The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1213: My sacrifice

For Thunder Dzi Beads, most people are no strangers, and Jiang Yun can be said to be extremely familiar.

Because his tenth meridian relied on the thunder and the celestial bead to open, the thunder was born.

Later, when he met Ralink, he also saw a Thunder in his hands.

There are nine Thunder Pearls, each containing one to nine Thunder.

The more mines are contained, the greater the power of Thunder Dzi Beads.

Now the Thunderbolt, which is held in the hands of thunderstorms, has nine roads of thunder, which is obviously the most powerful one.

Although Jiang Yun does not know how powerful this Thunder Dzi Bead is, the Thunderstorm comes out with this Thunderbolt at this time, which must be regarded as a kind of relying on it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the strong desire of his own thunder, and suddenly reached out and pointed out that the cultivation of Jiang’s Linggong suddenly became a fist and smashed toward the thunderstorm.

In the face of the oncoming fist, the thunderstorm ignored it. The cold eyes only looked at Jiang Yun and others. "There is something, I want to tell you, in fact, the real name of Thunder God should be called the Thunder Festival. day!"


Still not waiting for everyone to understand the meaning of the thunderstorm, the thunderstorm has crushed the thunder beads in the hands.

The nine thunders suddenly burst out, and the wind was long. It was instantly transformed into a length of the thunderstorm.

Looking far away, it is like nine Thunder Dragons!

At the same time, Jiang Yun's face can not help but change again, because he is still feeling a bit **** in the nine Thunder!

There is a **** atmosphere inside the Thunder, which makes it impossible for Jiang Yun to understand what is going on.

At this moment, the fist was already in front of the thunderstorm, and the slammed impact on one of the thunders.


In the loud noise, this fist, which was only condensed by the power of the Jiang nationality, was not able to shake the thunder, but was directly scattered and dispersed between the heavens and the earth.

This makes Jiang Yun's heart go down and sink.

I have had a fight with thunderstorms before, although the repair is really not as good as thunderstorms, but at least there are some threats.

But now, even one of the thunders can't shake, and the power of these nine thunders is absolutely amazing.

More importantly, until now, no one knows what the thunderstorm will do.


After blocking Jiang Yun’s attack, the nine thunders suddenly left the body of the thunderstorm and rushed toward the sky above his head.

In the eyes of the Earth Star River, the cold light flashed, and he raised his hand and grabbed it hard toward the ground below.

I saw a mountain directly caught by his imaginary, like a stick, and slammed into a thunderstorm.

Obviously, the Dixing River also saw the horror of these nine thunders, so I saw that the Thunder no longer protected thunderstorms, and wanted to take the opportunity to kill the thunderstorms first.

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However, this mountain and Jiang Yun's attack, like a long distance near the thunderstorm, suddenly collapsed.

It seems that there is an invisible strong shield around the thunderstorm that prevents all forces from approaching.

At this time, the nine thunders have also rushed out of the right way, and they appeared in the boundary, and they were connected end to end, forming a circle, and began to rotate continuously.

The body of the thunderstorm is placed under the circular cover of the nine thunders.

He is at the moment. The complexion has returned to calm, watching Jiang Yun, self-concerned: "After the emergence of the thunder, there are countless traces of thunder in this world."

"Unfortunately, as time passed, these mines were either extinguished or continued to evolve, and other thunders were born. In short, most of them have disappeared."

"But there are so many thunders. Since the birth, they have existed between the heavens and the earth. They have never been extinguished and have not dissipated!"

"I spent countless years and paid a lot of money. This was the result of dozens of such thunder, and made nine Thunder beads."

"However, the thunder among the other eight Thunder beads is equivalent to the dying man among human beings. Although it has not been extinguished, it is on the verge of death."

"And only the nine things that you see now, I call it Yuan Lei, they are the same as the young and middle-aged people in our humanity, and are at the peak!"

"If you want them to stay in this state and make them almost eternal, Jiang Yun, do you know how much I spent?"

Jiang Yun did not speak, he has been listening quietly.

I have to say that although I have a Thunder, although I can count as Lei Xiu, I even got the mark of Lei, but if I talk about the Thunder, I am far worse than a thunderstorm.

After all, the thunderstorm is the real Lei Xiu. From the beginning of his journey to practice, he is pursuing the only road to Lei.

I have never thought about it. It turns out that most of the thunder has been extinguished. It turns out that there is still the existence of Yuan Lei.

Obviously, the mines that have opened the meridians themselves, as well as the thunder in the thunderbolt of Thunder, and the traces of thunder in the thunder, should be the thunder of death.

Only the thunder that you swallowed in the illusion should be counted as Yuan Lei!

As for how to let Yuan Lei always maintain a peak state, he naturally will not know.

However, since the thunderstorms can even be swallowed up by the disciples of their own disciples, and the **** feelings felt on the nine yuan, it is not difficult to guess, this method is also full of bloody!

The thunderstorm did not need Jiang Yun to answer, and continued: "Therefore, the power of these nine yuan mines, even if it is the emergence of the mine, is not their opponent!"

"Today, you are very lucky to be able to die in these nine yuan mines!"

The mouth of the thunderstorm gently spit out two words: "Ray, sacrifice!


With the export of these two words, the entire Thunder Day was suddenly shaken.

In this shock, countless intensive explosions sounded one after another.

When you hear these sounds, everyone's faces are all in perfect shape. Even if they don't have to look at them, they know that the sounds are from countless creatures in various worlds during the Thunder!

Because, in the darkness of the seams, there have been countless groups of flesh and blood, and they are rushing toward the nine-yuan ray above the sky.

Sure enough, as Jiang Yun guessed, the way that thunderstorms keep Yuan Lei at its peak is to feed them with the flesh and blood of life!

Moreover, these flesh and blood contain more or less aura. Obviously, they were not ordinary people during their lifetime, all of them were monks!

Everyone finally understands why Thunder Day should be called the Thunder Festival.

Because the monks in the Thunder days are all sacrifices of these nine Yuan Lei!

In order to keep the nine yuan mines at their peak, the past and present, I don’t know how many lives were killed by thunderstorms and used to sacrifice these nine yuan mines, so their bodies will be filled with **** gas!

The Earth Star River screamed loudly: "Thunderstorms, you are simply mad, you use the spirits as a sacrifice to feed nine thunders, you are still not a human! Heaven and earth can not accommodate you!"

Indeed, this kind of behavior caused by thunderstorms is simply a common indignation!

For the hustle and bustle of the Dixing River, the thunderstorm shook his head and said: "You are wrong. Those monks are just food. They are not qualified to be sacrificed."

"The real sacrifice is the nine yuan mines, they are my sacrifices!"

"Ray, sacrifice, heaven! I am the sky!"

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