The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1214: Run away separately

The words of thunderstorms say that everyone’s face can’t help but change again, and finally completely realized!

It turns out that the reason why thunderstorms are to feed the nine thunders of the monks with the flesh and blood of the monks, so that they are always in the peak state, and they are simply offering sacrifices to themselves as a sacrifice.

And this is the true meaning of the Thunder Festival!

Sacrifice yourself with Yuan Lei!

The power of these nine yuan mines, everyone is obvious to all, if they are swallowed by thunderstorms, then the strength of thunderstorms will inevitably have a great improvement!

In the eyes of the Earth Star River, the cold light flashed, and the cold and cold mouth said: "I don't believe how strong these nine thunders can be. You, together, we ruined the nine thunders and said!"

Linglongzi and Xuexianzi, including Jiang Yun, naturally nodded their promises.

The four men also showed their most powerful attacks at the same time, attacking the nine Yuan Lei.

In the face of the four-person move, the thunderstorm's face was ridiculed, neither opening nor stopping.

With the roar of the roar, the faces of the four people instantly became gloomy again.

Because the attack of the four of them combined, they couldn’t hurt the nine yuan.


At the same time, a large amount of flesh and blood is still pouring into the nine-way mine.

After consuming a large amount of flesh and blood, the radiance of the nine-way ray thunder has already produced a faint blood color, and the breath is more powerful.

"You, can't beat, it seems that we can only escape!" Dixinghe once again secretly sent Jiang Yun and other three people.

Linglongzi immediately shook his head and said: "If you escape together, you can't escape. If you run away, the thunderstorm will surely catch up with one person, and that person will die!"

Although Ling Xiaozi did not point out who the thunderstorm would chase, his gaze was to look at Jiang Yun.

Anyone can see that thunderstorms are now hateful to Jiang Yun.

Moreover, for the hijacking of the Ding and Jiang Yun's Leimu imprint is also a must-have, so other people he can not care, but Jiang Yun, he will never let go.

The purpose of the three of them came to save Jiang Yun. If they finally escaped, Jiang Yun still died in the hands of thunderstorms, so that they have a face in the revolving family.

However, Jiang Yun flashed a ray of light in his eyes: "This proposal of the predecessors is good, but I am worried that you three can escape!"

Dixing River looked at Jiang Yun and said: "We don't have to worry about it. If the thunderstorm does not become a truly invincible existence, then he will not dare to kill us. After all, he should avoid the Taikoo Yaozu, but it is hard for you. Do you have a way to escape?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I have a vacant trip!"

Upon hearing this sentence, the three people of the Earth Star River suddenly realized.

Although they don't know much about the role of the stagnation, at least they know that it is the sacred object of the Xiao people.

What's more, they just saw the power of the looting, so with the help of the looting of the emptiness, Jiang Yun may indeed escape the thunderstorm.

However, Xue Xianzi still did not feel relieved: "Jiang Daoyou, are you sure to escape?"

Jiang Yun nodded. "Don't dare to say full grasp, but at least 70% or 80% of the grasp, so as long as you can be sure to escape, then we will spread out and escape!"

After the three people of Dixing River glanced at each other, they nodded, and the Earth Star River continued: "Well, when I shot the thunderstorm, we immediately dispersed and fled."

"Jiang Yun, we will tell you the position of my eighteen people. After you are safe, no matter which family you go to, we can know the first time!"

"it is good!"

For the voice between Jiang Yun and the four people, although the thunderstorm could not be heard, but they could not guess their thoughts, but the thunderstorm still did not speak, just watching the four people with a sneer.

Because, he also needs to wait for the nine Yuan Lei to swallow enough flesh and blood, and then they can be used as sacrifices for their own engulf!

After the four people finally reached a consensus, the Dixing River suddenly slammed into the thunderstorm volley, and at the same time sighed in the mouth: "Go!"

Waiting for his voice to fall, Jiang Yun and other three people have already galloped in three directions.

The Earth Star River also grabbed the spirit of the earth, unfolded the body, and madly rushed toward the Thunder.

I didn’t know the spirit of the four-person plan beforehand. This time it was a stunned look, but when he finally understood that he was waiting to be separated, his face suddenly changed: “Old...”

"To shut up!"

The Earth Star River did not give the spirit of the mouth a chance to speak, and even simply sealed the mouth of the spirit of the earth, sealed the spirit of the spirit, riveted all the power, continued to run wildly. .

He is now running out with all his strength. Where can he be distracted and listen to what the spirits say.

The spirits of the earth are rushing, even though they want to talk, but they can break away from the seal of their ancestors, so they can only show the anxious color.

However, his gaze is to look at the direction of Jiang Yun’s escape. His eyes have revealed the first worry since he knew that Meng Guan is Jiang Yun!

At the same time as the four people fled, the thunderstorm suddenly screamed, lifted the palm of his hand and grabbed it in the sky.

Yuan Lei, who had been accompanied by blood, immediately turned into nine long dragons and rushed toward the body of the thunderstorm.


In an instant, Jiu Dao Yuan Lei has completely immersed in the thunderstorm's body, and there are nine explosions!

After every explosion, the breath on the thunderstorm will be a strong point.

After the nine explosions were all over, the body of the thunderstorm was a bit taller than before.

Opened the limbs, there is a Yuan Lei surrounded by a circle, even the space around him is distorted, clearly can not withstand the atmosphere that he exudes at this moment.

In his eyebrows, there is also a Thunder imprint that is intertwined with nine yuan mines!

The thunderstorm at this time, although it has not yet entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism, it is already infinitely close, and can even be said to be the first person under the context of humanity and isomorphism!

Moreover, because of the limitations of the realm, he is still unable to fully integrate the full power of the nine-way Yuan Lei. Once he finally enters the realm of humanitarian homology, he will be more powerful and terrible at that time.

Among the righteous mines, whether they are those of Jiang Yun’s Reno, or those who have not exposed their true looks, they are full of fear in the eyes of thunderstorms.

Now they only hope that thunderstorms will hurry to chase Jiang Yun, so that these people can have a chance to escape!

However, thunderstorms are not in a hurry to catch up with Jiang Yun and others, but continue to look at their bodies with full of excitement and feel their strength.

He spent countless years and hard work, sacrificing a large number of monks to feed the nine-way thunder, just for the moment, he certainly has to appreciate it.

"Killing Jiang Yun, taking the mark of the thunder mother, taking back the slain of the slain, ushered in the fifth robbery of the heavens, after I passed, I will become the supreme Lei Zun!"

"At the time, the first thing I have to do is to kill the ancients!"

"Ha ha ha!"

In the big laughter, the thunderstorm finally recovered the look of looking at his body, and took a look at his tall body and took a step!

At this time, the shape of Jiang Yun’s four people has escaped and can’t be seen. Everyone thinks that thunderstorms must go after Jiang Yun.

However, I did not expect that he was going in a different direction.

This direction is the direction in which Snow Fairy escapes!

This makes everyone can not help but be one of them, do not understand why thunderstorms do not chase Jiang Yun, but to chase the snow fairy.

But in the next moment, the shocking color on each of their faces became stronger.

Because in front of the thunderstorm, there was a show!

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