddenly disappeared and disappeared, which made him mistakenly think that Jiang Yun was taken away. It is.

After receiving a positive answer from Jiang Yun, Xiao Letian couldn't help but look up at the direction of the mountain where Jiang Yun stood before, and it has already been hundreds of thousands of miles away.

This also shows that Jiang Yun has gone so far in this short period of time.

And being able to do this can only be done by shrinking the ground.

Xiao Letian still frowned, with a puzzled saying: "How did you break my space ban?"

Jiang Yun spent four years feeling the law of space, which is comparable to his own, and is also a gift of talent.

Feeling the laws of space, I can immediately integrate into the heavens and the earth, and the technique of shrinking the ground into inches can be accepted. Although it is a bit amazing, Xiao Letian can still accept it.

However, he could not accept that Jiang Yun broke his space ban!

This is like learning to sit and climb after a child is born.

The law of feeling space can be seen as learning to sit, but to integrate into the heavens and the earth is to learn to climb, but to break the space ban, that is to learn to go.


Although the space ban is only laid out by himself, the effect is only to block an area, but it is not so simple to break it.

Even if it is a tribe of its own, it may not be able to do it.

Otherwise, although there are not many people who control the power of looting, there are many people who can understand the laws of space. If the ban is really easy to be broken, then there is no need for this space ban.

It is impossible for this ancient world to exist safely today.

Jiang Yun does not think there is anything unusual: "I saw it, naturally it can break it!"

"What!" Xiao Letian squinted his eyes: "You are not sensing with the gods, and you see the space ban with your eyes?"


Jiang Yun's way of understanding the law of space is different from others. Others use the **** to sense the existence of the law of space. However, Jiang Yun is directly looking at it with his eyes.

In the two years standing on the top of the mountain, Jiang Yun successfully saw the law of space with his own eyes.

When Xiao Letian learned about Jiang Yun’s process of seeing the law of space, it was even more unacceptable.

Because the law is illusory, even the induction is difficult, not to mention the use of the eyes to see, unless it is a special eye such as the eye, it is possible to see the law.

Jiang Yun thought for a moment: "I had a demon eye before, and then I learned **** spirits in the bloodstream, and later I realized the eyes of the six desires, I am afraid I can see this!"

Xiao Letian still couldn't accept this explanation. He shook his head and said: "The eye of the blood and the eyes of the six desires, that is the technique, has nothing to do with your eyes. If you think about it, is there any other reason?"

Although Jiang Yun is a bit helpless, he can see that Xiao Letian is obviously very concerned about the answer to this question.

This is true.

Jiang Yun can see the space ban, which is beyond the understanding of Xiao Letian, so he must figure out the key points and find ways to improve his space ban.

Otherwise, after another day, other people can see the space banned by themselves, and the ancient world is not safe.

After Jiang Yun seriously pondered for a while, he began to say: "Is it because of my relationship with God?"

Xiao Letian said incomprehensible: "What happened to your god?"

Jiang Yun did not speak, and suddenly there was an eye above his head.

Xiao Letian swept this eye and just wanted to talk, but then he suddenly opened his eyes, watching the eyes on top of Jiang Yuntou, stuttering: "This, this is you." God's knowledge?"

Jiang Yun nodded. "Yes, I don't know what's going on. I can make God's knowledge condense into an eye!"


Xiao Letian’s mouth suddenly spit out a long breath, took his gaze back from his eyes and looked at Jiang Yun, but there was a look like a monster in his eyes: “You are called a god-like metamorphosis!”

"Oh!" Jiang Yun nodded.

Looking at the calm look of Jiang Yun, Xiao Letian suddenly said a little embarrassed: "Do you know that the monks who can make the gods understand the shape are even lower than the probability of being able to cultivate into the human isomorphism."

"is it?"

"You..." Xiao Letian didn't care about Jiang Yun's fullness. He hated the words: "My Xiao nationality is the most powerful, but it can be done in the shape of God. It will not exceed ten people in the past."

"In my Xiao family, the ultimate in the shape of the gods is to make the gods a smash."

"Once you succeed, then the place where God's knowledge goes, you can automatically form a space, the size can be changed according to the strength of your knowledge."

"The gods of the gods can wrap you up, let you be in another space, and use the power of space to make your strength improve."

"Come on, brother, since your knowledge has been transformed, then I believe that one day, you may be able to let your gods know how to achieve it!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Letian’s face suddenly showed a smile: “Well, now I want to tell you a good news, and let you grab the grasp of your master’s soul, and add a few more!”

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